This game is fucking dogshit, the monsters are fucking retarded and it's so stupid that when I finally cut a tail...

This game is fucking dogshit, the monsters are fucking retarded and it's so stupid that when I finally cut a tail, I carve it and get a fucking scale. Fuck you Sup Forums for tricking me

Monster Hunter Thread

How good is the pirate armor for a DB user?


Seven, if you see this, please kick MasterlinkX.

New mainline game when

No, you're the fucking dogshit for still not having learnt how to use the subject field.

Did anyone else stop seeing Aerial style once they hit high rank? Also what's the best style for HBG?

Well, everyone left the hub, room is open. Why?


This is Brett we hunted a couple weeks ago, I'm the dude who wears the Nibelsnarf armor. You wanna do the pirate quests?

I left because I refuse to play with him. Hated him since Tri and from what I've learned recently, that's not going to change.

When will the game get harder? I haven't carted once and I'm hr 7 already

We gonna start keyquesting for a friend to reach Rank 7 and after that we can go after elder dragons or any other huntings (make it a turn quest)

PW 5555

who is that? what did he do?

Just join, we doing whatever. 2 slots left.

The faggot just went alone in a quest. He's blacklisted now.

Room is still open.

When you stop being a carried shitter and start soloing stuff.


But I'm the one carrying the team user

Might as well mention I'm dumping all my MH walls over here: .

>see Pirate J finally getting localized, after fuck knows how many gens
>big urge to play the game again
>remember i sold my 3DS months ago to cover for books and a travel to another country in october
>if i get another one, it better be a new, hackable N3DS
>don't work, so practically my only chance of getting enough dosh to buy it before next year is selling my hair or whore myself out, which i unlikely to happen
>remember that even if i did that, i'd have a fuckton of shit to do for college, and another distraction would fuck me big time
>accept that i can't join the fun and my backlog'll have to wait

Like, subscribe, etc.

Have fun in my stead, guise.

I wish Strider's headgear was just the mask without the hair, I don't really like how his hair came out in this game

still open guys, we doing urgent and after that a turn quest

>tfw want to hunt with anons
>as soon as I put the Hall ID in I start thinking that maybe I should go for another charm run just in case I find a good one in the next one.
>By the time I give up after many runs I end up going into the turns room and find out it's either full or dead.
Maybe next time.


HR turns

No, get the fuck in here right now.

That filled up fast

So do the French tend to use the most cheesy weapon in whatever MH game or do they really just like aerial shit?

What would you guys say is the most overpowered weapon type in 3U? And why?

Just one more run user. I can almost feel that Focus 3-slot in this run.

Anything with Slime. Because Capcom can't into balance.

Is Slime what they now call Blastblight?

Lance, cool deeps plus underwater charge.

Kelbi Bow was pure cheese.

Failing that, Slime, which is effectively Blast before it got rebalanced.

Slime because you can slap it on any weapon and fight any monster with it and get an easy advantage. Even on Brachy and he makes the slime weapons.

Yep because they had to balance it somehow, so just give slime to Teostra and Red Tiggy.

Even for GS?

I tried Lance in 3U. Maybe I'm not understanding the intricacies of the weapon.
>triple poke mid or upper
>counter poke
Is there more to this weapon that I'm too retarded to realize? The charge doesn't seem to do shit.

>tfw you use Aerial as a counter to fuck up monsters and to keep them from changing areas too often, but you see randoms and shitters using it as a crutch and only ever doing jump attacks
It's the same reaction I had with the IG in 4U. I loved it, but too often did I see faggots being spam-happy retards.

>having an issue with Teo and Molten Tigger having blast
It made Teo more interesting to fight, and Molten Tigger is the best version of that Gen 2 faggot.

Shieeet is he still alive?
Will that asshole fuck off already? Or at least change his nick?

Not really. Just learn to dodge and block at the right times so you're literally always poking. You gotta be a sewing needle on that monster's ass.

I'm not saying it was a bad thing. The renaming of it kind of irked me that's all. It was a unique gimmick suddenly gone because no one monster can have the monopoly on anything. Oh wait, Rathalos does for being a shitty mascot of the series.

Sell your blood plasma

Well, by giving it to other monsters, they had to rename it. Still calling it slime doesn't make sense when other monsters create a powder.
At least calling it blast still makes sense and isn't come random bullshit.

Did they add World's Strongest yet? I'lll only open my ds again if I can be an effective cat hunter

>Less experienced players hear a weapon is overpowered
>They spam the least useful part of it

Every time.

Good enough. Now there's the issue of balance. We had three sources of blast I believe in 4U. They seemed to be relatively equal which is fine because you could choose whichever and be good, but Gen just completely dropped that. Like what that user said before, it's all Ichinose's fault and his retarded vision of an end all be all set of equipment.

>Ichinose's fault and his retarded vision of an end all be all set of equipment
Please explain

IIRC, they sorta balanced the blast weapons in 4U by making
Teo's have high blast, but lower sharpness
Brachy have mid blast and mid sharpness, and
Molten Tigrex having small blast and above average sharpness

I could be mixing up their orders on that list, though
Point is, they had a nice balance for these weapons

They did and it was more than acceptable. This time it's all over the place seems like.

Well, this time, the game's less focused, it seems. More about showing off new things rather than making sure those new things are actually gonna fit well within the mechanics.
Case in point, how broken Aerial and Adept are against almost all monsters. They have no real defense against the styles and you can just wreck shop on everything.

If there's one thing I like, it's the way the gathering and carving is done. Weapon upgrades are meh, at least I know how many of each starting branch I need to make rather than guesswork.

Is it possible to aim flying enemies as prowler with boomerang?

>20 hours played
>STILL doing fucking gathering quests

Please end my life

Holding A to keep gathering is a good improvement, one they should keep.
The only other one is the ability to actually customize the palicos. It's still sorta reliant on RNG to an extent, but I guess that's just sorta to keep it balanced, in its own way.

You are in for a wild ride

So why do all monsters fly so high up and then go in a direction? That just takes time out of the hunt waiting for them to achieve maximum height then leave. Is it so we won't be able to shoot them out of the sky?

>tfw hayabusa feather grind

They fly up like that so you CAN shoot them out of the sky

>tfw gunning a Rathalos down three times as it tries to leave, the third time when it's nearly at max height.

>Got all the LR quests done before I even set foot online
>Haven't bothered with Out of the Fry Pan yet
I wanna at least get a Deviant weapon and set done before I bother with the Silver Sol meme set. Or whatever I end up making with this stuff.

Uh user, you can't even aim the gun at a 90 degree angle. That's what I mean. More like if you're a blademaster and they decide to change areas, it takes 30 seconds for them to finally do so.

I don't mind, gives you time to sharpen and top off your health if you need to

I wish MH4U had one or two more monsters for early HR especially locked behind GQs.

What? You shouldn't be directly underneath a monster as a gunner, aim up from your regular gunning position as it flies away and you should still have a good enough angle to shoot it down. If not then roll back a little, are you stupid or just bad at the game?

>are you stupid or just bad at the game?

So, both?

>wanting even more monsters locked behind GQs
It was shitty of them to lock them behind GQs in the first place, don't fucking ask for more, you stupid asshole.

I'm not even the guy you replied to. I realize you have to keep up your "grrr i'm on Sup Forums i'm mad!!!!" facade, but give it a rest, for Christ's sake. You're not impressing anyone.

>Wanting even more monsters locked behind the shittiest thing in 4U

Is it bad manners to pick up a tear or carve a tail in a middle of a fight

>I'm not even the guy you replied to.

Then fuck off, retard

Depends on the situation. If your team is getting fucked up and you carve instead of using a Life Powder, maybe. But tails stay on the ground a while, you're usually safe to just pick it up later. I think most people don't care, one way or the other.

Again, you're not impressing anyone, and trying this hard to fit in really isn't worth it.

The "Sup Forums is better than /mhg/" schtick is quickly losing steam. You guys need to settle the fuck down and stop being retards.

During Hellblade? Absolutely not. Fuck those powders. I'm gonna do all I can to get them, even if it means sacrificing an opening. Blame Capcom.

For everything else? It's kind of a dick move. Tails should wait.

Stop responding to him, holy fuck.

If the monster's in the middle of being mounted or has started leaving the area I don't see why not. Tails usually stay on the ground until the end of the hunt anyways. If you need fucking Hellblade Powder then I really don't blame you for stopping in the middle of the hunt to get that shit. They really couldn't include it in ANY quest rewards? Fucking cunts.

I've never ever used Aerial.
Adept for HBG and Bow is THE style. You get a power reload and can go into siege mode after an Adept dodge, it's so good.

Don't reply to me ever again.

I keep seeing people try to fight Deviants with Striker Lance and get destroyed because they just keep charging at the monster without regards to personal safety. It's like people heard that Striker Lance is incredibly powerful and gets the best kill times by spamming charge so literally all they do is spam charge without understanding when and where or how any of their other tools work.

As a Lance main since gen 1 it hurts my heart to see people die in droves with a weapon designed to make the player fucking invincible.

Artemis here; the room exploded for me. I didn't rejoin because I got busy.

>Play Guard Lance in all of 4U
>Decide to give Evade Lance a try in Gen
>Don't like it much but I already invested a ton into my Narga set and don't have enough shit to slap together a decent Guard set
>Stick to playing Evade for a while
>Realize I can make the Agnaktor set pretty easily
>Can't play Guard Lance for shit now
I need to find some way to get Evade Extender onto a Guard set. I don't like dodging through attacks but now I can't play without that extra backhop length anymore.

Should you be able to buy extremely rare drops with zenny?

It says here you used more than 50 megapotions over the course of a few hunts. Care to explain yourself?

it'd have to be a lot of zenny. at least 100.

I've said before that a ticket system in conjunction with the regular system would be good, or a part trading system. Like thirty scales to one plate, or twenty tickets for the same. Just throwing values out there.

I think if you hunt a monster thirty or forty times, you've proven quite handily that you can defeat it. There's really no reason to withhold drops just because of RNG.

But it has to be a combination of systems; having ONLY tickets, like the Deviants, is fucking awful and retarded and I hate it.

No because the reason a lot of people put over 500 hours in these games is because of grinding for these rare drops so why would Capcom intentionally make the play time shorter?

user, what do you think, zenny just grows on trees? We can't afford to just throw away 100 zenny all willy nilly like that.

>why would Capcom intentionally make the play time shorter?

So they can get you to buy the new Ultimate Championship Turbo X version of the game faster

That Gold Rathian cunt has instant charges and she can lock on to my position and tail flip me for half my health. Not to mention they made her skin hard as unobtainium, so I can't even hurt the bitch with most of my weapons.
The other 40 megapotions are because I got lazy when farming a few monsters.

Why does Glavenus juke and move around so fucking quickly. He's more nimble and agile than Nargacuga, 30fps doesn't feel like enough to see him actually attack sometimes, and he does the same retarded bullshit that other assholes do with the "I'm gonna jump behind the player's camera, then I'm gonna move behind where the player's camera will be when they tap L, then I'm gonna attack!". He's so damn annoying. Then they go and give him a variant with fuckhuge explosions.

Raths items $9.99
Zino items $8.99
Mitsu items $5.99

Raths HR items $11.99
Zino HR items $12.99

Spearfish tuna $99.99 because fuck you.

user, do you have a brain problem?

There will never be another console version of a mainline Monster Hunter game.

There should be PvP for rare drops. You bring the rarest drop you have plenty of that someone needs and they do the same for you. Winner takes all!

Has anyone ever played with someone called Charlotte? Do he not speak English or something?


You know it's gonna happen eventually.

And that will be the game when MH becomes irredeemable trash

There's a Charlotte from /mhg/ around HR 500. Go ask them.

Is, I was taking a break. I'll open one last room for today.


Have you ever stopped to think how retarded these OPs actually are?

>ever happening in MH
Not even Capcom is that retarded.
If Konami was in charge, or maybe even SE, you might have a point.

>Go ask them

No thanks. I've heard you can get banned for anything over there. I tried asking him in room what's up but got nothing. So I'm just going to leave it now. Forever a mystery to me.

>being bothered by a dumb joke
Just ctrl f "monster hunter" and you never even need to look at the OPs, you stupid fag