Post obscure game girls

Post obscure game girls.

Other urls found in this thread:


It's a Neo Geo game with a Saturn port, piss off




Roomi was my first video game crush too.



She's obscure deal with it.



Claiming Halo-chan


Mind if I leave this Slash here?
He's lonely.

What's her name again Sup Forums ?




I don't know any of these. Should I feel bad?

It's not too late to make this a Waku Waku 7 thread.




You should feel excited that there's more to discover.


Femme was 12-year old me's waifu






There's a lot of hot girls in this thread that I didn't know of, yes, but the fact that they're obscure means there's not gonna be any fanart/porn of them

So I can't be excited at all...

Here comes Joseph Joest- I mean, Dandy J.

I just wanted to let you know, all you Waku Waku 7 guys are my bros. You're alright.



what if breath of fire was a girl?

That's the point.
I think we can keep both topics.
Who's your main user? Last time I was trying to get really good with Slash. His teleporting shit is tricky though.


OH LORD. I remember seeing this in my Nintendo Power.
I had some fun you can say.





God I love his theme.
Only Tessie's theme rivals it IMO.

Been re-addicted to Triggerheart Exelica ever since it was made backwards compatible on Xbox One. It's fun as hell.


I see her in a lot of porn games.

I've been watching Saltybet a lot lately, so this whole thread is basically just "Yeah, seen her. Yep, seen her. Her too."



The girl is on the right.


So obscure that this is the highest resolution I could find.

fuck you ace



Literally could not find a picture of her online

I was about to post best girl.
She's so good, she was practically banned by her creators.
That sucker punch.








Natia is cute but fuck her robot.



the only fighting game character to have a name related to me... at least his last name "Fernandez"

I'd be impressed if anyone knew her.




His. Slash and Arina's are the best tracks



>tfw Capcom has completely abandoned BoF after the shitfests that were Dragon Quarter and the shitty mobile game they had the audacity to call Breath of Fire 6

Feels bad, man.


did they make it not shit and dead yet?



same here user, though Im not as good as I used to... I can't get the good ending anymore.


Does this count as obscure?


>and the shitty mobile game they had the audacity to call Breath of Fire 6

Did that end up coming out?

When will it become backward compatible.... everyone loves Suguri but no one ever bat an eye to this title.



Not yet.


not them, but I do love me my Arina myself.
>Tossing hearts for free stuns
>Reka's up the ass but she can chain them into her supers easly
>the fucking reach on her wall splat
>One of the fastest charging Harahara's letting you do it after a hard knockdown
She's great.



Not in the US. But honestly, who cares?




>tfw she barely has any art