Alright, Sup Forums. Thoughts on Deus Ex: Revision?
Should I play this or the original?
Alright, Sup Forums. Thoughts on Deus Ex: Revision?
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It's alright, but they made the game too fucking dark.
Avoid revision
It's like what George Lucas did to the original trilogy in the "remasters". Just play the original and then play GMDX.
Use GMDX instead
GMDX > Vanilla >>>>>>>>>> Cuckvision
GMDX patches and improves entire game, Revision makes everything smaller and simpler so that old engine can handle all the new epix graphix that looks worse (apart from weapons) than New Vision included in GMDX and drops your game to 30FPS unless you have quantum computer
If it's your first playthough, don't be a nigger. Play Vanilla.
>Completely killed and raped the corpse of the soundtrack
Fuck no
But what about GMDX? The general consensus so far in this thread is that GMDX > vanilla, it appears.
There's fortunately an option in the settings to have the original soundtrack.
If there weren't, believe me, I wouldn't have even bothered making this thread.
They recommend the vanilla so you can better appreciate the GMDX, imagine eating shit and then getting some godly blue rare steak.
>not eating meat well done
stop trolling
only shitskins and old people eat well done steak
>blue rare
I will find you
I dont like meat to be hard nor to have a chance of getting sick because of it.
The perfect point is JUST before the outside crust begins to form. That's as well done as it gets while still being juicy
there's really no excuse to play vanilla anymore, its like telling someone to play vtmb without unofficial patch or new vegas without at least yup
>eating nasty ass steak at all
just eat ground beef.
at that point you can eat tofu you pussy
i hope your sense of direction is augmented
Bitch i live in nigargentina and i can assure you that as one of the countries with the best meat in the fucking world anything but well done tastes like absolute shit, its overly hard, and could kill you (that's a southamerican thing)
>there's really no excuse to play vanilla anymore,
I disagree. I don't like the stamina system they created, and they changed things in some of the levels. I'm not talking about minor things like just adding more stuff in empty places, I'm talking about big changes. Those are some of the main flaws with GMDX and it's sad you can't turn them off.
Well as some other user said in previous post, only NIGGERS and old people eat '''well''' done.
what the fuck you don't like about stamina? add challenge and realism, do you play on easy or something? level up athletics if it's that big deal for you
Not my fault you cant recognize good meat with all the shit you introduce in your body, faggot.
at least I'm white ;)
Original. Revision fucks up the music and level design.
Not for long if you keep eating shit.
You are what you eat anyways.
>anything but well done ... could kill you
I fail to see the flaw.
why are you guys still talking about this 20 year old game? don't you know Mankind Divided is out?
the stamina system is fine
Good games are timeless.
Bad games are forgotten regardless of launch date
Already finished it, DX1 is next chronologically
Play without.
Then GMDX.
Well, I'm planning on playing through the entire Deus Ex series in chronological order (except Invisible War and The Fall, obviously). So it'd be something like
Deus Ex > GMDX > HR > MD
If so, I feel like playing the same game twice in a row is not the best idea.
I see. Then a first run on GMDX will be fine. Usually it's not suggested to play a game the first time with mods, but it doesn't change as much as Revision does (soundtracks, textures).
There's also Invisible War between DX and HR, it takes place after the first one. If you really like DX you might want to take it a shot. Terrible UI, shorter dialogues, but it's still an acceptable standalone game for its time, despite being an extremely disappointing sequel.
Vanilla, with Deus Exe> Malkavian > Nameless Mod > that HR parody mod > GMDX (let's add a stamina meter hurr) > Revision (let's ruin everything durr)
Human revolution was first in the chronological order (although the fall was before that). Then mankind divided, then deus ex 1, then deus ex Inv war.
Revision is the kinda mod you play once after playing the shit out of the main game and wanting some different looking levels.
also why in the ever loving fuck does the flashlight consume so much energy in GMDX? I love the mod but that shit is fucking stupid.
Just fucking play it vanilla.
Why the fuck cant pretty much every fucking mod for DX make the flashlight a passive augmentation instead?
Oh, fuck, I don't know why I said chronological order. I meant release order.
>don't you know Mankind Divided is out?
Yeah, and it's shit.
>So it'd be something like
Deus Ex > GMDX > HR > MD
GMDX is a mod for Deus Ex, not a game.
I'd throw in 2027 on that list, probably after TNM or the HR parody.
Pretty good mod outside of them taking notes from the Syndicate reboot in the bloom department.
He meant a first run vanilla and a second one GMDX. But anyway, there's a fuckton to explore in DX1, so another run might be worth it.
Fundamentally the same game. Other than the tiny menus at modern resolutions, I prefer the original.
The Fall (skippable because it's bad, around 5 hours long and has worse ending than MD)
Human Revolution
GO (Skippable, apart from few lines literally no story)
Mankind Divided
Deus Ex
Invisible War (Skippable but least shitty out of all skippables)
I thought Deus Ex Go was fun?
I saw a some gameplay of MD and thought it looked pretty good
So i when back and tried HR again.
I always quite at the first boss
But once you get past it the game gets fun
But playing though HR is making me want to go play Deus Ex
I always avoided it because it looked too complicated
Should I?
Also plz no spoilers for any of the games
In HR im a little past the part where Malik Dies
>he didn't save Malik
What, are you some kind of autist, user?
>ending every sentence with spoiler text
>reddit spacing
Deus Ex IS complicated, kinda dated, and its hard to get into. I used a mod that used autosave (gotten too used to it) and it also combines both arms augmentations into one since it makes more sense, creates a new arm augmentation, and makes a few augmentations passive so that they are not so annoying to have.
PS: You can save Malik. Not very relevant to the plot, and IT IS hard to save her, but you can.
go is fun but story wise you can skip it
Only the last sentence really needed a spoiler, but whatever. DX1 is not very complicated. Do the training. Waste 5 minutes on the key bindings to make it more appealing for todays standards. Scope RMB, for example. There are quite a lot of controls.
The first level is for many people a casual filter. It means it's a difficult level. I loved it, like many others, just take your time and you'll learn to like it.
Next spoiler is a spoiler about your last spoiler.
you may not know, but you can save her in DXHR
You go vanilla or you don't fucking play it at all
I feel like GMDX fucked up AI at some places. When MJ12 starts tracking you in NY after you meet with Dowd you just can't hide, they'll know where you are even if you turn cloaking aug on. Same with tanker mission, when you blow up the first(or second) weak point guards instantly know where you are, even though it makes no fucking sense.
GMDX > Vanilla with bugfixes > Vanilla > Revision
You can do that? I would of found it hard be cause im playing stealth passive.
>I dont want to be rude
>Making it neat it now reddit. ok
>If it is reddit spacing you must be from there
>Sorry you head cant take so few sentences
Consider spoilers. There are some fuckers who never played it, would be a shame to spoil it all to them
You can. If you want a tip, take care of the two heavy guys first, they deal much more damage than the others
Yes. You can do that. However its a punch in the balls to do it because you need to get heavy artillery for it. Your run wont be hurt for killing a few guards unless you want the absolute 0 kills route (which is fucking stupid because not only it means you cant kill, but NO ONE can die for any reason.
In a GOOD original-style deus ex, Malik would have been taken prisioner if you didn't fought them, and you should be able to rescue her since the deus ex players wouldn't be ready to fight a big enemy force.
Nah bro Deus Ex is megan is alive and working for the bad guys.
Where can I found the list of improovment?
Thansk for the tip
I might do that is a do gunner run
Fuck. That'll actually be really bad for my stealth run.
Reminder that Invisible War's flashlight used no energy and was better than Deus Ex's.
Not that user, but you can take them out without killing them.
OH fuck you
I know that already
Im already past that part tho so maybe next time
>There are some fuckers who never played it
>implying that they don't deserve to get it spoiled for browersing this thread insdead of just playing it
I want pebbit to leave
You can save Malik without killing or raising an alarm.
You just have to be fast, know what you're doing, and have a tiny bit of luck.
I did it my first run. Only had to save scum like 3 times.
Tranq darts might work on them, I don't remember if these things knocked them up in more time, if they did
The energy-depleting light on DX1 made it more realistic for me, but I guesst he change was for the best. IW objective was to be less complicated and for consoles.
>Denton is supposed to be 23
>They made him look 40
I am waiting to get it on steam cuz cloud saving
How did one video predict the future of gaming, Sup Forums?
His ugliness is augmented
You useless subhuman fucker. DX threads are not so common anymore excluding release times, you never know.
Why would you get it on steam when original publishers won't even get a dime anyway? Do you want to support corporate leeches who dicked them over and ruijned the sequel?
Does GMDX change any textures or fuck up anything like the revision mod?
Think I'm gonna go with GMDX.
I just play with New Vision and HDTP.
Is there any mod that ONLY replaces the sound effects? That's the part of the game that really bothers me.
It was the devs who ruined the sequel voluntarily.
yes, unfortunately new vision and hdtp are required. it installs them automatically, they're bundled in. I dislike hdtp and new vision, and I don't like some of GMDX's map changes.
No. I just start to find downloading and installing abandonware games to be more of a hassle. I really do.
thanks... I might play the game again.
no u
IW isn't great but it's still worth one playthrough.
Whatever, fuck this shitty old game.
I'll just wait for the remake instead of playing an old broken piece of trash.
So if GMDX really does fuck up certain stealth segments, am I just better off with New Vision and HDTP?
You can say that the polygons and down syndrome faces aged like milk, but by god I will not let you insult the FX
>CLANG beep...beepbeepbebebebebeep
Speaking of which, what was that strange mumbling computer sound supposed to be?
Dated graphics do not affect me. But the Deus Ex sound effects have always caused me physical pain (and I mean that literally, not an exaggeration) and stopped me from being able to play the game.
Grizzle is literally amazing, I don't care if I'm eating carcinogens.
All the new character models look really, really bad.
But vanilla gives me sub-30 FPS ten years later on a GTX 980 and an i5, user.
Are you using software GPU?
>cheryr picking """bugs"""
>let's play
spoiler alert : paul is a terrorist
notice that the mech gunned that hippie down in attoseonds
They're even worse in motion. At least with old models the blurry textures and basic animations gelled together.
What should I use? OpenGL?
the game literally spoiled itself in the first 2 minutes
all because paul is programmed not to shoot at terrorists because he is one of them