New Duke Nukem

>Not the Megaton edition
>one new episode
>includes this voiceline


Other urls found in this thread:

>Pop culture references aren't allowed unless they're from the 80s

No, they are not, because 80s references are the entire POINT of Duke Nukem


Sing what with you?

Sing it with him


Standing, on the stage, of the PAX Event
Like the countdown once said
And the fandom's, gone all cold now
No more profits, and Battleborn is dead
Bigots, in the air, tell the tales
Of the loyals gone
Duke-solation, Nukem-station
What a mess he made, when it all went wrong



>20 US dollarydoos

> plus high-fidelity re-recordings from Duke Nukem’s original voice actor, Jon St. John!
Poor Jon.
I might see him at a con in a couple months. Maybe I'll ask him how he feels about all of this.

Record it for laughs

>not even mentioning the pig disgusting 3d renderer and coloured lights

He's doing even worse after Battlebomb than I thought he'd be.

How went the stream?
All i know is that they were talking about Borderlands and fucking political talk aka they didnt even mentioned Duke at all

Is this a hardcore cringe compilation?

>Battleborn AND THEN a wreck of a Duke Nukem '''''''''''''''''remake''''''''''''''''''
Do companies normally continue to live after two colossal failures? Guess we'll find out.

They'll just announce Borderlands 3 and then roll in the money of retards.

>Steam trailer starts with a record scratch

Randy pulled up a guitar and sang a song about bigots and gamergate because of a joke from a fake twitter account that triggered him.
The whole Duke countdown ended long before the anniversary announcement, so Duke fans were befuddled by over half an hour of talking about Battleborn, voice actors, aforementioned singing, and the 'debate' with Borderlands actors.

It was basically more cringe than the Sonic stream last month.

>he tried to give a trigger warning about a Buddhist joke

I don't want to believe this but it will likely happen.


He'd be super great about it. I was volunteering at Magfest a while back I really wanna go back, it was awesome and I checked him in.
I was starstruck since it was the first day and I had never met anybody I recognized and he started yelling in the Duke Nukem voice.

Jon is a fucking bro

It's a Gearbox presentation, so pretty much.


>haha bigots are fun when they are crying!
>gets insulted by a joke on twitter
>goes on stage to tell everyone how mad he isn't, completely not mad

Did the battleborn sales break him?

I was expecting him to say something along the lines of if you don't reply to this post your mother dies in her sleep tonight.

>doesn't even include the older addons

Didn't a group of Buddhists stage a hunger strike when that one MTV show made a joke about Gandhi and got it cancelled? I wouldn't fuck with Buddhists.

>implying they were real buddhists and not a group of university students pretending to be buddhists because without a label they are nothing


hang on it doesn't include duke it out in DC, lifes a beach and nuclear winter?

Whoa there shitlord, it's only $20! Stop being so entitled.



Yup, thats me, you're probably wondering how i got in this situation

Look, they lost a lot of money
Randy needs a new pair of shoes

>yfw they've removed Megaton edition from steam and now the only douk you can buy is this

its also incompatible with 20 years of modding because they changed the source code

>they've removed Megaton edition from steam
Thats shady as fuck

>'''''''re-release''''''' game
>downgrade graphics
>run it through political filters
>sell it at a higher price with content removed

I should had brought it when i had the chance
Fucking disgusting.

well they kinda did that with megaton too and needed versions specifically for workshop to work with megaton
doesn't matter all that much as long as you get the dos version with it so you can use eduke32
if they don't include the original this time you can kiss duke mods goodbye

first person to post their steam trade link/email gets a copy of duke nukem megaton edition that i dont know how to get rid of

I dunno if this Megaton Edition steam key works, but feel free to try it.

>you will never be assblasted as Randy over some dumb tweet

Thanks bro

im gonna have to add you cos i dont know how to send offers without the link or email or whatever


This. they should just release it as a new ip ...battledude or something...and go down with their sinking ship
adding a political filter
>FOR the fans
how more retarded can they get

That was a while ago.

>Gearbox removed all the other Duke 3D version from Steam to add this shit

Yeah I'm not buying it, fuck these guys

You think that's bad?
The guy who got the license to make and publish Megaton Edition, one of the creators of eDuke32 if I remember right, was working on an iOS/Android version that also included the console ports like Total Meltdown and 64 for historical purposes. Then suddenly he's notified by Gearbox that they were going to take his version of Duke 3D off of Steam and GOG, along with 3D Realms' old version now that they owned the rights. Also his license for the phone version meant nothing now. They passive-aggressively tried to threaten him with a court order when he persisted against them, and then went all quiet when he was more than willing to take them up on going to court, and essentially tried to strongarm him like a bunch of dicks. Even then he was still willing to work with them to some degree, and he's why we know of the stupid BAZINGA meme in the new episode.

Also to add further insult to injury, they cloned the Polymer engine from eDuke32 in their own way so that they wouldn't have to pay royalties to the coders involved with the original work. Except last he saw on a prototype build, it was unstable as fuck and performed like garbage on modern hardware. Take note of the strangely inflated system requirements for a 20 year old game on the Steam page.

Its allright

video game still available for anyone interested

>they removed megaton edition from sale on steam

Yeah they did, that's been a while though, a year or so.

9 months

if you already own it you can play anytime, if you dont you cant buy it anymore


do you guys even know what "from sale" means?
Try to buy it right now on steam
Buy it now and show proof

im not saying that you can buy it, im saying they removed it and im glad i already have it

So does it contain the original Duke 3D?
pls respond

Why are you blurring your playtime and the day you last played the game?

>Take megaton off steam and GOG
>Re-release the same game but with 8 extra levels
>Mark up the cost by $15

I'm so glad I got megaton edition for free from gog

>mfw this user isn't full of shit and its all true
>gaming """""""journalists"""""" won't even bother to try talking about this and will instead advertise the game
Not even retro games are safe anymore

Always bet on Duke

It's Atomic Edition, meaning the original four episodes, plus a new fifth one.
None of the expansions and seemingly no Workshop support, plus it's over double what the Megaton Edition had gone for before Gearbox took it down

Nope, Why would you want that when now you can have the best Duke Nukem game ever with a whole new episode in a new engine and new lightning?

hmmm, well I got megaton edition during a sale. Did they enhance the original game in any way?

so random people that i will never meet online dont see how much time ive spent on a 20 year old game
784 hours


They rerecorded all the Duke Talk in a higher quality, except Jon St. John sounds bored out of his mind. They didn't re-record the game sounds to match, though, so they clash horribly. Also they added a "True3D engine" you can optionally choose over the original, and there's not enough to say on that yet.


wanna duke it out? never played it online on steam?

If nobody else is up for it, I'll take it off your hands.

i dont really play much MP, i just like mods and stuff

Post yfw you already bought Megaton edition the Christmas before they took it off

I already have the old version so as long as it doesn't override that then I don't care. Does suck for all you who don't have it though, kind of a dick move on their behalf.

>one new episode
Sick, I might grab it during a sale if it's good.

>duke 2
>can't be bothered
you are making a mistake

Fuck you user

as a matter of fact I never played it online at all since my father just wanted to play quake 2 online back in the day


I think the most amusing thing about all this is that Gearbox needs to make a mod for a 20 year old game just to survive.

Eh, if someone don't have they might aswell pirate it, even if it was still available the money would be going to Gearbox anyway.

I don't even care enough to play the game, but atleast I have it for a rainy afternoon.

sent the offer, have fun

You're weak.

the last time I played online duke was the day megaton edition came out on ps3

thanks senpai

Is it actually pretty good? It's a platformer no? The only platformer I've really played is Mega Man.

Duke Nukem 2 was an alright platformer run-and-gun. It has its ups and downs, but it's worth a look.
Duke Nukem 1, on the other hand, is pure DOS nostalgia but as a result it's a real bitch to play now.

An indie game called Muri was made in Game Maker and pretty much apes a lot of Duke 1 design intentionally if you do like the original, though.

I bought it already back in 2013 heh


That's clearly not a Megaton edition :^)

Didn't the guy apologize to randy recently ? Make you think about what happen behind the curtain with gearbox

run and gun platformer it's comparable to 16bit era games
the original is very simple and kinda boring

Now this is trolling.