Now that the Wii U is finally dead would anyone here like to say a few last words?

Now that the Wii U is finally dead would anyone here like to say a few last words?



The gyroscope in addition to twin sticks rather than in place of twin sticks was actually really great for shooting and should become the standard for console shooters.

is that a casket?


We hardly played ye

Thanks for Tropical Freeze, Mario Kart and the superior version of Rayman Legends.

They were all seriously fun.

We hardly knew U

Fuck Sony.

I will avenge you. Sony won't get away with this.

You had a handful fun games, maybe weren't worth the price but it was entertaining none the less. Would have been great if they released MH4U and Gen on you though.

Trying to play Bayo 1 with that gamepad was awful.
Good lord.

Worst console this generation.
At least the 3DS is good.

I hope Nintendo keeps you in their hearts and minds forever.

Or maybe just every time they're designing their next platform that'd be nice too.

Just one word:


I look forward to playing Mario Kart splitscreen with my friends on you tonight

3ds is god awful also.
inb4 its le good because I cant steal muh games :^)

It was shaping up to be the best console in years, and then just stopped suddenly... Which is the most frustrating part about it.

All it had was Splatoon and Smash Bros.


Fuck you Nintendo

AND, you can turn off the 3DS gimmick, not like Wii U were you can fix not using the gamepad by BUYING more shit, fucking nintendo you greedy fucks

How is this even remotely fair?

you will be missed.

I don't mean we're going to be sad you're gone, I mean literally no one will notice.

Go back to with your Tumblrverse shit faggot.

U have an underrated post.

If only you didn't have that stupid controller...

If only you were marketed appropriately...

If only...

O Wii U, I won't forget you. Not like Nintendo who forgot all about Metroid, F-Zero, high budget games and probably a few more franchises I forgot as well.
You have the best Smash game so far.

Never really understood it. Was it just a wii with an ipad attached?


No, an iPad is mobile. The Wii U pad had a range of about 15 meters.

Still balls deep in XCX. Thank U.


if only you had interesting exclusive besides the 9 millions fucking mario game

Calm down, user. The man just posted a simple .gif.

Fellow anons,

we have come today to mourn the WiiU.
While we never had the chance to play with it fully, or to understand its potential, it will always stay within our hearts.
Wether it be to remind ourselfs of bad marketing and stubborness of past mistakes, or to what looked like a hopefull future, the WiiU will never be forgotten.
While I have never intended to buy one at launch and enjoyed the colorful party library whenever I stayed at my friends house, I was reminded of the great "console war" from the late 80's to the early 90's.
We always argued about differences, hardware and games library with friends and strangers alike when the truth is, we all had at least one thing in common.
We all love video games.
And even though the market changed, this will never change at all.

The WiiU, while never being a "threat" to other competitors, was a much needed addition and exception to the current console generation.
At the very last heartbeats of the WiiU, I am saddened to never actually buying one.
Not just out of thankfulness from Nintendos hard work after the video game crash, but also due to diversity.
Actual diversity, with colorful and simpler games.

I may now step off and lead the next user to speak his condolences.

Farewell, WiiU.

t. Sonygger

>tfw you'll never balls deep animal fuck LinLee and become the father of plenty of cute potato robits

I didn't even care enough to buy a Wii U until an electronics store chain was getting rid of it's Nintendo stock and I got a 8 gig for half price. Then I just wanted to get SMT x FE but that turned into whatever the fuck it turned into and I only had filler to console me. At least exploring XCX was fun and I've beaten dozens of VC games (as opposed to the half dozen Wii U games I've beaten).

Man, fuck you Wii U. I wanted to like you so bad.

Was it ever truly alive?

>not buttfucking the Murderess into submission
What are you doing with yourself?

I was expecting it to feel shit but I thought it was fine

I put almost 300 hours into Xenoblade Chronicles X and around 700 hours into Splatoon.
You had so many great games but everyone neglected you and your maker, on September 1st, decided to put you down for good.
Rest in piece. You won't be remembered unfortunately.

Bayo, Xeno and Splatoon were fun but you were a huge waste of money.


I bought one three days ago. Mario kart 8 online is some of the most fun I've had in a long time.

Never put dick in crazy.

It was ok. Some fun games, but overall nothing special. Glad I didn't buy ours.

If they hadn't chosen such a shitty name, maybe it could have done better

You were a piece of shit, with hardly any games for people over 12. The least you could've done was be like your farther the Wii. At least your father had a lot of good games. You were a failure at life, and its all Nintendo fault. They should feel bad for raising such a failure of a console.

RIP Wii-U. The only people who loved you were nostalgia fags and manchildren.

Shes not crazy.
>finished all her missions. She dindu nuffin wrong.

at first I kinda hated it, but after 15 minutes I loved it.

I had just a few games but I loved and still love my wii u. I got my wii u really really late and did not have any console 5 years before owning my wii u. fun times and I want to say thanks for this.

R.I.P. to the only 8th generation home console worth owning, even with its poor library.

It had no games on release, took forever to get going, and once it did get going it died. The shitty hardware drove off lots of third parties and the controller gimmick drove off everyone else.

RIP Wii U, the Virtual Boy of our time.

You came like a piece of shit, and you died as the same piece of shit, not even Iwata's dead could made you relevant or even good. Thanks shiggy you gave and idea for a shit console and we end up having a dead an useless president.

Ha ha

your mom is dead, I'm waiting for Paper Mario and Zelda

>not waiting for the superior NX version of Zelda


superior just like it was with Twilight Princess, right?

You had no games, you never got better, you had a shitload of awful kid friendly junk, you took adult related things and attempted to make them kid friendly, your hardware is outdated, your storage is outdated, your gimmicks are at worst garbage and at best neglected completely, and lastly your company lied about you every step of the way. I hate you Wii U. I hate you more than the Atari Jaguar.

Thanks for all the fun.

Now, Nintendo, quit being stupid. The whole one step forward, two step back policy needs to stop.

Rest in piss along with the Virtual Boy

This, I still haven't bought Generations as I'm hoping for a last minute port.

I've had some good fun with the Wii U, despite a lack of interest for some exclusives.

(Not all exclusives but Wii U was my console of choice for the multiplats.)
>Smash 4
>Bayonetta 2
>Shantae and the Pirates Curse
>Shovel Knight

And the Gamepad was excellent for cuddling up with older games


Forgot Splatoon

Thank you for fatal frame 5 and bayonetta 2. Also for the best version of blacklist. Too bad your creators never realized your full potential. We never got a dungeons and dragons, the thing you are made for. Also no real mainline mario made me sad. Sad. We will remember you like gamecube.