What went wrong?

What went wrong?

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It took all the bad things about MOBAs and the bad things about shooters and mushed it all together with horrible writing, awful art design and no marketing.

BIGOTS didn't buy it.

>le failed game xD
Holy shit give it a rest. I've honestly seen more publicity about it here than anywhere else. I honestly wouldn't have known the game existed if it wasn't for the constant shitposting.
Let dead games lie.

Everything went right Randy didn't want bullys to play his game and they didn't.

I completely forgot this game even existed, I can't even remember when it came out.

What a blunder

they went up against blizzard and all they brought to the fight was their imitation of hawp guy writing from 2008.

Look at how much money you save! What a deal!

The new character is literally Junkrat from Overwatch

he has a throwable explosive and everything

Its ok Randy, no one will remember how bad your game failed because no one will remember your game.

I didn't know this game existed until anons started to post about the beta here.

I bought this game when it was $60. Probably only have ~10 hours total.

>mfw $60 wasted

Current industry doesn't really have room for multiple competitors going for the same audience. The game wasn't particularly good either, and their competitor had better branding, marketing, and hype.

overwatch proved to be more cancerous and accessible

Blizzard countered them after every announcement.

Hopefully you learned your lesson, never pre-order ever again.

I remember when Brink came out, refused to pre-order anything after that fiasco.

It was Gearbox. No one expected it to go right

Fucking idiot.


>What went wrong?
Timing and if you played it you'd know why it flopped.

well it buffs too, but its really pointless since the buff is stuck in place. that and they fucked the voice and personality again.


Uh, sorry to dissapoint you user but I never said I preordered it. Saw it was knew and figured I can play with my friends.

Funny enough, we just bought Overwatch after that. 180 bucks wasted in one week.

A good analogy is Battleborn was AntZ facing Overwatch's A Bug's Life.

Look how colorful and appealing (for the time, it's really dated now) Bug's Life looked, then look at that bland, brown mess.


>battlememe is 60 bucks
>overweeb is 40
something doesnt add up here

I'm convinced everything they did right in Borderlands 1 was an accident and a result of them having not enough budget. The complicated weapon generation and elemental systems were simplified into oblivion in the sequels and the dreary atmospheres and dark humour was abandonbed in favour of memes.

Gearbox's patented brand of incompetence.

Whether or not you like the game, one thing we can all agree is that Gearbox has no idea what they're doing.

>180 bucks wasted
> $60 for Battleborn
> $40-$60 for Overwatch
Where's the other $60- $80?

Ever heard of consoles, user.

post the song

>mfw pre-ordered it for $35 and got 70 hours out of it

shoot me

Even if AntZ looks bland, the product was actually good enough, Stillborn looks bad and is bad

$60 worth of lootboxes :^)

I remember Antz being enjoyable though. Wasn't it a bit more mature and at times darker than A Bug's Life? I mean, the analogy is good but I can't not think of the fuck awful writing and voice acting in BB whenever it's brought up.

I bought a copy of Overwatch for a poorfag I know.

Until Sup Forums ironically posts about it getting an update.

This is Tortanic levels of dead horse here. Let it die and move the fuck.

Should I buy it? Is it good?

Origins is $60, you illiterate waste.

If a multiplayer game with dead multiplayer appeals to you, sure.

>300 hours on record
I should feel ashamed but I don't.

Its honestly not a bad game. Just dead for all intents and purposes.

It's really not that bad but it's dead.

Wait until they eventually Evolve: Stage 2 it.

Honestly, I got it for cheap and I don't know. I haven't played it much.

Opening mission is where you play an angry brown punk elf woman, and the characters she interacts with are all very... characterized. There's responsible black leader man, old white man who gives no fucks and is amusing but treated like a major asshole, white posh spy woman defecting from the evil side that your elf hates, and pragmatic sell out villain man. It feels like a TV show that's not very well put together and the characters are a collection of personality traits rather than real or complex.

The story has ideas to it. I like how it's a resource war between different factions supposedly because there's this last star in the universe or something. Unfortunately the story so far suffers from some serious sins. The narrator doesn't give to shits about the story, it drags on and on to drop just a few bits of story on you. This means they don't explain enough shit, so not long through the game, when people are arguing and fighting they drop all this nonsense in a rush and you're left with lots of questions. Well you would have questions, if you care.

The combat feels somewhat thread bare. You have a gun, a melee attack, a secondary attack, two cool down abilities and some stuff you get as you level like an ultimate. Combat mostly boils down to shooting with your one particular gun, abilities were on long CD and barely mattered.

Things got more exciting when a boss showed up I had to shoot particular weak spots and move to defend myself or deal with enemy adds.

There are a lot of characters in this game that you can add. But you hardly get to start with any, and I'm unsure if they'll be that great. Some of them look cool. Some of them look ridiculous.

The game itself is a moba shooter that I've heard has some issues, but watch the gameplay and judge for yourself, some moba fans seem so overly brand loyal they would knee jerk shit on other mobas.


No, it really isn't and I have a team of friends that I play with and we can usually wreck faces. Just a shame that people don't give it a chance.

They went up against the mastadonic 300 mile long cock of Activision-Blizzard's marketing department.

They should've delayed the game for a few months and have a load of marketing dedicated to distancing it from Overwatch.

600 players in past 24 hours.

But it's not dead, right?

I mean, no? I can still find matches. Yeah it's baren, but games aren't dead until the last player quits.
The game isn't dead yet, but it's in the doctor's waiting room.

bl retribution has been sitting at average 300 players for years now, so you cant call it dead quite yet

damn this is some next level shit

How the fuck did you even find out about this game prior to the shitstorm it immediately was?

How IS Evolve doing nowadays with the whole free to play thing?

averages around 6000 concurrent players over the past few weeks so its doing pretty well.

>It took all the bad things about MOBAs and the bad things about shooters and mushed it all together with horrible writing, awful art design and no marketing.

and taunted the wrong people on twitter

What does that period do again? Some passive-aggressive thing where it doesn't appear on the person's feed?

now you know how it feels to experience one you filthy misogynist bigot

I think they needed to post something with text since the blue is a url



We could argue on what was a minor cause (shitty moba design, shitty artstyle, etc)
But the REAL Cuprit was making a game that pandered exclusively to a demographic that is notorious for bitching about alot, but never supporting anything

I know that feeling. I pre-ordered Dragon Age 2, and paid $80 canadian dollary-doos for it. My friends laughed at me when the demo came out, but I trusted Bioware and told them it was a joke intro sequence.

Then I paid $80 for Inquisition. It was garbage. I'm going to buy Andromeda, and if Bioware burns me one more time, I'm going to wait for reviews before buying their next game.

Have fun


I think having just the @ sign at the beginning only posts to that Twitter. The period at the beginning makes the tweet public so everybody can view your sick burn and/or horrible, horrible fuck up.

Except antz was created out of spite from a stolen script by an ex-Pixar employee (or someone who knew someone at Pixar, I forgot how the story goes)

why are you retarded enough to keep giving them money

they're finished, they haven't produced anything good since Dragon Age Origins

Battleborn is still 79.99 regular on Steam for me, so I'll pick it up when it's literal dirt cheap

the amazon sale is for a physical copy that contains a steam key inside

That means having a physical copy though


then just use the key and toss the box senpai

They didn't really do anything right in the first game aside from mind numbing grind shit everyone seems to be crazy about these days.

300 hours in and I still haven't heard this line said in-game. Why does Sup Forums meme it again? Is it just because it uses the words "feminism" and "awesome" in the same sentence?

Shut the fuck up, it's fun to make fun of a game that fails as hard as Battleborn did. It's not like anyone is actually going to buy it because of these threads.

What are you talking about?
81% is a win for the consumer.

Dawg there's at least one user on the fence about picking the game up for $12 in this thread.

Yeah one or two sales of 12$ is really gonna save this game.

The main character goes to a battlefield where everyone gets massacred.

>implying it's not the same person everytime

Nonono I'm not talking about saving the game. Jesus, that'd take at least 3 miracles from 2 gods.
Nah, I was talking about people just buying the game from the threads. This thread started with an ad of a sale for the game, if you think about it. $12 is cheap for people with some disposable income, and some aren't as adamant about not giving somebody else their money.

Oooh, I didn't think of that.

I grew up on KOTOR and love those kind of games. How many AAA party based wrpgs exist? They're the only company in the world that makes them. Bioware has me by the balls and they know it.

Still, my deal breaker is ugly party members, and Inquisition had me at my limit. How could you possibly fuck up a blonde female elf companion? Bioware somehow did. Gave her a Bjork haircut, greezy worm lips, a limey chimney sweep accent, and made her lesbian for good measure.

They released it around the same time as overwatch

>They're the only company in the world that makes them.
Obsidian and Larian do this very well, though their games are more like high end AA games than actual AAA games.

He says it because he kills a woman, but Sup Forums is autistic and believes he is just generally saying it.

Is that the same Ian Cheong who was a rabid SJW years ago, or am I mistaking him for someone else?
The fuck happened?

That's what I figured.

He apologized and saw the light.

I am also confused by this, did he get redpilled or some shit?

Was literally 99c a few days go for consoles

Has there ever been a bigger blunder

Is it faring any better on consoles?

I really liked Antz.

Antz was alright, though.

Battleborn is pure shit.

Even he can't stand something that ridiculous.

He took a red pill to neutralize the blue pill that was already in his system.

I unironically think tortanic is better than either of kotors.

Gearbox thought they were still allowed to make games after the shit they pulled with Aliens and the Duke.
I mean, sure, go ahead and make games but when you do stuff that leads most of your consumers to decide that you're dead to them, don't get all surprised when they ignore your shit.

Competing head to head with Blizzard's Overwatch was retarded. If they had pushed the release date after Overwatch it wouldn't have been so bad.

I couldn't remember the name for two months after it released.
What the fuck, son? I bought DA2, had it in my 360 for ten minutes and then returned it for a 30 dollar loss. Bioware died that day and it saved me from sailing on the tortanic, buying Cisquisition and andromeda will be the same. You're a battered housewife always willing to give their violent drunk husband one more chance. Bioware doesn't love you user, they just want to control you.

>returned it for a 30 dollar loss.
I got full money back from Gamestop. I think I put it into operation raccoon city. Had them move that over to dragon's dogma after that.

Their CEO sang a song about bigots after getting triggered by a tweet, proceeded to do trump jokes, got triggered by duke's voice actor being duke.
What do you think?

>That pic

Holy shit my brother just transferred out of that college.