Let's have a BoTW thread
>favourite feature/ new feature
Speculate about the story, lore, whatever.
Let's have a BoTW thread
>favourite feature/ new feature
Speculate about the story, lore, whatever.
Other urls found in this thread:
An above average game, fun at the least. Good dungeons and bosses
Flying mount. Good boss fights and dungeons
>favourite feature/ new feature
Different weapons, shield boarding. Paragliding is cool too, and I love the physics
Too easy, as I am too lazy to artistically restrict myself. Also, the open world outside the plateau being quite empty
A decent Zelda game. Fun with physics.
Good dungeons. Some challenge. ALBW was way too fucking easy even for Zelda standards. Mostly I'm just hoping the dungeons deliver.
>favourite feature/ new feature
Za Warudo. I can't wait to ride the time stop airlines.
Big empty world.
Someone post the claymore webm.
It'll be shit.
It'll be good.
I don't have much faith in Nintendo these days.
The dark, it's so scary at night, I hope this game doesn't have scary scary night that'll make me scared
I fucking hate that this is posted everywhere with no ducking context
He obviously means that he doesn't want an early-minecraft scenario were night travel is impossible
It will probably be an enjoyable video game
More companion characters in addition to Wolf Link.
Being able to fly by detonating a bomb under your sheild.
>favourite feature/ new feature
The cooking mechanic intrigues me more than I thought it would.
That there is literally nothing to do despite there being many square miles of lovingly crafted nothingness
I want to post the .gif
Link's sexy
I just hope there's a weapon that's not breakable, maybe the Master Sword
They've said that there's going to be about 100 shrines right? I hope there's new techniques/technology you can unlock in most of them. Going through some long ass puzzle to get 100 rupees will piss me off.
Eh, it's optional, to say the least.
Since they said you can just go right to the final boss, you should be able to skip more of them. A reward, like master weapons, would be nice though.
It's not BoTW it's BotW you noob.
>master weapons
That'd be nice. Assuming there's categories, like spears, hammers, swords etc. getting unbreakable stuff from difficult shrines would be great.
>I'm afraid you've been in a coma for quite some time.
>Yes, yes, I know. You would like to know how long.
>I'm afraid it's been 100 years.
I want to believe this is the first story of the downfall timeline where Link is killed by Ganondorf in OoT. Stuff happens Link was put in the resurrection pod, Shiekah come out of hiding, Hyrule is torn apart, 100 years later Link wakes up.
One other theory I read about suggests this may be a new timeline where Ganon got his wish fulfilled at the end of Windwaker and brought Hyrule back from the ocean
>no shops in the game at all, entire game is barter based economy
>rewards for quests and opening chests is still rupees
Is BotW going to be hard?
Its going to be a good game but only worth one playthrough
I hope it has good sidequests like Majora's which ive been saying for every new zelda since. I also want Dark Souls level of lore that the series was known for
>favorite feature/ new feature
The tiny details they put in like using a bomb and your shield to launch in the air
So many fears:
That Nintendo will show EVERY litttle detail of the game in promotional videos leading up to the release.
That the open world is completely barren like every other open world game.
That there wont be much to do.
Just go into a bunker familia
How will our boy show up in this one? OoT is everywhere in the timeline now apparently.
A vibe like Wind Waker but on land
Hoping it's not 'empty, boring open world #34289'
>favoUrite feature/ new feature
cooking I guess
It's 'empty, boring open world #34289' because Nintendo can't do anything right anymore
There are many ways to die in the game, so you must be aware of the environment while in combat. So I say it will have some good challenge.
I would pay an exorbitant amount of money for her to hold hands with Stefanie Joosten.
They look like they could be sisters now that I think about it.
Thoughts on the Venom Link theory?
I think it's hilarious to discuss and I would be delighted if Nintendo threw it in as a non-canon joke ending, but if it turned out to be canon I don't know how I'd feel about it.
I think the game belongs to a new trend in Japanese gaming - moving towards an open world model with much more care put into core character animations.
In other words, Link's movesets remind me a lot of Punished Snake's in MGS V. The goal is to make every aspect of traversing the map inviting, every little jump, hop skip and sprint enticing. But like MGS V, it is probably going to be a shit game.
Compared to EuroAmerican open world "survival games" at least the animations are good.
>Link will never be in SoulCalibur again
>zelda game
Unless you're a braindead moron, the answer is no.
But MGSV is a solid game, it's not flaw is the story, which Zelda will not suffer from as little people care about the story anyway
Are you saying Zelda will be good?
Have you played MGSV yet?
If you haven't, are you ever going to play it?
If you are going to play it in the future, do you care if I spoil it for you?
Some people think that the Link in BotW isn't a real reincarnation of Link because of shit like him being right handed (Aonuma's reason for this is the button layout) and how he wakes up from a deep sleep in a stone room.
if you like going nowhere and doing nothing, yes.
I did, so you mean like venom snake?
Alright that's pretty cool
I'd believe you but there was absolutely nothing to suggest that nights became more dangerous
In fact they become easier, as enemies will fall asleep
He was speaking about the brightness for sure. not enemies or difficulty.
Not sure, aren't the skeleton guys and the bats more common at night?
>the game ends up with link having a mental breakdown when he stumbles upon a sheikh temple containing various clones of link that are all disfigured, like Alien Resurrection.
>All that screaming
>link just ends himself
Should I fear or hope for the new line of Zelda amiibos to do something interesting? I'm buying them anyway
MGSV is a textbook example of how ruinous an "open-world" can be to your game if you don't carefully construct it and fill it with shit to do. MGSV is a boring slog through a barren world with some slight exceptions like the jungle section of Africa. If you have an open-world, fill it with shit, or just have linear levels.
Will this be a launch title on the Nintendo Nexus?
Industry Changing Game, I'm talking about Ocarina of Time type of revolutionary.
Large Dungeons. If I remember they said very early in development that there was a dungeon the size of Ocarina of Time's World.
>Favourite feature/new Feature:
Shield Surfing/Hang Gliding
An Empty world like Twilight Princess, but so far it looks like there are plenty of things to do.
Someone did a really cool thing and remade the trailer in Ocarina of Time:
>bad ending
>He tries getting the Master Sword at one point
>It initially rejects him violently
>The game doesn't explain why
>Majora's Mask
>Wind Waker
>a dungeon the size of Ocarina of Time's World.
Jesus Christ.
Wind Waker had an awful ending, but it didn't have a BAD END like that user is hoping for.
>Industry Changing Game, I'm talking about Ocarina of Time type of revolutionary.
........you cant be serious. How old are you?
Hopes: more than 5 dungeons. Lost woods area with huge trees that can be climbed and the branches traversed. Lots and lots of secrets, hidden-ass obscure things that won't be found for months, and I'm not talking copy/pasted treasure chests.
Expectations: a solid game
Fears: empty world and too much copy/pasted similar feeling enemy camps/shrines. Like those towers in windwaker all over the ocean. They weren't fun because they were all so similar
I suspect there will be one dungeon per area or per two areas
Can someone post the map?
They're going to use the BotW engine for more games right?
Hyrule getting destroyed is as bad an end as Zelda will ever get.
Yeah, they mentioned it I think, to cut down dev time and shit
I hope there's at least one dungeon that's part of the actual world and not just underground/in it's own place
Wanna see what crazy type of strategies could arise from that plus the physics engine shit you can do, like gathering catapult materials and using it to skip large portions
It was pretty somber about it with Zelda wanting to resurrect Hyrule with the KoRL and having him decline so Link could desperately try and fail to save him from drowning.
I can tell you were quite butthurt making this post, so I'm not surprised you missed it.
BotW will definitely be the game to make me buy an NX if it ends up being as good as they paint it to be. All I want is for them to not fuck this up by making its open world setting be empty.
I mean, christ. This game has so much potential, and that also makes it possible that it'll end up flopping massively. I really think I'd be done with Nintendo if they can't pull this off right.
Game of the year
Online mode
>>favourite feature/ new feature
Nintendo going full jew and putting an interracial white female/black male couple in the game
I tend to hate open world games but willing to see what's Nintendo take on it.
Lots of wondering hopefully in an enjoyable way
Just an enjoyable adventure
>favourite feature/ new feature
Like seeing the changes to Link with all the different gear. Hoping there's fun/goofy things to wear like Zelda dress from Triforce Heroes or a Mario suit.
Just your average take on open world. Tons of exploring but there's really nothing really to do.
>Nintendo going full jew and putting an interracial white female/black male couple in the game
Black Hylians don't exist, and the Gerudo are all dead and also all women.
Your fears are completely baseless my fellow Sup Forumstard
>Nintendo going full jew and putting an interracial white female/black male couple in the game
There are no black people in Zelda
Closest thing is Gerudo and they're all women..
Is this seriously all Sup Forums can think about? Like, does the idea plague their minds all 24 hours of the day? That's pretty pathetic.
>Nintendo fell for the open-world meme
what company is next?
It was OoT's hyrule field, not the entire world.
>biggest fear about the game is it having an interracial white female/black male couple
>literally nothing indicating this whatsoever
thinking maybe it's not the game we're talking about anymore pal
Is there anyone left at this point?
No, but if it does plague their mind all day you can thank the Jews at CTR constantly posting it and the mods don't do anything about it.
>the open-world meme
there is literally nothing wrong with open world
That's still pretty hueg.desu.
I really, really can't wait for BotW, and I have never said that for a Zelda game.
>forced sjw shit shoved into some corner of the world
we all know that shit is going to be in there, maybe not as obvious as your example but expect 230,000 threads about when some character talks about "feeling uncomfortable in their gender" or some shit
Love watching their play through
There is when the world looks as bland and empty as this one does
>it's a Sup Forums ruins a completely unrelated thread again
Anyway, who /sickle/ here?
The problem is, I don't think we've so far seen a single actually good open-world game. If there's nothing wrong with open-world, then there sure as hell is something wrong with the devs that make use of that setting. I can't really say I expect Nintendo not to fall into the trap of once again making a boring open world game. All I can do is hope they won't.
There's a sickle? There better be a moveset complete with spin attack equivalent for every weapon type.
To be fair, having an open world game that isn't empty as fuck AND lets you do crazy physics shit WOULD be revolutionary.
Yep,it's in the trailer. And there is a spin move for it
The Nintendo treehouse localization team butchering the dialougue and filling it with memes like they've done to so many other games
I don't see a meme so far at least
>spin move
Eh. I was kinda hoping each type had a unique attack. Unless they're just lumping all bladed weapons together.
Yeah but all the NPC's and towns were removed in everything we've seen. I fully expect there to be memespouting NPC's. They've done it to Monhun, zelda triforce hero's, and a bunch of other games
Can you show me a treehouse game with more than 2 or 3 memes anywhere?
Are you fucking for real, here? Get out of here, nigga, go learn something somewhere.
And care to point out more than 1 meme in TriForce Heroes?
Not sure, they only showed it for like 3 seconds
Well, I remain hopeful but it's likely I'll just have to get used to spin attacking with my battle hammers.
If anything, the spears/pitchfork's charge attack was rapid stabbing that eat your stamina meter.
Memes have been confirmed since E3's "Watch for falling rocks."
I don't think the short pause between the dialogue can be a coincidence. Unless Nintendo planned a super obscure Mario 64 reference ahead of time.
I just assumed, but 4 ultimate and generations were filled with memes
You don't understand, these people are a threat to our way of life!
I saw that, which is why I remain hopeful. I like spear combat and the TES games never deliver. There better be some unbreakable weapons beside the MS though.
What am I supposed to be seeing here?