What's the Sup Forumserdict? Another shitty remake?
What's the Sup Forumserdict? Another shitty remake?
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The HD fanmod will be far superior.
>all of these people buying the same game 3+ times
>all of these people buying the best video game ever made 3+ times
i don't see the problem
I don't believe autismos actually think this is a remake, when there are games in the series that are actual remakes. Oh and this version is shit, just like the PS2/3 versions.
Is Resident Evil 4 the Godfather of video games?
Yes and MGS2 is 2001 Space Odyssey.
ur dumb
excuse me?
u heard me
What's that gonna be like?
As in another half a year
Things that don't affect gameplay.
The increased framerate gives for quite a few glitches and you HAVE to use the new textures, which are sterilized.
Just play the PC or Gamecube version.
I'm just surprised Capcom's bothering with physical INDIVIDUAL releases for them.
I was expecting some sort of RE4+5+6 bundle on disc for PS4, but nope.
RE4 must be the most whored game in existence right after Doom
And it surprisingly still holds up, so there's no harm having it available on more platforms.
Can I aim with the right analog stick yet?
>can I do a thing the game wasn't originally built around and thus fucks up the combat design?
That's like wanting to be able to move and shoot simultaneously like a modern TPS such as gears of war. Or playing RE4 with a mouse/Wiimote.
I'm having a blast with it right now OP. It's a fucking great game.
Aiming with the left stick is awkward as fuck. I can't believe you're defending that shit.
>can't move and shoot at the same time
>aim with the left stick
>no lock-on
sasuga crapcom. get with the fucking times
It need to show up a bit more times before it reaches Doom levels.
>no lock on
Holy shit how bad are you at video games that you can't even aim decently in RE4?
This. I remember playing Doom on a TI-89 graphing calculator in high school.
>commenting on a game from 12 years ago
>"get with the fucking times"
>no lock-on
holy shit just jump off a cliff
All that means is that its a good game
I've noticed Ashley's tits no longer bounce. I'm not very mad per say but it feels weird without it.
Also, the audio is bad in some places. In the old versions sounds would get louder the closer you get to the source. But here you'll hear something like a machine that's at the other end of a large area but you hear it like your standing next to it
Is there a version better than the Wii one yet? It has the most content and the best controls.
hmm yes they do bounce. I noticed at her first appearance
Nope, not yet.
did they at least put in better textures?
>try to pirate REmake
>game breaking bug where my cursor persists on top of the game
>can't get patches
I was going to buy it if I liked it like I did with RE4. Now Capcom has lost a sale :^)
>They removed trophies from the PS4 list that the PS3 one had instead of just keeping them all
For fucks sakes.
og looks better
Dragon's Lair blows both of those out of the water.
this shit has been in development for what seems like forever. shit's never coming out
What version you got? I've got the xbone
what is tetris?
And one of those little cheap Sasnsa MP3 players.
>retards still don't know the fucking difference between a remaster and a remake
If you're talking about the 1:1 port of the original versions:
Tetris: FM-7, MSX, NES, PC-88, PC-98, Sharp X1, Sharp X68000
Dragon's Lair: 3DO, Android, Arcade, Blu-ray Disc Player, CD-i, DOS, DVD Player, HD DVD Player, iPad, iPhone, Jaguar, Macintosh, Nintendo DS, Nintendo DSi, PlayStation 3, PSP, SEGA CD, Windows, Windows Apps, Xbox 360, ZX81
i'm not talking about that, just the fundamental game. if that did then it would also disqualify re4 because not every version of re4 is a 1:1 port
Huh, I hope they fix the audio in a patch at least.
it's not a remake, it's just a re-release.
i added it on to an amazon order recently because it was only $16. what is there to say, really? RE4 is a great game and it's still fun. if you own literally any other copy you probably shouldn't buy this one because it's not very different at all from any other release of this game.
i never noticed how close-up the camera is on leon until replaying it recently. the fov is really tight and the weird camera controls make looking for shit in the environment kind of awkward. still a great game tho
It's just going to be the PC """"HD"""" remake of RE4 but with PS4 controller input icons for the PS controller. Nothing really that special.
Why can't Capcom actually overhaul models and textures and animations to make them better? A bunch of modders are literally doing it for free for the PC version
I'm more mad that they still haven't remade the Ada campaign cutscene in HD on PC version
>implying this won't get dmcad on the last day
they remastered it? i tought it was a lazy port
Aside from the resolution and FPS, there are some new "HD" textures.
It's basically the PC Ultimate HD Edition, but without any kind of AA
>best video game ever made
>Resident Evil 4
yeah that's what i said faggot
>didn't even bother to list another game cause he knows i'm right
that's what i thought kid
Right that would be some sort of hypothetical game where Super Mario 64's gameplay synthesised with the world's best story.
The only biggest problem for me in RE4 is the lack of english subtitles.
And they still didn't add it after many rereleases.
Oh well.
This is fucking ridiculous I can't hate it. How much do people have to love this game for it to survive the entire ps3?
I know this may be hard to understand user, but RE4 set new standards for the industry and was influential in it's design.
I know I'll be shitposted to death, but whatevers
You just don't get it do you?
Nobody is being hyperbolic when they say RE4 is the best game ever made.
A bit less than it would take to get an honest sequel.
Unless you count Dead Space. Dead Space was the RE5 we all wanted. It isn't perfect, but god damn, is it a more faithful recreation of the elements in 4.
They do if you switch the language into non-English
The level of devotion this game gets could raise the dead. I love it, but I never truly comprehended how many other people did.
Wii version is best.
RE4 was too good, it set the bar for the series impossibly high.
I still need to finish RE5 again but I just ordered RE4 PS4. I have never played RE4 before. Is it really better than RE5? Do I have to deal with bullshit gun using Majini or whatever the fuck they're called in RE4?
Wiimote ruins the shooting, the game is balanced around the aiming reticle's static movespeed and natural wavering.
You can aim with the right stick.
Just finished it again. I played it on GC back then so many times, had all mercenary stages 5 star and like 5 professional playthroughs.
after all these years it still amazes me how good the pacing is, the change of scenery feels amazing, I fucking love Krauser, The OST is perfect holy shit
Had forgotten about the lazer part. Seems obvious it's a nod to the first movie, the only worthwhile one.
Because RE4 hit the right button on many things
>Over the shoulder camera which every later TPS copy from
>Excellent inventory system, only miss the quick-swap from RE5
>Leon being a cheesy B movie mc
>Good gunplay which only topped by FEAR or Perfect Dark
>Good boss fights
>Difficult system adapted to your performance
>Introduce the mercenary mode which Capcom perfects in RE5 and 6
>Over the top QTE, on par with GoW at that time
>Many options for challenges such as Red9 only run or no Merchant run
Nope, no guns. Except for one boss.
I want english voice with the english subtitles. Is that so hard, Capcom?
Thank fucking christ. They are such a pain to deal with. Especially in Chapter 6
Pretty sure it has them.
how did you forget about those dudes with the big miniguns
No it doesn't. See , subtitles only works if you change the language other than english
>Over the top QTE, on par with GoW at that time
The laser hall and knife fight were so great.
When does Purse Owner get a re-release?
I need one less excuse to buy a ps2.
>RE4 is perfect
>Vanquish is a really exciting if imperfect experiment where Mikami brought his high octane style from his other titles like God hand to a shooter
>Shadows of the Damned is this really boring in between that's not as crazy as vanquish but you have too much flexibility to have the tension and difficulty from RE4
Give move support and psvr and ill buy it
>only 3
If only
>Sup Forumserdict
When will this meme end?
RE4 = Vanquish > The Evil Within > Shadows of the Damned
Though technically, he only produced SotD.
There's subtitles when you're talking to Hunnigan but I guess that's it.
In RE4 you will have deal with some guns mob, it's not as bad as RE5 though, most of the time they still use crossbows and RPG 7
>2 Catapult sections in Castle
>1 Minigun turret in Castle
>Several minigun big guys in Island
>Fucking military base section
>Krauser being Krauser
>tfw you get to play VR RE4 in near future
>Good gunplay which only topped by FEAR or Perfect Dark
also STALKER my famalan
>tfw Suda51 and Shinji Mikami will never team up again
It's sad to think about how both of them aren't really doing anything these days, even though I'd buy another Mikami or Suda51 game in a heartbeat
>Mikami as director
>Susan as writer
>Grasshopper's art team
Killer is Dead is literally the most [A E S T H E T I C] game I've ever played. If only it had good gameplay.
>Mikami has stepped down as director, which he meant to do even before TEW
>Grasshopper has been working on Let it Die for over fucking 3 years and it looks so goddamn uninteresting and is a prime example of what's wrong with modern Grasshopper.
I hate to be THAT GUY, but I miss when Grasshopper was known for making thought provoking games and not just LOL SO WACKY games.
Apparently you can edit the .ini file to turn on Eng sub, haven't tested it though
Radio chat always has sub
A senior moment perhaps?
Stalker was 2007 user
Damn... Capcom owns my bitch ass...
My roommate is borrowing a friend's copy. Superseded they didn't slap an HD on the title. Hope that trend doesn't come back.
SotD's probably a weird in between because EA fucked over the project mid-development. From the sounds of it Grasshopper were aiming for a legit survival horror before that happened. For what it was I still enjoyed it though. Garcia was cool.
>Stalker was 2007 user
Remember that weird project that Suda talked indepth about in...Edge was it? Kurayami. That ended up becoming Shadows of the Damned.
>tfw No More Heroes (the original only) was actually a really thoughtful commentary on Otaku culture and everyone refuses to acknowledge it because LOL RANDOM HUMOUR
It's a enhanced port you fucking retard
So fuckin lame when are they going to do a proper remake with real updated graphics from 2016??
I don't think it would look out of place for RE4
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