>B-Team fixes sword and shield clipping issues
>A-Team ignores improvements and goes back to using old assets from DaS1
Dark Souls
Didn't you hear user? Dark Souls 2 was shit, which means we can't have any of the improvements from it in 3.
Enjoy your shit ass gestures.
While DaS2 did have a bunch of minor improvements, the game as a whole was pretty sub-par. I wish they kept little things like that, along with power stancing weapons.
Why is the souls community so toxic?
I'm convinced the vast majority of it's fan base is just a bunch of edgy 15 year olds.
Prove me wrong.
>not liking the Warmup gesture
Shit taste, fampai
Apologize Sup Forums
>played the shit out of DaS 3 on release
>can't play for 10 minutes now without getting bored
I can't put my finger on it but I like DaS 3 less and less these days. They really chopped off a large chunk of the build diversity by gutting magic.
no, DS2 sucked dick, DS3 is amazing
kind of soon to make such a claim before DLCs 2bh
A friend of mine was playing through DaS from 1 to 3 and I went into 2 thinking it was better than 3.
It was shit from top to bottom. Yeah there are VERY good concepts and game mechanics that two had that three threw out the window but it plays like dogshit.
Granted 3 is a boring pile of shit even if it has better handling.
Hopefully the DLC breaths life into this game. I was super hype for the new Ashes of Ariandel.
Im sorry your buggy ass game is so trash that it prevented me from getting the 2nd ending. I replayed this garbage 7 times (the latter 3 times following step by step walkthroughs) but your shitty game prevented me from leaving the throne every single time
Anyone else love 3 the most?
>tfw very nostalgic for DaSII
>dat Majula
>dat comfiness
>dat music
I never beat it, so I might get SotFS.
>one-hand greatsword in 2
>it floats like a foot above your character's shoulder
fucking laugh at how contrarian this board is
DS2 was the worst of the three, but it wasn't terrible
Never liked Majula. And I seem to be the only one. Firelink Shrine in 1 was always the best for me even if you don't go back often I found I always went back myself for the npcs that sat around.
Best fashions souls too.
It's weird. Upon release, I was mostly disappointed with it. I just started a new game a few days ago, though, and have been enjoying myself as much I did while playing DeS and DaS. I think it's because this time I around I found a lot more weapons as well as weapons, and actually tried to complete a few quests.
It's not a bad game at all. I would rank them:
DeS = DaS >slightly> DaSIII > Bloodborne > DaSII
*as well as armor
The Gutter is comfy as fuck. That zip line across the dark pits made it even comfier.
rate them
DaS: 9/10
DaS2: 8/10
>a dank, decrepit hellhole where your only footing is precarious wooden structures, some of which literally collapse underneath you
>full of fatal sheer drops, poison-vomiting statues and horrific beasts
>leads down into an even worse place that's filled to the brim with all kinds of nightmarish creatures
How the fuck is any of that comfy? The Gutter is well-designed but "comfy" is literally the fucking OPPOSITE of what it is. Fuck all of you cunts who throw around the term so freely.
I think 2 felt like a really good entry to the series when I first played it becaues it added so many new mechanics to the game and most of them were fantastic. Unarmed combat was vastly improved, using weapons left handed was really great and so was being able to parry attacks with all sorts of weapons including greatswords, and dual wielding any weapons was a great addition to the series. A lot of the levels were weak but there were tons of them and you had more options than ever when it came to where you wanted to go or what you wanted to see first. PvP was the best its ever been and it's the only game where covenants worked at all and were worth joining compared to farming their upgrade materials elsewhere. Also it's the only game where NG+ is meaningful and adds content to the game instead of just giving you next level rings, even if that content is as small and silly as adding another skelton to the basement each time.
DS2 could be shitty in some places but it's an incredible let down that they abandoned all the new and really great features they added. DS3 felt like it was just a DS1 clone and the only big improvements were the boss fights. And DS3 wasn't even a bad game or anything it was just so backwards and tame in comparison. They really didn't add anything new or different a lot of the weapon arts are shitty and boring or cool but attached to worthless weapons. It's also the most railroaded game in the series, just like Bloodborne it might be 5 hours before you reach the weapon you want to use just because there's absolutely no way to reach it earlier than the game lets you. There are only 2 (I think) times where the game lets you choose what you want to do without leading to a dead end.
>The Gutter is comfy
DaS2 is literally the best Souls game but memers and contrarians hate it because "muh knights muh windmill"
i don't understand why people like you have to fan the fire of the installment war by blatant shitposting.
>people point out the truth
Enjoy your ten weapons and two builds
Bloodborne at least has skips you can do, DS3 is just boring.
Why did they give the gargoyles a dicksheath?
That and at least Bloodborn is different enough that it's a newish experience. Backstabs are much more difficult when you need to fully charge your weapon and even if you're used to parrying it's a very different experience when you have to manage (blood)bullets and the rally system to keep stocked up without wasting tons of vials.
That's what really kills it for me.
Also the lengths you have to go to her certain weapons and broken poise.
Majority of the cucks like yourself on Sup Forums are grand wizard tier autists, according to the robot test.
This is why you are so "toxic".
I say it every thread
Within ten years Dark Souls II will be renowned as a cult classic and a diamond in the rough; a missed gem which was trashed due to surface-level issues which are present in all other games. When people eventually go back to play it "to see how bad it was" they will realize how GOOD it is and how much variety in weapons and builds and how tight the mechanics are and will realize they only hated it because they were bandwagoning.
Dark Souls II is at least on par with Demon's Souls.
I was left a bit dissapointed by the area variety in Dark Souls 3. Too many castles and dungeon type levels. I still like Dark Souls 3 the most though.
reddit stay out
And no, this is a pretty normalfag board, just a bit below Sup Forums and current /r9k/
Maybe, but you walked like a retard as a result.
muh graphics
>reading comprehension
But we're the ones defending it. You're the one going WAAAHHHH LAVA CASTLE IN SKY = SHIT GAME
Like holy hell play a game to the end for once and maybe you'll see how little it fucking matters
Sorry, DS2, DS3 was fucking boring as fuck.
dark souls two might actually be the worst sequel to a good franchise ever made
>greatsword hilt isn't just a block of crosshatched material with a round thingy in the middle of it
extreme anger
Shame about the Faaram set. Shoulders felt way to broad.
>The Gutter
There's that word again!
>Dark Souls II is at least on par with Demon's Souls.
No. Demon's Souls level design is untouched by DSII.
2 and 3 are both disappointments for seperate reasons
Bloodborne is still the best next to DaS1 and DeS
DeS: 8/10
DaS: 8/10
SOTFS: 9/10
DaSIII: 7/10
BB: 10/10
That's how I'd rate them based on all factors, including story/lore and gameplay.
I value story above gameplay so although I think BB is the most polished and overall the game with the least flaws in the series, it wouldn't be my favourite because I think DeS has a better story and atmosphere and that appeals more to me.
The smoother combat made Dark souls so much more playable.
By the time DS3 came around the series was getting stale as fuck. I don't know how after DS, DS1, DS2, BB, and now finally DS3 you guys aren't sick of this stuff yet. I was a huge fan of souls then 3 hit and it just felt repetitive and boring. Especially with all the fan service shit.
The jump from 1 > 2 was huge. Tons of stuff changed. The jump from 2 > 3 felt like the game went back on a lot of improvements 2 made, particularly in PvP. Even went back to no poise like in Demons Souls.
Dark Souls 2 had the best PvP layout and the most balanced for PvP minus soul memory. Whoever came up with SM needs to be castrated.
Dark Souls II's combat mechanics, build variety (including respec), weapon and armour variety are untouched by Demon's Souls.
Demon's: 8/10
Dark: 10/10
Dark II: 9/10
Dark III: 7/10
...DS2 is my favorite.
I thrive on atmosphere and variety. DS2 had tons of it. No two areas were the same and the DLC blew it out of the water.
I do agree that it's quantity over quality when it comes to the length of the game vs Dark Souls I, but what it does have it a ton of fun as hell content, Lothric fucking castle being my favorite level in all of Soulsdom.
I do like DS3 though. I'm playing it more mostly because it's new. I love all the souls games. Just like 2 a lot for reasons.
>people in this thread LITERALLY saying DaS2 is better than DeS
>The fucking gutter
>A place literally full of shit and poison everywhere
This post right here. Undeniable proof that ds2 fans are retards who enjoy eating shit.
dark souls 2 is ugly, feels shit to play, has terrible level design both visually and physically, a copy pasted story, lame lore, used to have the worst match making system in the series, uninspired bosses, etc
you want atmosphere, play demons souls, dark souls 1 or bloodborne. 2 has shit environments.
I wish I could have enjoyed BB more, but I really do hate the Victorian Gothic theme. Anyone else feel the same way?
Just started DS3 after playing some Bloodborne earlier today. The difference between the two is obnoxious. I'm not used to relying on a shield and janky controls anymore, as well as going from a never-ending supply of blood vials to a handful of estus flasks. At least the lack of sensible poise is familiar., but the enemy attack speed seems the same as BB's without the benefit of BB's responsiveness and rally system, and that's getting fucking annoying fast. I'm totally fucked for parrying right now.
That word means nothing, disillusion yourself
DeS is the worst game in the series, honestly. It has two good bosses, and for all the good level design it has areas like stonefang tunnel.
I get people have a nostalgia boner for it, but its really weak overall.
Tanimura pls go.
>try to play DS2
>remembering enjoying it for its gear options
>can't enjoy any of thelevels besides the DLC ones
>loved Bloodborne the most overall
It's impossible for a ps3 fan base to be anything other than that.
>Six levels
>Mentions one level as a bad example
>It's pretty weak overall
This progression to your conclusion doesn't work I want you to know that.
BB is by far the easiest of the Souls games. I'm not ragging on you, you'll just have to get used to the mechanics of the normal Souls games.
but no, though.
sounds like you suck at videogames. I transitioned perfectly fine from bb to 3
>because das combat wasn't smooth before
I will never forgive 14 yr old bloodbornies for fucking over a decent series
I guess you're just going to conveniently ignore the fact that it has the worst bosses of any souls game, which forms the basis of my conclusion?
he's right though. that doesn't mean it was bad, but it was deliberately clunky by comparison.
Only autists care about clipping
Perhaps a dark, cobbled together shack with shit, filth and tons of Japanese figures everywhere is relateable to them.
DS3 feels like a fucking glove. You just about are the controls.
5 of the most fantastic levels in all of video games does not a weak game make. The bosses are whatever, yeah. 6.5-7/10 game.
>Dark Souls II's combat mechanics, build variety (including respec), weapon and armour variety are untouched by Demon's Souls.
Demon's Souls is the first fucking game in the series. No shit it will be the one that is the least refined.
>dark souls 2 is ugly
Opinion, lots of areas are done very well regardless of the lighting issue (which is a valid issue)
>feels shit to play
Maybe emotionally it feels shit to play for you but it's much less clunky than previous games in terms of controls. How do you mean "feels" here?
>has terrible level design both visually and physically
You can't seriously tell me Drangleic castle has a bad visual aesthetic. But fine, if you don't like them.
>a copy pasted story
Which story did it copy? I thought people didn't like it because it DIDN'T copy Dark Souls' story - that is, it's about your character and not as much about the world.
>lame lore
Well, okay. Got an example?
>used to have the worst match making system in the series
>used to
>uninspired bosses
You mean like the knight who can summon other players? You mean like the bell ringing crypt guardian? You mean the goddamn fucking chariot? I mean, yeah, it has Ornstein again but if we're talking about Dark Souls III...
Welp, very concise list you got there.
I'll apologize when they tone down the overpowered NPC invaders they added in SOTFS. Those pieces of shit clearly aren't playing by the same rules that real players are.
>5 of the most fantastic levels in all of video games
That is an egregious exaggeration and you know it. Or maybe you genuinely feel that way, whatever, If so I think you've jumped off the deep end or have played not nearly enough video games.
The only thing I enjoyed about DS2 was that Fist builds were viable and fun. Literally everything else was mediocre to terrible.
Bonfire ascetics were a fun feature, build variety was good and the DLC levels are some of the best in the series. Doesn't make up for the dogshit level design in most parts of the game though.
How did the MLGS from Dark Souls 3 look again?
>says one anonymous user without standards
>Demon's Souls has da best !
>Yeah but Dark Souls II has the best
Oh and soul memory was shit.
Is Dark Souls II the worst game ever made?
Thats completely missing the point though. When comparing which games do things better you don't get brownie points for being older.
>Which story did it copy?
>Four Lord souls reincarnated into other beings
>To link or not link the fire
The Giant stuff was cool though.
>That is an egregious exaggeration and you know it
Not in the least. The way they loop around on themselves, their verticality, it is a marvel to behold and I wish more game designers took notes from it.
Eh, thats a subjective thing I suppose. If a game is built around a certain aesthetic that you just dont like, it doesn't matter how good the game is.
it actually looks good in DaS3 though. Actually looks like it's made of metal.
A repeat of 2, so it's just the third one again.
Really makes you think.
sure, but you'd be wrong if you said 2 looks better than 1
>Maybe emotionally
I mean its floaty and feels worse. running feels worse, turning feels worse, swinging a weapon feels worse. animations are worse and nothing has weight to it
>drangleic castle
one of the highlights of the game, for sure. but its the exception rather than the rule. Flame tower is great, but the forest of the fallen giants is trash. at least half the areas are ugly, have no lighting, repeating textures everywhere, and poor level design
>which story did it copy?
Dark Souls 1. the endings are identical and 2 does nothing to move the series forward.
>Got an example?
No because its forgettable trash that tries to mimic what worked in DS1 but fails
>Used to
fair enough, but point remains that day 1 it was bad.
>You mean like...
the knight is a regular knight who summons NPCs and sometimes maybe an invader. cool mechanic, boss itself is lame. its a knight with a sword and shield. bell ringing crypt guardian? honestly dont remember this one. The chariot was a terrible fight in execution, but the concept is at least unique. Ornstein returning is the least of this game's issues when it comes to bosses.
yeah, im not gonna write an essay explaining why shit is bad when I'll get a reply saying "no"
>swing a big weapon in 2
>screen doesn't shake
>didn't play DeS
opinion discarded
DeS: 9/10
DaS: 10/10
DaS2: 6/10
DaS3: 7/10
BB: 9/10
>DS3 amazing
Enjoy your 2 good builds and no poise!
I think DeS at release was a really spectacular game and is obviously one of the more influential games out there but I went back and played it recently and it doesn't hold up very well at all. I did like hard weapon resistances like using spears against the weird leathery denizens of stonefang and crushing attacks against armored enemies and I think the NPCs were great for actually existing and doing things in the game world. But it's absurdly easy between enemies that hardly deal any damage, nearly infinite consumables, and the magic scimitar you get just by walking into 4-1 will obliterate everything you come across.
You're super right about the bosses too. Tower Knight and the Penetrator have the coolest intros but they go down without a fight, plenty of gimmick bosses, and even really memorable ones like Phalanx and Old King Allant barely classify as normal enemies in Dark Souls. Don't even get me started on all the unmemorable shitty bosses like LeechMonger or Pile of Trash.
Or newer for that matter. I can't believe how many people think an upcoming game is going to be better than an old one. "Tree of Savior doesn't have GvG or PvP, big deal neither did Ragnarok when it was first released". No one is going to give you any sympathy for being about as good as a 10 year old game when that game has 10 years more content than yours.
I'm not the person you were arguing with but I just thought you trying to compare the third game in the series being on par with the very first is ridiculous. Shouldn't Dark Souls II have better mechanics than Demons Souls considering how much more experience they have with the series?
I actually didn't mind most of DS2, but I didn't enjoy the DLC at all.
Sunken was probably the most enjoyable, had some weird but fun concepts, okay bosses.
Iron was all right, but nothing about it was particularly interesting. Alonne was a great fight, though.
But holy hell I couldn't stand Ivory. The layour of the city sucks, Aava sucks, grinding for Loyce souls sucks, and holy fuck don't get me started on the desolate outskirts. That whole area can suck two cocks, and the boss at the end can suck twelve. Awful. The real saving grace is the Ivory King bossfight itself is unique and really quite fun.
I went through all the DLC areas once. I think that's enough because I have no intention of going through them a second time.
DeS: 8.5/10
DaS: 9.5/10
DaS2: 6.5/10
BB: 9.5/10
DaS3: 8/10