>boss has no weakness
Boss has no weakness
>boss has multiple weaknesses
>boss is weak to some random item or element that had no significance until now
>final boss
>it's immune to everything
>boss has a huge, glowing weak point
>boss is immune to all status ailments and debuffs
what's with fist meme? I'm seeing this all over the place
>boss is unaffected by the central combat mechanic the entire game is built around
>Boss is weak to instant death attacks
>Boss exposes his weakness after a specific attack
>He keeps doing it after you take advantage of it the first time
>Early bosses cycle through weaknesses
>Late bosses cycle through single elements they aren't totally immune to
Wake me up inside
>final boss is immune to your ultimate attack
>you beat it with a simple punch
>No weakness
You are lacking in your "Punchghosts and their users in bizarre situations" knowledge
>boss seems to have obvious weakness you can exploit with a clever trick
>boss instantly goes crazy and curb stomps you for trying to be cheap
>Boss is weak to specific methods of attack
>Each time you damage him he makes sure to not get hit by that attack again
>boss can stop time, yet refuses to use it to stop you from escaping
>boss only takes like 5 hits but there's something like 13 ways to hurt him
OP talking about SHA. Sheer heart attack has no weakness.
Mr freeze in bamham
>Jotaro stops time, walks forward to try and capture Kira for one second, then explodes
look over here
>have to steal gear from boss otherwise he constantly heals
kira switches bodies using cinderella then kills the user
kira gets killed by an ambulance
everyone dies
>the obvious weakpoint is a ruse
Can you put your dick in those or are they too narrow
I wonder what will be the reaction of the animeonly fags when we get to this part... hopefully
> Weakpoint: Unknown
>Boss fires you.
I swear I can feel it on my arm right now.
This Phantom pain...
If you're 13. Even then they burst open
magic pengel did this and i'm still salty about it
the entire game was based around a rock/paper/scissors battle system where your last attack would be on cooldown so you couldn't just spam one thing and you could kind of predict what the enemy might use next turn
last boss got to use whatever the fuck he wanted whenever he wanted
fucking doodle king
>boss weakness is temperatures
Can someone explain the appeal of JoJo?
Aw. That's unfortunate.
>boss has an insane amount of health and only takes 1/4 normal damage from every attack
>game gives you a skill that lets you do full damage to the boss
>it seems useless at first so you'll probably overwrite it before you reach the boss
>boss is weak to everything
never lies
>except it can be hurt by thing it throws at you that you reflect back into it
>it continues to throw this at you, even though it is killing itself, and it has other attacks
>Boss weakness is the physical attack of ONE character
>Other guys won;t even damage him
>boss has big exposed brain
>it is actually not his weak spot and takes reduced damage when you shoot at it
Wow look at this animeonly faggot
manly guys doing manly things with ghosts that do manly things
it's also entry level as shit so it has that going for it
>Boss is the only enemy that uses your bullshit super-special gimmick that you've been using to crush everyone's face into the ground until now.
>boss knows how to heal
>boss has party members
>boss breaks the forth wall to fuck with you personally
>boss has damage/healing limiters turned off
>boss takes control of party members.
>boss is every boss you fought up until this boss.
>Final boss is trial and error until you finally get lucky and erase them from existence
> And then you reset to do it all over again
I like it because of dumb powers being used in cool ways
put it in!
It's weird, unusual and also unique, which should be enough reason to read it already
Is DIU making enough to fund part 5?
Because I know fujobux will fund Stone Ocean at lead 10x over.
Radiant Historia had this
name 17 games that do this.
Part 5 is one of the most popular parts in Japan. No way it won't get animated.
No, you stupid faggot.
This is why status effect and debuff spells are usually garbage, becuase you can't weaken the things that actually would be useful to weaken.
thank you based fujos
part 5 alone will ensure that once part 7 gets animated itll be fucking beautiful
>final boss's fists are harder than metal harder than brick
>Stat affecting attacks no longer work later in the game, never work on bosses.
Sim city, flight simulator, Blitzball championship simulator 98329
>bosses aren't immune to status effects
>status chances have a decent chance to proc
who's this spunk punk?
>game refers to a weak point as 'weakness'
>ie: however, the enemy's weakness is when the hatch opens, so shoot the core
>game refers to a weakness as 'weak point'
>ie: however, this enemy's weak point is fire-based attacks
>Easy instakills still work on the final boss.
FFX really got me the first time I accidentally zanmato'd Jecht.
>Boss uses a spell that raises elemental resistance on his first turn
>It lasts three turns
>Use a spell of that element once it ran out
>Boss absorbs your attack and goes back to full hp
>Final boss isn't actually final boss
>You're supposed to lose to the boss
>the game doesn't make that clear
>you use everything you have to defeat him
>now you must keep playing without itens/health/mana
>Boss devours his summons to regain health
>Can put status effects on his summons to inflict them on the boss
What? You faggot I'm waiting for Part 7 and Gyro's death, you made the post with least sense in these thread
fuck off back to rebitt as well
>boss tries questioning you to death with pseudo philosophical bullshit
>acts like their questions will matter, change the outcome of a fight, or dissuade you
>...after giving you numerous reasons to stop them
>...including attempting to kill you
>Your character dies after the bossfight because it was supposed to be a tremendous struggle
>it was actually easy as piss since you did most of the sidequests
named 35 games that have done this
name 2 games that have done this
name 28 quadrillion games that have done this
>Can't take a page from Dio and just chuck shit at him when time is stopped
Contrary King or whatever the fuck his name was.
>name 2 games that have done this
Ghosts n Goblins
Ghouls n Ghosts
>Using a name
>On an anonymous image board
Usernames are for fags.
>name 2 games that have done this
No More Heroes, Binding of Isaac
>boss makes lethal use of a tactic you have completely dismissed up until this point as hilariously pointless.
Final fantasy seems to love this, Edea/Ultimecia and her double reflect spam is another example of "haha really you're trying that bulOHSHIT"
>name 2 games that have done this
I mean when you think about it if there are bosses after the main story does it really mean the main story's last boss is the "Final Boss"
>boss can one hit kill you
>final boss notices you're having trouble
>joins your party for a bit to help out
>Boss has a "weakness"
>Exploiting the weakness just does reasonable damage, and doing anything else makes it take forever
>Boss got a nice ass
Name FIVE (5) PC games that feature any of the tropes mentioned in this thread.
You can't because it's exclusively a Japanese thing, and the Japanese don't make games for PC.
Part 7 probably wont be animated, it's the least popular part over there and horses are hard as shit to animate well
Plus the sales for 3 and 4 aren't great
fucking niggers
Minecraft, Links 2008 pro golfing, Bonestorm, Boku no pico (European Extreme edition), Dragon age II and Final fantasy 4.
>boss is in love with the main character
>game ends if you reciprocate and marry
>will be a good husband/wife and end all plans for world domination if you do, because you're all they need
>You walk into the wrong room and find a boss
>You didn't use a guide book to find the magic ultimate special super awesome chocolate coated mega sword
>Now you can never get it
>And the boss is a huge sack of hit points that takes two hours to kill without it
>boss uses a specific element
>you can have immunity to that element
>if you do, boss spams unblockable mega damage attacks
>beating the boss without hitting its obvious weakpoint gives tons of accolades and score bonus
>boss takes no damage
>then just shits on you for even doing 1 point
Fuck the high levelled Rune Bound Behemoths
Does such a game even exist?
I don't understand the context here but that was fucking funny
>status effects are too weak to bother using on mobs
>every boss in the game is immune to status effects