Holy fuck this reminds me of 1942. Game is fun as fuck. I haven't liked a Battlefield game since BF2. BF3 and BC2 were fucking garbage. But this is fun as fuck. I'm actually having fun with a video game again
Holy fuck this reminds me of 1942. Game is fun as fuck. I haven't liked a Battlefield game since BF2...
>have to play as a nigger
>cancel preorder
ITT: Things plebs say
"_____ as fuck"
I'm enjoying it too and havent liked a battlefield since bad company 2. I wish we could play a more close quarters map though.
It's great. Except tanks are very over powered and fucking everyone picks sniper.
Probably wont buy on launch. FH3 and Gears 4 will do me for a while.
are fine?
fucking moron.
I heard it's a good game to play with your wife's son.
The gripe i have with them negros is actually giving them bong accents and not zimbabwe congo click clack noise accents. Ruins the mood even more, lads
is there a gears beta
I also heard it's better to spend money on this game instead of paying child support.
About 130 days ago. It was great. Except these new weapons are worrying.
Comes out at the end of October.
I like it. It feels more Bad Company than Battlefield to me. More focus on your shooting vs gun attachments & gadgets.
I'm just glad EA does Open Betas for a lot of their games. It's convinced me not to buy Battlefield 4, Battlefront, Hardline and now this garbage.
I agree. Genuinely fun game.
Even more fun to know it rustles the Stormcucks over at Sup Forums to see everyday casuals enjoying shooting nigs in a videogame.
reminder, goys
> he never played 2142.
Opinion disregarded.
its garbage mate
wow really made me think
Is the joke that they're all probably lined up for welfare?
It reminds me of Battlefront instead, down to the shooting.
>you are supposed to know their professions just by looking at them
>He fills in the blanks himself as thus taking away their agency instead of just talking to them
How fucking racist can you get?