Crumbling Island Arena (CIA) is a DOTA 2 mod that plays like a fights/moba. Everyone has 3 Skills and an ult. Very fun and skill intensive

However it all takes place on a floating island, that slowly falls apart. This is how it starts out

And it ends like this...

There is 1v1 2v2 and 3v3 ranked mode. It's really fun


This game really is fun guys, especially with a friend to duo with. Feels like lol or dota without the farming or towers

There are 35 champions in now, and 5 more are planned to come out soon. The creator was adding one every week, and updates very frequently

Bump We could get 4 people and play 2v2s

Game coordinator down. Anyone gonna play once it's up?

The idea is not bad but the fact that you are making this an ad spam makes me go report this shit.

PS: Saged.

Anti sage. This is the only way to get people to see it

Coordinator is back up, get on

>OP this desperate in an attempt to promote an ASSFAGGOTS-like

Pal i am trying to be friendly here. This isn't making me want to try your gamemode, its doing the opposite.

How else do I get people playing other then bumping? If I just make a thread people will just see a game they never played and ignore it.

1. this is assfaggots and no one likes assfaggots

2. you keep samefagging the thread and no one likes samefags

3. the game doesnt even look that fun

>skill intensive

>No farming
>No towers
>Only skillshots

How is that like a moba at all?

>how do i get people playing

By making a good gamemode that people enjoy

>if i just make a thread people will ignore it

Same applies to bumping

It is a good gamemode, it has something like 200,000 downloaders.

and Dota has several million, doesnt make it good

>Skill intensive

Then you dont need to make a thread on a taiwanese deodorant child worker's forums.

But It only has 50 active players right now, so I want to have more people playing.

But dont advertise on Sup Forums senpai.

How do you advertise a free game?

Its not a game. Its a mod. And you do it in places like Dota forums or Dota mod showcases.

Seems fun, I'll try it out later.

It has it's own mechanics and skills, how is it not it's own game?

Screen shot of a game, the map got rekt

Warcraft was a game.

Dota 1 was a mod.

Dota 2 is a game.

You might have a mod that could stand on its own and do well as a standalone game, but as long as it still requires the base dota 2 game and uses its assets its still a mod.

Day of Infamy its a game, but it has a mod from insurgency.

Insurgency its a game, but it has a mod from HL2.

So we aren't allowed to talk about mods on Sup Forums?

Advertising (a.k.a. shilling) is not permitted on Sup Forums, no. Read the rules sometimes user.

No. You can talk about mods allright. But most people dont find people spamming their own mod creation everywhere as something fun. Its not that you want people to notice your mod, its that you should not do it on Sup Forums.

Like i said, find a mod sharing forums, or a showcase forum, or get to talk with a famous youtuber or something.

But I'm not selling anything, just want to share a cool game with the people here, and get some new people to play with

Dude, fuck off. That's like trying to shut down Enderal discussion
>b-b-but it's a MOD of skyrim, not a real game

Shout outs to MSS that I bodied

It's not my mod, I just play it.

And you are shilling about it.

I am just trying to get more people to play?

And i already told you. Shilling about it wont help.


It feels really good when you completely fuck someone up in this game.

Also lone druid is for fags.

Who is common bans in this game?

So it's like warlocks a bit?

I don't know what warlocks is, but maybe?

Venge lone druid and PA


An important note: Everyone has 5 health and most don't have a way of healing so be careful

Not really.

Shadowblade stops it on the spot. Done it with Drow ranger. If you are a tank and dont carry shadow blade its not much to worry about then.

>Crumbling Island Arena (CIA)


The World is pretty sweet.

>clearly says hero

Crashing this Island

He's talking about the mod, you can do 3-4 dmg in a few seconds

I played this quite a bit and wasn't Storm Spirit pretty OP over time because he gets like a dozen remnants.

It's just hard to trigger the explosions sometimes

So does the rocket guy just target you with missiles you can't dodge then laser you to death? He's unkillable.

The games been sitting at 90-100 players for a while now, I guess people are playing at least.