Cont. from
Nioh Beta Demo
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so.. wheres the PC demo?
So, to give an update, I think I might be almost done with the pastebin. It's pretty late, but hopefully the level of info makes up for it. This is a full on guide after all, not just a list of things. Since I can't remember everything I've discovered or came up with and feel like I might miss some stuff, I'd appreciate any more suggestions for things to add in. But I don't want to have things that are easily answered by playing the tutorial, reading the Help or Amrita Memories, or watching the ingame videos. And yes, I have included how to fuckin do Tempest.
So, anybody knows where to farm youngblood armor pieces?
What's an effective strategy for the second boss?
Static Shibe!
I wonder if they'll be a Kodama boss hidden in the main game. It'd be a pretty neat easter egg. You attack/scare every lost kodama you come across, and upon finding the last one (in either that particular level or the final one) becomes a giant (still looking cute and harmless) to beat your shit in.
Fucking running low on ki.
Block her melee attacks (spin kick, wing spin attack)
Dodge her paralysis projectile (sound cue before she throws it out)
Block her needle throws
Parry/dodge her divebomb
Attack during her recovery frames of her melee attacks, especially her umbrella combo
2kat can bring her down fast, especially with low stance, but spear and 1kat are good/viable options as well
Living weapon is handy, as always
Favorite armor set? All of them look fucking baller, even the starting armor sets look good.
Youngblood is so nice. I also like Brawler and Veteran. Muneshige's set is nice but I don't wear it for some reason.
I prefer mixing and matching and making my own sets.
any tips on the ship's boss? fucker kills me in one hit. I'm at level 11 using axe/sword. Any ideas on how to kill him please
After 10+ tries, I finally defeated bat lady. After unequiping some armor and switching to low stance dual katanas, it became a matter of not getting greedy and only going for a couple hits after her combos.
I tried the samurai guy boss, but after 5 attempts I just gave up. No more rewards so I will probably not bother.
what always gets me when playing these games is getting greedy. Just hit him with like 1-2 hits after his combos.
His most annoying move you probably noticed already is when he swings the balls around and you get hit twice.
so get in after he does a move/combo, hit a couple times and then roll backwards to avoid his spin.
2nd form. his throwing boulders are easy to dodge by just running to the left/right. wait until after his combos again and go in for a couple hits.
he is not so bad as long as you recognize his moves/combos
You must fight for your honor.
>cites Bloodborne as "a masterpiece" and his personal game of the decade
Does Shibusawa have taste, Sup Forums?
Shoo shoo, Lu Bu.
I suppose. He's making a whole new game based on the chikage and rifle spear. People who hate vilebloods will hate him.
Link to him talking about bloodborne?
You guys think Muneshiggy's wife will be as bad as him when we eventually fight her?
YoungBlood for life nigga
Western set for days.
Shoulder capes are aesthetic as fuck
I suck at this. I have died against Onryoki 30+ times.
How much does level and build matter? Is he weak against a certain element?
Frontline Warrior for me, since burgundy's my favourite colour.
He was talking about it at TGS last year, so you'll have to go trawling through YouTube for that one, but him playing it also brought up in an interview he did with 4gamer a few months back.
>Finally the interviewer asked Shibusawa to talk about games he has played or liked. Right now Shibusawa is playing ‘Nobunaga’s Ambition 201X’ for Mobile and ‘Bloodborne’ for PS4, even at age 65. He played ‘Pokemon ORAS’ for 3DS before this as well as ‘Persona 4 Golden’. He played through the game 5 times so he could get endings with all the girls in the game. He also played ‘Zelda:LttP’ and got so immersed in all of these game worlds. Before completing the games or facing the final boss he will always save the game and then do everything he had missed before going on to 100% the game
>she rides a Nue in her boss fight
When does the beta demo close?
dunno, but I want a double boss fight against Muneshige and his wife, that's going to be fun
I use
Archer Hat
Frontline Warrior Do
Unusual Kote
Brawler Hizayoroi
Hero Suneate
Weak to water, maybe. I never really bothered with it.
Suggested level shown on main map is a good indicator, but it really comes down to player skill and how good you are with reacting and acting accordingly to what the enemy does.
>Ginchiyo throws a smoke bomb
September 6. Why do we get this in every thread when people can just google this shit
>any ricefield hat
>Ronin Do
>any heavy Hizayaroi
>any Suneate with no socks
Wearing Kotes is for fags
So, did anyone bow to Muneshige the first time they fought him?
I taunted him the first time to fit in with my headcanon that William is still a filthy gaijin at heart
>The millennial faggots here don't even know who Kou Shibusawa is
The dude is a god of strategy games and its a shame to see him retire.
I also am a shamefur disgrace on my family. Died against onryoki about 12 times and then decided to use a summon for the first time.
Thought we were gonna go through an arduous battle together and win through an effort of blood, sweat, and tears. Ended up killing him in about 40 seconds.
Doesn't seem to be particularly weak to any onmyo magic I've tried (water, wind, fire)
Yeah, then I bowed to him again after I defeated him.
Mah nigga. Ricefield hats are the shit.
This game is doing a really good job at being extremely asian.
I couldn't agree more!
All the armour designs are great, and they even look so good when combined with each other. When I don't wear all light armour I like going with Pirate/Archer body, West Kote, Hero Hizayoroi and Youngblood boots. It looks cool as fuck in a wandering ronin type way, especially with the wooden sword. Hero Hizayoroi goes with just about everything.
Literally Ken-sama the game bro, where have you been?
It's really well done. The swords look great, armors look great. Descriptions for everything are interesting to read and the Japanese voice acting serves its purpose.
Hope someone has suggested bowing to the Kappas so they bow back.
Even their mythology says that if a kappa sees you bow they must bow back and they instantly die from it.
Never tried it in game since when they see you they fucking bolt.
the animations in the game are top fucking tier, I fucking love sheathing my superior 1000fold katana after dispatching my foes
>I'm using my good katana today
every time
So what is the timing to counter? Right when an enemy starts its animation?
They keep close to taunt you, so that would be a good chance to bow and get them to respond. Not sure what other gestures would work for other monsters. I feel like the cycloptic oni would be fun to see react to some gesture, since they seem kind of mischievous in how they act before hulking out.
>the way the peasant's stumble and lose their balance after swinging their weapon with shit form
Yeah son. I love it when he flicks blood off it and sheathes it after killing a revenant/human enemy. And the 2kat one is badass af too.
Gear matters a ton. When people complain about some move one shotting them, or draining all their ki, they need to upgrade their shit.
Yes, there's people online putting up vids of beating everything naked and barehanded at level 1. And if/when you hit that skill level, you can take on that challenge too. Until then, upgrade your gear and you'll have a much better time.
Speaking of this, how the fuck is Team Ninja going to explain how William is an expert-level swordsman that beat Tachibana Muneshige and his wife (eventually we're going to beat her too)?
Time skip? I wonder who he's gonna train under.
Maybe is you use the right taunt and while they hulked out they start laughing, lose concentration and turn back into their little oni form and literally roll on the floor laughing.
On the bottom right of the map screen, you have two icons with associated values. One is obviously Amitra. What is the box-looking icon for? It isn't gold.
Recs for good ass samurai movies to pass the time on the weekends before Nioh drops?
Watch the miniseries of James Clavell's Shogun!
Christ. I hate how people in that weight range have practically "claimed" the katana as their own. Bad enough they've made the idea of wearing coats of any kind (hell, even capes) look lame with their antics.
>Beat all the stuff
>got bolt doge
Now to sit and wait for the real game.
Supposedly he's been fighting demons and such already with his spiritfu, but skills also require a level of training before being able to learn the next level.
Archer set is objectively the best.
Well user to be fair I am a fedora lord with no fedora but I like the zweihander more and the halberd because Katanas are to mainstream.
It's the amount of items you're currently carrying along with the max you can carry. It says something/200.
That would be pretty rad. Though are the creature they're based on known for being easily amused? Kappa are known to be bound by politeness, which is why they obliged to bow if you bow to them. I know the red yokai probably wouldn't have any reason to react, as they're all mostly meant to be bandits who have descended into true madness or people who had vices from the villages.
Damn, you gotta beat all the side missions, Twilight included to get lightning pupper? Shit son. Fuck that tall grass mission.
Seven Samurai, it is basically THE samurai movie.
But are you a fat sack of shit who looks objectively stupid trying to wield a weapon meant for someone far more well built for weapons and combat?
My tv is small and I couldn't read the slash mark.
Thank you.
Wait do I have to play through the same levels?
I played the alpha, got my mark.
So to get the new mark I gotta redo the same fucking stuff?
I just now realized that's supposed to be crowsteel on the right and not Yuria
It's the same mark you doofus
Well young spirits or those who look like kids generally fall into mischievous and so pull pranks, you prank them they laugh and you run away.
I know one particular demon in Japanese folk lore can be stunned with a riddle, I think it was Tengu.
I don't know what emote you would use, maybe something you could construe as funny.
If you know your way around the first level it shouldn't even take that long to get through. Suck it up. You also don't get the new mark until you beat the second level.
Pretty much. Something happened and TN never fixed it. Of course, the original mark never said anything about the second demo, though it is weird they would hype up being able to get a free pass over the first mission again and then not follow through.
Of course user, it wouldn't be funny otherwise.
Wait, so you don't get anything new in the Beta to carry over in the full game?
Does anyone know if its possible to summon a specific player like one of your friends for co op? It'd be pretty shitty if its just random
Set a secret word.
Also Companion Co-Op better than visitor Co-Op
I'd imagine since they're making gestures more intuitive to the game world than the souls games ever did, they might have a slew of them that won't be seen until the main game. Would be funny to get a book, possibly something from the west that lets William act like a fool and make more jovial enemies lose composure and either surrender items or maybe help out. Speaking of helping out, that'd be a cool follow up for the Kappa, you stun them by bowing and making them spill their way, give them new water (maybe tossing them one of the waters you get in items), and they'll go annoy some enemies and agro them for a brief period of time.
whats the difference
There's a second mark if you beat the new dungeon.
You don't get to visit shrines in Companion mode, but you don't get booted out when you or the host dies. Instead you can revive each other, which takes away from a meter. Once the meter runs out, you fail the mission.
Also, both you and the other player can interact with things like Revanants and Kodamas in companion mode
If you're bored and looking for a shitter to carry in companion co-op, try out secret word RAGE
I'm not on right now though
Nigger I'm not going NG plus on the beta
But yeah, just a side mission after bat-bitch-boss
>Tfw bat-bitch can't scream when she is slothed
>tfw your main weapon is earth element and tear that pussy up
It felt so good to unload on her with Raikiri.
Kinda weird though, since Raikiri is Ginchiyo's sword.
I was surprised to see just how much earth damage did to her compared to lighting.
Who's the best living weapon?
This man is a role model. 65 years and still doing "all" the girls in P4. I have to buy Nioh when it comes out so I can own something with his name.
Which Guardian Spirit is best depends on your personal playstyle and what you specifically want out of it. They all come with different stats both for you and for their Living Weapon. Kato is generally offensive and for the risk taker, Isonade favors survival in a give as good as you get kind of way, Daiba-Washi allows more evasive hit and run or mobile tactics with extra luck for equipment and excessive Living Weapon spam even among the others. Raiken is somewhat balanced in all factors, but helps with leveling and exploration. And last but not least, Fuse-Ushi is all about defensive play and staying safe.
Beat the first demo way back and just got a chance to load this one up, so damn pumped!
Which stats did you guys stick to? Any advice on what to prioritize? First time around I went strength and health almost exclusively and did pretty well. This time Id like to make the beastliest gaijin I possibly can, but I don't have long to experiment with builds between class/job and when the demo ends
Sharkbros WW?
kato 1kat
Game seems interesting but I need to know something very important before I decide wether I want to play it or not
Can you taunt ennemies ?
Its kind of a deal breaker for me if you cant
There are emotes like in Dark Souls but they don't get reactions from most enemies I don't think.
Is there anything special about leveling the wooden sword?
Are they ridiculously long and uncancellable like in dark souls ?
if you beat the demo with it (twilight missions included) you unlock the hidden teahouse
>They removed the slow tailsman
>They removed a spirit
>Need to replay the fucking levels
Nope, not getting this game now.