Trails of Cold Steel

Looking to scratch a JRPG itch, saw this for $20 and it had decent reviews. Is it any good? I heard it has some social sim aspects which sounds neat since I like the Persona series a lot. Also, seems like a good time to get into it with the sequel coming soon.

Is it worth picking up?

Other urls found in this thread:

Single bump, just wanted to see if there was any general consensus on the game.

It's a cinematic RPG, with emphasis on the cinematic with a very slow pace due to character and world building. It's also part one of a two part arc, so don't expect any resolution.

That being said, it's enjoyable gameplay with some great characters and very long (my play through ended at around 75 hours), and the second one comes out this next week. But still, be aware that it is linear with a focus on story.

>But still, be aware that it is linear with a focus on story.

Well, considering my enjoyment of Persona 4 and how that was linear as fuck with like a four hour tutorial I'd imagine I wouldn't be too turned off. Any opinion on the social mechanics in the game? Are they even something worth noting? I'm a sucker for that kind of stuff, so if they're any good that would be a big draw.

Regardless, thanks for the perspective.

>Any opinion on the social mechanics in the game?
basic, think like persona but limited. the calendar system of the game dont move that fast

There are none.

The "game" is trash btw. its barely an RPG. Its mostly a very boring visual novel.

Fair enough. Persona 3 and 4 go hard on that social stuff, so I didn't think it would be on the same level. Still, it sounds neat.

Thanks user.

The social aspects are more focused on party members and a few side characters. Mostly as a means to increase partner attacks in battle. The character arcs are really well written though, so I think they're worth it.

>The "game" is trash btw. its barely an RPG. Its mostly a very boring visual novel.

You could very well make that same argument for Persona 3 and 4. Despite that I love those games, so I don't know if that's necessarily a big criticism for me.

>The character arcs are really well written though, so I think they're worth it.

So long as it's nothing cringe-worthy I love that stuff. Thanks user.

Persona 3 4 dont have copious amounts of text.

This is 90% boring exposition and 10% mediocre combat.

Should I play TiTs before Cold Steel?
is TiTs better?

just to let you know there is a dance event in the game which allows you to dance with the girl you like the most or boy like spending two tickets with them and other requirements.

Towa is the best

>nothing cringe-worthy

The game itself is called Cold Steel, it's not like a little bit more cringe will be hurtful or even surprising.

>Persona 3 4 dont have copious amounts of text.

Do they not? Persona 4's "tutorial" consists of pressing the X button for about three hours listening to dialogue and reading text. A majority of the game is spent outside of dungeons just reading through social link dialogue.

Unless you mean it's literally just text like reading documents/notes.

There's really only one cringe-worthy one out of the group, but she's really only there as generic waifu fodder. You'll know who almost right off the bat. The others are good.

Also, unrelated, but the game has the typical Nihon Falcom god tier soundtrack:

Exaggerated, but it is worth noting some cinematics are Xenosaga length at times (30 - 60 minutes with no chance to save in the middle of it). Also, I feel like though some of the basic enemies are just that, the game makes up for it with some fantastic and memorable boss fights.


remember to pick best girl

A few things are talked about in Cold Steel pertaining to TiTs, but nothing major is outright spoiled from what I can tell.

And that pales in comparison to the neverending stream of text in this VN

Hardly an exaggeration

you will hate this area, holy shit its so boring and you travel way too much

>still no working undub

wtf i hate jrpgs now


As much as I enjoyed the game, Chapter 3 brings the pacing of the game to a screeching halt, forcing you to trudge through it. Afterwards though, Chapter 4 and on, the pace hits the ground running until the end of the game.

I might suggest checking out Trails in the Sky FC and SC first. They're not necessary to understanding the events in Cold Steel, but they add a lot more background knowledge and depth to world, as well as giving an important character in CS his character development. The entire Trails series are super solid JRPGs all worth at least one play through

>just got here today
>see this

Fuck. I'm already regretting the annoyance of choosing Hard Mode back when I started the game in December

This a a bit of slump in Chapter 6 too. I blame Alisa

haven't had fun in a JRPG in a long time. played hella jrpgs, but this one is really fun.

you know you can fast gallop right ?

It's Magic School Bus + Anime + POLITICS + Mechs.

That hardly helps having to go all over Nord North and South over and over again. They really should have added in the ability to fast travel to the Gate and the Cabin. Doing the all sidequests and Red Moon Rose (without a guide) for it is sheer torture; it may not take up that much time overall, but it feels like it does.

I did, it was my noble confidant Laura

Where was the second Red Moon Rose from that chapter? I only got the first one.

I'm not sure starting on Nightmare was the best idea tbqh. Gideon and the Jaegers in the quarry ended up wiping me out before I even had the chance to fight back properly the first time.

That's not Emma "Hey, my eyes are up here" Millstein

The first is on Field Study Day 2 and you have to talk to someone at the Watch Towr

The second you have to go back to Zender Gate after getting Millium (and getting teleported to the settlement because fuck you) and talk to one of the privates.

A good rule of thumb for the Trails series is that Nightmare is made for NG+. Its possible to do the first time around, but the RNG really has to be on your side.

how much egg soup are you gonna make elliot cook, Sup Forums?

>not growing a beard and putting on 50 lbs of muscle for Sara

>fuck, i'm on Sup Forums

>cock blocking Victor

Shame on you user.

Do this first OP

are you niggas ecstatic for cold steel 2 ? imma FAQ it day 1. loved the first one. haven't played a jrpg like this in a long time. niggas.

Yeah, im hyped as hell, glad I have 2 days off from work the day it's released

Gonna play nonstop

Hoping someone just has a 100% guide rather than a straight up FAQ

i get it on tuesday, but i get next 12th monday off for my bday. gonna be a good 3 day weeknd

Pretty fuckin' hyped. Currently on my fourth playthrough of the first game. Just platinumed it yesterday. Trying to pace myself for Tuesday when my copy comes in. Still don't know what I'm gonna do with the spacer box and pin in my Lionheart Edition though.

there is on gfaqs nigga. same nigga who did the first guide too

can't believe they put the pom pom dlc for free. glad i didn't pay for them even though i can afford it.

Some needs to edit this with Elliot's face and "make" instead of "eat"

I grabbed those as soon as I heard they were free. Already had Rean at 81, so I bumped him to 99, and everyone else is just above 80.

>shining Pom DLC for free
>literally a couple days after I buy them to get Rean up to 80


>pom pom dlc for free

wait what?
I got to download that shit right now

Don't worry, man. I bought the costume sets for $20 before they released the complete set for $16.

Ha, wonder if the trick still work

This game isn't really catching my attention. It may look like Persona, but it's covered in 200 status conditions and the days don't advance after interacting with a character.

>you will NEVER fuck Elliot's boypussy till it gapes and then cover him in your cum

>arguing with a retarded ESL

Im all for keeping the thread alive user, but jesus.

I did and she still wants the Rean Bean in the sequel

Is that really the game's name? Cold Steel?

Shut up Falcom.

It's true though.

Well nothing besides the true identity of a particular fan of beauty and love

It's like another Baba works for Falcom.

It`s not tha bad user.

>In final dungeon
>No urge to play
>Cold Steel 2 next week


shadow realm is best part
except for the bullshit boss fight somewhat

This guy speaks the truth.

Get your shit together user I'm playing 2 right now and it's such an improvement over 1 I wouldn't want to see any anons miss out

what the fuck did they improve? i must know

>tfw ToCS I and II on sale but TiTS and SC aren't

>It's not that bad user
>He doesn't know about the Coldsteel play
>He doesn't know about the magical alisa game
>He doesn't know about the magical alisa pandering in fucking everything
>haha it's just a prank guys, they wouldn't seriously include this joke anymore

>its barely an RPG
I could understand if you said this about previous TLoH games, but Cold Steel has the most refined battle system of the series so far and it can prove more than a challenge at various points.

At least she was there since the beginning and wasn't added later just to try to fuck the VA.

Not being in a school anymore gives you a lot more freedom with the game so you don't have to sit through doing school duties, than field studies, rinse and repeat like 1 did. Once you start gathering your classmates you also have the ability to make your own party as opposed to being forced to stick to the plot related story party and you even get guests characters to choose from like Toval, Claire, and Sara (Sharon as well but I hear she's not around for long, I've only had her for 1 act of Chapter 1). The battle system also has new stuff like Overdrive mode which lets you and your linked partner go ham on enemies. It just flows a lot better and since the Chapters are split into acts I feel like I've done a lot despite only beating the first chapter.

>80 hours in and only just getting kind of into chapter 6
What the fuck is happening. This is the longest game I've ever played. I don't know if I wasted too much time somewhere or what but what the fuck.

So im 8 hrs into chp1 act 1.
Is it me or does toval have the shittiest accracy?
Im missing a good 35% of my hits on a consistent basis leaving rean to unironically do all the work. This truly is reans game.

awesome, sounds exciting. I wonder how well the Overdrive mode works later in the game in usefulness

Where did you guys get your game early from?

Friends shop.
Atlus, aksys, and xseed always ship their crap really early, i ended up getting games a month in advance at many instances.
But lets go back to why the fuck toval is shit

For me Rean has been missing a ton for god knows what reason, RNG hates me.

They even let you stack overdrives so you can have two loaded up.

I got mine from a store that always breaks release dates. Sometimes Best Buy does it too.

>For me Rean has been missing a ton for god knows what reason, RNG hates me
Im missing so much that i nearly die to common encounter if i dont get an advantage. Im on hard mode if that helps.
Is it me or is it harder to keep stynning the enemies on the field till you can hit their back?

I'm playing on hard as well I don't know why it's like that but it gets better when you get the others. And yeah stunning characters with anyone who isn't Laura doesn't seem to work.

>Is it me or is it harder to keep stynning the enemies on the field till you can hit their back?
I don't know if this works on CS2, but when an enemy comes close to you, change the character, the enemy will ignore you and you can easily hit the back.

>No Towa
Not worth reading

into the trash can


Better than being a towa degenerate.


That's because they nerfed physical and upped magical stuff when compared to CS1, so accuracy is worse.

What the fuck. Does this mean that crafts aren't as absurdly broken and easy to exploit as they were in CS1?

Oh, does that mean that Emma won't be the only worthwhile offensive magic user now?

The idea is that in CS1 physical was easier to break, and that magic was crap when compared to it, so they tried to balance it out.

So in a way you now have an Emma (best magic) party or Laura party (best physical), depending on what you want to do.

You know those threads where we list games you want to replay but you remember that one part and you lose all interest in playing anymore?

Nord Highlands is that part.

That and the freaky looking monster with the scary face on its body. I hope those things don't come back in CS2.

>except for the bullshit boss fight somewhat
I did it yesterday on nightmare and he didn't even touch me.
Delay+ skills are complete bullshit, he never had a single turn.

What was your party? I usually tend to hate that boss fight and nothing has changed that in any playthrough.

>XSeed gives out free poms
>I've already beaten the bullshit final boss, so I can't go back to the school building
>level 65


At least I'm A0.

>tfw rushing through NG+ as fast as I can
>going good until I get to Bored Highlands
>literally start falling asleep

Is Sora no Kiseki worth getting into?

Talking about the original uncensored Japanese PC version.

It's too bad no other company can be based because XSEED sure does seem fucking busy all the time and I've heard they're actually a pretty small team.