Tank thread

tank thread

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Terrible foreshortening.

Hierarchy of skill
Healers>DPS>Companions>Quest Giving NPCs>Whale Poo>Tanks

>carry my undergeared ass
Holy shit I had to tank as an IMP sniper in an early swtor flashpoint because our powertech tank had level 35 gear in a level 50 flashpoint
thanks for triggering that memory

Actual hierarchy of skill
DPS = Healers > Companions > Quest giving NPCs > Whale poop > the fish voiced by Will Smith in Shark Tale > Random objects and notes you find that give quests > Tanks

>This is what DPScucks shitpost about while waiting for their 30 min dungeon queue

More like DPS = Healers > Companions > Gatherers > Crafters > Quest giving NPCs > Whale poop > the fish voiced by Will Smith in Shark Tale > Random objects and notes you find that give quests > Bloggers > Tanks

>not having a group of friends to queue with
>actually solo queue as dps

>So you are telling me that if I just post an anime face I can fool myself into believing that I won an arguement?
Dont you have party members that died because of you not using your taunts that it was the dps' fault?


Oh boy this topic again, can't wait to endlessly argue who's the more important role in the trinity! Where nobody can agree that all three roles and any sub-roles need to apply effort to do anything worth while. Where everybody talks about their stories about how THEY saved the run and how awful EVERYONE ELSE was.

Gee, it's like we don't go over this every other day or somethin.

At least I'm not a furfag


The instrument of doom.

>healers were finally triggered by THAT image enough to make their own
Top kek

its not about who is the most important
it is about what type of players is the most incompetent
and that answer is tanks

Here we are again.

Same thread as yesterday.

And the day before that.

We all know this was made by a cockloving healer.

the one where it has the anime healer vs real healer?

Where do berserkers fit in?

>Dragoon dies for the 5th time


Why play an mmo if you don't intend on making friends in game?

The reason you can even blame the tank is he's the only one that takes responsibility for the group. DPS is disposable and interchangeable. A good tank is valuable and a rare commodity.

Enjoy your 30 min queue times.

The real answer is anyone who doesn't bother to know shit about their class, their parties classes, or the encounter.

That's Adventuring 101; before you leave the inn, read and/or ask questions. Don't know or not sure about something? Speak up.

Hey here comes a shocker, that person can be anybody. It's not limited to the rules of the game, it's totally up to the player to be a piece of shit.

Bad DPS can be carried. Even bad heals can be carried. A bad tank can't be carried.

I always play tank because it's easy
Also because picture related

>play tank
>the DPS are utter shit and can't do their rotations despite having decent gear while the healer can barely keep up with your big pulls

>play dps
>tank does baby pulls and loses aggro despite being in tank stance all the fight while the healer stands there doing nothing

>play healer
>the tank doesn't use any defensive cooldowns and the DPS seem to eat every AoE

Any good eurobeat song?

deja vu

>All right, you just gotta to use these two to three to keep your buddies' health from reaching 0
>Learn to use a long list of combos to best use your energy bar as efficiently as possible
>Literally just use one button occasionaly to keep guys hitting you



>Literally just use one button occasionaly to keep guys hitting you

Oh look. A bad tank.

>>All right, you just gotta to use these two to three to keep your buddies' health from reaching 0

You can fuck right off, I'm balancing the party's MP and HP from dipping too far into the deep end while making sure I don't accidentally aggro the boss because the Tank doesn't want to do movement properly or at all, and the DPS kiddies are all failing their checks, while also watching for party buff and enemy debuff CDs on my multiple hotbars.

And I play a fucking (almost) dead MMO.

Literally change your stance and occasionally taunt, that is all you have to do to be a "good" tank

What are the most entitled players, heal, DPS, or tank?


While tank is essentially the most important part of the holy trinity it is also the easiest, never has there been a encounter that has require much quick thinking or large amounts of effort to tank. dps while hardest to play optimally is usually the least important through virtue of numbers. healers are nearly as essential as tanks and while somewhat harder to preform their tasks it's still rather easy, just stressful since the amount of work you do is based entirely on others ability to not fuck up.

so basically what I'm trying to say is video games



Will this thread have porn?

warrior man here
holy shit do i love just getting the fucking dungeon/raid done without being a whiny little measures dicks with everyone else. while you little dps cocksuckers are fighting over who's the most/least important i'm drowning in mead and fucking bitches.


>not playing dual roles or even triple role classes

Some say they are mediocre at their job, but theres always either a fresh group with enough room to fit you in, or a group just looking to fill the last couple spots and they dont mind since the rest is set.

You also make a lot of good friends playing filler since they always rememeber the dude that could do whatever was needed AND you get all kinds of loot since you make decent use of most items.

Tankhealdps, fagslutcuck, I am everything

Is it really that entitled to expect to be allowed to service your thick tank dick after a good round of healing?