Post yfw you haven't played a single western game in three years

Post yfw you haven't played a single western game in three years.

Other urls found in this thread:

And what have you played OP? Weebshit?

just why, op

Wow, seriously?

Weebs actually offend Japanese people by trying to "embrace the culture"

I played hyper princess pitch this summer, so you can fuck right off.

Just finished Super Mario 3D and currently playing Picross 3D and Soul Hackers. Is that weeb?

>embrace the culture
I just want to play some decent games.

Also, why should I care that a Japanese got offended?

What western games in the past 3 years are even worth playing

0 (zero)

I only play ETS2 and ATS both of which are European developed games. I haven't played anything else in three years and my heart hurts but I can't stop truck'n.

samefagging is bad.

>35 seconds apart
Want to know how I know you're from reddit?

Why? Some western games can legitimately be good, even if it's just a small portion of them.

Titanfall was pretty rad.

What the fuck these mean?



>Sup Forums gold
Damn, are you THAT shameless?

I want a demon sister op

that chapter about ear cleaning

dear god

Fucking weeb

But I'm playing Fallout 2 right now.

It means I get autistic while waiting in traffic on the interstate and piss my friends off because holy shit look at that fucking Freightliner!

I've played Risk of Rain and OFF, but not much other than that.

Stop making the same shit thread every single day.




>you will never have a succubus onee-san tenderly rape you
Why bother go on living?

>Another lets make a shitty topic so i can spam muh funnay mamay images and cropped porn thread

Wooooow so original my man, fucking kys


I don't think i've played a western game in 5 years.

Sex is overrated.

Source please.

>tfw idling cards from westerntrash so i can buy my anime games


>tfw no loli vampire to come visit me in the night

>being poor



>first kiss
>leg lock
Jesus fucking Christ

I recognize this artist but I can't put my finger on it

I don't think I've played a single game from this year.

Why is she so prefect?

>she will never cure your phimosis by violently raping your cock with her eternal childlike vampire pussy
>implying the cash doesn't go to buying shit worth a damn like dakimakuras and anime figures.

Hahaha faggot! you'd imply right ;_;

>when the OP has good taste in doujin/h-manga

It hurts.


There's being a weeaboo and then there's being a faggot like OP. By the way, the next game I'm buying on Steam happens to be western. How butt-blasted are you?

Its because shes so smug.

and nice.

I don't even like loli, I didn't even jack it. Shes just cute

Also op most triple a west games suck dick anyway so why are you surprised.

name one good game that isn't the witcher.



>tfw no predatory onee-chan to /ss/

Post receipt or my butt will remain in perfect conditions forever thank you.

Thanks, didn't know he made sequels.

I want to drink her saliva, spit it on my dick then fuck her.

gibe sauce, I need my daily dose of /ss/


Uncharted 4, Ratchet and clank are the only western games I've played, the rest is Japanese shit

>implying Onee-chan is something as common and lowly as a common succubus

The life of a sonygger truly is suffering.

Meme50, but this particular set of /ss/ has been nuked from Sadpanda

fuck wani
fuck jewcob

Jokes on you I already downloaded it.

The worst shitposters are the ones that use cropped images that cannot be reverse searched.

>getting games
>missing out on games
>somehow not suffering

Have fun with Batman Arkham remastered, Battlefield 1, Watch Dogs 2 or whatever typical garbage you play

>he doesn't have the addon for cropped doujins
Only Sup Forums could be THIS behind!

I want to be dommed by a demon Onee san.

Is this part of that three set he did? I only managed to download one of them.

>not knowing every single onee-san femdom doujin there is by now
Your own fault.


I'm a /vr/fag that buys one modern game every three months or so, though?

Last thing I played was Deus Ex: MD and that was surprisingly good, ending aside.

I found them on Nhentai, but

Whats up with ehr hand

what wrong with nhentai ? I go there all the time even more than panda now

>trying to "embrace the culture"
You are reading a lot into OP's sentence.

This looks familiar.

Is this the one about the boy that wishes for a succubus to be his big sister?

This is meme50's best stuff desu

I love you user, be my onee-san

It's not the secret club. Also, nhentai actually has far more content than sad panda due to still having many of the nuked galleries available. It doesn't have stuff like game CG's though, so it's a mixed bag.

My boner thanks you user

All 5 chapters are translated, 3 on nhentai, the last 2 are on hentai cafe

Marriage end

>Tags: hairy armpits

Sorry OP. I played DaS III and enjoyed it.

your loss

Bring on the angry sex

this can't be real life


>three years.

The last western game I palyed was Mass Effect 2 back in 2011. Step it up.

1pondo 092415_159
Aoi Shirasaki

>make shit game
I pirate it, if its shitty enough I won't even pirate

>make good game
Pirate it, if its good enough and you want to support the developers, buy it.


The absolute worst.

Absolute sweet