Be honest, how is the gameplay?

Be honest, how is the gameplay?

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there's a mem leakage, needs serious optimization

it's starts from 60-50 fps then drops to 25 after some minute of gameplay

but it's fun; Medics need buff; snipers should be nerfed - they can do one hit one kill in the neck

Sounds like you should die from getting sniped in the neck. Why need realism

Game should of revolved around an environment using rifles, due to the power of a soldiers accuracy being a game, severely suffers from choice of arcade pacing. This is one of the battlefields that should of been balanced to be slower.

Still dissapointed the environment doesn't change, something as simple as making trenches at a captured point for example, driving a truck between points to auto-build emplacements.

Since it's the same formula the game play suffers, still due to the lack of player sensibilities, but I can already tell air domination is going to be a bitch if you lose out on it, just because of how important transportation is in these games and the vehicle types / spawning amount is fucked for 32 v 32.

What is it with so many games having memory leaks lately? It's not like it was a rare problem in the past, but it seems like fucking everything has them now.

My 560ti could run it on low with stable 60 fps, I think it's optimized.

p much battlefield reskinned as ww1

It's fine if they keep snipers that way, but medics need their semi-autos with a much heavier damage.

Not sure, even people with 900 series are experiencing it. Hopefully they'll patch it. I have tried Battlefront, which runs the same engine, and it's godly optimized.

I have a 750ti on medium 720p, it runs smooth then later on fps drops very low

it's fun as fuck. i don't get the complaints at all, if you enjoy battlefield you're probably going to dig it.

I enjoy it a lot, been sniping for 30 ranks now
The Sentry gun that spawns at F is absolute fucking buillshit, I just went 46-2 with it, it shields you from some bullets and makes you hard to kill and it headshots like a champ, good for medium range too

My friend got fps drops about an hour or so in but I never did even after three or four hours of continuous play. He's on an i7-920, 6GB of RAM and a 780, I'm on an i5-3570K, 8GB of RAM and a 970.

Game should lock control points like RO2 does so it isnt a retarded scramble to hold every point all at the same time.

>been sniping for 30 ranks now
Kill yourself please.


>cant see enemy troops on either side because brown + brown +brown + more brown
>memory leak out the ass
>tanks impossible to down unless you unite your entire squad in one united assault and the landship has 3 people afk/looking elsewhere
>unload an entire magazine of 41 rounds on horseback, and, even when dialing in on the riders body, 2/3rds of the shots will be soaked by the horse and you will get beheaded even when you're nowhere near the cavalry charge
so you know, your standard Battlefield

So many snipers.

I'm good man, I love sniping you rack up kills and can defend multiple objectives with minimal chance of dying, its great.


It's just as bad as it was in alpha.

Shit is going to follow Battlefront and Hardline to the grave.

It's kinda fun, I dunno about that map though, vechiles seem very overpowered and you have little option to really take them out, unless you use another vehicle.

Already got bored of it. I just dont like the WW1 setting. I wanted BF5 instead but now I have to wait till 2019.


Well, mem leakage that is. BF4 had the same problem.

I'll just play BF4 and Battlefront. It felt like Hardline with slower gameplay and bigger maps with more focus on snipers. Multi-pass on this garbage.

Going to get Titanfall 2 since they fixed the slow speed and maybe pick up Gears of War 4. I was excited for Infinity Warfare, but after seeing multiplayer matches it's literally BLOPS 3, so pass on that also. Shame I wanted BF1 to be good.

Yeah fuck gameplay balance we need realism

> Titanfall 2 since they fixed the slow speed

it's still slower than titanfall 1 which is a god damn shame.

>Pick assault
>Anti tank grenades
>Anti tank rockets
>Land 2 direct nades
>4 direct rockets
>Still not enough to destroy a tank
>Because of this 50% picks assault, 48% snipers, 1% support and 1% medic
>Game is not fun unless you are in a tank or far away from them

What's the difference between the two types of bombs on the bombardier?

it's okay. I wish the game had been semi-accurate and was bolt-action focused but I guess I can't have everything I want.

Nah, it's just the beta maps are fucking horrible for going fast. I'm not going to lie Titanfall 1 had some of the best maps ever in the genre, I'm not going to fault them for not being able to live up to them.

I tried to play it but it just felt so... boring. But maybe it's because I'm not into FPS games and haven't played any Battlefield before.

Had a lot of crazy fun in the Titanfall 2 beta though. Would recommend it to anyone who likes this genre and/or mechs.

be a sniper and go 23-2 and lose the map


be assault and go 2-23 and win the map

The map is really shitty but I love horses and airplanes too much to let that and the other cons get in the way.

Snipers are so fucking OP right now along with light tanks. I don't know if it's just me but I can't hit shit with half the guns. It's not like I was a bad shot in BF4 or anything. Shit feels different and guns just don't feel good. Those cavalry saber kills feel awesome though.

I had more fun with Titanfall 2. Even that beta gave us 3vmaos to try out. This beta only has 1 terrible map.

Anybody else getting major connectivity issues? I'm getting insane rubber-banding and ping spikes which is funny because my performance and fps is stable 80+ at high.

Also, the new ticket system is absolute fucking garbage. At first I thought this would be a good change but god damn it's fucking bad.


Be a F-17 tank and go 30-0 and win the map.

Why is it so fucking hard and clunky to climb fucking anything in this game? God damn even the dumbest shit your character refuses and you have to spam the jump button.

>Battlefield is shit
>CoD is shit

Is this finally the end of tacticool shooters?

Incredibly similar to BF4, because they really didn't capitalize on their WW1 theme in anything major except aesthetics. So you can expect pretty much the same shit.

>not artillery truck

baka desu senpai

>Wow WW1 setting. That means no huge buildings like in BF4 to blow up so the destruction must look amazing now since they have only small huts and houses to work with
>Throw nade, dynamite, rocket at a small stone house
>Wall is intact

>put everything at Ultra
>i7-5820k with 980ti
>take off bloom and DoF as was as TSAA
>1440p just to see how it works
>set resolution scale to 100% thinking it's like any other game with a resolution scale where 100% is your set resolution and anything higher would be supersampling
>game crashes and rig heats up to 65C
>find out 100% means youre rendering in 5K

boring fast, a reskin of other dice games.

>The only class that lets you use period authentic weapons

Painfully average, on the verge of painfully bad
It's basically battlefield 3

You mean Battlefront 2015

>incredibly similar
Here's things 4 has which this doesn't:
>balanced classes
>balanced guns
>every class having useful guns and tools, and full squads of each class actually make a difference
>anti-vehicle capabilities existing
>tanks actually need to put in effort and need a 2 man crew to do well
>better squad mechanics
>shooting mechanics are more fleshed out, harder to shoot on the move, needing to account for range and sight guns, more punishing recoil, etc.
>shotguns aren't as retarded
>better grenades
>automatic guns being the rule, meaning combined fire is more effective and suppression matters more
>more vehicle classes to get around the map in and push, like APC's
Battlefield 1 is Battlefront trying to be a Battlefield game. Battlefield 4 is actually a proper battlefield game at the end of the day even if it's basically just a modernized casualized BF2.

>can't bind middle mouse key
>medics can't revive people since no one requests it
>no one can level up their classes fast enough to unlock better situational gadgets like the rifle grenade or the rocket gun
>turning off raw mouse input rebinds your scroll wheel to look either left or right a little for some reason
>impact grenades still don't explode on impact

I think some things are cool. Like the bayonet charge, the slide, and how you can throw grenades and stuff without putting your weapon away. But of coarse there are plenty of balancing issues and bugs that DICE probably won't look at until after its release.

>AT-Rocket unlock
>Barely scratches tanks
>Requires a support to hump you with ammo boxes before you can take out anything tougher than a jeep

>>medics can't revive people since no one requests it

I'm pretty sure you can revive anybody whose revive period isn't up, you just won't get a notification that they need a revive unless they give you one.

Nah man, this game has blacks and women as the main characters, I don't care how the game plays it's going to suck balls.

>putting on a gas mask doesn't change your player model

Its pretty minor but it still annoys me.

wait it does not?

However, the worse thing is that you cannot use sights when you wear it.

This is true, but since everyone just slams down on the skip revive button it's usually pointless to jab the needle in anyone. On a sidenote, they really need to add a spawn timer. It's infuriating having to guess on when I can actually spawn.

The actual boots on the ground soldier gameplay is fucking great. Tanks are insanely overpowered. Everyone says just get the AT launcher for assault, but it does 20 damage per hit and you only get 3 or 4 shots. Plus its like 10 seconds to pull it out and position it on a bipod, by which point you're dead unless the tank driver is legally blind.

That's always been my problem with Battlefield, the actual gunplay is top notch, but vehicles give shit players way too much advantage over soldiers.

>Tanks are insanely overpowered.

Will never understand this complaint. Tanks are supposed to be powerful weapons that can wade through ranks of infantry. If they made them more fragile then there would be no point.

Plus, if well used, attack planes shit on tanks.

3 assaults could easily bring tanks to pieces, in urban areas that is - but that's the real weakness of tanks, aye?

well, atleast tanks no longer have a boost in acceleration

the problem is there isn't a real true counter to tanks. they can harass an objective essentially infinitely. you start out with only anti-tank grenades and unless the tank driver is shit, you're only going to hit them a couple times before getting demolished. by that point, the driver can heal himself and then keep trucking around.

you could argue it just takes teamwork but unless you're playing with people you know its going to be hard to ask for that from people, at least early on until the more casual players move to a different game.

they don't need to make anti-tank weapons as powerful as they are in BF4 but they feel fairly weak and limited which makes some sense, but tanks are just ez mode right now.

>laptop resolution
>45 FPS

Time to upgrade user-senpai

Tanks are probably weaker than they have ever been, with only the tank class being able to repair and there is no ridiculous upgrades.

Its just that players are too dumb to unlock stuff and this map is so fucking barren south of D its hard to do anything about a good tank driver on THIS map.

>no ridiculous upgrades

a free 40 hit points on a cooldown is pretty ridiculous t b h. that and the ability to heal nearby infantry on a cooldown, in addition to doing more damage against tanks while still having the anti-infantry ability is fairly ridiculous.

I get that they're meant to be powerful. But probably 4/5 games I've played there's some shitter going 45-0 in a tank, and you can't coordinate anyone on your team to take it down because everyone is lone wolfing. The map also exascerbates it because the whole thing except for point C is long lines of sight

Titanfall balances vehicles (mechs) against infantry way better, because titans are slow and pilots are really fast and mobile, and you can still take on titans as any class, instead of in Battlefield where you have to pick a specific class to have any answers to them.

I'm experiencing frame drops due to mem leakage

and I don't mind the resolution, really

AT launcher is the only anti-tank unlock and is so unbelievably slow to use, only the worst tank drivers are going to die to it

Is it? I can prone drop and snap fire it pretty quickly desu senpai.

You aren't going to die 1v1 for sure, but 1v3 or more definitely. In BF3/4 you just sit in the tank with 2 engineers behind you and outheal that kinda damage

Reload takes like 5-7 seconds, the tank driver would have to be a complete idiot to not realise you're prone and killing them in that time

I don't know if it's me but fuck I have a hard time seeing enemies going in and out of buildings and far away.
What settings should I change to help me with this?

>2 magazines to kill a horse

>lets make the beta have the fucking most boring and flat map in the entire game
what an awful idea

I honestly don't get why people enjoy this shit game when we have bad company 2. Bad company 2 is far superior to this in every way and honestly every other battlefield game too. Dice should have stopped with that masterpiece instead of making 3, 4, hardline and now this trash.





>horse can survive a direct it from a tank

Running from B to C is suffering. You pretty much can't make it without a vehicle

>Almost making it
>Seeing three glints off in the distance
>Some sniper shitter with 3-15 K/D takes you out

On a sorta related note the rocket rifle is a fucking beast against infantry

>playing assault
>see the glint of a scope in the distance
>fire rocket in that general direction, no need to aim as there is practically no projectile drop
>recon babby vaporized

It's fucking dumb how effective it is, I fully expect them to nerf the AoE range

turks - at the time - were white. now? not so much

Play with these:
>resolution (if it's not set to native)
>aa post
>mesh quality
It's a desert map and most player characters wear tan or brown clothes. They're supposed to be kind of hard to spot.

It's good, but it's really Battlefront with iron sights and a revisionist semi-alternate reality WWI aesthetic.

How the fuck you make a WWI game without the majority of soliders guns being bolt action rifles and no howitzers is amazing.

>resolution scale has to be set to 42% to render at the actual resolution you have the game in
>50% is 1.3x that
>100% is 2x that

what the fuck kind of scaling is this

It doesn't even slow it down.

The gun truck and the wheeled cannon scattered around the map are pretty much howitzers

>see scope glint
>start zig zagging
>normie sniper misses 30 shots
>takes me 5 minutes to reach C

Anyone confirm this? I know 50% was reported as normal and 100 is actually 200.

>Snipers dominate the mid to long range because despite having 3 classes with automatics they all suck dick and only work at close range or deal jackshit damage at mid range (medic)
>Tanks are blatantly fucking overpowered for some fucking reason
>Map design is probably one of the worst I have seen in recent times. Seriously what is the point of E and why make the map so big when the south is entirely devoid of interesting obejctives

Most Turkroaches are pretty much Greek.
Swedecucks at Dice.

Is it true that you can't even attack to the left on horseback?

I really enjoy the bolt action rifles.

Everything else is shit.

Niggers in the spotlight is unforgivable

There is also literally nothing of interest on the way to E. It's low poly desert hills. Not even any grass or rocks, or ANYTHING.

It's like they went
>ran out of time, finish later lol

Feels pretty out of balance currently, but weapon unlocks should fix most of that. Still won't pay sixty bucks for it.

>5 gunner seats in a tank
What were they fucking thinking?

>Enemy tank is camping the objective
>Oh i know ill shoot down with muh sniper instead of changing to assault and actually being useful
Plz kys

Nobody spots anything either. There's nothing ever useful on my map other than the cap points.

Someone posted that screenshot from reddit about this map design being deliberate because spreading out the points meant there was no action.

>Anti armor K rounds

>Only have five

>Load each one individually

>Only do about 5 points of damage

Why even fucking bother?

I noticed that myself.

I however spot just about everything.

They do 20-25 on light tanks

The only benefit is, you can get the medal for 'speed scorer' or whatever just by doing the most basic level of spotting.

Still pretty useless.

I feel like half of my deaths are from horses. The fucking melee range on horseback is ridiculous and the horses have too much health.
