Thoughts on gnomes/gnomelike characters in MMOs?

Thoughts on gnomes/gnomelike characters in MMOs?

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Ok if class locked to a mage or assassin like characters
Looks stupid if can be archer, warrior etc

Gnome warriors are LITERALLY patrician.



Dwarfs and gnomes, the least imaginative non-human races ever conceived.
One is a midget, and the other is a midget with a beard.
Holy crap the originality!

Meme races
Fine on their own but once you get multiple of them in one spot they go full autist and start acting like it's the funniest thing in the world


Love'em. Nothing beats a midget warrior punching above their weight.

That orc is amused.

That orc is getting pushed into the fucking earth from the sheer force of how pissed off that gnome is. Check his feet. He's amused 'cause he finally found a challenge.

Gnome warriors are qt3.14s.

play a gnome
look up skirts

I like making them as the most fearsome character in the game. Like making them either a Warlock or a Death Knight.

>has a shield bigger than her body, but her sword is basically a dagger

Female gnomes are good stuff, male gnomes are full sperglords

lalafell > gnome

Been maining one for years. I wouldn't have it any other way.

I like them so long as they aren't designed to look like some weird mutant cave dwelling gremlin. WoW did a mostly alright job with them, though the males need some work and females need more/better face options. I do feel they're best suited to caster/stealth roles though. As much as I would enjoy gnome paladins it doesn't make a damn bit of sense.

Can't we all get along?

This is the one truth.

Gnome girls are top tier cuties; male gnomes are gay fucks.


>You will never see a cute Gnome face shudder and moan as you stick your human dick inside her
>You will never make her bounce with the softest thrusts
Why even live?

I want to fuck Addie.

That sounds... pleasant.

The best

Gnomes are shit, Goblin is the best tiny race.

y u do dis

I want to impregnate them

Everyone, post your gnomes

(that you'll never play because retail are garbo)

God, Roe Roe's voice turns me so fucking on. I just want to drunkenly stumble in his room, grab him by the neck, push him down, pull his panties down and just giving it to him raw and have him say "choke me daddy".


Irrelevant creatures.
Goblins are superior in every way

Gnomes are great. If I could, all my characters would be gnomes

Except where it counts

Elin > potatoes

I want to fuck a qt female gnome.
If she's a warrior, even better.

As long as they aren't gnomes. Gnomes were a mistake.

comedic relief.


Goblin master race

What about elves? humans with pointy ears.
Thats it.
They didnt even have to use special make up for them in the LotR movies.

>Any fantasy race being less inspired than elves

What's up with "her" soul patch there?

In WoW, elves have a very messed up history. The normal looking ones are evil and obsessed with absorbing magic.

in wow all elves are descended from trolls

They were chill, then got ass blasted and became evil, then became somewhat chill again.

I'll give you that they're up there with them, but in WoW at least they aren't so generic.
Blood elves are anything but the tree hugging stereotype everyone has come to know elves as.

That's just the shadow, user.

Gnomes are adorable and have the cutest quotes and utterings in the game.

Gnomes are great.

MMOs, unfortunately, have not been even decent for some time.

>midget with a beard
I believe the term is Stout Viking

The f2p meme killed the entire genre. Just play older ones.

I like gobbos.

Ugly deformed humans.

Aesthetic destroying.

Good sign that the MMO is shit.

Shortstack exempt.

What shit opinions.

>tfw no game where you play an Orc/gnome tag team brawling crew that revolves around using the size difference as an advantage on the battlefield

I just wanna hammer toss a steel clad midget at a giant beast and go ham on that fucker from all sides

I think they're cute, anything short and thick is the best.
Wanted to play a cute goblin girl but they have the single most awful starting zone in the world with all the worst features from the revamped quests.

literally race change

Yeah, it's only $25 extra on game you have to pay a monthly fee for, no big deal and totally excuses Blizzard for making such an unbearable level.

Super hot, best alliance women.

I'll never understand why they felt the need to have warriors be available to every race, despite the fact that with every other class only certain races could do it. If there was one race that would be exempt, you'd think it would be gnomes. And then they toy with the idea of Blood Elves having no warriors, despite them having a fuckton of warriors in their society.

What about dorafs?

Jewish, warty, green, annoying. Whats the point in goblins when you have leper gnomes?

Is there a single female Leper Gnome?

But Goblin girls are cute.

Goblins have the best starting zone. At least once you leave Kezan, that is.

oh jesus

>saying he likes gnome females
>posts a male dragon

only manlets play this subhuman race

Hearthshit started my love affair with goblins.

I guess only a male could have such refined taste.

I really like what TES did with the wood elves, taking the tree hugging insanely far to the point where they would sooner eat the flesh of their fallen enemies than an apple.

I want to _ a goblin

race change to a gnome from


In Dark Age of Camelot in 2002-2005 I played a Lurikeen (Leprechaun) Champion. Champions typically wielded a 2 handed great weapon, which I did. It was amazing (and shit, statistically) but my 12 year old mind didn't fucking care. I loved hitting people in the knee with a giant (tiny) mallet.

I was a Gnome in WoW and a Goblin in Warhammer Online.

Tiny races are best.

Is this your mog? What does it consist of?

gnomes are superior to goblins

Maximum defence