Black Flag

Give me one reason this game isn't best in the series.

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Give me one reason why it isn't the worst.

Give me one reason why I shouldn't let Jayron fuck my wife?

I can't, its the only modern game with PIRATES! And that alone gives it an unfair advantage.

When's the next Assassin's Creed game? I thought they were planning to whore this series out, but there haven't been any new announcements

When will pirates become popular again? We're drowning in voxel survival shit and space games now. When can we get the visual style of AC:BF with the depth of Age of Pirates 2?

I fear it will never happen, I'm just glad we got one, always so much fun until the assassin's creed part of the story comes up again, who cares about templars and assassins when there are ships to raid.

The overabundance of tailing missions.

That's the only reason people like this game. Put that aside and it's almost as bad as Unity.

Because it's only half a good game. And the good half isn't the Assassin's Creed half. Every story mission boils down to:
>tail this guy
>chase this guy after you've finished tailing him
>tail this guy while staying in this moving circle
>tail this guy while in your boat

As a swashbuckling pirate adventure, this is as good as, if not better than, Sid Meier's Pirates!, but as an Assassin's Creed game, 2 still far better.

You almost get the sense that the devs wanted to make a game about pirates and then were forced to make an Assassin's Creed game. The bad guys work for Ubisoft, and the game starts off with a pirate stealing and wearing the clothes of an Assassin, almost a metaphor for the entire game.

>Ship tailing missions
Fucking hell, just a notch above Ship npc escorting. With NPC ships who deliberately crash into reefs to lower their HP.

They said that they were taking a one-year break from AC, because the movie is coming out this year.

There will be one next year for sure.

Yeah, the story missions are far and away the worst part of the game for me so far. I also wish the controls actually gave you more control over what you were doing, since often times the game will assume I want to do something I don't because the input is so limited. But being a pirate is so much fun.

Why would I? I got lost for hours just sailing around and blowing up other ships just for the fuck of it. Fun times/10.

The Assassin's Creed parts of the game suck. Stupid tailing mission after tailing mission.

I like bashing fools heads in, cruising the Carib with my boys singing shanties, and blasting frigates out of the water.

They should just make a pirate/sailing action game.

You just ignore the assassin part of the story, and focus on being a pirate.

>Way more tailing missions than usual
>dual swords only weapons, downgrade in compared from 3 which had way better combat animations and weapon selection
>ship sailing great
>ship combat is "big health bar" tedious crap
>only one good cities
>cities don't have many buildings leaving you to run around on trees or STEALTH GRASS

Because its story is the worst in the sieries
i don't know about you, but sailing without a specific destination while listening sea shanties was cool and comfy as fuck.

This reminds me, didn't it seem like the freerunning was too loose in Black Flag?Like you'd accidentally run up buildings while trying to run around a corner and shit.

And I lost track of how many times Edward jumped from cannon to cannon his ship instead of running next to them.

Bugs and glitches aside (even though they were all patched), Unity was actually really fucking good.

Unity tried to do something new with the story, unlike Syndicate which was formulaic as FUCK.

Unity introduced Parkour Down which is incredible, it doesn't have OP countering, it has the best customization, it has the widest variety of weapons, let limits your arsenal so you feel like an actual Assassin, it has crouching and non-lethal takedowns, and more.

No ezio


It was the best assassins creed because it had the least amount of assassins creed in it

And sea shantys are comfy af

>ignore the shitty missions
That's hard to do when you actually try to finish it. I'm fairly certain it has more tailing missions than any other AC game. It's fucking ridiculous.

In Gen 1 (AC1, 2, Brotherhood, and Revelations), this wasn't a problem because you only climbed stuff if you held Right Trigger and A.

In Gen 2 (ACIII, IV, and Rogue) this became a problem because all the different types of running were combined into one, which was super annoying.

Gen 3 (Unity and Syndicate) fixes this; you only climb up while holding RT and A again.

That's been the case since AC3, because they dumbed down how freerunning works, and ironically, made it harder. Before, you'd have two separate buttons for sprint and freerun/climb (in the first couple of games, they were differentiated as "high profile" and "low profile" actions), but now they've lumped both sprinting and freerunning into one action. And since freerunning has a kind of "sticky targeting" built in, it becomes a huge pain in the ass to just run somewhere.

AC doesn't need customization to Unity's extent. Dyes are just fine, along with the Armor of Altair equivalent.

If they have to do multiple outfits, they should have it like it was in Rogue - lots of varied outfits.

>trying to escape guards for that escape artist feeling
>leap onto brick wall
>leap back onto another brick wall try to climb down
>on ground now, try to sprint again with the guards right on top of me
>back to brick wall games
>fuck it, swords out, bodies hit the floor

Assassins Creed.

2 was best story and feels AC, brotherhood perfected 2's formula with a slightly less interesting story

4 Is a fucking fantastic pirate game with dumb fucking obnoxious Assasin shit shoehorned in at every moment. Game would be 8/10 if it was just a standalone pirate game but the assasin missions and story bog it down. The End of the Pirate Era story was actually really interesting to watch take place, but the little assasin story sprinkled in (especially those parts where you leave the animus) fucking ruins it

The problem with freerunning in Unity in Syndicate is that it feels very constrained. I'd rather they've just brought back the controls from 1 - Revelations.

Well most games don't NEED a lot of cool features

this, no idea why they fucking "simplified" it since it just made the main mechanic in the game a fucking headache to control

You're not getting it.

AC isn't an RPG. We don't need "Assassin Hood +1 DEF" type clothing. Rogue had a lot of outfits, but they were all complete (not seperate parts) and were unique.

Plot has shitty, slow ass pacing that's so boring in the first act.
The core AC part of the game is still based on AC3 which is shit
Meme crafting and hunting

S'alright I guess. The plot is really enjoyable despite it's such a slog to get through. I prefer Rogue tho.

All these weapons you can buy in-game, yet all you need to steamroll every enemy is your starting weapons.

Is that a PS3 screenshot?

Was anyone else bothered by the fact that the Mayan armor doesn't have a hood? Also, the Templar outfit looks goofy as fuck.

I personally felt the pirate bit went on too long. Its probably so there wasn't a radical shift in gameplay partway through, but I don't think anything good came from his pirate life, like at all

Yeah, I never bothered buying anything to replace the machete in Liberation because of this. I also think it just looks the best.

Freedom Cry has a badass golden machete and a cool-looking final blunderbuss.

The only good thing that came from Black Flag was the DLC.

It still is? It's like the most used shit in games behind zombies

Like three pirate indie games came out and Sea of Theives is in development

That's the problem with AC games since 2


Your weapons still matter in Brotherhood and Revelations, though the crossbow and bombs do make things easier.

You don't need weapons either, you can disarm and counter K.O everyone with your bare fists. This combat design is a joke lol. I honestly see them stuffing in For Honor combat into a creed later on, it would be a step up in the design to say the least.

The best system would be AC1 - Rev system but with Parkour up/down buttons

Weapons does matter, sure, but the chain execution renders everything to moot. Chain ex is so fucking stupid idea.

Also Bro-Rev is the example of why too many choices of weapons is such of bad idea. I like how Unity restrain all of that and just back to basic like AC1.

Unity has great combat and graphics but is shit in every other department.

Every fucking mission especially towards the end is a fucking tailing mission.

Because AC1 still exists
AC1 > AC4 >>> AC2 >>>>>>> A small pile of shit > the rest this includes the rest of the AC2 "trilogy"


Rogue should've been IV; Black Flag should've been a new IP.

>They should just make a pirate/sailing action game.
They were going to at one point.

>make AC3 with ship levels
>hey people seem to like this, let's make an AC focused on ships
>holy shit people loved this, let's make a game entirely about being a pirate

Also has GOAT main theme music.
If this doesn't put a smile on your face I pity your sad life.

Because it's the only Assassin's Creed game I can't play, it just crashes after the cutscene where you arrive in havana. AC3 was garbage but at least it worked

There are casuals on this board who think IV is better than anything but Syndicate and maybe Unity.


>thowing the term casual around
>implying that Syndicate and Unity aren't the least casual AC games

>muh rankings mean something

Syndicate is by far the most casual AC yet.

Unity just has a shit story and characters. Also, the buggy launch filled with microtransaction bullshit didn't help.

fite me fgt

Revelations and Unity is my go-to underrated AC games. Unity might be my favorite one and perhaps the best if not because the Ubisoft fuckery.

I really like how it tried to be simple again. I like how it focused in parkouring and assassinating again, with the coop being a gimmick. I like how they actually made the combat finally remotely challenging. I like how side missions have some context so at least you understand why you do it. I like how dense Paris is.

But the game has so many flaws. The plot is essentially rethreading AC2 down right to Anno, which is the less interesting Ezio. The performance is so bad. The graphical and technical glitches. The microtransactions, I think.

If they had a bit of a time to polish, it might had been successful.

>Syndicate is by far the most casual AC yet.
But that's fucking wrong.

You can actually die in combat the latest generation of AC games, unlike the old ones where you can play one handed and win.

>tfw sailing in the middle of a blizzard in AC Rogue

Ubisoft may have a bad rep but the sailing in these games is max comfy

Are you seriously saying that Syndicate's combat is at all challenging?

>sailing through icy waters in the 11th Century Templar Armor

>The microtransactions, I think.
This is a meme problem from people who never played Unity. Of course I'd rather they fuck off out of my games, but the way people here carry on you'd think that the only way to get any different weapons is to pay real money.

I'm saying it's more challenging than 1 through to 4.

It's definitely not. It's just more tedious.

4 is better than 3, and is either equal to or above 1. Definitely above Revelations.
Haven't played any past 4, though.



Best character

Can we all agree?

There were chests in the game that could only be opened through microtransactions. Others by playing a mobile game. They patched it out, but the point is that they launched it like that.

You don't to buy pay2win weapons and gears because AC games are easy as shit anyway, but it's still bad.

Nope. Fuck off, shitter.

Nice opinion. And you should play Rogue.

Hold RT and mash X in Syndicate, you'll die.

Bretty gud.

I pirated Unity because of the performance issues on PC, and I can safely say my experience wasn't any worse because I was offline. That to me makes the microtransactions inoffensive.


>that ending
Fuck you

>best gameplay
As far as gameplay, Rogue exceeds Black Flag in every way.

>Best gameplay
Only memers said this. The onfoot sections are casualized garbage and the ship sections is too repetitive.
>Best character
No, the best character AND the best girl in the series is Sofia, faggot

>you'll die
Yeah, because you occasionally have to press the "break defense" buttton, just like most AC games.

>skips an entire chapter (or was it two?) and makes it DLC
>gives Ezio a douchey goatee that you can't remove

Black Flag had the GOAT AC character.

>the ship sections is too repetitive.
When you've perfected something why would you change it?

>Hold RT and mash x, you die
Wow, just like every other assassin's creed games.

I'm sorry but you might be a casul. AC combat is always the bottom of the barrel as far of any video games combat goes.

Blackbeard was a fag in IV. I was extremely disappointed.

It's perfect because Rogue managed to fix and tweaks things that wrong in it

>Blackbeard was a fag in IV.

What? What were you expecting?

Thatch a best, fuck that double nigger Hornigold.

>I'm sorry but you might be a casul. AC combat is always the bottom of the barrel as far of any video games combat goes.
That method can literally get you through all the ACs up to Unity, you douche. I said that Unity and Syndicate are the least casual, not that they have Souls combat difficulty.

*It wasn't perfect
I kept accidentally a word

A badass. Not some fag who drivels on about being a pirate while wearing incense in his hat.

>Sailing feels open
>Exploring actually rewards you
>Making money with ships actually means something since ship upgrades actually matter
>Outfits look cool and have something for every style
>Combats still tight and reponsive

I mean the only bad thing are the story missions since 90% are fucking tailing.

>A badass
He was
>Who wears incense in his hat
They're lit fuses tied to his hat

>I mean the only bad thing are the story missions

Shocker, Assassin's Creed game has shitty main plot.

I can still see that stupid hand wave Alteir does from spamming counter attack with the assassin blade.

I mean yea. Thats always the case. Thing I loved about Black Flag was that it was a great pirate game. Shit Assassin game but who cares? Anyone whos still playing it like me is just playing for the pirate bit.

It is the best but it's plagued by the same stupid fucking bullshit story that every other AC game forces down your throat in the most jarring immersion breaking shit fest possible.

I would fucking love for them to sandbox up the Caribbean from Black Flag, remove all future shit, and give us a next-gen Sid Meier's Pirates! sort of game. I guess Ubisoft is just allergic to money though.

In a world without gold

Meant to reply to OP... damn phone.

I completely agree. Recently the only reason I went back to it is I had a sudden hard on for pirate shit and really wanted an open world pirate game and this was literally one of the only good ones I could find.

I actually felt like the atmosphere and characters in Unity APART FROM the main character were enjoyable, everyone was a dirty scumbag French cuck and it was fresh

lots and lots of tailing missions

>Tfw the little boy pirate reveals himself to be a little girl instead
I got an uneasy not liked feeling in my gut

Pick one.

Surrender monkeys don't sound like Britbongs.

What happened, did finding out it was a woman kill your boner?