Let's see those weaponfu's
Let's see those weaponfu's
You know i've been thinking about making an anit tank rifle but i want to kitbash it with others to make something better looking but i'm not sure what to use.
Any suggestions? If need be i can use anit mat rifles in its creation.
Sci fi Snipers!
I know it's meant for tanks, but I can't keep myself from firing at soldiers with it
>Gauss Rifle
>shoots out energy and needs batteries as ammo
Bethesda is so incompetent
The altfire sound fx and the reload sound made my dick hard
this and the Doom 3 Plasma Rifle
>Fallen Fighters
>Choose a window overlooking the square and prone a little behind it
>Pop enemy infantry 200+ meters away into blobs of red mist
>Neutralizing enemy snipers and mg despite having no scope
I love it
and there was this motherfucker who built a replica
What's the issue?
Pretty much any variant
It's a damn railgun.
Is that the gun sombra is gonna have?
Which use energy to power its could to fling ferrous materials at damage dealing speeds.
Mutator is cute! She makes cute bubbles!
It should shoot a solid projectile.
Good taste
>Not picking the breegull blaster
It's a machine gun, flame thrower, grenade launcher, and freeze ray all in one.
I prefer to eat my victims as nature intended OP. *bares fangs* But maybe steel fangs or lazerbeam fangs idfk.
They fixed this in fallout 4 no? It now shoots a 2mm micro slug. Only problem is they fucked the Gauss rifle design and made it look UGLY!
It's only flaw is being chambered in 5.56.
retarded power and range
has a kind of chunky, vaguely endearing look
it's effectively a portable sniper rifle
it's lovable as fuck
mfw mowing people down in R6: Siege with this
absolutely based
You are challenged
Those lunge attacks though.
Always and forever.
For the longest time the XM8 was my raifu, even with its flaws. Now I'm not sure if I should enter a relationship with the Colt CM901 or the M4A1 SOPMOD Block II.
Go to bed, grandpa.
Love it so much I am in the process of getting one. Paid for it and everything and now I just have the stupid canadian waiting period to torture me
It has a magazine coming out of the other side, it shoots bullets, bethesda's engine is just utter dicks so the didn't program in two ammo at once and just went with cells
Something about the blockiness of glocks just really clicks with me.
the glawk kawk
But that weapon is a le epic shit gun
You're mentally handicapped for liking it
You are a gentleman of fine taste.
This gun literally ruined Trials of Osiris for me.
So fucking glad Rise of Iron is adding an ability to nullify Damage Over Time.
any game with over the top gun customization
>*rips bong*
>pfffffff dude, hey, you know, like, bullet spread?
>what if it was like, backwards man, like the other way around y'know?
pointed stick master race
That's the same as .223
.223 is for VARMINTS it's for shooting squirrels and rabbits n' shit.
Why the FUCK would you use that for a full grown human who may be wearing body armor?
As if 9mm wasn't bad enough...
It only goes about 1/3rd of the distance on blood gulch and if we're talking CE terms there are many maps that only a sniper rifle can cover.
If you haven't graduated from pistols yet, might I suggest halo 2, they have lunge, autoaim, bullet magnetism and pictures for big words.
I love this gun, but the PAC one was better bruh
>no way to get the integrated scope
>closest is just gluing an acog onto the rail
the acog model should replace the rail with the scope desu, I mean the slavs get their own super special cheeki sights, why not the aug?
my nigga
but classic version looked better IMO
Does the difference between 5.56 rounds and .223 have more to do with amount of grains of powder in each round?
PAC was just better all round. And they looked cooler
Sure, the actual sniper rifle is better overall -- but the CE pistol is wonderful.
in a game with otherwise needlessly high TTK, it brings it way, way down (mind you, I've only played Halo extensively on PC)
This fucking gun is amazing. Might have low ammo, but has all the benefits of the shotgun but with an alt fire that makes it useable at a longer range.
>i've never a shot a gun in my life
dude 5.56 is fucking easy mode it's amazing
this gun is what got me into fps, I saw a friend's older brother playing halo, it was interesting, but then he whipped out a crystal blaster that homed in and blew people up and I had to try it
Yours. Not mine.
Based on a varmint cartridge, became a military one. 55gr out of a 20" barrel with a 1:14 twist as in the early M16 variants was considered inhumane in the wounds it caused. Only M855 was ever lackluster, and M855A1 is fucking magic.
Tumbling causes a bigger permanent wound cavity than an extra 2mm of diameter.
>frag grenade
>i've never a shot a gun in my life
I own an 8mm Mauser, a .308 Ruger, and a M1911 along with a couple shotguns and some lower caliber shit like 22s and 9mm Glock.
I've been around guns my whole life.
Fuk u.
>all these handcannon edgelords
Let me show you a real raifu
Pressures they're loaded at, mainly. Not totally safe to fire 5.56mm from a .223 rifle, but vice versa is fine. Inversely , the difference between .308 and 7.62 NATO is that the civilian cartridge has the hotter load.
If that's how you really feel... I don't even like TLW. Just the lore of it is very interesting.
This is my true waifu since day one.
People still play that piece of shit?
>all this destiny
isn't it console exclusive? hows the shooting feel without muh m+k?
I play both on PC and console. There are just some games that feel only right on PC or console.
That being said, Destiny should totally come to PC.
Superior gun coming through, out of the way peasant.
destiny sucks but as far as console aiming goes it's some of the best
Inb4 someone says "all of the DLC made it better"
They all do, each weapon has something about it that gives it an extreme edge. This was the last hurrah of tournament style arena fps based on merit instead of team micromanagement.
The AR ignores damage reduction from vehicle armor, making it great for draining shields or out right killing banshees, warthogs or ghosts. It can also kill in 15 rounds, thus 1/4th of a magazine.
The pistol is your default person defense weapon, jack of all trades so long as you are accurate. Weapon kills in 3 shots, thus 1/4th of a magazine.
Sniper Rifle, reach any where, no noise beyond hard render distance, can penetrate enemies. If a head shot is scored, kills in 1 hit, thus 1/4th of a magazine.
Plasma Rifle, drops shields nearly instantly regardless of armor, shit health damage. Weapon has plasma stun, preventing an enemy from moving, and has a melee with fair speed and fair reach.
Needler, bla bla 1/4th of a magazine because jason jones is a fucking liar. If every needle hits, several explosions, explosions follow the corpse and have a decent size.
Flame thrower, cannot pass through shields, causes the flood effect on health, saps you of health.
That sort of thing.
Yeah, I doubt that very much.
instead of
>it gets better 8 hours in
>it gets better 80 dollars in
Diff guy here. So have I. 5.56 is fine. Pic related.
Pistol cartridges in general are garbage. FBI data shows that unless you're using .44 magnum, stopping power in handguns is mostly a fucking meme and they all perform the same outside secondary characteristics.
>shitposting with le animu lolis
People still think this is fun?
It did, but it should have been that good the day it came out.
Ya know what the fuckin problem with destiny is? Balancing issues.(and dlc and boring pve missions and terrible story and boring free roam and uninteresting enemy factions)
t. Someone who plays hunter, and likes sidearms
tfw dual wielding these
>Krylov rifle having basically no recoil
>Pistol had actual sights on it, even though the EU Revolver was a cooler design it was simply unusable
Too bad it all basically boiled down to Voss-LAR faggots just death leaser hip spraying everything when the Baur-HAR was the superior weapon.
Realistically, the longer you fire the more accurate you would be because you'd get a better feel for the recoil.
>He said as he posted a picture from the shitty millennial faggot show that single handedly brought the downfall of Nicktoons.
>I... I couldn't afford to keep playing until it got good....
bahaha poorfags are so fucking sad
Got this on my first and only run. Apparently it's really good. I need to finish this game.