>Video game series continues going downhill
>Newer entries are just sad, pathetic shells of the old titles
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>Video game series continues going downhill
>Newer entries are just sad, pathetic shells of the old titles
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Literally every Nintendo game past Metroid Prime/Wind Waker.
Doesn't this happen to every game ever that has a multiple sequels?
Yes, I'd rather see a series with 10+ entries that continues to get better. For a while Final Fantasy was getting better (6-10 are collectively much better than 1-5), but that trend definitely reversed in 11-15.
Pretty much any series which goes on long enough. Usually after the original core team leaves. Sometimes even with the original core team.
The only exception I can think of is Dragon Quest. Or Vanillaware games as a whole if you want to count them. I would have said Metroid, but obviously that was ruined last gen.
did he get run over?
what is elder scrolls
Sonic. It's gotten so bad that autistic fans are now in charge of the series.
This. After all these years Sega finally went full retard.
isnt that a good thing?
i mean compare sonic mania stuff to sonic 4, clearly a leap in quality. autism isnt (always) a bad thing. sometimes. if you are lucky.
Sonic 4 was at least canon and official. I've never been into fanmade games.
what would you say is the best sonic game? every sonic game pisses me off because it's all about speed and the levels obstacles seem designed to slow you down and punish you with floaty platforming. what's the best one that if I don't like, I just don't like sonic?
All sonic games are like that. It's something you are going to have to get used to is you want to play them. My personal favorites are Sonic 3 & Knuckles, Sonic Rush, and Sonic Adventure.
doesn't that seem counter intuitive though? I have decent reaction time but without knowing the level your first play is bound to be full of running fast until anything pops up and you inevitably fuck up. maybe I'm looking at it wrong
I would say just play and beat Sonic 1 and don't bother with the rest. Play through the first one and you'll get a gist of what the entire series is like.
Assassin's Creed
stop trying to start cwc threads there's absolutely nothing going on in his life now
The series is built on trial and error. It wants you to go fast but then puts a fucking enemy right in front of you while you are just getting at top speed. You are supposed to remember where that enemy is the next time you play so you know to avoid it.
Halo. Halo 5's campaign is 2/10
Also yeah Nintendo in general.
and fuck you man, DOOM is the best single player shooter in years
what does Sonic 4 being canon and official have to do with anything? it was a shit game, and the only thing it does better than sub par romhacks is the graphics.
sonic was conceived on the idea of speed running. literally the inspiration was from speedruns of mario.
Paper Mario past TTYD.
Super Paper Mario is good. Not the same, but an excellent spinoff. SS makes me want to die, CS probably will too
It gives the vibe that the creators put thought and care into the installment of a franchise. I don't like the idea of nobodies thinking they know how to make a better game than the actual creators.
but they diddnt, like sonic 4 shit the bead in almost every conceivable way. the gameplay was the worst part.
the guy in charge already made several ports that were officially used by sega themselves already. and now hes working hand in hand with them for a new installment.
>I don't like the idea of nobodies thinking they know how to make a better game than the actual creators.
i dont think thats the case here, but its definitely applicable to other things, like project M is a clear case of this.
What's so bad about Sonic 4? I enjoy it quite a bit. It gets a lot of hate but I don't know why. The jumping is pretty clunky but that's true of any Sonic game. Although I do have a bit if bias because it was the first Sonic game I ever played.
Yakuza is pretty consistent and is a 10 year series.
There is also the occurrence of a new entry completely revitalizing the franchise after years of shitty titles, like KOF after 03 ,or entries being really inconsistent, like YS
Mario platformers and Resident Evil. Metal Gear is doomed to this, too.
I don't know. The guys making Mania come off as arrogant. They've made some comments that pretty much mock Sonic Team.
fire emblem is really riding the line hard
on the one hand, its still a fun game
on the other hand, pandering, shit localizations, yada yada
if i remember correctly, a lot of it is programed to "look" like sonic gameplay, but isnt.
like landing on a curved slope is the same as landing on flat ground, inertia is fucked, it dosnt bother with sonics current angle/inertia when jumping, and it automatically adjusts speed when going up some quarterpipes and shit. essentially, if you stick to the default path sonic would take through a level you wouldn't notice a thing, but the moment you try to be clever or do any tricks the game stops dead.
i know ive seen vids of this and lots of examples a while back, maby someone here can digem up.
id say given sonic team track record they kinda warrant shittalking, real or not. although this is the first ive herd of this.
Halo since Bungie left. Too bad Bungie is shit too now
The only thing I can think of is they were asked how many levels would be in Mania and their response was to not worry becuase it's not going to be Sonic 4 split between two games.
hmm, might be because they are still working on them, and dont have a definitive awnser, but were trying to distance themselves from sonic 4, the thing everybody would be associating and making assumptions with.
i think thay were trying not to give a definitive awnser atm, but wanted people to get an idea of the bear minimum they were shooting for, i know they go a little more in depth about the levels they are working on
>I don't like the idea of nobodies thinking they know how to make a better game than the actual creators
because you're autistic
Sonic Team fucking deserves it, you sperg.
>festering, mortifying, wound in his taint which he thinks is a vagina and as such won't fix it
>nothing going on
At this point it's a countdown until he either becomes a ward of the state or he just straight up dies from septic shock
Honestly, given all the evidence, I think all someone has to do is send an email explaining the situation to the relevant authority: I think most states require a person to be an imminent threat to themselves or others and it would not be hard to convince the trier of fact that his...nurturing of an abscess that the word gross does little justice to is imminent in that he harm he is doing to himself is something that is already happening and it doesn't get much more imminent than that
It's the phenomenon known as sequelitis! For every unplanned sequel made to a series, the probabilities of them fucking up rises
That's actually a good move because they know they're shit at sonic games, and they know that the fans can make much better games.
It was smart of sega to hire that guy
Paper Mario, it kills me what happened to the series.
paper mario was never good
I don't like your opinion.
Paper Mario 64 and Thousand Year Door...
What I would give to play it again.
Sorry, but Paper Mario games, despite their wacky fanfic characters and settings, are so fucking dull. Most of the areas involve running around and doing menial sidetasks, and the battles are so painfully easy because they all are pretty much killed the same way, have no variety to make them more interesting, and badges are capable of fucking nuking the game.
I disagree entirely with your opinion.
Enlighten me please.
The fastest sonic games are sonic advance 2 (honestly the first fast sonic game), sonic rush and sonic rush adventure, sonic unleashed, and sonic generations. Sonic unleashed is the fastest AND best looking 3D game in the series, while advance 2 or rush adventure is the fastest 2D game in the series. Cant tell sometimes. Everything is chock full of floaty shit platforming, so if youre looking for speed. Try one of those
There hasn't been a Halo game since Reach.
Only the first sentence was an opinion.
Halo 5's campaign is indeed disappointing, but 2/10 is an exaggeration, and it's MP is the best the franchise has had in a very, very long time. 5's forge and customs are also amazing, and a custom games browser was just announced.
If Halo 6's SP and MP is as good as halo 5's MP is, it legitimately could be the best Halo game period, depending on how the story is and how much content it has.
>it's MP is the best the franchise has had in a very, very long time
Great, I hear halo 6 is coming to PC. I'll try it out then.
Explain why you disagree then.
>inb4 you haven't actually played it and you are just assuming it's bad because 343
>inb4 you complain about a bunch of stuff that's not even in the game/isn't the case
Halo 5's MP and forge are coming to PC as well in a few weeks.It won't have matchmaking, it'll have customs.
If you haven't played 5 yet and are unfortunate enough to have windows 10, you should check that out since you are essentially just getting all the parts of 5 that are actually good for free.
I'm not saying its bad. I'm saying I prefered 3 and reach to 5
iI could be the Nostalgia talking, but 3 and reach felt much more solid then 5 or 4. 5 was better then 4 though
I don't have windows 10 but I'll figure out something.
Every megaman series,
Personally, I think as far as MP ("normal" multiplayer, not forge/custons) it goes:
2 > 5 > CE > Reach > 3 > 4
5's core gameplay feels so good to me. The weapon balance is unquestioably the best in the series, with autos being highly accurate and actually useful, and most guns feeling distinct enough and not clone-ish unlike in 3 and 4, while still having a lot of guns. The gunplay feels great, the movement feels exstremely fluid and tight at the same time, and all the new movement mechanics are well executed.
A lot of people complain that the halo games feel slow and floaty, and while that's mostly a meme complaint, 5's physics speed things up and makes gravity feel nicer just enough that while it still feels like halo, it feels more responsive and I honestly prefer how it feels in 5 compared to the older titles./
The map design isn't as good as in CE and 2, but i'd say it's a step up from 3 and 4 and a hell of a lot better then reach's. I also really love how halo 5 feels very competitive in the same way halo 2 did, if that makes sense. In fact, halo 2's only real issue was the shit tier weapon balance, which again, 5 fixes. The only reason I don't have 5 over 2 or tied with it is 5 just lacks a lot of content: Even though it's forge is GOAT and it has a fuck ton of custom game options, there's so few maps, so few gametypes, and no BTB maps at all outside of forge ones.
Personally, 3 always felt like a clear step down from 2 to me. The only thing it improves is the introduction of forge and the size of the weapon/vehicle sandbox: In every other respect, it's worse then 2 or only as good as far as MP: It's slower and weapons arte more inaccurate, but maps are larger, which means there's tones of dead space in matches, the maps are worse, it feels less competive, etc.
I don't know what you're expecting me to say, I just disagree. You find the games dull which is extremely opinionated, I can't refute how you feel about the game. I find running around the areas talking to the NPCs & doing tasks and puzzles with the partners entertaining & interesting. The only thing I can really say is I agree that it's easy, but it never bothered me since I still found them fun and personally I did try other ways to attack the enemies since you have so many badges & partners to choose from. Also while Badges can break the game, they can also make a Low-HP run interesting & fun. I don't mean to sound Nintendronish here but I just see you as disliking the game simply & it not meaning the game is actually bad. But hey, I find easy games in general fun like Kirby or games where there barely is a difficulty around and you just explore like Yume Nikki.
Everything Blizzard released after WotLK. Overwatch and Hearthstone get a pass for being new titles.
As far as reach, tl;dr I really loved it, but something about it felt "sterlized" compared to CE, 2, and 3; and the maps were just garbage.
I enjoyed it over 3 in pretty much every other way, but those 2 things alone cause a pretty hit.
Games were always money makers as also hobby, but some also had soul into them. These days most games are just money cinematic makers with no soul at all, that's why they feel like "empty".
Games were also something like magical, with weird worlds, ideas, things that could happen normally. These days games are just movies with producers trying to be movie makers with shitty cheese scripts and characters that are made to please parts of society instead of making characters from their own imagination. So those characters feel forced as fuck too, with no growth at all through the story.
Remaking old titles? That's like what they do with movies, they get worse. In movies the acting is just worse than before with story elements changed for no reason, in gaming story is also changed but the gameplay changed to a point sometimes is just cinematics like I said before.
Tropical Freeze