Any expectations?
Dota 2 Monkey King
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Phantom Lancer but not shit, thats all I need.
>Can spin you around while switching positions with his illusions
How is this balanced?
Dies instantly when hexed
wow wtf dota 2 is copying league of legends now? give me those free (you)'s
isnt that like literally every hero except a handful of str cores?
Any hero that isn't Abbadon or Tide dies instantly when hexed.
Literally a non-factor.
wow wtf dragon ball is copying 16th century ming dynasty fiction now?
>mfw Monkey King still has to buy his own MKB
brilla bong
Seems like a moba isn't complete without a Sun Wukong character.
this is my favorite show based on journey to the west
I recommend it to anyone
banana peel that causes tripping
easy chink bait for the 5 billion chinks that still play dota 1
PL isn't shit though.
I imagine he'll have an ability with true strike.
slopes love him, and we need the slope market
Im expecting some kind of tree shenanigans, like being able to hide in one or move through them with reduced speed if not taking damage. Also a voice line involving MKB. Ult will probably be a mass illusion charge like an amped up march of the machines
Why a fucking monkey king? The archetype is already in tons of other mobas.
That I would like to see. He is fights with fists by default, and MKB could be his unique aghanims stlye weapon.
Asians fucking love Journey to the West
it's not "a monkey king" it's THE monkey king.
it's not an archetype, it's a character taken directly from an ancient chinese novel, which is extremely popular in Chinese and Japanese media and has mountains of adaptations and spinoffs
well dota was the first moba to have monkey king so it makes sense to bring it to dota 2
That would be interesting and fun.
Gambler when
Why is every ASSFAGGOT going for a monkey king? LoL, HoN, Smite and now DotA.
Is the chinese market that delicious or are people just creatively bankrupt?
this is just factually incorrect
people have been using Journey to the West in everything since forever, this is really par for the course
Are lots of banging hand-gongs involved with this character?
not soon enough
Phantom assassin counter.
Thank god. I hate to have to see the other theam have a PA. It makes it either unfunny or unbalanced, or it just delays our item build by getting a fucking MKB and ripping the guy a new one since he doesn't know how to play PA without evasion.
Man, i hate playing in 1k MMR. Everyone takes noob ass shit characters like riki or underlord and have no back up plan when you counter them.
>Is the chinese market that delicious
Yes the assfaggot scene in China is enormous most Korean pros make a half a million yearly from being on chinese teams.
hey bitch,
follow the line don't skip to the end
Timber would be a a must if that was the case
>lifestealer climbs into the monkey's ass
>they run though the trees and distribute hot monkey dick to the opposing team
How often do Chinese players play with Wukong?
He looks cute!
>go alch
>Don't do the meme build with octarine core
>go silver edge and gank that fuck
Which assfaggots got the best Monkey king and why is it __HoN___?
Smite lets you play as TWO monkeys.
DOTA -2 Smite +2
i decided to better learn a few characters very well (like zeus, ursa, drow, bara, etc.) instead of play once or twice almost every character in the rooster
>no idea how to play alchemist
more importantly, Astral Trekker when
I hope so.
>still believing fake Playdota pages
I think the ability to disguise as a tree will be pretty shit, there is no way people will fall for it and its going to be a worse version of Meld.
>16 seconds of cc
>literally summons the hulk
did guinsoo design this
>1k MMR
Just nuke that bitch
The first hero that does not use mana.
You heard it here first, folks.
Uhhhhhh how is that incorrect at all?
Finally something that would make me quit dota forever
It wouldn't work with heroes like am, kotl, nyx and invoker. Probably some others i've forgotten aswell.
I do.
I rekt them as zeus.
Ursa/Drow + MKB = PA crying about balance
Underlord = Riki/PA destroyer
And yet, i still hate this level.
Sometimes its on me, i am kind of new, sometimes i fuck up, or get shitty early farming, or at most cases i have shitty hero selection. Other times i see some US level 67 player in an southamerican 1k MMR server as an axe, that gets aether lens before blade mail and blink dagger and tells me that i am pathetic because i am 2 levels behind his character.
thats dumb and you should feel dumb
>how to tp
>how balanced against am
>how kotl work
>how diff blade work
>how to dust
>how bottle work
cant tp
am ult does no dmg cause no missing mana pool
kotl stuns immediately like rosh
cant' dust
bottle replenish hp only
>cant tp
It's mostly because China yeah but i like the novelty of all ASSFAGGOTS having a hero in common, it's interesting to see how each company tackles the same design
>disguise as a tree
You end up knowing where every tree is, although immortal gardens confuses me a little, theres no way is something like that. Something like treant protector would work tho.
yoiu have to draft him with wisp, kotl, chen or underlord always if you want to tp over the map in any form
most likely it takes place of an existing tree
I expect him to be patched in around 2018
It just gives you little placements for it, you can easily just sit as a tree near fog and just hit someone with whatever out-of-disguise effect it will have.
I would be fine if it was some passive, disguising automatically if you sit near trees for like 4 seconds.
they promised this autumn. So yeah expect him somewhere mid 2017
Don't forget that Giant Growth is a passive.
From the trailer i have made the following assumptions :
Slams the ground in a line with his weapon, dealing damage and pushing back any targets hit. Think of a Fissure but with knockback instead of stun and no lingering wall
Turns into tree. Maybe gets bonus damage when breaking disguise and attacking someone? Maybe breaking disguise with an attack enables him to leap to a target.
The only one not demonstrated on the trailer, which leads me to belive that it's a passive. Maybe passive Truestrike and chance to mini-bash since he has the MKB after all.
Probably the hair into clone thing. Impossible to tell what it does besides spawning the illusions however.
I use WASD to control the camera
It's basically the arthurian legend of asia
He is going to have a leap or tree-phasing movement ability.
Whoa I'm not the only one
I do too. I need to set up items on the numpad and it gets some what annoying. I want a mouse with macros.
better voice actor
>items on the numpad
>level 67
Levels mean nothing
In MMR levels that low, you can just start with shadowblade->silver edge. The break is really good
Also, just because PA has a built-in dodge doesn't mean she can't be killed with attacks.
I never was that deep in the MMR though.
why dont other people use this? That way your cursor stays in the centre ready to react.
Yeah but then you have to move your fingers off WASD to reach the ability keys
Wew lad
Dota are copying LoL now?
No. Dota2 and lol are copying Dota 1.
But LoL is the biggest moba...
lol what?
Ability keys are in the numeric part of the keyboard. My item slots are in the numpad.
That's fucking retarded
How are you supposed to react to anything when your blink is all the way on the other side of the fucking keyboard
Take my hand out of my mouse.
true, but at the same time people who drag camera cant aim spells or move at the same time. I guess its a matter of preference
So you take your hand off your mouse, how do you aim?
I suppose your use your foot?
Wow it's weird to find other WASD Well I'm actually ZQSD for camera bros
Sort of. Icefrog added the monkey king secret quest to dota 1 before any other game put monkey king in, but it took him like 6 years to finally reveal it. Maybe the character didn't work the way he wanted in the dota 1 engine, and it took Valve years to make him.
When i need to aim i take my hands out of my skill/camera control buttons.
Its all about what i need the most.
>not having a usb foot pedal
I thought that was normal?
How the fuck do you place your hand
>dota2 steals another lol character design
I hope Riot will sue them, fucking dotards
>It's yet another character based off the same mythological figure
Seriously what makes this guy so special that every fucking game ever has to have their own version of him over stuff like Achilles or Hercules?
shhhhh let us have this
we'll never beat lol anyway
I'm french, we don't have QWERTY here but AZERTY, so at the end of the day it's the same thing as WASD for you
No because it's dying right now
even the normies won't put up with Riot's shit
Because he's popular in china. And china is a big market for these kind of games.
Not that guy but just for curiosity what mmr are you?
Isn't this guy,like,already featured in every MOBA ever ?
Dota is fucking going down the drain I say. Then again,it has been ever since icefraud sold out his ass to volvo.
Wait so your left hand goes across the keyboard to reach the mouse that your right hand has dropped so it reach the keyboard.
user what the fuck
That's true, lol will always be the superior moba, no surprise it has 1000 times dota's playerbase