I know this is anecdotal, but people call this place nintendogaf, but I see them constantly get shit on, more so than Sony, to be honest, and most of the Sony hate is towards their fans.
So, if anything, this place is PCgaf.
I know this is anecdotal, but people call this place nintendogaf, but I see them constantly get shit on, more so than Sony, to be honest, and most of the Sony hate is towards their fans.
So, if anything, this place is PCgaf.
This place is shitgaf
We shit on everything
Jesus Christ why did they think that hyper sterile all white aesthetic looked good? The grey logo is awful.
The damage control with sonyggers is mind blowing, that's why.
Pretendos are just out in full force right now.
They really want to try and control the narrative surrounding Nintendo games. Hence these constant 'Nintendoomed' posts.
Nintoddlers, sonyggers, microshits, it's all banter. Don't take any of it seriously.
Sup Forums will find any opportunity to shit on anything, just see
Now, I love Nintendo, but since the Wii U, despite how much I'll defend my choice to purchase one, they've made some dumbass mistakes. Things were looking good when they gave us Splatoon and showed support to their games with decent DLC, but it has been a few years of 1 step forward and 3 steps back.
I like Nintendo, but I'm willing to admit they need to get their shit together.
Why haven't they made a new metroid? People use poor sales as an excuse, but why did they release that bullshit game they just did AND hammer home why we were wrong for hating it?
Doesn't make any sense. I don't need Nintendo hardware to be on par with the others, I just want good games from other franchises.
I feel like I'm a fair and raitonal person and buy every console, I even want a gaming PC. But I honestly believe Nintendo is making the most quality games.
Rather, I don't think anyone else is even coming close. I mean Sony's lineup is so dull. Fucking Ratchet and Clank PS2 remake? Uncharted 4 was also disappointing. At least Kirby #281 you know is of an acceptable quality. With Sony and MS it's a crapshoot.
>They really want to try and control the narrative
If you like metroid so much why cant you at least try and be informed on how nintendo works and who sakamoto is and how insane are his ways
What have they done since Splatoon that was so bad? They've been staying out the way in preparation for whatever this next phase in their history is.
If you mean shit like paper Mario Color splash, blame their devs.
He's not wrong. People shitpost here constantly as if it's their job. It might just be a handful of truly dedicated psychos though.
>PC is one thing
friendo, Sup Forums started as a WoW board - and to this day remains a containment ground largely for blizzcucks and underage. hence the o/v/erbros population.
I was just saying that they gave us a great new IP and were actually showing support to it and other games, then they suddenly drop it all. Star Fox, while fun, was not that great, SMM still lacking a lot of features, but instead of patching more content they're making a port for the 3DS.
>But I honestly believe Nintendo is making the most quality games.
Colour Splash, Star Fox 0, Federation Force, 2D Side Scroller platformer number six thousand and ninty five, Mario Tennis, Mario Olympics Rio
You're a fucking retard lmao
>responding seriously to Cody
SMM was a pretty big hit with wii u owners, at least give them that.
I too can pick cherries.
>Colour Splash
Not out yet
>Star Fox 0
Miyamoto trying to salvage the wiiu controller and failing
>Federation Force
Its an ok game
>2D Side Scroller platformer number six thousand and ninty five,
There is nothing wrong with platformers
>Mario Tennis,
Never played this
>Mario Olympics Rio
Not developed by nintendo
Oh, I get how they work, but it's still frustrating.
The censorship, shit spinoffs, lack of releases, region lock, shit online, shit VC catalog and constant dry periods of games have made me pay less attention to Nintendo the past few years.
Yeah and I love it, but there's no denying they could keep supporting it.
Prior to E3 2015 it really was NintendoGAF.
I'm glad someone else noticed that Nintendo went to shit with the logo change
Whats nintendo even doing
No announcements for so many months
I fear they are trying to expand into non videogame stuff too fast and have not enough people for it
I am looking forward to the zelda movie though
because its a cherry bush you fuck - go pick some decent games - you cant
It's not cherry picking when I can mention like 10+ bad games Nintendo has made within the last 2 years alone.
Nintendo makes like 1 good game for every 10 bad ones they make.
Splatoon is the ONLY good Nintendo game they fucking made in ages. You can say DKTP is good but its the same fucking game they've already made with country returns, just upped polygons and mix and matching some stage design. Side scrollers aren't impressive anymore. Nintendo is stagnating at the moment and it's because they hand hold and grip their des so tightly instead of letting them do their own thing and evolving their games
ITT:newfags that have been on Sup Forums for less than 10 years.
You kids today crack me up.
The period of post E3 2015 and up until the western release of Fates in early 2016 was probably the most hostile period against Nintendo on Sup Forums, not that it wasn't deserved. Hell I enjoyed dogpiling on the hate with the bullshit spinoff games like AC festival and censorship of games like Fatal Frame 5 or XCX. Seems like now the hate now is over Nintendo taking down fan games and releasing shit games like Federation Force.
Well I'm enjoying plenty of games they've released this gen. I guess we can agree to disagree.
Enjoy your ps4.
It's just a justification to shitpost.
>Wow this place is such a circlejerk, help me change that!
In reality, Sup Forums has always been a PC centric board. What has ruined this board though was the /vr/ split.
>b-but sony
Can you people be less predictable for once in your lives.
It's the most popular console, shitdick. I own a ps4, why would it be an insult?
>In reality, Sup Forums has always been a Blizzard centric board
fixed it for you.
>Enjoy your ps4.
The fuck are you talking about? I own a wiiU and a 3DS which I've had for years now. Enjoy that bogey sony man though you.. If we don't talk about it Nintendo wont hear about it and that's why they don't ever change and keep doing the same thing and make bad games over and over again. We have to fact reality and help Nintendot face reality, that's the only way we can get them to make good games again but right now, they are in a deadlock and it wont help if Nintendo fans cant admit it. I can why cant u
It was a Valve dominated board up until Valve stopped making video games.
haha you think nintendo listens to people, scratch that gaijins, scratch that gaijins on Sup Forums
Thats cute
I don't have any interest in the games they make that I don't like. There will never be a time when they bat 1000 and every game is amazing. I play what I'm interested in and it's been a lot. My 3DS is filled with games.
>haha you think nintendo listens to people
They actually fkn try to listen you know.. but the problem is all the feedback they hear is praise, even when its a bad fkn game. That's the fkn priblem. That's why they cant improve because those Nintendo fans who just tell them everything is okay when the house is on fire and burning down
It probably is their job. One of the things that 'Cody' really highlighted was just how often the same people would lurk on threads and post the same exact shit over and over again.
I'm not sure if they are legitimate shills, but the people who shitpost about Nintendo are a vocal minority that just happen to be online at all times.
>If we don't talk about it Nintendo wont hear about it and that's why they don't ever change
Well when you make statements like "Nintendo makes 1 good game per 10 bad games', no one is going to take you seriously because nothing even the smuggest Sony executive believes that.
It's the mods that shit on Sony, they make sure 100% without fail to delete each and every thread about any Playstation game unless it is literally constantly bumped to the front page because the game is brand new, they also make sure to allow all kinds of Nintendo threads to break all sorts of rules even threads that are blantamt buy this Nintendo product threads
It'd probably just one very active mod but it seems like more and then when you complain about wanting a neutral zone you get banned, it's worse than dealing with an SJW.
The reason people are shitting on Nintendo so much right now is because they are in the shit right now themselves, look at their last direct ffs
are you from reddit or something?
Stay in denial I guess, you're a useless fanboy. I on the other hand will try my best to tell Nintendo what it needs to hear so they can hopefully return to their roots and start churning out quality games like they used to.
Take a note from this poster, he's exactly right
Honestly, I think it's mostly Nintendo fans wondering why Nintendo is so stupid. I don't think many people here actively go out of their way to shit on Nintendo fans themselves, though that's debatable.
>on the other hand will try my best to tell Nintendo what it needs to hear
And you will never be listened to for obvious reasons.
>he's exactly right
He isn't Breath of the Wild proves him dead wrong.
Asshole Nintentards defended Star Fox Zero.
Everyone is desperate.
Historically, yes, Sup Forums has predominately held Nintendo as the golden child but after the wave in popularity of Smash and Splatoon, then Nintendo's E3 conference and Monster Hunter Gen getting a lukewarm welcome, faced with slow starvation in titles and not many on the horizon besides the mystery box NX, there's been some descension in the hardcore Nintendrone fanbase. Either that or noticeable quieting in hype for Nintendo in general.
>I on the other hand will try my best to tell Nintendo what it needs to hear
and get absolutely nowhere and accomplish absolutely nothing. You might as well play something you actually do like.
Fuck off with your bullshit Cody
PC isn't a brand you can fanboy for
Nintendo has a blind obsession where no matter what they do, they are praised for it
Recently they shut down over 500 free fan games, including AM2R, and I see countless faggots on Sup Forums defending them, calling it the right move. There's a difference between being legally entitled to do something and it being "the right move" or even "right" at all.
>I see them[nintendo] constantly get shit on
shills here are literally defending the AM2R takedowns
come the fuck on
And people are considering them to be worse than Hitler for doing what just about every company does.
When is that cunt going to be permabanned?
lmao no, not even remotely
and taking fangames down isn't that common, especially not big ones like AM2R
Sega and Valve have both endorsed fan games
Nintendo just hates its fans too much to care
It's quite common, it just doesn't always get brought up in the news.
Sega has also squashed their share.
The only company that consistently embraces modders is Valve and that's because part of their fame is owed to them.
>Nintendo just hates its fans too much to care
Killing fangames = hating their fans.
Most fans don't even play fangames because of their lack of quality control.
Hi Cody, isnt this board for 18 and over?
>Killing fangames, releasing shovelware, ignoring the 30th anniversary, and leaving them in a drought after one of the worst games to ever be made = hating their fans.
Fixed that for you chum.
It's Friday, he has no homework, has no friends, and the weekend is upon him
its not cherrypicking, nintendo doesnt make real games anymore except for an occasional zelda
Every single game they've made this gen was, at the best, a 5/10. And I couldn't give them any higher a score. They all suffer from the same problems that you commonly see from Sony and MS games.
I don't see why they're so special.
>Killing fangames
Irrelevant to most people.
>releasing shovelware
Subjective. Like I would considering the Pikmin 3DS game to be shovelware but not the sports games bundle. Either way, they aren't the only one making throwaway titles.
>ignoring the 30th anniversary
Not ever gets an anniversary campaign. Like where was all this bitching during Star Fox's anniversary?
>leaving them in a drought after one of the worst games to ever be made
Metroid, historically, gets droughts. It's not the most popular franchise after all. It being acknowledged at all is godsend compared to what many other franchises have to go through.
So no, not hating their fans. Just fans being little bitches.
stop shilling, seriously fuck off dude
>what they have done bad after this great game
>lol blame devs for shit games
nintard logic
Who gives a shit, seriously. Most of the board is mustard, consoles are for idiots.
>Most fans don't even play fangames because of their lack of quality control.
then explain me why am2r downloaded 1 million while federation force sold 4k
this, the dmca rampage is just piss icing on the shitcake of modern nintendo
Sega has also taken down them as well. I remember there was this big streets of rage project that was taken down a couple years back.
>then explain me why am2r downloaded 1 million while federation force sold 4k
>then explain me why am2r downloaded 1 million while federation force sold 4k
no, it's been pretty much 2 good to 1 bad lately.
Every Nintendo event gets a sticky here, rarely happens for the other systems.
Easy, bad fanbase bitched before the game was even released.
I think polished is a better way to define current Nintendo games.
Speaking the truth isn't shilling.
Here's more truth. People mention that Sega is better with their fans when the reality is the complete opposite. Sega ignores all their IPs not named Sonic which the exception of doing rereleases for easy money. Most of their popular series haven't had a new game in 15-20 years.
Not to mention Phantasy Star Online still doesn't have a western release.
Don't get me start on Capcom.
Who the duck buys sonic tho?
The only people I have ever heard play that game in the last 10 years is journalists, critics and GameGrumps
As user said earlier, Sup Forums stopped being nintengaf probably summer of 2015.
It's not our fault nintendo keep fucking up.
Sup Forums was never nintendogaf.