>Last knight protected Anor Londo.
Last knight protected Anor Londo
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He's a big guy
For You
Did Smough devoured by Aldrich?
>wants to be a knight like his best friend Ornstein
>everyone makes fun of him because he's a dork
>they make up rumors about him grinding up bones in his food
>he finally gets a real set of armor and it's made to depict him as a fat piece of shit
>Three of the knights go off to fight the Abyss and don't come back
>Gwyn goes and feeds himself to the flame
>Left to defend Anor Londo with the best friend he looks up to so much
>Ornstein doesn't want to be around him and abandons his duty to go find Nameless King
>Smough is left by himself with a copy of his best friend
>bravely stands guard over Anor Londo and Gwyndolin until the very end
Smough had a hard life
Smough is Aldrich
>Let's take Aldrich, for one.
>A right and proper cleric, only, he developed a habit of devouring men.
>He ate so many that he bloated like a drowned pig, then softened into sludge, so they stuck him in the Cathedral of the Deep.
Yeah man sounds just like Smough :^)
Suits of armor and helmets with wacky aesthetics were made to provoke fear in the enemy. Even though they usually depict clown like humans, they give the effect that whatever inside is inhuman. Smough was given a suit that made him look like a fat piece of shit because he was the toughest most feared fucker in the army, the armor would be wasted on anyone lesser.
Smough ate people too, maybe he's a part time cleric
Smough only ground up bones in his food. Aldrich is said to have begun as a priest, and then began eating people whole, including children. There are item descriptions explicitly saying how he enjoyed the feeling of crunching the life out of his victims. Anri and Horace were children captured to feed to him in his church, and they escaped.
Also note that both Aldrich and Smough exist separately in item descriptions and have very different histories. If they were the same person, history would've blurred their stories.
>brutally smash and devour everyone in the name of Gwyn
>Gwyn trusts him as his loyal guard
>won't give him knight status though because he's too fucking brutal
>Ornstein is too much of a pussy to stay and guard
>Ornstein does it by himself
Nah he's just a man.
Smough is a cannibal though.
He wished to be one of the best knights, but Ornstein was stronger and didn't eat the people he killed to "gain their power".
He was always jealous of Ornstein.
When you kill Smough first, Ornstein prays over his dead body honorably. When you kill Ornstein first, Smough smashes his own partners dead body.
Smough wasn't a knight, he was an executor.
>smough was the only one that wasn't knight of anor lond
>only one that defended it until the very end
he is the hero anor londo deserves
Was Smough really quite his habits after DS1?
>When you kill Smough first, Ornstein prays over his dead body honorably
Because that was the custom in the age of the gods when your comrade falls, as shown in Nameless King item descriptions.
>When you kill Ornstein first, Smough smashes his own partners dead body.
Because it wasn't Ornstein, as shown in Ornstein equipment descriptions. That was a fake and Smough knew that, so he didn't need to care about smashing him.
its quite safe to assume it wasn't the real ornstein though, it was... uhhhh , an hologram, i guess
Good old day...
Huh, so what happened to Ornstein?
He wandered off to go find Gwyn's son?
>Because that was the custom in the age of the gods when your comrade falls, as shown in Nameless King item descriptions.
Yes but Ornstein was still alive at that point. Check movie ones again.
Doesn't say why he wonders off
yes, and either joined him for a while or got completely fucking massacrated.
So why were there 2 different copies of Ornstein? One in anor Londo and one in dark souls 2
Yeah, abandoned his post to go find him. Presumably, Gwyndolin made a fake possibly using part of his soul. You find his stuff after the boss fight with Nameless King, who is Gwyn's firstborn.
Yeah, the fake Ornstein was alive and absorbed Smough's power as per the custom. Your point?
>All pontiff have done is for the sake of human world.
>Golden lion helm associated with Dragonslayer Ornstein, from the age of gods, and imbued with the strength of lightning.
>In the dragonless age, this knight, who long guarded the ruined cathedral, left the land in search of the nameless king.
Play DaS3
So is there any lore that explains what actually happened to Gwyn's daughter?
All I know is she saw what was going to happen to Anor Londo coming, and fled. But where?? What power did she have?
She married the fire god Flann and left with him to somewhere else.
Either her or one of her descendants married into the Lothric kingdom at some point. One of her maidens was kidnapped and warped by Sulyvahn into the Dancer. Another became Rosaria. It's looking like the DLC might be about her.
There is zero confirmation as to the nature of Ornstein and Smough's forms as they are encountered at ds1. An item description stating that Smough was the last defending knight and another that Ornstein left at some undefined point in history do not indicate that the Ornstein of ds1 was illusory. It doesn't specify when any of that happened. You can theorize this but taking it for fact and using it as the basis for other conclusions to also be claimed as fact isn't valid.
The fact that Silver Knights continue to defend the now darkened modern Anor Londo dissolves any weight that idea holds.
She had powerful healing miralces, and probably knew lots of other miracles as well. She married flame god Flann. She was also a goddess of fertility.
Not much else is known, it's speculation at this point. Lots of hints in DS3 though that gwynevere could have been queen of Lothric. Nothing concrete though and it could simply be a descendant.
Here's hoping DLC will clarify.
>Silver Knights continue to defend the now darkened modern Anor Londo dissolves any weight that idea holds.
You mean the Silver Knights that aren't hostile to Aldrich's minions, and that bleed black sludge like Aldrich when you hit them?
>looking like the DLC might be about her.
If you mean the already announced one, no.
Pretty much no evidence it's connected to her at all. Maybe the next DLC though.
So you're saying that the little bit of soul that was taken from Ornstein to make his copy, is enough to give Smough all that power?
Ornstein gains the same amount of strength from consuming Smough.
The boss fights shown in the trailer are all connected to the Lothric family and Gwynevere in some way. The new boss you see is hard to recognize, but they're using a bowl that looks like the Lordvessel. In DaS1, you get the Lordvessel from the illusionary Gwynevere.
Ornstein was pretty badass. He was a knight of Gwyn, which Smough wasn't enough to amount to.
those silver knights are some weird bullshit, they are very apparently not supposed to be there
Ornstein was not stronger, only faster.
All I'm saying is you're pretty much shitting out your mouth by being so presumptuous about Ornstein being an illusion. To this day this is unconfirmed. All we know is that he left at some point. Even the canonical result of the battle isn't confirmed, and in all likelihood the canon answer is completely different for each character's 'world.'
He moved to drangelic and got some of that dark magic more like dank magic am I right, ladies?.
>The boss fights shown in the trailer are all connected to the Lothric family and Gwynevere in some way.
Legitimately think that's coincidence and they're using random boss footage. As for the feathered figure, the only evidence I see is the lordvesselish thing but it still looks very noticeably different in shape and size. I think the DLC will be heavily Velka related conidering the connection to the painted world and all the other Velka imagery.
Even if done for the sake of the Humans. Sulyvahn was a fucker who imprisoned an innocent halfbreed.
>DaS1 has great lore
>DaS2 has shit lore
>DaS3 has okay but confusing lore
Dark Souls 2 & 3 were mistakes.
Smough wasn't highly placed because of his fucked up practices, not because he was weak.
Yeah, Im not really feeling your illusion theory, as cool as it sounds
Sad killing Priscilla does nothing but make you a dick.
What was even the lore in DS2?
Like were there any cool connections to DS1
It's not even canon, since Aldrich dreamt about her still in hiding. We'll probably hear about her in AoA.
>tfw no covenant to protect the painted world and the franchise's best waifu
Not really, mostly self-contained stuff about new kingdoms no one gave a shit about. At least Lothric was somewhat interesting and has potential for DLC.
Crossbreeds are the best.
>Connections to ds1
Best example would probably be the Majestic Greatsword, AKA greatsword of Artorias, which strongly although indirectly implies that Artorias was left handed.
>is clearly the plasm wraith
It was vague and largely unconnected to DS1. Basically everything was
>Some say that this and that were something BUT WE'LL NEVER KNOW FOR SURE
This is not a franchise for waifus.
Waifuing in general is cringe.
>this is not a franchise for waifus
Not a waifufag but you're delusional. Maiden in black, priscilla, emerald herald, and the doll are all waifu bait as hell.
>Spider tits
>Rump my pump
>Big massive giantress illusion tits
>Literal feminine penis boss
>2 talking cats
Tell me again how this isn't waifu material??
You get a neat scythe
I'll pump your rump.
>Be Smough
>Train every day
>Am only a lowly human but I want to be a knight so bad
>Eventually get tough enough to swing a giant hammer like Gwyn told me to do
>Get my armor made
>It's not as cool as I wanted but that's ok, as long as I get to be a knight
>Find out I'm the strongest of the Knights of Gwyn
>Think I'm a shoe-in for the 5th member of the Four Holy Knights
>I mean after all that woman they have is tiny
>And they have a blind archer so their standards can't be THAT high
>Turns out some twinkletoes named Ornstein is to test me as my partner
>He always walks too fast for me on purpose and I have to jog to keep up
>He laughs at me when I fall over, it's not my fault my armor is made like this
>He tells Gwyn he totally watched me eat people
>I will never become a Knight
>One day Gwyn says to me
>"Listen Smough, you're a fat piece of shit who eats people" (I try not to cry when he says this to me) "but I'm going to burn myself now so I need you to stay here and guard my kids. I left one in a painting and the other's around here somewhere playing Goddesses so don't let anyone hurt them."
>I tell him I'll do my best! I want to be the best knight I can for Lord Gwyn even if he's angry with me
>"Oh and by the way I'm leaving Ornstein, he's in charge. Don't eat all my hot pockets."
>Millennia pass
>Anor Londo is in ruins, a shadow of its former self
>Ornstein ate all the hotpockets and told me he'd say I did it, he is so mean
>And to make matters worse adventurers have started showing up
>I smash them all though, so it's ok. I like doing my job.
>One day, an adventurer shows up and he manages to wound Ornstein
>Ornstein looks up to me and says, struggling for breath
>"Nice protecting me you fat faggot"
>I start to cry
>"Don't eat my bones too lol"
>"What's the matter? Fat baby gonna cry?"
>Put him out of his misery like a noble knight in a storybook would
>tfw the undead runs off and tells all his friends I betrayed Ornstein the hero
Tonight's Drangleic weather forcast;
Noxious clouds are gathering in the above the earthen peak and beneath the iron keep. Ambient music box wind is blowing over the shores of Majula. How will these changes affect the weather in the coming days?
So we know that souls can manifest and create beings with similar traits, maybe Aldrich had Smough's soul?
None of these are made for waifufaggotry. These characters were not put there for you to romanticize or get off to, that's just lonely dudes projecting.
>None of these are made for waifufaggotry.
Your post is pure comedy m8.
They are literally designed for that.
You're fucking delusional if you think so. This was made by nips, who were also heavily inspired by Berserk.
Kirk LITERALLY waifu'd Quelaan.
I don't think Priscilla is Gwyn's kid
Also there's no "tfw" once the adventurer runs off, Smough is dead as fuck and turns into souldust.
I always thought it was his grandkid.
>they were not there for you to romanticize
Damn dude you tried too hard, and honestly could have gotten pretty far. I guess it doesnt even matter.
So O&S were there for a long, long time.
You think any gay shit happened?
When they say that Smough ate bone, they weren't talking osteo ;)
There's no way to know.
Before DS3 it was presumed she was an experiment or possible child of Seath and maybe Gwynevere.
However DS3 gives credence to the notion she could be a daughter of Gwyn because she looks extremely similar to Yorshka who is confirmed a daughter of Gwyn.
>all girls in any game were literally designed for me to project lonely waifufaggotry fantasies on them
There's the delusion. Closest thing was Anri and we all know how that went. I bet you idle around and gesture at them for hours on end. Go back to your date sims, champ.
>all girls in any game were literally designed for me to project lonely waifufaggotry fantasies on them
Nope, not at all. But Souls games definitely do.
How the hell did he even see through that helmet?
There's holes in the eyes similar to Pinwheel masks.
Is Yorksha confirmed though??
She just says Father Gwyn and Sister Gwynevere, but she speaks in a manner that these titles could be honorific as opposed to kinship.
Gwyn probably raped some dragon bitches in his conqueror days.
She also says elder brother Gwyndolin (which also BTFO fucking retards who kept pushing that Gwyndolin is a girl by the way). I suppose it's possible that they could be honorary titles but I don't know.
When she starts talking about Gwyndolin it seems a bit more familiar.
But there's no such thing as female dragons. They don't work like that. It's all stone constructs in the shape of dragons. I'm not even sure how the fuck Seath created Priscilla. Come to think of it...how the fuck do half breed giants even exist in medieval times?! I think one thrust from a giant would kill the human partner...
>Literal feminine penis boss
>But there's no such thing as female dragons.
Nah, undead (decomposing) dragons disprove this.
They are a differnet form of life but they aren't all just made of stone. The intro cinematic contradicts what's in-game. Kalameet for instance is clearly not made of stone.
But is there any way of proving they procreate and even have female counterparts? I think they all just existed with the ashy tree's and had no need for egg laying since their all immortal.
You do find a dragon egg in ds2.
Not that ds2 has anything to do with the rest of the series.
Fume Knight was the only good Ds2 character.
The only evidence I can think of is that the Drakes
Are descended from the dragon's
Are they the best couple?
>the Drang armor and weapons saying how it became the land known for the 'legend of linking the fire'
What was the point of this?
me on the bottom right
>ruining things
It's more fun to think of it as Smough smashing a still-breathing Ornstein for spiteful reasons: he secretly hates him because Ornstein was everything he was not and thus eagerly killed him, and takes Ornstein's lightning as a means to usurp him
>Smough dies
>Ornstein takes a moment of silence to remember his fallen comrade, who although he might not have always seen eye to eye with, knows that he died in the service to his king and his god
>continues his duel with the Chosen Undead, now acknowledging his foe as a true equal and perhaps a worthy successor
>Ornstein is wounded
>"alas, I cannot continue. You must-
>fatty smashes him with his retard hammer
>proceeds to try to buttslam you fifty more times
He's a fifth grade bully assmad that he didn't make it into the cool kids' club in high school.
We will never find out because of the LOL WE LIKE TO KEEP THE PLAYER GUESSING story telling mentality. As far I know what ever you want is canon.
>Smough dies
>dumbass Ornstein and his retarded honor has him pull some DBZ shit even though the Chosen Undead could run up on him at any moment, only reason we don't is because we're honorfags too
>Ornstein dies
>Oh shit, this scrawny fuck means business. I better absorb Ornstein asap before they cave my shit in!
>only reason we don't is because we're honorfags too
It's true, same exact shit happens with Ashen One in both the twin princes and nameless king fights as they enter phase 2.
No it wasn't. It had the most characters and item descriptions telling you what the fuck was going on. Even a relatively irrelevant boss like mytha, that poison snake lady, had a couple of NPCs tell you about her. Add dlc and item descriptions in the mix and its easily as clear as DaS 1 if not more.
>unconnected to DaS 1
Except for the fact that it explains how the fire and the dark work and that shit never ends. What did you think all that stuff about kingdoms and monarchs was about? Monarch is synonymous to lord. As in lord of cinder. And unlike the rest of the games you get the chance to say fuck you to the cycle and release yourself by fucking off with a mad scientist sorcerer tree monster. This is also the game that turned manus into a bunch of cute waifus.
God I know there's reasons to be pissed at 2 but it ain't the lore.
Did Aldrich or Sulyvahn kill him?
And if it was the latter, what would their fight have looked like?
You forgot to add Ciaran. She's cute as fuck