Your thoughts on the nexus of hardcore gamers, enthusiast press, and video game industry developers and publishers...

Your thoughts on the nexus of hardcore gamers, enthusiast press, and video game industry developers and publishers. A neutral ground where facts and evidence, presented within the confines of civil, inclusive discourse, prevail through careful moderation

One of the best websites for shitposting and console wars ever, where you can legitimately make Sonyggers rage and get themselves banned by simply pointing out that 60 fps is objectively superior to 30.

Its pretty infested with nintendrones for being sonygaf.

its a decent enough forum for discussing games, its a step up from gamefaqs and this place which is just rampant trolling

that said don't even try to discuss politics there if you don't fit into what they think is right

It really makes me think......... woah........

My problem is everyone on NeoGAF is an apologist and delusional. They also have a bias in favor of the LGBTQ community.

Full of children who think they're on a badass insider forum

They will also shamelessly fellate mods and bad gimmick posters in every thread

really makes me fink

They just defend bullshit from all companies, not just Sony. Sony just happens to be the one with the most bullshit.

You mean Neo "Totalitarianism Is A Good Idea" GAF?

A bunch of ugly fags and trannies who worship a deadbeat father and sexual predator elf.

They have actual paid Sony shills posting there like regular posters. i.e- loudninja

he makes multiple threads a day that are just copy pastes from PSNblog and just generally sucking Sony dick. If you ever call him out you will be permabanned.

They think that HIV isn't any worse than a regular flu and that you're a discriminating monster if you refuse to have sex with an infected person.
They think monogamous relationships are antiquated and that open relationships are the way to go.
Any time a terrorist attack happens they're more worried about how those attacks are going to interfere with the adoption of refugees than the people being butchered.
They think that white people should be exterminated

>neogaf is one person

And they're proud of it.

This is considered intellectually stimulating discussion there.

>quote button
>he has a NeoFAG account in good standing

i wonder what this is indicitive of, the internets lack of passion for hilary or neogafs moderation imposing a strange unquestionable loyalty for her

or both

Sorry, I feel obligated to stay there in light of having a perm removed when Amir0x was demodded.



I know exactly who this is and I'm going to notify bish. Not kidding by the way.

>my wife's boyfriend

I love a good NeoGAF hate thread

>revels in gafs snitch culture
>knows exactly what kneejerk, aggressively stupid mod to snitch to

rip that dudes acc



A great website with lots of tips on how to wash your clothes, and other instructions to help you fit into society

It's like liberal Sup Forums



Tell bish he's a little bitch while you're at it

it's literally just
>black supremacists that unironically think comic books count as black history
>"""moderate""" Muslims that brag about taking over the world and wanting to get rid of speech
>white nu males that discuss the benefits of open relationships
>a shitton of trannies and a couple actual women
all coexisting in a nice little community

what a bunch of dorks

End of the line, Kato.

Somebody post the guy who was offended that a hentai picture had BDSM in it.


It's literally just Sup Forums with more aggressive mods

remember never to archive shitty clickbait from kotaku, or the owner will appear out of nowhere and throw a tantrum

i'm sure it had nothing to do with the fact that kotaku hosted a heavily moderated and vetted AMA for him

Top kek what a shithole

i have an account in decent standing there but it drives me away more and more as time goes on


>we created an Iwata memorial logo
>but we're not going to use it

It's amazing to me how the users want to continue being a part of neogaf when the owner/mod team treats them like shit.

>Full of children who think they're on a badass insider forum

So just like Sup Forums then. Except less edgy.


I've had an account since 2010 but haven't posted in over a year

Glad I stopped because it looks like it's became an insufferable Hillary recruitment camp

As someone who actually used to post on NeoGAF, the fact that they consider themselves a neutral ground is oxymoronic. It's one of the biggest Sony far-left safespaces Everyone there is pretty much a reverse Sup Forums.

My account is still in good standing and I know this will cause that Bishop nigger a lot of grief knowing there's an evil sleeper agent in his safe space.

Don't violate their safe space user like the guy below. He pissed them off so bad they wiped their server clean of any trace of his existence when he was banned KeK

Who's your favorite poster?

Sorry,wrong screen cap

Tips on how to use neogaf, just use it for news.

Been a member for well over a decade, but ive posted less than 300 times

>having any good posters
pick 1

What the fuck is this


May as well use an actual videogame news site.


Durante is alright but hes an insufferably whiny cunt PCfag.

I have nearly 3.5k posts on GAF.

Some communities on there can be really good, then there's the anti-fun, politically correct, your favorite game is shit community.

Also GAF's obsession with the PS4 neo is fucking ridiculous. Any announcement for a game or a delay, even if the game will ship looking like shit you'll see posts like "Neo version will fix it", "Neo version confirmed" "I won't buy unless it's on NEO"

Like holy fuck you guys.

>what your thoughts on place that userbase turned Sup Forums into utter shit?

Dennis (banned)
AdmiralBonetoPick (banned)
BennyBlanco (banned)
SmokeyDave (banned)

I've been there for years and years, before it was even NeoGAF. Sad to see it become some kind of weird leftist Sup Forums but whatever. I like 4chins better anyway.

I still have a GAF account but I only participate in the buy/sell/trade thread.

its sarcasm

im surprised youve lasted as long as you have Etta

I have readed NeoFAG.

Who's your favorite Sup Forums poster?

Generally higher level of discourse than here (which is about as easy to do as stick a finger in your ass right now).

What bugs me are the power-users. I always see the same 5-6 avatars on the front page of every single thread. The first reply is always an attempt at a burn.

Also, remasters. People on GAF are usually older than Sup Forums/reddit and usually consolefags. So they love remasters. They would rather get a simple up-res of a last-gen game than a sequel to it. Because for some reason, they care a lot about fps/resolution but refuse to play on PC.

Their "Gaming Community" board is basically their version of /vg/ except it actually is guilty of everything we accuse /vg/. Speaking from my experience in their Dota 2 general, over half the posts are literally nothing to do with the game at all. The remainder is esports memeing and personal drama.

Overall I don't like it, but it's better than dealing with children (Sup Forums) or arrogant fedoras (reddit).

Really I just don't enjoy talking vidya with anyone anymore besides close friends.

I know it's you nigga.
Tell GuerillaDawg I said hey.

he would never shut the fuck up bout how he played bloodborne once and didnt bother with the dlc

he brought that into every fucking thread to do with fromsoft or their games

>inclusive discourse
it's an imperialistic hypocritical echo chamber

Can't stand this fucker, he's in every thread trying to be funny.

It's cool that he modded Dark Souls to make it usable but
1. It wasn't a complicated job, he was just the first to do it
2. He's an annoying poster and thinks the steam controller is good

>steam controller is good
used properly its really good

i'm etdp
not that guy


are you asking a question or what you retard?

what do you guys make of

>What bugs me are the power-users. I always see the same 5-6 avatars on the front page of every single thread. The first reply is always an attempt at a burn.

This. Fuck these faggots.


He always pushed the PCuck narrative kind of obnoxiously but his contributions to the OT forum were hilarious

Confirmed lol


probably the worst poster overall
wakes up and cries in the mirror everyday that he's a white Danish man and not a black Swedish woman
literally an afrofetishist

durante is an nvidia shill

Unironically better discussion then here.

Sonygger memes are overblown, it's about a 50/50 PS4/PC split.

Just don't even mention politics unless you lean left.

He thinks it's good period.

He's that friend who messages you on steam at 3 AM bitching about how DMC4 controls badly with mouse/keyboard and how it's anti-consumer or some shit. Just a massive PCuck all around.

majority true, i prefer talking with my friends about video games bar none
for what it's worth, the only reason i'd say i get so many fucking first page posts is because i browse it on my phone at work. job is piss easy but not risking Sup Forums @ work


Slayven and HUELEN

they're both fat sjws and great for laughs

>PCuck narrative

i dont even care, im a PC MR guy, he spent more time bitching bout how he only played the game once then playing it

he used ludwigs meme sword overleved as well, id be bored too


Is it true that neogaf is obsessed with remasters? I havent heard that one

amd doesnt have any high end cards you cUcK

HUELUN got banned and i think he bailed from twitter too

probly offed himself

i think the poster is referring to the constant "yeah i want a remaster of game" every single time a game from the last generation is brought up. i think it's more to do with the lack of proper BC this gen on ps4

Why did Sup Forums's tripfags and namefags die?

At least the shitposting back then was something of standard. Now the shitposts are worse than the average shitpost.

Is it just my nostalgia of 2008-2010, or I just miss them?

I guess I missed all that because I don't really care follow FROM soft news but my guess is he never played it and just wanted to rile up sonyggers. I'll maintain that his OT posts in politics and race threads were hilarious and subtly racist to the point you couldn't tell what the fuck he was even on about. Same with SmokeyDave, Dennis, etc.


is it that hard for neofags to keep their last-gen consoles?

Why do they care so much about performance but insist on playing on PS4?


Sup Forums and NeoGAF are basically the same. Sup Forums is just an edgier contrarian hipster version for MUH SECRET CLUB teens. NeoGAF is just as bad. You're not a special snowflake for liking/hating either one of them.

Ecchi delivery sniper

Michlan, Chicken, REDS

What? When has TB ever made a video about Zoe Quinn?

Literally the only tripfags besides Boco

brand loyalty is a huge thing on there, especially towards sony and nintendo. some people are more than willing to not give themselves a better possible experience for the soul purpose of it not being on a playstation or nintendo platform