What the fuck went wrong?
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I had to drop from the stream after the song - what happened from there? Is Duke coming back or not? Did they even mention Duke at all?
They played a shit trailer for a full priced Duke3D rerelease with 8 new levels.
what the fuck was that stuff about science porn?
i was so baffled
>that completley unintrested and dead sounding john st. John
Why john?
>t. plebs downvoting the imgur upload imgur.com
It must succeed. Gearbox must feel the fire.
>ywn be so salty over a tweet you get on stage and sing a song about it to 3000 people
Jesus Christ. Have they no shame?
Evidently not.
I was at work when the Gearbox stream happened and heard it was a fucking shitshow
Please give me a nutshell version video
This is apparently what triggered Randy a week ago.
They decided to replace quality and effort with unfunny jokes and memes.
>y-yeah w-w-well I own the D-Duke Nukem franchise!!!
This has to be an exact line from borderlands
Holy shit this company needs to ended
Holy shit what a fucking child
>Yea but... im the producer of a dead ip!
Where do you even begin with that.
What a fucking clown. What happened to professionalism?
You're forgetting this is the guy who weaseled his way out of the Colonial Marines lawsuit that his company caused and fucked over 3D Realms to get Duke Nukem's IP rights, his actions caused him to grow a fucking massive ego
Doesn't matter when you live in a bubble of yes-men and people who think they're more talented and/or respected than they really are.
>nobody likes a bigot unless he's crying
>"sing it with me!"
>changes the lyrics to "nobody likes a bigot when he's crying"
The fuck?
>The Substitute Wife
>Recommended For You
i don't get it
Gotta love this new trend.
L-look guys w-we are cool and hip xDDD
This is why most western devs make me cringe my teeth out. Just be professional and do your fucking job, stop fucking around.
I must stop the misogynists!
He sounded pretty happy when he got to deliver the sausage line
>I own the Duke Nukem franchise
Now that's a funny joke
The whole damn thing:
how is his PR even worse than his writing
this man is a walking talking franchise-ruining trainwreck
>they think a CEO has ever had to be social media savvy
That's legitimately ridiculous.
Social skills and social media savvy are different. Having any sort of social skills at all would've stopped him from saying this dumb bullshit, while being social media savvy would've seen him setting his hordes of twitter goons on them for questioning him.
fucking TRASHED
Jesus Fucking Christ, this fuckin' guy