What was the first game you played as a kid, Sup Forums?
What was the first game you played as a kid, Sup Forums?
grab-ass with the neighbor kids
Snes games. Power Rangers was the shit.
Later the N64 with Banjo Kazzoie and Tooie. My personal GOTYS.
It is illegal to be gay in Singapore, punishable by law.
Truly a conservatives paradise
Some game where you touch each other's peepees until white stuff comes out and whoever is the last one to not have white stuff come out wins. I think it was called Willywank.
Star Wars on the Atari 2600.
Greendog the beached surfer dude on the megadrive / genesis
Super Mario World
Paperboy 2 for the snes when I was 5. You're in this weird neighborhood and you must deliver papers with everything trying to kill you. Plays like a rail shooter and I've recently been playing the gameboy port to kill some time. That one's a faithful conversion but damn the framerate. Go snes and I can't speak for the Genesis port.
Probably one of the Putt-Putt games.
>babbys first shooter is real
donkey kong country
Streets of Rage 2
co-oped with my bro everyday
Dad's got a picture of me playing frogger on intellivision, but I don't remember doing it
my actual first I remember was SMB 1
Some racing game on a yellow monochrome monitor back 1986.
I remember this from my earliest
It was either OOT or Star Fox 64
Treasure Cove. It was one of those educational games but it was fun.
Baby anons got good taste
Same here
Sonic Spinball
Mostly I just watched the cooler, older kids play it and made a fool of myself when it was my turn, though.
Commander keen 4. 30 minutes of reading got me 30 minutes of playtime. Good afternoons as a 4 year old, those were. Also played Gabriel knight games, Myst, and system shock 1. Lived with my nerdy uncle and got to play some pretty cool games.
Be honest, have any of you had gay experiences as a kid? I did, but not with an adult, and it wasn't sexual really.
of course, it's normal.