How can Japan even compete?

How can Japan even compete?

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They simply can't

with this.

She is better than Elizabeth will ever be

Her name should be Eliza


RT if you love ALL Disney films

>being better than anything
I know all you nepfags are literally autistic but come on now.

>this coming from a furry

>he hasn't played the game

I think about her a lot


Japan can't compete with the uncensor-ness of the west.

I fap to Elizabeth solely because porn of her triggers Ken Levine.

>implying i'm a furry
CoolCat is infamous if anything.
also nice argument.

what program do people use to make these?

I know about things like Daz3d

but how do they get these character models


This is a blue board.

Get that FILTH out of here.

I almost exclusively play Japanese games but fuck off with anything compile heart not being trash.

Nepshit and Senrans are killing vidya with their shitty shovelware.

The way they de-titted her in the release is a goddamn travesty.

It's ok it's a conservative non-lewd image suitable for blue boards.

reminder that all nepfags deserve to be gassed

I thought they where siblings

Someone say Eliza?

She's just so cute I don't think it matters for me that much. But I can see where you're coming from

someone is salty that I posted a better Japanese character

What the fuck, I thought she was an AI?

Implying only I think Neps are shit.



Forgot the screencap

It's a glitch where her model stays in the game world.

Here's a better one

true, she is better than Elizabeth

Made her cuter

My fucking nigger.

Well, looking at the Japanese animation industry vs America...looks like its not just competing, but winning.

Blender with an xnalara importer works great. Look up xnalara on google and you'll find a deviantart page with thousands of models.

I like her


Do I hear wedding bells?

>ywn have really fun sex with her in full costume
I don't like these feels at al

>You will never cuddle with a slightly sweaty southern belle on a hot and dry Summer day as a cool breeze blows into your room carrying the unmistakable smell of approaching rain
>the leaves shaking on their branches will never drown out the sounds of the cicada's songs while the two of you watch the storm begin to roll in through your open window

Why continue with this empty and Hellish facade?
