ID: 4291 - 5368 - 4678 - 41

ID: 4291 - 5368 - 4678 - 41
PASS: rage
RULES: ffa Sup Forumseekend

Other urls found in this thread:


>play marth
>press jab amd fair
>kill at 60%

wow such a balanced game

sorry but it had to happen Demyx

zErO considers Marth and Lucina to be Top Tier. This is why.

Only people who want to get their shit fucked play as lil mac

I ddon't hate Marth though, and you're not me bro.

>keeping getting matched with the same two shitters who play the same characters every time

pls stop Sm4sh

Stfu, faggotron. my board is 18+

i love big black meaty penises :^)

Just tryna learn some Palutena tonight mang

WhyBother? doesn't call himself that because he's depressed, he calls himself that because why bother fighting him when you're just gonna lose

That should be easy for you to win against since you'll have character experience.

welp guess i can't stop embarrassing myself

brb killing myself

>it's an everyone ignores the fact that Ness is a full stock ahead of everyone episode

Cloud's range, priority, and power are utter bullshit.

Mormon why does your Mii look angry, but you always seem nice when you post.

link here

i'll see myself to the dunce corner

t. little cuck

Temple really is a magical stage

That's just what I imagine my neutral expression in my everyday is like

Can you speak anything besides Sup Forums memes, redditor?

>that heavies match

pure kekery gg

Report them, and move on my friend. You're doing every a service.

the blocks really fucked you up

God, it gets so fucking old when tryhards pick the same character every match. There are literally 58 characters.


lmaoing at u, beeyotch. Go be a sore loser on reddit, cuz my board is for adults.

shut up asshole

so are Clouds officially banned from Sup Forumseekends or is this a assmad sorta thing

shoo shoo autism jigaloo

why don't you name names if you're going to cry that way we can see how bad you are for losing to bad players

Fuck you Tony


git gud

stay salty, beeyotch. little mac faggotrons are cancerous

It doesn't matter if it's a good or bad player. Fighting the same character over and over is boring as fuck.


Shiet Tony if I knew I was about to random into a 1v1 I'da picked Ryu too for a sick ditto.

I was Tom desu

We should all just play Zelda

>white hat, yellow shirt diddy
>not gray fur diddy

Same as people who break our imaginary teams rules, report and block Clouds.

Oh, he mad

shoo shoo autism jigaloo

>killed at 20%

yeah that's enough smash for today

so what is crying in the threads going to do if you're not trying to call people out?

>LoZ Fág just ends himself after he immediately loses 2 stocks

cry moar, queer

wow good play there Sheik

Would I have died last if I didn't Up B?

Thanks for saving me Shiek.

You're so nice.

you would have died last if you didn't Up B right next to Dorf

Fuck off, liam and kkrez, fucking faggots.

>shitter can't handle Ryu's mind games
How about YOU fuck off.

Alright next time we're in a lobby Bo7 we're dueling Palutenas

How do you guys want your REAL NIGGA HOURS tourney?
>Smash balls
>none of the above
>some of the above
>one of the above
>fuck off

Items and Smash balls

Items, Smash Balls, and Customs.

We need a lot of people to lighten up (or hopefully GTFO).

oh god i haven't had customs in so long, please let's do customs


kys, fucking stupid fucking cockfucking gay ass beeyotch. MY noard is 18+

welp heading off to comic con tomorrow, night guys and ggs

smash ball and customs

Smash Balls, I'm indifferent on customs but against items.

smash balls

It's happening bruh

Customs, Smash Balls COIN BATTLE

did the Hydrant just go through Temple or am I crazy

wheres the new tourney?

ID: 1743 - 3327 - 5079 - 20
PASS: rage
RULES: custom smash ball Sup Forumseekend


The reach on that up smash. Jesus Christ.

out of fucking nowhere

Oh my god I fucking love Palutena

End! If your here would you like to 1v1?? I made a room

>no coins
Oh well. Here's a a (You).

Sure I'll join you.

She's a child molester

>11 people
Need mre Midwestern players.

Thanks bruh. It'd be rude of me not to offer one back

Fuck off

End you are really good. How long have you been playing Smash Bros? You are able to adapt so well. Congrats on the Tourney win!

so every match with Sup Forums

almost had it, oh well

its real nigga hours right now
that means we're doing customs until it dies
fake niggas please escort yourself to the nearest exit

Please don't shitpost

Well, someone obviously bought a ton of amiibos.

That's a dope Palutena you got there

Thanks broham

I'm not End.

customs are fun we should do this more often

Y-you too!

>>>>fuck off

He didn't say you were, feeling guilty because maybe that's the truth? HM?

Cancer thread is cancer

thanks for contributing

alright thanks lucario good job on grabbing the ledge there

Was that a custom Up B?

I just hit Random because I hadn't made any yet. I think it was, it KO'd a couple times so it was probably a stronger variant

mewtwo is broken with equipment

was one stock enough, Falcon?

And thank YOU for the (You).
Lurking thread

That custom arrow on Link is pretty scary

Nice counter Speck

What's the fastest way to get all the custom moves? I really hate the fact that playing the single player modes only randomly gives you them. I'm not autistic enough to play all day trying to get them either.