Okay Sup Forums, so what's the best zombie survival game?

Okay Sup Forums, so what's the best zombie survival game?

Lot of people have talked about DayZ over the years, but it seems like now it's just like asking to get killed by some faggot who hasn't slept in 2 weeks

What might bring me the best experience, with a decent amount of zombies?

>best experience
what kind do you want to have?

close your eyes and pretend.

I should have specified. Sorry, pretty tired.

I want an experience where it can feel more like a single-player type, rather than having to rely on friends being online. Something where I won't have to worry about being sniped from a mile away everywhere I go and that will actually have zombies, rather than seeing one or two every few miles

Not expecting one single game to have all of these, but maybe one that can pull off some of those things very well

Zombies are so passe, dude.

Zombiu for the pc

Don't really care if it's not the "cool" thing anymore.

how old are you?

No they're not.

see: The Walking Dead

I'll say State of Decay (they're making a sequel)
It's a nice hybrid between Last of Us, Day Z and Dead Rising

If you're looking for the real shit, the survival shit, I'll post up Project Zomboid
Isometric zombie-survival game where you micromanage your health and sneak around an infected city


So play through this game. It's a great "zombie" type game and also happens to be one of the greatest games ever made.

Lite on crafting and survival elements but Steam sure isn't.

case and point.

I know the mushroom creep is just a zombie rip-off but I find it pretty cool regardless

The clicker design is neat and the concept of fungus (not a virus or bacteria) being the source of infection is creative enough for me

It's a shame the Runners are just 28 Days Later zambos and the Bloaters are pretty lame
It's be cooler to see the fungus growing living creatures into the walls and using the environment as an enemy instead of independent "hivemind" monsters
DeadSpace combined the mobile enemies and stage hazard enemies designs pretty well

what do you have FoBO or something? Just enjoy it for what it is or make your own damn zombie game with fking wall fungus or what ever the heck you want.

Probably a flash game.
No wait scratch that, It's definitely a flash game.

Every point you make is just comparing random aspects of the game to other random other things in the world. There's nothing new under the sun but no other game looks and feels like that. Just enjoy it man. I doubt any game out now fits your obscure and arbitrary standards for what should be in a zombie game.

>Just enjoy it man. I doubt any game out now fits your obscure and arbitrary standards for what should be in a zombie game.

if your not a stickler for graphics, you could try this. never played it but I heard it was pretty cool.

Well, it's a game mimicking The Road or Mad Max more than 28 Days Later
It uses the backdrop of "zombies" to create the apocalypse to stage the human-drama of survival

The issue is the game doesn't take that background element any further than that (as to focus the game on something else) when the idea these "zombies" is pretty cool

There is a whole story to be told for the downfall of society due to airborne fungi and how they mutate the human mind
Do spores travel with weather?
Did some yellow clouds roll over cities and decimate populations over night?
Did some people get holed up with twitching fucks pacing up and down their streets?
Did survivors watch former neighbors sprout fleshy flowers out of their face over time?
How bad could this fungus mutate the human body in awful Cronenberg-esk ways?

Instead we get the spongebob screen of "20 YEARS LATER"
The game has a cooler premise than it deserves for what it does with it

Just stay away from 7 Days to Die, worst game I've ever purchased

I hate How to Survive

It's made well enough but feels like ass to play

That's why its called the "backdrop". I'ts much more intriguing to fathom what happened in those 20 years than it is for some screenwriter to spoon feed us the plot. That's what gives The Road or Mad Max or 28 Days the stopping power they have. Like at what point in those movies or in the Last of Us would it have been prudent to turn to the camera and explain "ooh well these spores traveled through the wind and bla bla bla"?

Idk, I found it pretty interesting to not be told how exactly it went down, just the aftermath.

I get why you want to know, but I find it cool to wonder and fill in the blanks. I played the game they made, and enjoyed it.

Well that's the problem, the idea of human-drama is hashed out
The concept of a dude fighting other dudes (or dude-likes) is par for the course and rather stale

I'm not asking for exposition but rather a more creative opposition to overcome
Take Lone Survivor for example, the story of a dude losing his mind in an apartment building during the apocalypse
It takes this premise and mystery of its weird antagonist in stride to keep the player guessing and invested
TLoU has that potential with a similarly ambiguous creature-premise and instead decided to give us a story of parenting, coming of age and the evils of desperate humans

The game wouldn't be different if it was just zombies which is sad for all the potential there was in the background

I unironically enjoy that game. But I only play with two other friends, it helps make the game managable by dividing up responsibilities.

I did too and me not knowing what happened is why I wish they did tell me that story

The story they told was swill well written but I wish, even if in DLC, they explored those first months or year things went bad and how people dealt

I bet their engine is built exclusively around that "murder-stealth" gameplay so telling any other story in the same game would require an excuse to quietly murder something

That's because "zombies" isn't a plot. The idea of zombie apocalypse is so familiar to our culture that it can't be the only thing driving the story or you would get board. If your looking for a haunted house of creepy creatures then just play Silent Hill.

That reminds me. Serious recommendation: Play Darkwood. Great survival, awesome creatures. Kinda supernatural but still gritty and grounded feeling for some genuine horror vibes.

Project Zomboid

I use to run a vanilla server for this game. The maps are quite large and has a lot of survival elements to it. You need to eat/drink/sleep and has rpg stats to it. The multiplayer is extremely enjoyable if you don't mind playing with russians. You can even build your own bases, pk people and loot their safe houses.

Dying Light is great
ZombiU is decent
Walking Dead is good

mah negroids

Cataclysm DDA is about the best zombie-type survival game I can think of. If you have a taste for roguelikes, you'll like this. There's more than just zombies, but built-in mods let you customize what other monsters will appear.

Just be sure to pick up the launcher from the forums so you can update it to the latest experimental build. Of which there is a new one like every 5 minutes.

I appreciate its scope for sure. Unfortunately I am cursed with superficiality and can't really get into top down games. The thought of "this would be so much better in first or third person" is too much of a burden.

Yeah, "zombies" can't be a plot unless you're going to make them the fighting force
I would rather use the concept of "zombies" to set up unique situations to allow more interesting plots

Like a guy deciding to defend his house from his neighbors as things get more hostile around him
Or a police officer trying to respond to these weird situations and how the department deals with all the deaths and murders as things get rougher
Or a student working with the CDC trying to understand what this "disease" is and what to tell the panicking government

Like Papers please or the beginning of Dead Space it's the story of a normal dude in some shit and how you as a player can handle that

In the same vein (since I guess you already knew about the games I've been mentioning) I'd recommend Duskers
The story of the last man in the universe trying to find out what happened by searching abandoned space-ships with search-drones
Weird gameplay with some really strong tones of space/isolation-horror

State of Decay?

I will also recommend Dying Light

It's not a good "zombie-surivial game" but it plays like a dream

The more you elaborate on different zombie scenarios, the more tiered the theme gets. And it was pretty tiered already -_-

Project zomboid is hardcore on singleplayer, you count on no one but yourself, crafting system is nice and you have to deal with shit like being cold, lonely, bored and you can get sick, you can adjust the difficulty of the game with a wide range of options like when buildings will run out of electricity, when the water pumps will stop giving clean water, time of the day at which you start and stuff like that, so the end game is basically being self-sufficient, you also have a lot rpg elements with skill learning.

State of Decay is also a good zombie game, but it has its issues, its fun when you start but becomes really repetitve and isn't really that open as you would like to think, stuff doesn't spawn unless you are playing certain mode, so you have to handle your resources with care, not to mention that has a lot of bugs like for example, you can scavenge a resource, call home for extra scavenge first, and then pick up the resource twice.

Project Zomboid
It's still in Early Access so pirate it
Maybe buy it when there's a shit ton of content