Meanwhile, in Yharnam Sup Forums
Meanwhile, in Yharnam Sup Forums
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amelia is my waifu
So it's agreed that this game has some of the best sound design of all time, right?
Nobody go to Byrgenwerth tommorow.
You beasts are cool.
ahh kos
I want to be Lady Maria's research subject!~
how hard is NG+?
I already beaten all dungeons and DLC areas, don't know if to star another cycle
just stared my 1st throughway last week, fuck this game is good, and fuck is the blood starved beast wrecking me with its health bar
we know whose fault it is
Is there anyone sane enough to book me a permanent vacation out of this Great One foresaken shithole? Much appreciated if responded.
Not harder that depth 5 chalice dungeons
Curse...this is a bad curse
Man it sure is cheap to get a BJ from lady maria
Shut your beastly mouth!
Some of you students are alright.
Don't go to Byrgenwerth tomorrow.
Happening thread will be posted, so long Space Hunters.
>Literally Blood slash and blood stabs
Fucking edge la edge right there
>there will never be more Bloodborne content EVER
>you have seen everything it has to offer and can never replay it for the first time again
How do you guys cope?
I feel bad for you Yharnam folk that will never live in the Forbidden Woods. Now that the gate is open you should come down here
What the fuck is happening in this shitty thread?
Playing the game?
B-but, if it's so nice, why is it called Forbidden? You're tempting me, user. I'm sick of this damn clinic.
This guy slaps your waifu's ass. What do you do?
*rings beckoning bell after killing a wolfman and wiping the blood off my stake driver*
Does anyone else prefer the dark souls roll? I'm having a hard time with most bosses due to the dash, it's almost more for relocation than for dodging through attacks, but maybe I'm just shit
It's comfy. Just look at Terrance here and how great he's doing now that he's filled with sna- I mean comfiness.
Yharnam seems like a great place to live.
it's kosm you plague ridden rat
Use my rape whistle
You can try rolling with the camera unlocked
>being a minority
hello, good hunter
As another user said try playing unlocked; I was in the same boat.
Now it's just preference, and some bosses I can't beat if I'm not locked on and vice versa.
I like to think it's actually a great place when there isn't a beast outbreak. Decent wealth, good blood, veneration for the gods, everything a good society could hope for.
This board's finished.
Fall is the perfect time to play Bloodborne.
Memes all over the shop..
This especially playing on Halloween
Enough (You)s to make a man sick.
Hey good hunters! Does anyone know a safe place where a beggar can stay for the night?
Of course! Go to the clinic
totally get treated
I suggest the clinic
Sure thing. There's a clinic not far from here...
Are you that outsider? Well, sorry, but I don't want to do anything with ya. Trot along, willya.
This game confuses me to no end.
You are stuck in the dream, and are constantly in the city at night killing beasts.
But at the end of the game, you have a choice to be let out and receive freedom and sunrise.
I don't understand how you can easily get freedom and sunrise, but in the dream it's constantly night.
But beasts are there during the sunrise, too.
How does the respawn mechanic work in reality with the dream? If you assume that there is only one of every beast in Yharnam, does that mean when you die, you have to kill that one beast over and over again?
I'm confused at these souls mechanics compared to real life.
I would explain it but I only have 0 insight
>he doesn't have eyes on the inside
Grant us eyes, GRANT US EYES
Is Miyazaki a Britboo?
Use fire
If you're using Kirkhammer leave it it's shit for that boss
Kirkhammer is just plain shit for anything.
>You are stuck in the dream, and are constantly in the city at night killing beasts
Yharnam is real and everything you do is real, the Hunter's Dream is what makes you able to be revived
What's inside "dreams" but are actually other dimensions are the nightmares and the hunter's Dream
everything you did in the game was real, in the end Gherman offers you to let you live like a normal human being instead of being constantly revived to kill beasts
>I don't understand how you can easily get freedom and sunrise, but in the dream it's constantly night
It's constantly night when there's a beast outbreak. When you wake up from being killed by Gherman, the outbreak is gone and the sun rises.
>How does the respawn mechanic work in reality with the dream? If you assume that there is only one of every beast in Yharnam, does that mean when you die, you have to kill that one beast over and over again?
I don't think it explains the enemies respawning. Just imagine there's a ton of beasts and when you kill one, another takes it's place.
What is the best weapon and why is it the Kirkhammer Yharnam Sup Forums?
Run to the nearest stairs and wait for him to transform Chikage and kill himself
>implying it's not the blades of edgy
Lady Maria is cute. CUTE!
They patched that
Shit taste, also every weapon in the game is viable
If you're fat neckbeard you're halfway there.
>haven't played this game in months
>had a dream about it just last night
>had to fight one of those fucking piece of shit dogs from the first area
>only had my fists, kept trying to punch it to death
>little fucker kept jumping around and I only managed to hit him once, which did nothing
>wake up suddenly in a cold sweat
What does it mean.
you need more insight
Very interesting, user. Have you perhaps been in contact with any strange... otherworldy knowledge, perhaps?
I wish everyone who uses double cute mieyme painful death.
Witches don't know about my threaded cane.
Burial Blade, one of the few weapons where every attack is worth using.
Alternatively, Moonlight Sword for obvious reasons.
I want to Make Cainhurst Great Again!
I rike it.
What's Coldsteels fucking problem?
Seriously? Katana? Cainhurst helm? Hunter powers? Crow cape? What the fuck?
Is he an average PvP player integrated into the lore?
>not this
You never played.
Cainhurst was neve good.
>being caught outside on a night of the hunt
>current year
Is anybody else hearing bells?
>he never got invited to one of the Cainhurst parties
Poor pleb. Lady Annalise makes delicious black pudding.
No but some asshole keeps knocking on my neighbors door and he says the same thing every fucking time.
"Lady" Maria BTFO
You can use blood cocktails to bait the blood starved beast away from you and be able to land free hits.
>had the worst fucking time with them
>there are bigger dogs in chalice dungeons
dogs in this series are fucking cancer
>not choosing the axe at the beginning
Hunters? pff more like pansy faggots
In less than 2 minutes! The witch of Hemwick is more threatening!
Anyone else here thinks Bloodborne is Miyazaki's magnum opus?
What went so right?
Heh some retard is banging on the gate, little does he know theres another small path beside it. Gonna go give him a lil ol dash of common sense
>what went so right
The setting
The thematic
The lore
The music
The boss fights
The weapon designs
The artstyle
The sound design
The atmosphere
The graphics
Only real flaws are some poor bosses, enemy reuse and chalice dungeons
Yeah, some stuff from the Chalice Dungeons should have been included in the main game.
Fucking Loran Chalice is so goddamn beautiful and atmospheric.
Hey guys, I don't feel so goo
it's just a more focused game. like it's much more condensed and everything has a purpose. all the weapons arent' 'completely useless' and can be fun to use.
The aesthetic; edlritch lovecraft shit is top tier too. And done well and done well in such a way that it shows lovecraft at it's most accurate as "the unknown and totally alien".
Man that damn Spider at my old school is such an asshole. Won't let me pass through
How do I do frenzy attacks?