Legion thread
>MFW DH is fun
Legion thread
>MFW DH is fun
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Been playing the starter edition since monday, enjoying so much, loving the hunter so far.
Btw, if I buy legion do I need ro upgrade the game?
Would the legion code include the upgrade?
Also, what's up with the 100 lv boost?, I really want a 100 lv char so I can use the DH class.
I'm not sure if you still get the level 100 boost if you buy Legion, it might have only been included if you pre-purchased it. Also you wouldn't even have to upgrade the game, should just be instant. You can go to battle.net and just upgrade your account to Legion status and be good.
>Start working on Warrior
>Class Hall intro assumes you were part of the Broken Shore battle
>Class Hall intro assumes you give a fuck about "restoring your honor"
Demon hunter is a hoot, sadly oversaturation and them being the new class means everyone will assume you're shitty.
Yeah, I thought so but im asking becauss i want to buy the physical copy of legion, I've seen on the battle.net client that you can upgrade to legion there and they offer you this boost and a special mount, I was wondering if these same bonuses are included on the physical copy.
I think you still can get the 100 boost from the website advertise. Oh and be sure to get to 60 before you boost or you will have manually leveling your professions
>cant even get 810 item level
When do the good world quests appear? and where is the world boss quests?
>mfw doing the Light's Heat question where I relive Illidan's memories
Haven't done class hall shit yet but don't you get shit from that
Wasn't a big fan of the Warrior storyline.
>hey here's valhalla and odin
>your warrior was a viking, right?
>When you find out Illidan was born with golden glowing eyes and is the chosen messiah of the Naaru destined to defeat the Burning Legion and save Azeroth.
A few 810 pieces that can be upgraded to 830 at the moment until reputation increases.
No idea what I should play, please help: Balance Druid, Warlock or Rogue? I only care about PvE if it matters
outlaw rogue is fun as h*ck
How fun? Thinking that's gonna be my next max lvl. But there's so many DH'S around that I can't find a guild ;_;
How's the lock storyline like?
Gnome fucks up once again. There should be a restriction on gnome warlocks.
I found that out during the War of the Ancients books written over 10 years ago
love those books rhonin is ma boi
You get the 100 upgrade even if you didn't pre order
>mfw Survival Hunter damage
>mfw 3-shotting elites
Why are gnomes even warlocks, beats me. It's not even a new one.
you will never find a good guild because the community is shit now. thanks millenialls for being shitty people!
>like the flavor and lore of shadow priests
>shadow is fucking shit outside of a single talent that kills you afterwards
Shadow is only bad on bursty AoE aka Trash aka 5mans.
what should i make for leatherworking money
Can someone post that simulated DPS chart for all the classes?
when are they removing daze from this game, fucking stupid relic of a mechanic
This is the "most accurate" one currently available, but it's still wildly innacurate because it doesn't use Proc-based trinkets (because it's not possible to do so yet) so it's a ballpark guesstimate at best.
Been loving everything so far. I can actually quest without haveing to put on a podcast due to boredom.
But hate how little abilities I have. I get some of the reasons behind it, but I can't stand it. I need to press moar buttons.
It said amber, not gold though. Technically the same in terms of color but my autism stuck to that.
I cant remember the last time I got dazed after learning how to navigate to neutralize these fuckers
>TFW boosted a Ret Paladin to get Ashbringer even though I knew it was shit
>Decide to just go Proc because Ret is garbage and Proc is actually a pretty nice tank spec
>Realize I don't care to play tank but it's the only way I can have the best of both worlds.
I can play Paladin and ENJOY IT, shame I can't enjoy the DPS aspect of it but lore wise I guess it makes more sense for Paladins to be tanks. I mean you're still smiting evil with the light, just not with a two handed sword and instead with a sword and shield. I also know a lot of Proc Paladins told me they were pretty much unkillable while questing, they were pulling like 20 mobs and just destroyed them.
So does Proc not only have high survivability but high damage as well? Kind of weird if tank specs can out DPS the DPS specs, people kept telling me Proc Paladins do a lot of damage.
get a brindling from a LW makes you immune to daze
prot paladins have shit DPS
they used to be able to 1-shot people in PvP on the beta, but then got nerfed
10 days trial when ???
You can already play completely for free for as long as you like up to level 20.
What happens when I get to level 20?
World quests.
Also join an HC group in the group finder thingy. 828 right now and I haven't even done my mythics this week.
So I've been casually leveling my unholy dk this week, taking my time and just absorbing the ambiance and world and enjoying myself.
However the final stretch is at hand and I'll be playing all weekend to get up to snuff. I intend to have blood be my offspec since I've always liked tanking and theres always a demand for tank, probably more so now with more focus put into world quests and dungeons.
Whats the best manner to spread out my artifact power so I'm not gimping myself in one way or the other? I've seen this infograph posted alot but I don't know how up to date it is or how to go about spending my power. Should I dump all my power into one until I reach a certain rank then dump them in my offspec weapon and keep switching back and forth, or should I be alternating between them each time I get enough for a perk?
I don't mind that stuff but the Warrior order hall should have just been a group of rag tag mercs and soliders. Maybe get help from Saurfang or something.
Also Fury artifacts should have definitely been Gorehowl, have one from WoD Grom and one from our Grom. Or at least make it the arms artifact, though I like arms having a sword.
Prot is the neatest one and its also ridiculously OP at solo content which is making me upset that I didn't just go prot first.
>that feel when Brewmasters get to hold their staff in a unique way
>has the best description for the ability it gives you
stay jelly, nerds
>giant memorial to Rhonin
>not clickable to start up CITIZENS OF DALARAN
missed opportunity.
Put 13 points in each because the first 13 are cheap as fuck. Beyond that it doesn't matter because each point costs so much you're not going to be getting more than one or two until your AP modifier goes up to ~200%.
For arms do you know if that's based on the heavy micromanaged focused rage build or not? I love arms to death right now but i hate managing that shit, plus I enjoy Overpower too much.
It is.
Bet I still have a high ilvl than you.
Stay jelly nerd.
Hey, I saw that on Reddit too
>vikings bruh
>vikings everywhere
>valhalla dude!
>don't pay attention to the fact that no actual warriors from the lore are in here though besides some dudes from Ulduar
>what do you mean you don't like vikings????
Like fuck, I love Vikings and Norse mythology and this shit is just too fucking heavy-handed. I feel bad for the Warrior players who don't actually like Viking myth and aesthetics, because you just don't get any fucking options or say in the matter.
Is curse still the place to get addons? What addons should I have these days? WoW picked up a lot of the ones that I use
>Inb4 some retard thinks you are a bad for using addons
I want recount at the very least so I know if I suck ass or not.
Also I've been gone since Wrath and a bunch of the stats are different. Where do I go to freshen up on the mechanics and shit these days?
I don't know about Legion so far. I like the artifacts and class changes, but the zones are honestly really boring. They littered every area with bonus objectives that take significantly longer than the quests that are in that area and they aren't all that rewarding.
The one dungeon I did just seemed to drag on and take forever for very little reward. I'm only level 104 and i'm already pretty bored. The main game starts at 110 but i'm stuck doing this tedious leveling shit.
Recount, DBM, Weakauras (set it up yourself or just download a class specific package), bagnong and auctioneer should be all you need.
The standard UI is fine, but if you wanna branch out I think Dominoes is still up to date, which lets you customize your hotbars.
>Mfw the warrior class everything is so bad I actually capped a character that wasn't my warrior during the invasion, for the first time in all my time playing
>I have several characters higher level than my warrior right now (invasion monk, DH, and boost Shammy)
I had engineering and lots of magic trinkets and toys from archaeology and my obsessive vanity collection tendencies. So I roleplayed my warrior as a tricky asshole who made everyone think she was a spellsword with her tricks and gadgets. The class hall and "class fantasy" meshes with my warrior so fucking little that I barely feel like playing her anymore after being with her unchanged since vanilla. Im loving legion and its the first time I've adopted at launch since Cata and will hopefully be the first time I've stuck around since Wrath but they really fucking dropped the ball on my damn class hall fuck. I mean it's not even a unique model. It's just the starting area of the valajar dungeon.
Even a memey ass fight club would have been better than this. Literally just give me a break room filled with the guards for every city over memehalla fuck. I want to love my warrior again.
>No longer even have the option of one hand fury even if it was never my thing (at least let a valajar model count as a one hand for people who want to mog ffs)
Are world bosses not up yet?
Planning to resub but i'm a greedy Jew so i gonna take the 10 free day as well to level some toons
How does a focused rage build work? Do you get a lot of excess rage at lvl 110? I'm only 107 right now but I find myself rage-starved at times.
>They littered every area with bonus objectives that take significantly longer than the quests that are in that area and they aren't all that rewarding.
I thought this at first too. Just keep in mind those areas with the objective you are usually their for several quests, and dont need to bang the objectives out all within the first quests in that chunk of the world. You usually have 2-3 waves of quests in that area before you'll be moving on so a bunch of that bar will fill up naturally.
If you don't get close to finishing it with the quests? Dont let it bother you and just move on. You're guaranteed to not fall short on exp pretty much and the gold is chump change, dont let it bother you
Are DKs pretty bad overall or is it just me? UH is the only spec that seems passable.
Pleasantly surprised as to how decent the expansion is, so far at least.
World was fun to quest in, areas felt pleasantly varied in thematics, and the quests themselves were fun.
Dungeons are pretty neat. Feels nice having a greater variety in dungeon themes after WoD being 100% savages and ORCS.
Level cap is interesting. I like how they incorporated the world quests from Diablo 3 into WoW. It works pretty well.
Not too enthused on artifact talent resets requiring whichever current rank requirement in AP to reset talents. Thats utter horseshit. I may as well live through my mistake and just keep dumping points than lose out on one whole point after painstakingly collecting AP and having to waste it on a reset.
I gotta do the "Be Friendly / Honored with the Nightfallen"
but I am already Friendly with them, so this means that I have to get to Honored or something?
Goddamn, I just don't like Suramar that much to do a Rep farm
Just do the quest chain that's there. It's pretty easy to follow and should have you hitting Honored within a few days/hours.
>at least let a valajar model count as a one hand for people who want to mog ffs
That's all I wanted too. There are so many good 1Hs in this game that we can't even utilize the look of now. I probably wouldn't have even used one because I genuinely love titan's grip shenanigans and absurdly huge 2Hs but there's no need to take the option away from people who liked it.
>exploring Suromar
>find a network of tunnels below
>end up finding a pylon
>found some rares
>got a BoE epic off some shit
>that entire city questline for the Nightfallen
>that entire city in general
God damn this area is great.
I mean, I did that, I am friendly with them and all of that, so I have World Quests
however, now I need to be Honored in order to progress the story.
Burst is amazing once you learn how the class works.
>Dryad responded to me wielding the unholy weapon
And dat fox mount
Oh. Well I'm friendly and I'm halfway there on the quest chain so far. Got a quest to follow a guard or something at the moment.
>get class hall quest that rewards an item that presumably starts the questline to unlock the Deathwing skin for the Scale of the Earthwarder artifact
>can't do it yet because not all followers are 110
>not all followers are ilvl 810 yet either
>19 hours before it expires
Go ahead and laugh at my binds.
If you are a warrior specifically Fury theres several edited dialogue in Stormheim and they comment about your weapons.
Can we talk about how much love hunters got?
>Class hall is big hunting lodge in the mountains
>Comfy af
>In the most beautiful area
>Get access to flight network that lets you go to hard to reach places
>Music dope af
Everything about trueshot is comfy
You should play till 100 then use the boost imp
Yeah Brudda!
Going at normie speed so i don't burn out. Gunna try for 104 tonight
>Questing into Blackrook Hold on my Demon Hunter
>Mfw I see that my fem night elf companion led 3 of my Illidari to their death while she was supposed to be out collecting Fel Bear Asses
Can I fire my companions?
Also after Val'Sharah and how kind Malfurion is to your character I decided I am going to go from a jaded fem-Illidan to getting back into touch with my Night Elf culture through the expansion and slowly mog myself to look slightly or majorly druidic.
>want the gun bow skin for BM
>8k gold
>that's half of what I have
>tfw poor
i really want to continue levelling my hunters but fuck they're more boring than ever now.
I want to play Survival too but they got the shitty Thousand Fist animation that looks so out of place.
>tfw leatherworking has an anti daze item
>if you have leather working it lasts for 8 hours and persists through death
I knew I kept this profession for a reason.
>mfw my Unholy dk has an ability that crits for 1 million at level 100 on a 1.5min cd.
I've never played Hunter and watched a video of some guy doing Heroic Halls of Valor. Do you really just sit on your ass and press like three buttons that do BIG damage
>being sent back to cleared dungeons for profession/class quests
>queues take forever because I don't have the storyline quest to go there anymore
Kill me, Metzen.
Yea it is kinda lack luster. Its definitely worth it though. Surv is really fun to play. Timing your bursts is pretty neat and their artifact weapon is pretty cool. But really literally the only reason I leveled a hunter was I loved the preview of their order hall. Was not disappointed in any of my decisions.
>Tfw you knew zones were gonna work like that so you did 0 dungeons untill the story lead you there
Im happy
You can't level higher?
surv is fun but I keep investing in BM because master of beasts
>Past midnight
>Don't feel like playing for real anymore
>Go to Stormheim, it's stormy and raining hard
>Turn off the lights in my room
>Find a small cave, set a campfire, and just sit there enjoying the storm from inside
this is the worst ui i have ever seen
>get into dungeon to finish a world quest
>some DH named Pwn in a guild called Bye Felicia starts trashing me because I didn't see him trying to tell me what to do and how to tank in chat
>do more DPS than him most the time
>talks shit the entire dungeon
>pulls shit and then blames me for pulling shit and being a garbage tank
>guild mates are quiet the entire time
It's like fucking poetry sometimes.
>presumably starts the questline to unlock the Deathwing skin
then why do I have that mission available on my Paladin you fuck
I never actually said I KNEW what it was for. Just assuming.
Apparently I was wrong, you fuck.
>there's an area in Highmountain called NELTHARION'S Vault
>doesn't think the hidden appearance comes from it somehow
dumb fuck
>tfw playing Warlock in the Withered Training thing
How many warriors are there in this thread? Half of these threads are people bitching about the vykrul
You got it easy. Try doing it as a Rogue..
>801 ilvl
Why are you so angry?
>level 110
>doing millions of damage an attack
>level 800 items plus
The fuck do numbers even mean anymore, it might as well just go into scientific notation
Rate my keybinds