PS4 or Vita?
PS4 or Vita?
No Vita version for the west
Ps4 because ass>tits
Gay man agree with you
Well, I don't have a PS4, but I do a vita.
Is this yuri?
I like Vita's boob window and the torn clothes.
Vita because blonde hair drills>all
They should all have the same meaty butts, its the same artist afterall.
What game is this and will it be all about the hot girls in pic posted.
me on the left
Localised name is Nights of Azure 2 (most likely)
The first was also legit yuri, I expect similar from this
Nights of Azure 2 and yes, the redhead on both pics can romance one of those girls along with a few more
on a scale from 1 to 10 1 beign western macho game and 10 being ultra weeb anime kawaii ugu what rating would you give this game?
Probably a... I dunno, 8? I mean it's pretty fucking weeby but the protags of the first weren't insufferable moeblobs and the overall design is more whimsical than pandering, but it's pretty fucking weeby too
I own the vita version of the first game and trust me you'd probably want to get the PS4 version
Though I'm still gonna buy the vita version since I can put up with all the deficiencies
>Moderate chests and butts
>focus only on tits
It's the angle.
Should I play the first one? whats the game play like.
how was the first game? Is it worth getting?
>Delicious life giving mammaries versus fart factory
I'm glad you're not in charge of this joint.
It's worth about 20 bucks, but no more than that. Music and art design are sensational, gameplay's pretty eh (If you're into PS2-era ARPGs, you'll be right at home) and the writing's Godawful.
It's a little basic, but I think it's enjoyable. The Servan-collecting is nice, kind of like collecting pokemon (but you don't 'catch' them, I just mean a similar feeling of collecting little dudes you can battle with). It's not difficult but it's not brainless-easy either. Storywise it's interesting enough, nothing earth-shattering but I really like the protagonists, they don't take no shit.
Thanks dude , last question are the girls in OP's pic the same as the first game?
Nope, new protags. I don't really know anything about the new ones, haven't seen much of the preview stuff - it might not even say.
Silver hair > blonde.
Vita RIP
Thanks bro I'm going to go get me a opy of the game tomorrow.
Characters bios and the "Lily" system
Basically MC becomes sickdark half demon and is escorting blue hair priestess to be sacrificed. Blonde childhood friend is obligated to stop them per her duty but probably won't because lesbians.
Gameplay wise MC can pair up with the two main girls or other girls to deepen her relationship with them and improve combat potential, kind sounds like Persona I guess
>blonde and beauty mark
pander to my dick no farther. it is yours Vita
Good pick. Try to get it for cheap, I got mine for ~$32 AU (about 25 burgers), I'd probably feel kinda burned if I had spent more than $40 on it, it's not AAA quality. There are also a couple of really fucking weird errors in typography in the translation, like a missing space or improperly centered text in one particular early cutscene - but right in the middle of the fucking screen on a guaranteed, story cutscene, so I don't get how that was possibly missed. Though to be fair I haven't noticed anything other than that and an incorrect "it's" in an item description, so I guess I shouldn't complain too much.
Oh nice, thanks.
>fat girl with short hair
skeleton detected
I had no idea they were making/have made a Nights of Azure 2. I'll definitely pick it up. First one was mediocre, but enjoyable and had a lot of potential. Music was top tier.
Drills always win. But the vita version is going to run like ass and it's not gonna be localized anyway so what does it matter.
>both these women fucked bananas
Disgusting. Japan, our women don't like you
> ass>tits
The literal gayest thing anyone can ever say.
>both these women fucked bananas
What? I don't get what you're talking about.
game yes
fanart no
>Music was top tier.
Fucking this.
Has some of the best music I've heard in recent times.
PS4, blue hair. God damn those hips.
Vita, because blonde and readhead double team.
>implying fantasy medieval women from another dimension are 'ours'
>boobs smushed together
>that ass covered slightly by her hand
PS4 all the way.
>NA/EU: PS4 only
The Vita version of the first was such utter garbage as to be offensive. I doubt the second will be much improved.
disgusting they have shit inside them
Framerates on the Vita is unplayable in certain colosseum events, such as the one where monsters spawn endlessly and items drop everywhere and the game slows to 5 frames per second.
But I don't own a PS4
Just get a NEO next year during a sale, senpai. The NoA sequel isn't going to out in the West for AT LEAST another 18 months.
Neither, big tits are a turn off.
My family, it was only 5 months from JP release to US release for the first one. That kind of turnaround or potentially shorter is entirely possible for the sequel.
Oh, and it releases in December in Japan.