Why aren't you guys patching your censored western release and playing this right now?
Tokyo Mirage Sessions FE
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Patched or censored, why would I play Awakening Idols?
Is this game the one with more work done to remove censorship?
wtf this game got released? I haven't heard anything of it since the announcement.
Because I already did.
Waiting for IOSU since Loadiine sucks
Because I already started the game and I cant be assed to restart. I already beat the censored dungeon anyways.
That and I cant find my wiiu gamepad, and I own the game physically.
Not reading N5 translator shitters copy of the game.
Already pirated it and content with that.
because i don't know how to and i'm probably dumb enough to brick my wiiu trying.
Because I beat it and am waiting a while before going back to beat lunatic.
Best jrpg I've played in a while, it's nice to have something new and high quality so I'm not forced to play garbage like Tales or Neptunia
Because I already beat the game and I'm not an autistic weeb.
So fuck you.
because the gameplay isn't censored
Huh? What's N5 translator??
>right now
because i did 3 months ago
n5 is the lowest achievable "rank" for the japanese proficiency test which indicates that you are able to read and understand japanese at a basic level and can understand conversations spoken very slowly
But the game was already translated when it was localised. The only changes they would have made there would be correcting age references, I think.
Because I don't care about the story, it would be a waste of time.
The only thing this patch does to the translation is reverting the reddubed lines
Even less of a reason to uncensor it just to see an age differently.
I don't care enough about this game to do this
Do I need to have any knowledge of FE or SMT to enjoy this game?
Is that patch even complete yet? That's what I'm waiting for.
If you don't know the characters and situations being referenced you will probably enjoy it a lot less, but it's a fun game by itself
16 and 17 year olds were aged up. The VAs even redubbed the line
A gravure modeling bit got changed to general modeling and the swimsuits were made into a new costume
A dungeon in chapter 2/6 during the story will have pictures of girls modeling that were girls in bikinis in the original. After the chapter ends, the dungeon reverts to pictures of Tokyo.
This totally changes the experience of the game where demons..I mean Mirages are possessing people with talent. Those boobs were so important and completely change the whole tone of the game and make chapters 1, 3, 4, 5, and 6 just awful because I can't stop thinking about how a blue haired FEMALE is blogging on tumblr.
The Japanese release was censored as well if you are one of the morons who believe as soon as something is on video in a trailer, it has to be in the final game.
no, not at all. there's only very minor references to SMT and FE which add nothing to game as a whole. I'd recommend getting into SMT if you like the gameplay and/or FE if you like the characters (mirages)
Yeah, so why change it? Fuck them
The people who say they're pirating were never going to buy the game and are not customers. Nintendo doesn't need to listen to people who don't buy their games.
I wouldn't go anywhere near this garbage even if Nintendo had left it untouched. Good riddance.
That was before piracy. they lost costumers, lot of tem
Because I don't get triggered easily like the rest of you white boys.
Isn't it? What else is there left to uncensor?
Wrong, the game leading up to release messed them up.
They gotta make it literal and remove any recognizable pop culture references. Nickelwise the clown and Skellington have to go.
Too bad, user. Gameplay wise, it's bretty gud.
Because it has a lot of shit I hate.
>Fire Emblem
>Japanese voice acting
>Japanese voice actors singing
You can argue shit like "b-but the gameplay is good!" all day long and it would never convince me to even go near a copy at my local GameStop. This game used the worst part of Megami Ibunroku Persona and Fire Emblem Awakening; waifu discussions non-stop.
I don't follow. Are these references that don't exist in the Japanese release that they added into the western localization?
>This game used the worst part of Megami Ibunroku Persona
But it doesn't have a calendar system.
Usually the people who do this have a very stiff literal translation. The kinds that even if all goes according to keikaku* and the game comes out uncensored, they don't like how something was translated
Translator's note: keikaku means plan
"The people" being the original localizers, or the ones creating the patch after the fact? I guess I'm confused as to why they'd have to touch any of the dialog to "uncensor" it further (not counting the age references).
I patched it months ago but I didn't have my Wii U connected to the TV at the time and the game doesn't have offline play, so I didn't play.
I have it patched on a SD card ready, but I haven't played it because I want DLC costumes and extra dungeon. When we can pirate that I'll play it
What about fire emlbem? Entire features and conversations were taken out for zero reason.
because I didn't fall for the Wii U meme.
Because I buy games that I like, I know insane right?
I did. Then I removed it because the censorship was literally nothing of even remote importance.
no Wiiu emulation
yeah it got released in June over here and did bad. It did even worse in Japan:
Eh, this game doesn't have really any deep or meaningful Japanese sayings in it anyways.
The most Japanese looking character is probably Mamori since her regular attire is the kimono. The rest of them wear modern day clothes.
If you don't like TMS, you legitimately have shit taste. GotY easy so far.
Because I keep forgetting people still make Wii U game
No reason why you can't buy it to support, and then patch and load from sd card. Just sayin.
>supporting censorship
This is just stupid, might as well import the Japanese game and download the uncensored patched version instead
Can't buy anything in the west without doing that.
How does one unsensor thier physical copy?
Rip your physical copy to your wiiu, install patch.
or just download the iso.
Im retarded. Hlp plz.
I don't know the full process but I'm in your boat. if you have homebrew loader on your Wiiu you can put the game on your SD card, and load the game from there. Essentially making your disc useless.
Because I don't care about the changes
Even if you add tits, a shit game is a shit game.
Its a good game though. So your statement is invalid.
For me the gameplay was great. But good god the story really needed some work,not helping things was just how goddamn boring Itsuki is as a character.
Does the patch fix the outfit changes?
If so wheres the nude patch or extra lewd outfit patch?
waiting for patch 1.3 to be released before i patch it
yes and some dialog changes as well.
But some of the cut-scenes get stutter after you patch it
why's that, SD read speed?