Let me remind you guys to follow your dreams!
Make that videogame you always wanted to make!
Don't waste time. Go! While you're still young, chase your dreams! Like pic related.
Just don't go to vidya design school. Not recommended.
Let me remind you guys to follow your dreams!
Make that videogame you always wanted to make!
Don't waste time. Go! While you're still young, chase your dreams! Like pic related.
Just don't go to vidya design school. Not recommended.
Other urls found in this thread:
How do i chase the dream of becoming a young cute girl who still enjoys videogames? That's literally the opposite of me.
Make a videogame about one, user. Self-inserting.
were you molested by someone who had a degree in game design? is that why you can't stop making these shit threads?
My dream is to mating press Aoba and impregnate her. Then take responsability.
Again, I must ask. Where is Fairies Story 2? They talk about the original and they're making the 3rd, but what about the 2nd!?
Maybe it went the way of Deus Ex: IW?
That explains why they're hoping the 3rd does well.
Yes, you. The one screaming, "There's no multiplayer!" and "Aoba Sukukaze lied to us!" and other slurs I dare not mention.
Tread lightly.
You are one. We are hundreds, thousands. Millions. You aren't just IN the minority; you ARE the minority.
I don't feel awkward or anxious playing Fairie's Story 3 around others, and your words don't affect me. Many others, however, are coming out of their pantsu for the first time in their lives. This is the first time many are enjoying the beautiful world that has been procedurally generated for us - and it IS beautiful. Incredibly so. DON'T ruin this for them. We Fairies' Story 3 fans may have our differences, but we will not hesitate to come to the aid of our fellow cute girls, especially against someone who so virulently slurs that which has brought us all together.
Don't take this the wrong way. I don't hate you. I don't fear you.
I pity you.
I'm sorry that you feel this way towards us. I'm sorry that Fairie's Story 3 is such a bane to your existence. And I'm sorry that you are missing out on such a wonderful experience. Mostly, though, I'm sorry that you feel the need to go around and publicly chastise and bully others. I'm sorry that, to ensure your own validity, you need to make others feel invalid. I'm sorry that your self-worth is so infinitesimally miniscule that you have to make others feel less-than-human, at least in your own denatured mind, just to feel whole. I am truly sorry that day-in and day-out you have to put up with your worthless, meaningless, Shakespearean tragedy of a life.
I ask you politely to cease your unnecessary cries for attention, and instead invite you to join our ranks. Uninstall No Man's Sky, start up Fairies' Story 3, and breathe in the splendour and the amazement of your first cunny, and then, maybe, just maybe, you'll see what you've been so hopelessly searching for this whole time.
I wouldn't want to half ass a dream game. If I did put in the time, maybe I could get the gameplay down. But the presentation, the flavor, the things that don't necessarily influence how a game is played but leave a lasting impact in how people see it need a team. You need artists, and voice actors, and talent. At best, I can only make half a game. Using a show where someone joins a company where they EARN MONEY to work on something with a dedicated team and infrastructure already established is the opposite of inspiration if anything.
Fairies Story 3 is gonna be shit. A early playtester leaked how it's riddled with bugs and the gameplay is tedious and boring.
Look, the bugs will be fixed.
Fucking new game! made me wanna learn how to 3d model. Im a goddamn shitty programmer. I dont have time for that shit. KMS
Working on it. It's just way too ambitious and is slowly feature creeping like a motherfucker.
I hope people like it.
What was the point of this scene?
Anime tiddies.
I wondered that as well, probably competing with "Is the Order a Rabbit" in which every episode was showing off cute girls in their underwear for no reason.
What's it about?
You had better stop posting lewd images of my wife Aoba right now!
BD sales
>for no reason
It's about fast-paced, visceral but not mindless combat and map navigation in a side-scrolling sci-fi world that slowly dives into body horror/that trypophobia fad that neverless had a genuine biological disgust about it. And suchlike.
Fun concept, fun to make, been chipping at it on the reg for a few months now. Kind of a hack so it's all if/else loops and variable state spamming but all the same.
Shhhh don't want to trigger the normies by announcing that I actually enjoyed it
dem sweet hair physics
How does this like.... Work
Do lewd scenes make people more inclined to buy it?
>draw a middle-schooler
>call it an adult
why do they do this
Middle-schoolers are the best
>Do lewd scenes make people more inclined to buy it?
Yes. Bear in mind we're talking about a handful of obsessives willing to shell out hundreds of dollars for the whole set. Hardcore collectors. That scene in particular is an obvious draw not just because it's lewd, but it's animated differently.
Whatever are you mean, user?
Anime logic friend.
>grade to middle school
>(10 year old) looks like she's 20
>high school
>(14 year old) looks like she's 7
>(18 year old) looks like a 10 year old
To maximize the otaku audience, you need to hit as many moe points as possible with your cast. That's why so many shows are basically harems, if not female only altogether.
This is some quality pasta.
Apart form the memery, is video game design school literally all that bad?
also this anime is trash
Yeah, it's just a waste of time. Totally useless.
Kinda like art school, without the hyper-competitive, incredible-output exemptions. Just a sad, self-sustained scam with a direct graduation to the unemployment line.
>playtester says test build is buggy
Stop the presses!
You're trash. New Geimu is anime of the year. Max comfy, max cute.
And the gameplay?
unless you have some great connections inside the industry it's not worth it
it's better to be a software enginner or an art director
Anyone wanna pursue their dreams with me?
If you have great connections inside the industry it's still not worth it.
Would taking programming classes help for making a game?
This anime has rekindled my desire to make vidya. Those scenes where Aoba gets to see her models ingame for the first time really hit home and made me wanna get creative.
Yes. Let's make games together user.
A couple of 101 classes to introduce you to basic syntax. Do them on the internet, plenty of free shit out there to learn with.
After that just through yourself into the deep end and use Google as your guide.
I want Hifumi to molest me!
Anyone else take all their clothes off when they go to poop?
I don't want to get my clothes dirty so I do it.
Yes, I'm doing that right now. Part of the reason I don't poop in public restrooms.
Sure user!
Do you usually shit all over your clothes if you leave them on while you take a dump?
Calm down, Aoba!
Ok. Good night.
Oyasumi Aoba-chan!
Fuckoff back to Michlan.
The only thing that matters is a portfolio, and you don't need a degree in vidya design to get one.
i used to want to make videogame full of my own ideas, and then i realized my ideas are shit
i'd love to work in a team where i'd be nothing but mere high-level programmer, making simple scripts on engine and shit
but who i am kidding, this is anime picture thread anyway
The fact that you're serious is really pathetic
go back to Sup Forums, retard
I almost feel like giving up already, and all I'm planning on doing is making maps and whatnot.
As soon as you go back to plebbit
dont you mean neppit?
Shit I dropped the series after the 2nd episode cause I thought it was boring, but these few moments of lewdness might be enough to lure me back in.
I really don't want to masturbate right now though
So what kind of games do you anons wanna make? I want to do 3D platformers. Colorful, interesting worlds, tight gameplay, and catchy music. I feel like that genre has been pretty dead for a long time.
As in a pipe dream?
Crazy fast-paced 3D aRPGs that push mechanics to the limit.
But my computer is shit so I'm stuck working in 2D.
Why do you think that when there are a bunch or recent 3D platformers. and a couple of new ones.
It sucks how you can't tell someone to go back to r.eddit without it being filtered. I have no doubt that a mod who actually goes to r.eddit put the phrase in the word filter.
Because the recent ones I've played aren't really what I'm looking for. Maybe I'm just missing the good ones, but they all seem to get bogged down with story or bad level design. That or they're only part platformer and blend in elements of other genres.
There's a lot of things I'd like to make. Right now, what I want to make the most is a 2d action game. Something intense, difficult with long but engaging boss battles.
Nah, it comes from a time where "go back to plebbit" was everyone's go to insult after seeing an opinion they didn't like. It resulted in a lot of shitposting and baiting.
>Mfw 2D qts can't even get me to follow that old dream of mine.
You've already experienced reality and know game dev is nothing like this.
>staying all night every night working on shitty little gay problems and bugs that shouldn't fucking exist and suck and are gay
>anyone who plays your game just fucks it up with exploits and looks at underwear instead
>your co-workers are all completely insane and, while enjoyable to be around most of the time, would probably drive you to suicide if you were forced to be with them all the time without work to distract
>the entire company is hinging on the success of this one average-at-best product
sounds like game development to me, only difference is cute grills
oh, I only watched the first episode. if it isn't all sunshine and rainbows, maybe I'll give it another try
my dreams consist of cuddling with cute girls
There's like an entire episode dedicated to how her model keeps getting rejected for not meeting standards, and after 3 days of putting her heart into it it finally passes standards