Can Sup Forums recommend me some good recent horro games?

Can Sup Forums recommend me some good recent horro games?

What's your (the person reading this post) favorite horror game?

Other urls found in this thread:!ABpAjKZY!GLvhhBC_EbvXLZBAZafw001D9MDtlkEKqotJVj-22VM


All horror games are arbitrary

wtf is happening

Left 4 Dead
Stubbs the Zombie

Spooky's House of Jump Scares is actually a lot scarier than it sounds.

just post that one kooky dancing pic

you know you want to

>George Lucas rejected Cosmo's first design choice for Darth Trans.


It's like watching a car crash. You know you should look away, but you can't.

There's something uncanny about watching a man slowly degrade and lose his mind.

dead space 1


Alien: Isolation. Minus some questionable pacing in the third act, shit is perfection.

Is this what happens to all John Number's opponents?


He looks fuckable enough with a lot of makeup 2bh.

Is he going bald?

>Literally britbongistanaclaps


She looks kinda cute there. I wouldn't mind doing that boypussy, haven't had anal in a long time.

I bet hes a virgin too, anally, so I would go raw on him.

>on hormones and drink nothing but soy

>still balding


Honestly why on earth would anyone take pictures like this? I've had long hair, but that just seems absurd, like he dipped his head in water and pulled strands down his face.

If you want a quick, simple thing, find the version 0.2 alpha of Vanish.
The final version added some extra doorways and whatnot that I felt detracted from the style the game had.


Pretty much. Getting a blowjob would be scary, but fucking 'em in the ass? Acceptable.


>this isn't a parody on some random person's channel
>Narcissa uploaded this himself

what the SHIT

There's a cool horror game that came out last year called Monstrum. You have to escape from a boat out in the middle of the ocean while being chased by one of 3 monsters. There's a big tough lava guy who can rip through locked doors, an electric alien that messes with technology, and a water monster that can climb walls and teleport through egg sacs it lays around the ship.

As I was considering this another thought passed my mind, I bet he's got a really clean ass because of eating nothing but Soylent. I'm no anal scientist but I reckon you'd have minimal shits when you drink all your meals. Just something to think about.

I'm waiting for the inevitable breakdown. It's obvious it will come. And it will be ugly.

It's not a cringe thread.

>Sup Forums will be hearing of this. Prepare thy self

I'll briefly stop fantasizing about fucking this tranny to mention I've played that and it is kind of cool though a bit buggy. There's also some really questionable logic to the location of the items you need.

Still probably the best procedurally generated horror game I've tried.

nigga you are living in the breakdown, the only thing to wait for is the suicide

No way this coward able to kill himself, you can't enjoy getting attention when you dead.


I want procedural generation to die a horrible death.

It's never particularly satisfying, but it's an interesting experiment and if enough people try it maybe one day it'll git gud.

Much like trannies.

Not either of them, but the only "procedural generation" it has is just RNG to pick one of three monsters, then randomly place some tools around. The level is always the same.

SOMA is the best horror game made in the past 5 years.

On the surface, it's just a reskinned Amnesia, however it's story is easily one of the most well done in the genre since Silent Hill 2.

It's not "deep", and it handles it's concepts in a way that may be sophomoric compared to literature about the same topics, but for what it does achieve as an interactive experience, I found it to be engaging and memorable.

Yeah, it's sort of a mess but I think it's really neat having to adapt to different kinds of creatures.
I haven't been following it too closely, but I hope that Friday the 13th game is more similar to that kind of experience than Dead by Daylight.

Also some games that aren't really scary by any means but have a horror theme.
Lakeview Cabin collection lets you control the survivors through a couple of different horror movie scenarios. I don't think it's really worth $10 but it's pretty fun to play through and solve all the mysteries for the first time. There's tons of hidden stuff all over the place.
And I just learned that pcsx2 can emulate Gregory Horror Show, a pretty cool voyeur/puzzle game based on a cool series of short CG films based on the song Hotel California.


I'm actually playing this for the first time right now. A couple hours in and I assume I know the tweest ur a robit harry but I'm hoping there will be more to it later to give it extra zazz. Enjoying it at any rate, despite not being able to fight back it's still a lot more relaxing than Pathologic which I just played recently.

Yeah, the second twist is where it gets crazy.

>camera keeps refocusing
It's like a horror film.

>second twist

Aw yeah. Looking forward to it then.

Silent Hill 1-3 forever
2>1>3 is the objective ranking just kidding they are all fantastic but I definitely think 2 and 1 are the best ones

silent hill 4 a trash


why didn't he invest in braces if he wanted to be a girl

I started playing SH4 for the first time and I've been enjoying it. The first half of the game is pretty relaxing but Eileen and the ghosts can go fuck themselves

Thanks, that's some dope-ass ambient you posted there. Sounds like mental illness (fitting for the subject).

Gotta download the album somewhere.

that's a nice picture he took right there, it's a good reminder that he'll never be a convincing tranny because that literally just looks like the long-haired man he is

This is some Buffalo Bill shit.

I really like Heather and Douglass but 3 is really action packed. It reminds me more of the Obscure games than anything.
Started up SH 2 not too long ago and it's just super unnerving when you first walk into town with all the weird noises and monsters scittering around but not going directly after you. Right away I was almost too afraid to explore the hotel because it was so dark.

Also a lot of people have good things to say about Shattered Memories but it's a garbage 'waggle to not die' cash in that's really not much better than Homcoming or Downpour. It replaces all the cool morgue/shakespear type puzzles with fisher price using the wiimote to pull back some blinds or open a cabinet.

would you fuck it Sup Forums?

SCP containment breach

Why does he still not fix his teeth

jesus christ


If she was fine sucking and being fucked and I can pretend there isn't a dick, absolutely. This probably has more to do with the fact that I'm horny as fuck at the moment and getting a semi just looking at that picture than I does with her herself though.

upped it for u my lad!ABpAjKZY!GLvhhBC_EbvXLZBAZafw001D9MDtlkEKqotJVj-22VM

it's basically a dub techno album but with most of the tracks' percussion & bassline tracks muted so all that's left are the pads/reverb/effects. (from the same album) is a more standard representation of the genre

These are like pictures from a horror movie.

Holy shit, you're a saint, user. Thank you.

I'm not downloading dolphin porn now, am I?

>I'm not downloading dolphin porn now, am I?
The clickiest.



I guess

Power Drill Massacre scared me pretty badly.
Wick had a neat aesthetic.
Aside from those two, I can't think of many recent others I really liked. Layers of Fear STARTED good but got lost in it's own obsession with symbolism and meaningless themes.


Jesus christ, he's really desperate

>that nose

Can't fault em for accuracy I guess

Gotta get those confidence boosts, user. When you cast your net out over something as large as the internet you'll find people interested. If I took a picture of myself right now with my cock hanging out I'd probably get at least one *SMACKS LIPS* HOL UP in this thread despite being a wizard. The internet is strange that way.


Man speedrunning really broke him.

i wish he was this cute

i at least have a furry fetish and could pass him off as some kinda rodent girl

>not liking le Sup Forums culture
>post meme frog

So which one of you dicks do I need to report for spoiling The Blair Witch?