This is how you do a homosexual character correctly.
This is how you do a homosexual character correctly
With poorly shopped pictures?
You do a homosexual character correctly by not doing one at all.
Feggtz git off mai vidyer.
No, you do them with your penis.
Holy shit you are a faggot OP, you should know this.
No one parades their sexuality constantly and are usually uncomfortable even bringing it up with fucking strangers.
You implement it by shopping two of the dev's faces onto in game photos as a form of healthy banter
This guy gets it.
Your LGBT propaganda has no place in my precious vidya, keep it out.
It does make me feel a lot better about him dying at the end.
Is that Louis Theroux?
Shitty shoop and Miller's email clearly states he has an ex wife.
Great b8 though
>he doesn't know you can save him
I bet you rescued the balding cuck's daughter anyway.
I like how you can refuse to help him. Player choice is king.
Not like that, jesus fucking christ. The best gay characters are the ones that you don't know.
You can save him.
>visual exposition of the character's faggotry
Oh yeah, real subtle.
THIS is how you do a gay character(pic related). He likes dudes, doesn't make a big deal about it. The shit he talks about the most is the enclave and the past. He's a charcater with emotions, passions, conviction. He's not a gay person, he's just a person.
A person is not defined by their sexuality.
He never mentions his sexuality once in the game. It's much better than "HEY GUYZZZ IM GAY DID YOU KNOW LMAO DICK TASTE GOOD".
John oliver?
So keep them in closet as to not inconvenience you, ok dude.
I didn't know Louis was gay.
New documentary when?
So why is this ok but not that?
So why do it?
the only way you would know miller is gay is by breaking into his apartment and seeing these pictures
If you're not paying attention, you'll never notice these pictures, which he keeps in his apartment. This doesn't actually absolve the developers of guilt for making it possible for every female character to say that their wife will be upset with them, though.
Because it's always okay when Sup Forums approved developers do something they would normally disapprove of.
What game is this?
Giving Everett a black voice actor just because he's black was incredibly racist and Eidos should issue an apology immediately.
Im about to do this mission, but about how far am I in the game. I feel like ive missed a lot of side quests, all ive done are getting the calibration thingy from the mob which I havent even given to the doctor dude to fix my new augs, the ongoing one withj sarif just found the dead doctor and cracked his safe but i guess it continues after that because nothing happened after i picked up the file, and the samizdat one
>This is how you do a homosexual character correctly.
>Revealed: Teacher and his husband who died in a murder-suicide were being investigated for sexual contact with at least THREE underage boys
This is how you do a transexual character correctly.
I think TLOU and its DLC is a great example of how to do a homosexual character well and how to do it poorly through Bill and Ellie
did you know most pedophiles are straight
You missed side quests and a bunch of point of interests.
>casual bowtie
Red flag right there.
is that timothy olyphant?
because it exists
shoving it in your face and propping it up is one thing but the world shouldn't just be tailored to what you feel comfortable with either
fuck. Are there still side quests for me to do though?
is he married to Louis Theroux?
Are they still considered straight if they're fucking the same sex?
Just like that viral picture of the two faggots with their son showing how """"Normal"""""it was and then we later found out they were involved with child prostitution. They had it right in the 50s Homosexuals=Pedophiles.
I was more displeased with the fact that they made him bald and wear glasses. They may as well have just made him white at that point.
Actually I didn't even play DXMD, so I retract my statement about the image in the OP. It may or may not have been done right.
I just wanted an excuse to post Arcade.
However, if you want my opinion on the OP picture, it's still done wrong. They are hidden in plain sight, so to speak. It appears to me that it's supposed to be a shock. It's supposed to be found. The developers in the end wanted you to know, like a revelation. Again, turning his sexuality into something more than it should be.
It shouldn't be:
It should be:
>Oh, this character is gay? Hmm, had no idea
Which is quest related, its not quest related asking arcad about his orientation.
You can go on blissfully unaware.
Because people who pry that hard about what a person does behind closed doors is a fucking weirdo, a creep, a loser, some one who talks to themselves.
>No one parades their sexuality constantly
People do all the time.
Cass does it nonstop in that game from example.
just boot up any bethesda game with character customization and whatever you pick will be gay as fuck, simple
As long as one of them has a feminine penis, yes.
>They are hidden in plain sight, so to speak.
That's just a low-key way of saying they're not allowed to express their actual sexuality because you don't want to see it.
I believe so yes.
2 near your apartment.
1 in sewers.
Explore the world as you play, and talk to everyone. Even if its a generic NPC its nice to have world building and you never know if theyve got quests
Deus ex mankind divided
>Looking for shit to be triggered about and then making threads about them.
Sup Forums and videogames are FULL OF GAYS so do we really need to get triggered about them? This is literally what SJWs do but the other way around.
I mean there's literally a thread about black washing in some other game right now, reminds me a lot of when tumblrs go around looking for white washing.
Bald with glasses is the goto character design for smart black characters. This and giving Page black hair were pretty unnecessary changes, don't see why they bothered.
30% id say.
It's cause we're all secretly gay for each other.
I bet you fucking kiss girls
Who's the other guy? I feel like the team just edited one of the devs into the picture as a joke.
giving them children to ruin?
seems good
Deus Ex prequels are about the downfall of human civilization after all.
And guess what, she's a shameless whore with little self-respect asking for ridicule.
Let me ask you this. Not having played the game myself, are there other pictures in his room?
If the photos on his wall were among other photos of family and friends, then it would be done right. As it is, you can cry all you want, but it was made to be a revelation. They were made like that to stand out. Like his sexuality is of importance. And again, all it does is the character a disservice. How do I know? Well what is this thread discussing? Exactly, his sexuality. The only thing I know about this fool is he's gay, as the two big lone images on his wall displays.
I didn't know Arcade was gay until my second playthrough.
It's not about hiding faggots in the closet moron, it's about writing a character right. Something you shouldn't be against.
I didn't notice this on my first play through. That's why I made the thread.
He does have other pictures, and an Australian flag in his apartment.
>are there other pictures in his room?
>This is how you do a homosexual character correctly.
>"hey I will include a character on my game"
>grab d1000 dice and look at table
>roll 1 to 5 and the character is asexual
>roll 6 to 12 and the character is bisexual
>roll 13 to 13 and the character is homosexual
>everything else is hetero.
You can do the same for sex, skin color, religion.....
PS: Be sure to mix your tables, you will end with alot of guys that are from china and at the same time are christians (unlikely in china)
How about you tell us how you fuck face.
Pick bank heist next time.
Fuck that, you get to blow up Robo-Hitlers bomb trigger right away if you pick to save Machine God girl.
Or you could use killswitch on him.
I haven't played MD either, but, going off OP's picture like you said, you're not wrong about the devs having that there like that to show it off, but at the same time people do have pictures in their house of them with other people, usually family and people they're intimately close with so it's not that weird really.
So I'm only a couple hours in, do I get to fuck cute aug girl in T29 (or whatever the fuck it's called)?
What. I didn't see that prompt, I used it as soon as it popped up.
there is no fucking is do sex, what a ripoff.
>allowing vermin to have children
Did you have it on you? You have to search for it a bit.
>That literal cuck who got pressured by his wife to bring her to a brothel so she could get fucked by an aug
>That female friend sitting with him outside their sex den trying to convince him that it's the same as using a dildo
I felt no regret killing both those cunts and stuffing the unconscious cuck into the augmented gigolo's crotch.
The Japanese do gays best.
If somebody is a homosexual they are statistically more likely to be a paedophile.
what in the actual fuck
There is a conversation wheel that comes up that lets you use it and it disables the trigger. Robo-Hitler is so retarded you can just stun then melee him. Did people waste that gadget on him rather than the trigger?
Thanks for the spoiler, faggot.
So they take after you then?
>If somebody is a homosexual they are statistically more likely to be a paedophile.
Corellation doenst mean causation.
People used to believe flies came from super dirty old socks, because everytime they found a super dity old sock somewhere, it had flies on it
that's exactly what DXMD does though.
>Thanks for the spoiler, faggot.
Is that Tim and Eric?
I think your mistake is believing that gays don't define themselves by their sexuality. There are lots and lots of fags out there who will tell you all about how they are homo the first time you meet them and make it a point to make sure everybody around them knows how much they love taking it in the butt.
Source: t. myself as a homosexual deviant.
he's got good taste at least
You say it like there can't be multiple runs where you try different things on boss(es). I pointed out the killswitch because I wasn't sure if you knew of it.
wtf i hate deus ex now
>having children
No it doesn't, stop being a human pest and shit post else where.
show me your playtime champ.
Straight people do the exact same thing in all fairness
Its the FUTURE! They had an aug womb installed.