The last two games you played are now one.
How crazy is it?
The last two games you played are now one.
How crazy is it?
Other urls found in this thread:
>Patapon 3
>Yakuza 4
Fight Yakuza in rhythm to the beat
>Dark Souls 3
>Adventure Labyrinth Story
Basically the chalice dungeons from BB but a lot cuter.
>Football Manager 2016
>Deus Ex: Mankind Divided
Too many facking slavs.
>Resident Evil 6
seems pretty fun
>mfw I play Ryu in smash
MMO with shitty connection and lag issues, and a occasional rathalos here and there, you have to look for the monsters in the wild, to hunt and get materials If other players don't kill it first and steal your materials.
>Metal Gear Rising
>Earthworm Jim
I literally don't know.
>Rainbow Six Siege
Squad-based tactical samurai duels?
>Witcher 1 EE
>Witcher 2 EE
I mean.
>Yakuza 2
>Yakuza 1
umm, i don't know? 2's combat becomes shittier? yeah i just started playing this series, finished 1 and went right on to 2. pretty good so far
>Pokemon Shuffle
What the fuck.
>WWE 2K16
>Rainbow Six Siege
RB6 with wrestling?
>Onimusha 2
>Metal Gear Revengeance
>Total war: Shogun 2
>Xcom 2
A turn based RPG where you must guide glorious Japan to victory against the alien scum.
>Ultimate Doom with Hideous Destructor
Tacticool Ninja FPS involving demons and aliens.
>Dwarf Fortress
>Pokemon Omega Ruby
You capture animals and train them to kill things. Also if you have the right tools you can make an underground base with traps......
>king of fighters
Baldur's Gate Siege of Dragonspear
Star Wars Jedi Knight Jedi Academy
So KoToR?
>dark souls 3
Balderich is one scary boss
Mount & Blade: Warband
Dawn of War: Dark Crusade
I'm a Chapter Master/Farseer/Overlord/Boss/etc maintaining my soldiers, cruising around space/the warp & fighting along side them? Sign me the fuck up. Ima be da biggest.
>Just cause 3
Flying samurais shooting eachother with Mexican accent.
Project diva f2
League of legends
Im ok with this
>Arma III
>Dino Crisis
So pretty much Dino Crisis but in 1st person, and with 13-year-olds flying helicopters.
>Monster Hunter Generations
>Dragon's Dogma Dark Arisen
Bloodborne and OlliOlli 2?
>Binary Domain
Spooky atmosphere, haunted by a child robot human hybrid with shooting and dismembering battle droids?
Sign me up.
World of warcraft
Fallout 4
Dear God no
>xcom 2
You know with the right mods this can totally happen
>God Eater Resurrection
>EDF 4.1
I don't think a fusion would change much of either one
Big Boss (Peace Walker) is now an Overwatch hero.
This is fine by me.
>Pokemon X
my poketeam in nioh
oh no.
>Battlefield 1 Beta
sounds pretty groovy
>Red Orchestra 2
I hope you've crafted plenty of smoke grenades because those bandits will pick you off from 80 yards if you just run out into the street. Also, the Thalmor just called rockets down on your position so enjoy.
You know, this sounds like a decent crossover. I can definitely see reindhart using the DK greatsword and the heavy armor sets.
The rest would be kinda hard to fit in, atleast you could throw a few bows from the archer for Hanzo.
How would it even work? I remember reading something about a cancelled PS2/Xbox Earthworm Jim game, and you had to fight a guy called Gorgon Zola in a Colosseum. I could imagine this fight, by Platinum's hand, to be a QTE fest not unlike AND THEY RUN WHEN THE SUN COMES UP.
Dark Souls II and clicker heroes
Sounds pretty bad
You're thinking of that backwards. Imagine XIV as a hero shooter with characters like the Scions as the heroes.
>Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate
I'm not creative enough to see how this could work.
>Deus Ex MD and Stalker SoC
Augmented slavs risking everything for money in a techno-horror wasteland located in the Chernobyl Zone of Alienation.
Tell me Sup Forums.
Is Deus Verdun: 1914 Divided
a good game?
Killing floor 2 with CS:GO
Meh I bet it would be alright and have a decent following.
>Deus Ex Mankind Divided
>Metal Gear Solid V
A Metal Gear with Deus Ex gameplay would be fucking great.
A co-op third person shooter where you and friends hunt demons in hell, shooting waves of normal enemies and fighting gigantic bosses
Age of Empires 2
Fallout 3
Hmm, Wasteland RTS? Sounds cool.
>Republic Commando
Blizzard releases a single player campaign for OW?
Alternatively, because I can't remember what I played first
>Empire at War
Blizzard releases the RTS they originally planned OW to be?
Set during the Ommnic Crisis?
Sounds pretty cool either way.
call of duty world at war
>witcher 3
Idk how that would work.
>Dark Souls III
Sounds colorful.
>castlevania: circle of the moon
>marvel vs capcom 1
I never knew i wanted this till now
>Dar Souls 3
>Faster Than Light
>mix game together
>everything is exactly the same
Are they MAGIC rockets or just your basic TWR(Talos Worshipper-seeking Rocket) type? Do they spray the ground with firedamage at a rate of 80hp/sec or did the guy enchanting them put extra fire/other elements in there?
> Just Cause 3
> Rocksmith
Pic Related
>Deus Ex
>Final Fantasy VI
Probably pretty fucking cool, I'd like to play an old school JRPG in a cyberpunk setting.
So, Titan?
Cyber Doll?
Thanks for the recs senpai!
i'd buy this.
i've been thinking about learning how to play flamenco style.
The first SMT gets cyberpunk-ish after a few hours, you should try that one too.
>dark souls 3
>witcher 3
Yes please
>Battlefield 1
>Hyperdimension Neptunia: Producing Perfection
I'm not creative enough to come up with an idea.
Smash melee and Kof98
It would be cool
Prove me wrong
Protip: you can't
Sounds like a disasterfuck.
Drawful 2 and pokemon oras.... what even would that be
>100% OJ and Rorona
Holy fuck will that game put me to sleep
Literally Console Wars: The Game
>dead by daylight
>Ultima 4
>Old style roleplaying game in which you live in a world of fantasy heroes and you have to defeat the big evil and talk with the people of the world and explore
Mite b cool
>Federation Force
So.... Other M?
>Rayman Legends
>Resident Evil 4
Leon or Rayman run around shooting/punching zombies to death while escorting the lum president's daughter around a bunch of hardcore platforming stages?
>Deus Ex MD
>Battlefield 1
Maybe a multiplayer game with dieselpunk prothesis, mechanic horses and mechas, in a totalitarian Prague during the 1910s?
I'll play the shit out of it
>Gravity Rush
Kat just kicks everything and flies away if shit gets too rough
>Xenoblade Chronicles X
>DMC 4
Anarcy Reigns
>Fire Emblem Awakening
>MGSV The Phantom Pain
Diamond Dogs 8-bit SRPG that takes the place of combat deployment.
>Arma 3
>battlefield 1
sounds like a fun arma mod
>Mario Kart 7
>Battlefield 1 Beta
Well now...
>Dota 2
>Town of Salem
All I can imagine is a Strategy-RPG styled MOBA where you have more than 4 other teammembers.
>nioh beta
nioh gameplay with turns and transistor visuals and music sounds pretty good
>E.Y.E Divine Cybermancy
I want this, a culter having to live in the zone.
>Thief Gold
>Ace Attorney Investigations 2
A stealth game where you play as Kay Faraday on her way to steal the truth. You have to make your way into crime scenes and investigate murders without getting caught. I'd play it
>100% OJ
>Garou: Mark of the Wolves
>Monster Girl Quest
Oh jesus christ. Those are two flavours that don't mix.
Bomberman and Super Paper Mario. Not very exciting.
Sounds like it would be amazing. Jim pulling off gun kata.
3v3 Smash. Seems like a winner to me.
I'd like to play this.
>Ace Combat 0
I'm not sure, but I know it'd be pretty crazy.
>The Witch and the Hundred Knight
>God Eater Resurrection
I'd play a huntan game set in the Hundred Knight world.
Pokemon Y and Killzone 3
>The Witcher 1
>Metal Gear Solid V
Oh my
>Street Fighter 5
>King of Fighters 14
Capcom vs SNK 3 confirmed?
WoW and attack on titan.
I dont know how diferent this could be except for maybe the titan hunters be a new class?
If that's cheating
So Doomguy is more super powered?
>Dragon Age Origins
>This war of mine
probably some shit about peasants scavenging around the village for resources while avoiding darkspawn's troupes
pretty lame if you ask me
Augmented Yokai
>Project Mirai DX
>Fantasy Life
Cute as fuck
>god eater 2 rage burst
>monster hunter gen
same hunting shit i guess...
Tactics Ogre: Let Us Cling Together
Ridge Racer
I have no fucking idea. I want it, whatever it is.
God Eaters would get rekt by monsters while hunters have a easy time killing aragami