After putting off playing Left Behind because I was worried it would be an SJW type of thing where they hit me over the...

After putting off playing Left Behind because I was worried it would be an SJW type of thing where they hit me over the head with the LGBT themes, I decided to give it a shot tonight. Oh man, it was actually really good. The romance didn't seem nearly as forced as I thought it would, it actually seemed pretty natural. Well done, Naughty Dog, you did pretty good. How is multiplayer on the PS4 version? Are people still playing it?

>turns out Sup Forums were just being hyperbolic little bitches
who saw that coming

I have issues with Left Behind but the implications of Ellie's relationship with Riley wasn't one of them.

I never played Factions, I'm not a big fan of anything multiplayer, but I hear it still has a semi-active community.

The last level was hell on survivor difficulty. no savepoints, time pressure, and I had 1 bullet and 2 arrows for maybe 8 enemies.

I just played it on normal. I had a lot of fun throwing bricks to make noise and get the clickers to attack the soldiers.

There are hardly any bricks in the game on higher difficulty.

What would have happened if I let let it post on my Facebook wall? I wasn't going to let it do that unless I knew exactly what would happen.

it posts it to your facebook wall

what else

Yeah, but I mean what exactly does it post? I would have let it, but I wasn't sure I wanted my friends to see it.

I played it completely in the dark over the romance and it took me completely by surprise. I didn't hate it but I also didn't think it did the story any favors.

I think I crafted maybe one item during my survivor run. Materials were scarce as fuck.

the photo of ellie and riley from the photobooth

I don't dislike LoU because it's bad. It does what it set out to do and it does it well enough. I dislike LoU because it's standard. Run of the mill. The greatest thing about LoU is its cinematic quality. It's an interactive movie. As a game I feel it falls flat. It's like Uncharted except this game takes itself completely seriously.

>it's an interactive movie
By what metric, m8?

>After putting off playing Left Behind because I was worried it would be an SJW type of thing where they hit me over the head with the LGBT themes,
whats it like living a life that is literally dictated by means? You should fucking kill yourself right now. Immediately.

gunplay is better than uncharted tho. i got bored playing UC4 because of it

I thought Left Behind was a waste of my time that was far too narratively focused to the detriment of the actual gameplay. If I'd have bought it separately from the main game then I probably would have felt ripped off honestly.

>It's like Uncharted
t. played it on easy

Pfffffbzt try Grounded lad. The first time it took me almost 2 weeks; I did it a second time I beat the whole dlc in one night, was good shit. One of the best levels in vidya though in my opinion. Also the two Winter deathroom levels as Ellie on Grounded, I remember dying literally over 100 times, my ex and I would physically hurt each other after a point when one of us died as to motivate winning.

Also beating TLOU with my dinghy broad ex on Grounded was an overall great experience, stopping for an h-cup titfuck when the stress was too much to handle etc and having feels together (the best thing you can do when you really wish you could erase your memory and experience a game anew is to play it with someone who doesn't know it, it can be very refreshing) , I actually put the DLC between the end of Winter and the beginning of Summer and it fleshed out Ellie's character even more so she was easier to care about by the ending. I recommend this to everyone playing the game for the first time or with a friend who's new to tlou

It is more story focused definitely, but I really love Ellie as a character so I didn't mind. The gunplay is still fun when you get to do it.

Yeah but if you really think about it left behind is pretty much just a walking simulator with some minigames thrown in

Well I guess I judge a game by how far I can deviate from the intended direction. In a Megaman game I can take the bosses as I choose. In FF7 I can take 2 hours to fuck off with skateboarding. In Souls I can walk off the beaten path as I choose. In Dragon's Dogma I can do...whatever. In a game like LoU the focus is more on the narrative than anything else. Which I don't hold it against it, I think the gameplay holds up well enough. But that's just it, well enough and certainly not enough to herald it as GOAT. When playing the game it started to become more and more apparent that each gameplay segment was meant to serve the narrative, mostly when I noticed that each open area meant a fight while closed off area meant Clicker fights. Maybe it's just me but to me the gameplay seemed to play second fiddle to the story they were trying to tell which made the game feel more like a really long movie I had to unlock scenes for by headshotting hobos and shiving zombies.

I like Ellie as well and they are no doubt going to make another, so I'm conflicted on if I would want totally new characters or maybe to see Ellie a few years older.

>That last section fighting off infected as Ellie
Fuck me that was brutal. It's the one reason I haven't bothered with a Grounded+ run.

I didn't mind that. I spent a really long time in the costume store, did everything I could find, and never got board.

>you will never shill a game this hard

I don't have grounded, maybe it's ps4 only? Could there be any less loot?

The first 20 minutes are interactieve movie, afterwards there is a lot of satisfying gameplay. At least, if you pick higher difficulty levels.

Multiplayer is really fun

>basically i don't like linear games
Could have just said that and not sounded like a wanker.

Seems like you desperatly want to like something thats just not meant for you


Multiplayer is still alive surprisingly.
It's probably one of my favorite parts of the game oddly enough, I hope they expand upon it in last of us 2

What your describing is non-linear games, which there are loads of good ones of.
Half Life 2 is heralded as jesus in video game form and was linear.

Its a linear level based game, nothing wrong with that, especially in this day and age where every game is open world.

>Well I guess I judge a game by how far I can deviate from the intended direction

Some games are linear, some are more open. Stop being so closed-minded about game design.

Don't forget Katawa Shoujo was so popular on Sup Forums that moot had to create an entire board for it. yes i know that was technically the starcraft drama but youd be delusional if you didn't think ks played a part as well

Not surprising at all, the multiplayer is good, why wouldn't it be alive.

Fucking Last of Us defense force in action. Your game is cinematic cancer, fuck off and die.

Ok, we look for different things in games.


Super Mario Bros confirmed for interactive movie

Jesus you got flustered quickly.

You can buy it for 1$ on PSN if you don't have the GOTY edition. It's even less loot and no HUD (so you have to manually count your shivs and you never know how much health you have).

Good thing the game lets you pick up a molotov and you can have enough resources to craft another one to kill the bloater in the end, otherwise it would be literally impossible. Although I think the last time I did it I only used the molo I picked up from the dead cannibal and the bloater still croaked when I flung it at him

I fucking love the multiplayer

I want an entire game based off of the multiplayer, but expanded

>mfw those executions
Fucking brutal

Not really. I mean shit if you knew the path you could skip whole levels and find secret areas. And it only got better with entire bonus worlds you could deviate from each with different themes to them.

Also you can look at the differences between the difficulties on the wiki, there's a surprisingly autistic amount of information about game mechanics such as damage, surprising for such a "cinemtic" game

>le generic-third-person-cover-shooter-with-light-stealth-mechanics-and-zombie-aesthetic meme

I'm currently making my way through the main game. I just finished up the sniper part and that infuriated me. That sniper's aim was insane and when I saw that sniper rifle just sitting there doing nothing and muzzle flashes coming through the wall from nothing and hitting me, I was butt devastated.

I can't imagine this game on higher difficulties. On Normal it's comfy with a side of annoying. On the hardest setting it must be infuriating. Multiplayer seems fun, but I feel like it won't have many players on the PS4 version much.

I really love the gameplay, but it's too linear so far. The crafting system is neat, but it breaks up the cinematic pacing too much while I'm searching everything. I also think the gameplay is a bit wasted on such a cinematic game. I would have loved to see a NG+ type thing that was a prequel where you do random simplistic missions as Tess and Joel. Like, fetch this item, kill this person, etc. Kind of an open ended feel to it like MGSV.

the bit immediately after that was the hardest part of the game for me, where youre going through the massive fuckin house

game is hard as shit when it wants to be

The only things I didn't care for in this game were the death scenes when you get killed. The whole game is violent, but I always thought these seemed a little too gory, bordering on tasteless. Especially Ellie's. Like, do I really need to see a young girl's eyes bleed while a zombie bites into her neck? Maybe I'm the only one.

I'm running through it on survival.
Basically any section that has hordes of clickers and bloated fucks are annoying as shit and ammo wasters.
Luckily the best weapons in the game are always scattered on the floor for you to pick up.

Please name 3 other games that did this, I want to play something similar. Preferably on pc.

Gameplay is almost MGSV tier minus all the weapons.

resident evil 4
resident evil 5
resident evil 6

You mean the power plant?
Oh boy, don't look at a speedrun of that part, it will ruin your day. I remember how much I struggled during my playthrough on Grounded, even though I breezed through the game on my second Grounded run, randomly watching a speedrun video and skipping to this part made me rage so hard when I realized how easily you can cheese through the game

I think its good, you see it once and thats enough of an emotional image to get you motivated to make fucking sure it doesn't happen again.

Eliies and Joel getting his face mashed by the bloater are the worst ones.

>The romance didn't seem nearly as forced as I thought it would

Oh, look at that, you made my woomy laugh.

I want to sexual the woomy.

>he recommends a never ending series of weeb games

Never change-o Sup Forums

Yeah, I guess so. I just always wished they'd cut to black half a second sooner. I guess it works though, I really didn't want to die again after it happened.

>take MGSV, remove 90% of tools and weapons, remove the ability to accomplish tasks in many unique and creative ways, make the AI 10x more retarded, remove the non-linear level design, add "le cinimatic scripted feel", replace the story with muh daughterfu so sad :'(, add shitty puzzles.

yeah user theyre like exactly the same.

What? I was just suggesting a way to get more out of the gameplay system in this game. It's fun and it feels a bit wasted on a game that is clearly going for a cinematic experience. I would enjoy random missions so I could sit down and fight monsters and people without being interrupted by story.

I can't handle child death at all, its probably the only really the only thing in movies/games that makes me cry big bitch tears.

I meant to quote Resident Evil guy, my bad.

Oh okay. That makes more sense.

>game had 75 weapons
>you only use 4 of them
>it's a "Sup Forums recommends a weeb game" episode.

Psn is xpondscumx and i snipe the fuck put of faces

Hahaha fukken saved

I think my first death scene was some clicker but that was nothing since I've seen Leon getting beheaded by a chainsaw in RE4, or pushed down into a wood clipper.

But one death scene that got me in TLoU was in the school gym, where the bloater got me and ripped Joels jaw apart.

I liked mgs5 too. So fuck off. But lou had the best story of all time. I remember the first 3 walk through of the hotel. I was so fucjing hyped

I understand there are a lot of tools in MGSV, but it boils down to similar gameplay. You can melee people, shoot them, stealth kill, stealth avoid, or even blow them up. The only thing you can do in MGSV that you can't in TLoU is tranq people. Oh you also have vehicles and animal take downs with some gun emplacements, but those are infrequent.

All the extras and gadgets in MGSV don't make it more unique because most of its garbage and only good for dicking around. Better game to dick around in =/= better gameplay. MGSV is still better gameplay, but not by much.


look at tlou mp webms m9
is gd

>You can melee people, shoot them, stealth kill, stealth avoid, or even blow them up.

Those things that you describe can be applied towards the majority of the games that were released in the past. Fuck off.

>All the extras and gadgets in MGSV don't make it more unique because most of its garbage and only good for dicking around. Better game to dick around in =/= better gameplay. MGSV is still better gameplay, but not by much.


Probably one of the best console multiplayers I've played

name two other games that let you do this

RE4 and RE5 had no real stealth mechanics at all (never played RE6)

Soldier of Fortune 2
Wolfenstein The New Order

Is that the original or remaster in the webm?

could be either

>Shilling a game from 3 years ago

I beat it on grounded and the hardest part was getting out of the fucking capitol building at the beginning. It's like as hard as one of the floors of the firefly lab, but you only have a revolver, 9mm and a single shot rifle w/ a few shots for each, while you have to fight like 12 soldiers in body armor

The end of the game wasn't so hard because you have so many items by then and you have increased max health. For fighting armored humans, smoke bombs are a lifesaver once you get them. I saved all my shit up by using mostly the flamethrower and molotovs against all the infected in the tunnels

I like it, it creates tension.

I think it's the PS3