Never played a Metal Gear game before, about to boot this up. What am I in for? The plan is to make my way through the series one by one. Only thing I'm leery about is whether or not to play Portable Ops.
Never played a Metal Gear game before, about to boot this up. What am I in for...
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It's fucking hard, has game breaking bugs, and some major design flaws.
It was a unique game for its time though, and we'll worth a playthrough.
There's little lore in the first two Metal Gears for the MSX, just read the fucking wiki of those games.
I want to play them.
It's kind of bullshit, sometimes it's unclear what you need to do to progress, the difficulty is also quite high in general. The plot is not very engaging and the gameplay is extremely dated.
I'd skip it and play MG2 instead.
Portable ops isn't canon and is only on psp/vita. No point in playing it now.
>Portable ops isn't canon
Says who? It's referenced in other games and nothing contradicts it.
But Kojimba himself said they were shit games.
There's an section on the wikipedia page under "development" explaining how it isn't.
Use a guide, the game is rather obnoxious with the puzzles and the keycards you have to use.
make sure to get all the POWs and to completely fill your stock of C4 before going after Metal Gear or else you'll get stuck.
The puzzles in MG2 are probably more abstract and impenetrable than 1.
It is explicitly mentioned in Peace Walker. It may not be a main 'saga story', but so long as it doesn't contradict the other games, that doesn't mean it 'didn't happen'.
My dad actually had snakes revenge for the NES
Just start with MGS1
Who gives a flying fuck about Kojima's canon after Phantom Pain, anyway?
Be prepared to die a lot.
>some hack's opinion
MGS even has a summary of both missions.
Play them done listen to the ornery fags that say otherwise; I skipped the first two and really regret it. Great game series. Good luck user
Go down to 47.
PO is fun even if it's "non canon." I would suggest emulating it though, because the controls aren't very good
>all that crap in San Hieranymo behind
subtle reference to the fact Kojimbles doesn't take it a serious canon user.
You may want to have a guide handy
I had fun playing the first metal gear, but it is very much an old game, so there is some shit thats difficult and some shit that seems random but is really important, i;e put c4 on this random wall for no reason to blow open a hole to get a required item.
MG2 is much better in this regard, once you finish 1 and move onto 2, you'll feel and appreciate the difference.
Both the msx games can be found inn the menu of MGS3 subsistance, or the hd/legacy collection.