Stealth game

>stealth game
>one enemy spots you
>every enemy now knows your location and how to get to you

>radios in

>bullets can go through walls
>but not doors and windows

>stealth games
not even once

but moments like that are fuckin great

I know, I just like posting it

Starting in MGS2, enemies have to radio in your location to their comrades.

Sam Fisher's goggles are lit up for the player. They are invisible to the enemy guards. Yes, in real life if you are in a skin tight black suit in pitch black darkness nobody will see you.

>you can punch through cracked walls
>you cant punch a door down

>stealth game
>strangle some guy and make him scream in struggle
>"huh what was that?"
>"...guess it was nothing"

>enemy spots you for a few seconds but then you vanish

>"Must have been rats"

I don't necessarily see an issue with this. I appreciate video games for the effectiveness of their overall design, not fidelity to reality.

>stealth game alert state ai

just reset when you get caught, duh

>stealth game
>knock someone out
>they've been unconscious for longer than five minutes
>they've undoubtedly suffered massive brain trauma and may never return to normal again
>somehow this is more "ethical" than just killing them
stealth games.. pssh...

In MGS2 they radio in a caution to HQ.

Did you niggers just play MGS1 or what.

>get spotted
>enemies call for reinforcements
>reinforcements locate you
>they force you into a corner
>two guys with automatic weapons suppress you
>guy with riot shield and guy with shotgun flank you


>stealth game
>knock someone out
>someone spots body
>automatically assume he's dead despite the snoring
>every guard is on high alert for the "murderer"

>Sniper kill somebody
>Every enemy knows my exact location and start shooting

>Redline can't see you even if you are in the slightest shad in a burning station
>Reich will shit lead laden hellfire if they even catch a whiff of danger

Love the game, but that always bugged me.

>stealth game
>blackout level
>can only see a few feet in front of you
>enemies have night vision goggles and you don't yet
>have to use a flashlight but it makes you very visible

>knock some chick out, and deliver her to some guy that's probably gonna molest the fuck out of her.

>have some dudes tongue cut out and then get him sold into slavery

I love ya Dishonored, but i think killing the fuckers is doing them a favor at this point.

>blind the enemies with the flashlight

>get caught
>every thug within earshot runs over to beat you to a pulp with crowbars, nailguns, and baseball bats

>shoot enemy in the head with an arrow
>"what was that?"
>he runs around for 30 seconds with the arrow stuck in his head
>"must have been my imagination"
fucking skyrim

>implying she didn't have that guy under her thumb the whole time

>implying the twins wouldn't be humbled and learn a life lesson from how they treated people their whole lives

>playing dishonored
>one guard spots me
>instantly every single NPC in the whole map knows my location
fucking uninstalled

Metal Gear Solid 2 and 3, fucking hell when I saw a Riot Shield I knew shit was going down

So Sup Forums, what are your ideas to handle getting caught in stealth vidya? Alert AI is a delicate thing.

If the enemy response is too overbearing you might as well let yourself die. But if it's too easy to hide again the guards look retarded.

Payday 2

Are you talking pagers or are you talking about the host restarting the map 100 times until everyone gets it?

I feel like Farcry 3 and 4 did this fairly well by giving you a chance to break line of sight and get the fuck out. If you stayed in the one place and got gunned down it was your own fault, while if you swept around you could flank your attackers while they searched your last known position.

I mean a lot of games are doing that these days, I think its a good way to handle it. As long as you make the enemies sufficiently dangerous it gives incentive to always make sure you're not backing yourself into a corner as you progress.

The concept of paday 2's stealth system is good, but the implementation isn't the best.

God I fucking suck at stealth games. The only one I'm decent at is Mark of the Ninja.

Not him, never played Payday/2 can you do a rundown of the stealth mechanics?

>stealth game
>silencer's suppression of sound/flash makes zero difference and the enemy spots you as easily as if you had fired a non-supressed weapon

chops my man, that's a good game.
play Chaos Theory if you want the greatest stealth game in existence, and greatest stealth game there will ever be.

>stealth game
>enemy spots you
>quickly move from cover to cover in an attempt to evade / lose them
>NPC just paths directly to you
>alternatively, NPC never loses track of EXACTLY where you are

you know the yellow phase in mgs? if you get caught but manage to hide again, all rooms operate under that phase for the rest of the level

>stealth + action game
>get spotted
>could theoretically shoot your way out since it's a legit option
>feel like you fucked up
>reload save
All those cool weapons and augs in Deus Ex will forever be unused.

I'm trying to play Thief right now but I keep getting caught by Guards at the office section of the 2nd level. I keep holding off Chaos to co-op with my cousin but I've rarely made an attempt to see him over the summer

>stealth game
>mark three enemies with a button
>stand in the middle of all of them
>press one button and the main character instantly headshots all of them simultaneously
shittiest game of the series I swear

>stealth game
>enemy spots you
>panic and beat the shit out of them until they die
>he wasn't able to make the call out and no one knows about you
>another guard comes by and discovers his mutilated friend
>gets mutilated himself


Security cams, guards, and civillians can spot you, your bodybags, your drills, and your hostages.

When any of those things start to notice you, based on your detection level, your detection level gauge will slowly creep up until they've completely noticed you. After they notice you, they cannot un-notice you.

If a camera notices you, you have to kill/dominate them in the security room on the map to stop him from calling it in. It takes about 3 seconds total to call it in, then the assault phase begins.

If a guard notices you, you have to kill/dominate them then and there. If you kill them, you can move their body in a bodybag. If you dominate them, they stay in the exact place they were dominated. (domination is basically becoming a hostage)

If a civillian notices you, you have to kill/dominate them. If you kill them, you can move their body in a body bag. If you dominate them, you can control them by either continually shouting at them to stay down every 30 seconds, or use your limited number of zipties on them.

any questions?

Not him, but I'll give it a go.

You only have so many guards you can take out, lethal or otherwise. Knocking out or killing a guard will alert someone at mission control and your character will answer the pager. You can do this 4 times before mission control gets suspicious and sounds the alarm.

Also, you have to hide bodies (or at the very least, kill/knock someone out where a guard is less likely to patrol).

Guards will also sound the alarm if they see a broken camera, which means you have to sneak around them. If you can manage to make it to a camera room and knock out/kill the guard, you don't have to worry about cameras catching you.

And if you're just trying to blend in, guards will instantly become alert if you come in wearing body armor or carrying guns.

Blacklist isn't that bad, it just catered to all players

Fallout vats?

none of this matters anymore though, because Payday 2 became a shit meme game thanks to inept developers

Probably Hitman Absolution.

Shadow Raid is still fun to play though.

I uninstalled Payday 2, though. I barely play it anymore and I need space for porn.

this started with conviction, wasn't aware it's in Blacklist too
that aint no stealth game boy, git outta here I tell you hwat

saying payday 2 is a meme game because the developers are memes is a meme, you meme

it's a good online game that plays best in singleplayer for stealth or multiplayer with friends.

>Accidentally botch a sneak
>SMG SWAT mows me down before I can react

'you'll never leave that subway alive' no kiddin

This is why I laugh at retards who say Chaos Theory is one of the best games ever. AI in those games is a fucking joke.

Or Splinter Cell: Conviction.

and this is why I laugh at you for expecting anything but an artifical intelligence in stealth games

I really liked how Mad Max has camps that you can sneak into when informants tell you, "THERE'S A SECRET PASSAGE TO GET INTO THE CAMP"

Then has absolutely no stealth mechanics and if you get out of a disguised vehicle, the camp still immediately detects you and you can't sneak into the base. Really fucking brilliant game design.

Guards in Metal Gear Solid 2 or 3 aren't that stupid.

>metal gear solid
>stealth game
pick one

>Stealth game
>No cones of vision indicators
>AI spots you seemingly at random

>game has stealth mechanics for the first couple of levels
>throws it all the fuck out of the window after those few levels and the game becomes action horror for the rest of the duration

Can anyone guess the game

Fucking MGSV did this shit.

>AI spots you seemingly at random

Just like in real life

Call of Cthulhu: Dark Corners of the Earth or The Evil Within.

>stealth game
>has a D-Day level

Are you saying that in real life there's literally zero difference in sound/muzzle flash between a weapon with suppressor and a weapon without suppressor?

>jungle stealth game
>enemies can spot you through thick foliage
>probably because you're wearing a red, Hawaiian shirt

Goddamn you, Far Cry.

I feel like all games should have some form of defined vision cones and indicate my last known position. And within a certain area once I'm caught that area should stay alert and search for me. And guards should split into groups and try and flank my positions once they're on alert sorta like Arkham games or Splinter Cell Conviction. Or call for reinforcements like MGSV or Farcry.

The other "non-lethal" option stealth games always have is tranquilizer guns. In real life something like that would kill a lot of people on accident, especially if you shoot them multiple times like in stealth games.

There isn't much difference in closed spaces. In open spaces the gun will be heard but it will be hard to spot the person firing it.

>Stealth game
>Dogs are gods and if one see you it's all over

>stealth game
>guard spots me
>decides to fight me head on by himself instead of ringing the alarm bell

>CP!CP! (Unintelligible russian reeing over radio)
>Airhorn and intense music plays


And they did it right. They don't know your location, they know where the shot came from. They will shoot there. If you move from there they will shoot still shoot there, not at you.

>Starting in MGS2, enemies have to radio in your location to their comrades.
then they dropped it in every other MGS game since

mgsv was just blind fire. Humans can sense where sounds come from, and when sniper bullets are coming down around you it wouldn't be impossible to get a general direction. Thus they blind fire, hoping to kill their attacker, not knowing that he can survive multiple tank shots.

Git gud!!!

>enemies will investigate gunshots and sound the alarm but not go on full alert magically knowing where you are until one of them finds you

stealth in that game is so much easier when you be as loud as possible in everything you do

Mgs 5 did that what the fuck are you talking about?

>blind fire
>all bullets land within 5 ft of you
>they're all looking directly at you and pointing
Yeah okay.

>stealth game
>land on top of someone
>must've been the wind

What game?

It's still a really fucking loud noise. Over distance is makes it tough to tell where the shot came from. Unless you are playing Arma or some other game with a huge map, the enemies would still be able to tell it was a gunshot.

Not really, you only have until the end of their surprised animation until he uploads your position to the CP hivemind

>stealth game
>kill enemy
>bosses radios said enemy
>he doesn't answer
>everyone is put on alert
>game doesn't tell you which enemy you may have killed or knocked out that caused this

but it's actually like this
switch off night vision goggles and use regular view to see just how dark it is and how sam blends into his environment

>enemy takes out radio
>you kill them mid sentence
>"what's going on over there?! send a team to their location!"

It's the ones that say "Nothing here..." while patrolling

>they don't know about you or even what they're looking for
>you pop out behind them and massacre the entire team

in MGS3 they gave them big radio packs which made them really easy to spot

no actually it's like this

is the stealth genre dead forever?

>snipe target from hidden position
>instantly dispatch guards to your exact location

>can't actually get to you because npcs can't climb, stare at the wall they need to climb for a minute or two before calling off the search

>play FEAR
>be crawling with the flashlight
>suddenly hear steps
>forget to turn off flashligh
>"He's here!"
>get fucking showered in bullets as I try to get to cover
FEAR was fun

>game lets you kill your target by planting a bomb in his birthday cake
Blood Money 2 WHEN?

Well yeah I mean
>"He's over here!"

>headshot enemy with loud ass sniper
>no one notices
>miss enemy with loud ass sniper
>everyone knows your exact location

>drink invisibility potion
>sneak for 2 feet
>instantly get detected by an NPC a mile away

what the fuck were the point of invisibility potions in skyrim? the only way they worked is if your sneak skill was high enough, and at that point you didnt need them

But Dishonored never said those were the more ethical choices. Hell, most of them WEREN'T, they were ironic revenge. But it's not Good/Evil, it's Chaos/Order. It's a lot more chaotic to sneak into someone's room and bloodily kill them, leaving their body to be discovered in the morning, than it is for someone to just disappear.

Seeing as the pinnacle of the stealth genre is Thief: The Dark Project/The Metal Age, that it happened 16-18 years ago and that no stealth game has even come close since, I'd say the situation is pretty fucking dire. Good thing Thief has a thriving community.

>Throw a glass bottle at an enemies face from the shadows
>"Must have been the wind"