I've never played this game before. Anything I should know/do before I jump in?
I've never played this game before. Anything I should know/do before I jump in?
Stick with the prod.
Prod with the prod.
Turn on God mode for the first level.
Same here
Jump right in and try to remember that there are SO MANY ways to accomplish your goal. Make sure to explore and consider your options carefully before taking on a problem. I guarantee you will not see all there is to see on your first playthrough, and ones after will continue to surprise you.
Now get the hell out of here, Denton.
Gimme the PROD gun
Also, playing non-lethally is challenging, but fun and the option that promotes exploration and finding all these secrets the most.
Put all your skill points into swimming when you start. Super valuable skill, I think some of the later stages are actually impossible without enough points in it
Untrain pistol at the start screen. Get computer, lockpicking, and electronics to trained. Pick the gep gun. Melee to the back of humans is always a ohko.
Put a lot of points into swimming at the start it will pay off later. Same with environment training
Number 1: That's terror
>I'm about to experience a critically acclaimed gem for the first time
>but please spoil everything for me before I start
Is swimming a meme
Do not add scopes to weapons that you are using a laser pointer on. It will break the 100% perfect accuracy of the laser pointer forever.
Yes. One point in it is probably necessary throughout the entire game, but no more.
No man, swimming is the best skill in the game
Straight up headshot guy with tranquility and runs around screaming and alerting his buddies. That one aspect annoyed the shit out of me oh well going back to riot stick
Test it yourself. One point gives a massive increase of around 2.5x. The game is fairly miserable without it. Further points give pitiful amounts of increased speed, to such an extent that you will barely even notice relative to just trained.
shooting somebody is the last resort for taking someone out. if you can prod them it's done for them.
This is NOT an FPS.
This is a RPG.
If you go into the game with that mindset it comes out better.
put all your points in swimming
seriously just do it
For a hundred years, there's been a conspiracy of plutocrats against ordinary people.
ignore stealth, it's fucking terrible
just kill people or walk past them.
You will probably not like it.
I'm waiting for GMDX v8.1 to come out to play it for the first time.
Hopefully it won't be long now.
First mission (Liberty Island) sucks balls.
It really does get good after that, honest.
Explore as much as you can. And do what says.
>People think Crunchy Pirate is good
1. In 2027, Crunchy Pirate's sugar-to-grain ratio was 50%, now they have it at about 5%
2. In 2020s, 90% of critics liked Crunchy Pirate, now it's about 2%
Master the assault training so you can easily take out security cameras/turrets with a Sniper Rifle - also add a silencer to your sniper rifle immediately. Makes your life so much easier. You can also take out all doors of around 50% durability.
Advanced Heavy Weapons training is god tier. Especially with GEP Gun.
Trained makes a number of weaker skills much better - swimming, medic, environmental training, demolitions - all heavily benefit from being advanced just once.
Next playthrough I'm gonna try using the Machete and lowtech/melee aug to see if that is better for doors like I've seen anons say - cause Dragon sword has issues with a number of things. On the other hand Dragon Sword is a master at killing all humans aside from the men/women in blacks and makes indoor sections with large groups of guards way easier if you say fuck it to going stealth.
I think Cloak is way more useful than Radar Transparency just cause bots tend to be less of a problem so long as you always take them out. Early game is way easier to stealth than mid to late game. I find it easier to just give up stealthing/non lethal moment you are past New York - they even kinda stop insentivising you to go non lethal too since they stop rewarding you for it.
Remember, the GEP gun is the most silent way to make a lethal takedown.