Name a game that will take the pain away from the fact I've never touched a girl's vagingo go away for even a second

Name a game that will take the pain away from the fact I've never touched a girl's vagingo go away for even a second.

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Any JoJo's bizarre adventure game, or just watch the anime

No I'm unfortunately straight.

Yep only like girls kill me plz.

Russian Roulette

why do I even like girls?

After touching the vagingo the only thing left is the unreachable desire of your fetishes. Don't go too fast.

Ya but you got to touch a girl doe.

Katawa Shoujo

Played every single story line.

Cried like a bitch several times.

>his gf isn't into his fetishes
unfortunate tee bee aych.

How annoying. She looks really familiar but not. Is it Chorong?

>"Want to play Overwatch together?"

No fuck off cunt I don't need you to die and be useless.

I want to fuck those lips if you catch my drift.

Certainly not Overwatch. Jesus Christ, that game makes me thirsty. Maybe give Amnesia or Viscera Cleanup Detail a try.

Dark Souls


You just know she'd be an anchor

Go play WoW and ERP you stupid virgin.
>Tfw gf

My mom thinks I'm smart.

The Kpop star? No probably not.

Season of the Sakura. At least it works for an oldfag like me.

Most games seeing as how overrated the vag is.

I'd rather a have a BJ.

anyone know what the end of season rewards are?
Just placed at platinum


There are no girls in the zone.

>tfw the zone doesn't exists so you'll never made a killing smuggling onaholes and body pillows to Sidorovich.

t. 3 6 Mafia

Real talk: sex is overrated.

>calling a girl's cachoochie a "vagingo"

Ya I get that, but I still want a girlfriend.

You just need friends.

Blowjobs are GOAT though

Getting a girlfriend isn't going to make all your problems magically go away

Confirmed for not having had good sex

Ya probably to be honest.

Friend first, then worry about girlfriend...

but it would probably give me the confidence and ego boost I desperately needed.

I'll be your friend user, what kind of vidya do you like?

but maybe it will

>online friends

now see you're trying to fix your problems with a girlfriend

Well fuck you too, you faggot. I hope you get AIDS and die.

So? I only need someone to constantly stroke my ego and remind me that im worth something for those rare moments I remember what a piece of shit I am.

Thanks I hope I get laid too :3

We should kill all girls desu

It won't. In fact things may get worse

i thought that too until i spiced things up with him and now sex is amazing
cumming inside him while choking him is the best feeling in the world

>tfw not a cock loving homo faggot

just fucking kill me

Why do you think your a piece of shit?

It doesn't, you'l realize this when you get a gf.

im trying to wrap my rain around people who want to be but cant
i guess what we jack off to really is separate from what we would do irl

What if my only problem is that I'm lonely?

Gotcha there, fag

Fighting off loneliness isn't too hard most days but man when it hits hard, it hits pretty fucking hard.

no I don't like dicks, I just wish I could play melee with my bro and then cum in him

but I'm not a faggot

did i take the bait?

I mean, isnt the fact that I hang out here enough insight?

I don't think you understood.

I'm not turned on by penises, but it would be cool if I could be sexually attracted to a person I actually enjoyed spending time with.

ah. i understand now.
sorry man, it really is great shooting load after load into your best friend

I know its a meme and all to say, that but not really no. It doesn't tell me shit. We are all autistic here thats for sure but it doesn't automatically make us pieces of shit

Does he go clean up after or do you just keep gaming while he leaks cum all over the place? Sounds questionable user.

vagina's are not that special

I ihad one and never liked it , very overrated

he goes and cleans up after some loving reassurance and head pats

>Loving reassurance and head pats

Jesus, shits suddenly got really fucking gay in here.

I'll never understand why people on this board have such trouble with women.

>I'm fat and ugly.

Then logic states you must lower your standards or hire a hooker.

It may be mean, but if you're a 4, you need to accept you're not getting much above that.

Such a thing does not exist, for vidya cannot equal the ecstasy of poon

Now you of all people should know it doesn't help, and can make it worse.

Don't listen to this user being alone is much better than being with someone you're not attracted to.

A game isn't going to help. If you need some feelgood, play Kirby Superstar Ultra or TMNT IV.

Here's the thing about sex, about vaginas, everything:
It's all a numbers game. Exchange. Benefit. Now whether that's a sense of attachment and feeling needed (false or genuine), money, tall rims, it takes many forms.
Ultimately, chasing vaginas gets you nowhere. You can have all of the women in the club. But you may still be a fucking scrub of a man, eternally unfulfilled.

What you want, is connection. You want to be with someone that makes you feel special, makes you feel alive, AND MORE SPECIFICALLY, worthwhile.

Browse Craigslist a while. Vaginas are disgusting, usually. What you're looking for, is the feeling you get from pleasing yourself and someone else.

Find a good woman. That's hard. Think about compatibility.
Shut. Up. Hundreds of guys before you and after you think the same. They're damaging themselves. And chasing it WILL make you look desperate. Easily manipulated. Women are good at that.

Find a great woman, share your lives, share your vulnerable and fleeting bodies, lovingly. However that takes form. That will give you an inner confidence that touching a piece of flesh alone won't get you.

I'm not very fat and not very ugly. I'm musclefat and hairy as hell. Why am I a kissless wizard user?

Hey, I agree, but the people here are fucking delusional and act like 10s and 9s should fall in love with them without them doing anything to better themselves.

If you're 250 pounds and wear anime clothing, you're very unlikely to find anything above a 6. Sounds harsh and you'll blame women for being stuck up cunts, which a lot of them are, but it's the truth.

>thinking lowering your standards is enough

You have to take into account location too. Some girls are just more receptive to you in some places than others.
The girls at my college were much more cool than the trash that was at my high school

Until she cheats on you with chad, divorces you and takes your kids, your house, and some of your paycheck.

You don't want a gf it just causes more problem unless they are "the one"

Hnnnn, not the one.

damn son

Bro I'm just talking about having a normal girlfriend, shit maybe just female acquaintances.

I have trouble just starting conversations not fucking 50 bitchez.

That's why I said GOOD, GREAT woman.

In this materialistic society, that's fucking hard if you're looking in bars and shit. That's why you vet the shit out of them.

No you're right, if you want someone attractive you have to better yourself since girls always expect the guy to be the one settling, girls never lower their standards or date anyone below them.

I fell for the lower your standards meme and was disgusted with myself, I would much rather be a wizard than go through that shit again which is why I posted that.

it was always gay

Travel. Do interesting things. Hang out with friends.

You will have cool stuff to talk about.

You lack confidence or you're creepy? I don't know you, but I'll say this: I am not the best looking guy in the world and I do not have the biggest dick. I'll also never be able to legally drive because of my vision, but I have had and have been with her for 6 years. I've had other girlfriends and FWB. I even got my first kiss at five years old, kind of against my will, but hey, whatever. My point is that there are going to be a lot of failures and shortcomings with women, I've had plenty, but you can't be bitter and you can't get down on yourself. You need to like yourself before anyone can like you.

You need to be willing to deal with rejection. It sucks, but you can't let that shape what you think of yourself. Gotta go through a lot of women before you find the right one.

>just need someone to stroke my ego and remind me im worth something
Sounds like you need a Dog


Once you realize that losing your virginity is a meaningless act without any bearing on self-worth or personal happiness, you'll be fine.

Don't listen your high school bully's taunts. Cut women out of your life completely and focus on self-improvement. You'll be a lot happier. Men who need to charm drunken whores and waste a shitload of money for a few bad orgasms are pathetic.

Tell me, Anonymous. If Babylon 5 is so great, what do you want?

Even the GOOD, GREAT ones aren't necessarily above doing this.

except my dorm doesnt allow pets and I dont want to be that cunt that fakes an illness just to get a pet.

I also dont have the time nor money to buy and take care of a pet at the moment. life as an animation student,right?

lol you would just be emotional baggage for her. if you hate yourself you wouldn't last a week with a gf

Vet them. Meet their friends, family, etc. over time. Your Red Flags will flare up effortlessly.

>you git gud and could be with anyone you want
>you only want her

I just can't be bothered even attempting to get a relationship.

Seems like a financial drain and after I masturbate any desire for a relationship evaporates.

I'd much rather have a buddy to consistently play vidya with desu

Not that guy, but I've heard people say you're ready to have a girlfriend when you don't want one.

But I'm 21 though. Wat do?

Eh, only for the times I suddenly get reminded of how much I hate myself, kinda like when i see threads like these.

I mean if i could get a personal slave that worships the ground I walk on, that'd be fine too.

But the one you want doesnt want you though

Accept wizardry with grace. I still don't particularly want one other than when the masturbatory fever strikes. Pretty much similar situation to up there. General pals are best.

'course you'd hit the jackpot if you manage to find a woman who is both a general pal and amenable to sex, but mythical beasts like that only exist in stories.

>dont have the time or money for a pet
A woman would require even more time and money unless you're just after a one night stand

Bro I got 9 fucking years I'm not becoming a wizard.

I'll fuck an aids ridden homo before that happens.

>tfw my friends always invite me to brothels and sex spas
>Cant get hard from simple pump and dump anymore

I can only get off on hard femdom, feminization and humiliation. I want to get pegged while wearing a chastity belt and being told how much of a sissy cuck faggot I am. Kill me please

ah shit thats right. real life relationships aren't 50/50 partnerships like in my animes aren't they? I would be doing most of the work trying to keep it together,huh

>I have trouble just starting conversations
Just talk to them like a normal person. If they become friends with you then talk to them like a friend.
Talking to women isn't a mystery unless you're trying to actually date them. At that point you need to start super slow.
Make friends with them but don't jump the gun, hang out with them and pick apart their brain, find out what they like and such through conversing. Just take it slow, never make your intentions known until the time is right when you know they want your companionship.

Sex is overrated. A literal meme to pass on our genes.

>I hate myself

Then work on yourself. Life isn't fair nor easy. But people respect work.

I know this feel all too well.
>knew a girl in highschool
>probably the prettiest girl i've ever met
>dressed in some sort of old victorian style imagine the doll from bloodborne, she even had the eyes.
>she liked videogames, writing and drawing
>all things I liked
>we ended up conversing and getting super into our conversations getting hyped about videogames, trading drawings and pieces of fantasy writing
>she ends up talking about her boyfriend
>i inquire about it since i'm curious
>she tells me that the boyfriend is some mudslime guy in the military from england who hardly ever sees her
>end up giving up the quest falling into a 2 year depression or so
>see her again in college
>reconnect and talk to her
>shes still interested in the military mudslime and he's going to come to america within the months and get engaged
>my heart just sinks into a void where i cannot love anyone anymore
>no one will ever compare to her
I eventually got over it but damn, there wasn't anyone like her.