Who's the best Digimon?

Who's the best Digimon?

Impmon, of course.

I could never get into digimon. The digivolutions being so radically different in form, and being vastly superior kills it for me especially since a lot of final forms are fucking retarded, edgy, or straight up humans with armor rather than digital monsters.

Digimon suffered from mon inflation somehow faster than Pokémon.
Vanilla digimon is as retarded as 2nd gen and up Pokémon.

when's the next OVA coming out?

not that slut

Best Child is Palmon
Best Adult is Kinkakumon
Best Perfect is Sanzomon
Best Ultimate is your pic
Best Super Ultimate is your pics non-existant burst mode

fucking new digimon game when



Even after all these years there still something really satisfying about seeing Omegamon/Omnimon.

Next 0rder isn't getting localized it seems.
The next possible game is Aplimon or whatever which just doesn't feel right. Its a neat concept but it isn't the Digimon I want.
Is /digi/ here? Fuck guys I miss it.




B-A-S-E-D. Metal-fucking-seadramon.

my nigga

Zephyrmon is pretty high up on the list of digimon I want to fuck.

Can't think of any villain that got it harder than this guy. Drilled from his cannon hole through his entire body.

Best waifumon.

Ladydevimon... my first ever waifu.


i missed him, even though the style was unsettling, it was still amusing to watch

She cute.

keramon line of course

This user already posted her