
Will High Mountain go down as the comfiest place in the history of WoW?

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Thats not that one place in valsharah

>comfier than Nagrand


Forgot pic.

Are you kidding me?

Of course it will.

>ingame screen


>shitty stylized art piece

>anything but the druid class hall

Dat ass?


I find nature settings extremely comfy

>Lush green forests
>Smells like flowers
>Everyone there is calm and friendly
>Hot jucci deer pucci

it can't be beat

>Quiet village
>Cozy camp fires
>Beautiful night sky
>Unlimited milk

Are you sure about that?

It's not old Feralas and Azshara.
And it's not Hellfire Peninsula. Grizzly hills was nice too.

Too much moving around the mountains to get to your next area.

>Hellfire Peninsula

>Hellfire Peninsula

For people who are curious, once you reach 110 and unlock world quests, you start gaining a lot more artifact power. Plus that's when you can start researching in your class hall which increases how much AP you get.

>try to see if the Tears of Elune will work on the Light's Hope. How? Iunno, make em touch each other?


Is that moonglade? If so, why would moonglade not be the class Hall

Also how do class halls work. Does everyone of a certain class just get to hang out there? Even opposing factions?

Haven't played wow since wrath

>Does everyone of a certain class just get to hang out there? Even opposing factions?


Class halls are shared between all members of the class, horde and alliance.

The only class hall not limited to a certain class is Acherus. You can fly there with that flying toy and a glider combined.

Class halls are basically what Garrisons should have been, a personal little hub for you to hang out with people that isn't a proper city

Granted if you're a class that humans can play, odds are 99% of the players will be human because they simply have better racials than any other class.


They still have the reputation racial

Neat. Is there still capital cities? I know orgrimmar and stormwind are the main ones nowadays but I remember threads on here being pissed that they removed a city in some expansion

Also The Human Spirit.

Dalaran is back.

Dalaran's back? Aw shit, that's pretty cool. Has anything about it been updated or changed?

Music makes walking through the red wasteland 100% comfy.

I love the fact that we are connected to every emerald dream portal from the old zones. Makes travelling ez

This expansion is pretty comfy all around. Suramar City is amazing.

I've played every expansion and this one is definitely the best. I don't think they'll ever top it. I really hope the raids don't suck.

They had removed Karabor in WoD. In Legion Dalaran is back.


It has a portal to your Class Hall in place of where the Winterspring portal was, and there's a tower now that you use to access some extra stuff, but otherwise it's the same old Dalaran

Center is changed into a big tower now.

No, that honor goes to Suramar. It's the first place I've been to in WoW where I actually thought, "Fuck, I'd love to live here."



I quit playing right after Cataclysm launched.

I think I miss it...

all of the legion zones are pretty great

Aszuna is the weakest in my opinion, but even it's better than half of the Draenor zones.

Wish Blizzard would release a permanent version of this mount. It's fucking rad, but it's only usable in the worst place in this expansion.

Great job, Blizz!

Plus it's the first city in WoW that feels like an actual city and not just some districts for the player slapped together

>inb4 BRC

That felt like a fortress, not a city

I guarantee they will reskin it and let you dawg.

There is one in the game files but I don't think they've put it as a reward for anything yet

nigga are you dumb? the achievement for 20,000 sightless eye gives you that mount permanently

it's like a status symbol of being enough of a complete fucking dickweed in the underbelly that you got that many eyes

>comfier than grizzly hills
close, but not quite

>Its one of the few tracks made by Matt Uelmen

>PvPers are so garbage their designated area this expansion is the sewers

really makes you think

>Playing everything on low res
oh shit son

is Nomi just eating everything I give him? I've gotten nothing but burned food for like 3 days

no recipes whatsover. Why are fucking COOKING RECIPES RNG dependent?

>Maw of Souls is awesome as fuck
>The last boss is shit


Slow down

life is to be savored

wtf i love druids now

I just started playing WoW and I'm at my first dungeon in Legion.

I'm assuming everything except for Mythic stuff is completely braindead? Exactly how braindead?

Dont stand in the way of attacks, learn mythic mechanics and practice your rotation til you dont even have to think about it and youll be in a rading guild in no time. Its that easy.

There are a few bosses that can push your shit in but for the most part it's just interrupt spellcasts and avoid fire

gonna have to agree, high mountain is probably one of the more comfier zones of the broken isles, in comparison to the other zones

>Aluneth is voiced by McCree and talks shit about how you play
>Xal'atath or whatever it's called is a waifu in a dagger
>Thal'kiel tries to make Warlocks forget how shitty all of their specs are this expansion

why aren't there more talking artifacts

I'll always remember that zone as one where Tauren spread lies and glorified their folk hero to be fucking Broxigar.


Most fun class for fist weapons? I'm thinking ww monk

What is a fun healer for someone healing for the first time?

Having completely ignored the hype about this launch, I've seen a few things mention Dalaran. Is Dal the hub city again in Legion? Because that would almost make me consider resubbing for that alone.

Guardian Druid

one of your artifact skins literally turns you into a fucking rock bear

Disc priest is pretty easy to pick up and fun to play.

I need to say this:
If you main Ken, you are a true scrub who will forever jump between leagues, forever doomed to be silver at heart.
If you main Ryu, you are one of the most boring guys on earth and rely on the best character to win, unless you are platinum, if not, then you are a scrub
If you main Nash, and you are between super silver - ultra gold, you should just kill yourself.

The most fun part about SFV Online is seeing all these really really bad players who for example play Ken, and you just know they jump between silver and gold all the time.

What are some of the non half baked actually lore friendly weapons the classes get?
Someone mentioned the warriors get one good thing and two from the vyruk or whoever the viking angles were.

what if I main Karin?

Is it? I heard disc wasn't that great and was the hardest healer to play. It does seem like something I am interested in though since I like the idea of not playing a hard healer and more of a support.

>literally WE WUZ WARRIORZ N SHIET: the zone starring huln highmountain as mary sue

I'd really prefer not to be in animal form to be useful, though. Is there a way to glyph out of transformations or something?

That's still grizzly hills.

Is Disc good for soloing and questing?


Yes, you never die.

kek, I did the same.


New to Wow, just bought Legion and boosted a character (Holy Pala) to 100. Got the Silver Fist or whatever, but now what. Can I get better weapons other than this artifact or is this THE BEST that EVERYONE has?

Only weapons in Legion are Artifacts - each class has three, DH have two and Druids have four.

>hero, did I ever tell you of the time that the thousand Huln "Helicopter" Highmountain beat Cenarius AND Deathwing?

>tfw you make it to ilvl 810 and queue is 10 mins for dps

I've had many bombing quests but this might be the favorite thing I've had to ride for one


Welcome to the joys of the Heroic Dps Queue

Highmountain is great aesthetically but was the shittest zone to quest in by far

I like how that one Highmountain quest sends you to vanilla Azshara

>finally unlock world quests
>all these artifact power rewards

I also had this experience but I did it with a group of 5 and there was some phasing issues when we were in a group which slowed is down dramatically

I feel like when I do it on my alt And maybe only do it with 1 friend or solo and we aren't all slowing each other down I'll enjoy it more

It definitely gives the most xp

Also suramar is most comfy. Absolute GOAT zone.

Fucking right? It didn't help that the zone went on way too long.

IMO Val'Sharah had the best questing.

Why is Eye of Azshara so shit? Why don't profession/class quests that send you to cleared dungeons not give you queue priority?

>20+ minute wait times in NEW dungeons with cross realm
I'm practically forced to harass my friends so I can get an insta-queue.


Fuck Ashbringer

Don't forget all the artifact power you get from questing in Suramar

I've had 4 quest chains send me to eoa and I've never had two at the same time

If I didn't like it is complain more but I think it's a pretty neat dungeon

how to get 810 ilvl fast? Im at 804 and dont feel like doing nromal dungeons because of hour qeue and then I dont even get any loot

Class order hall gear

You need rep though, which is locked behind a time gate.

Also, why does shadowpriest suck so much dick? Fuck me I dont want to reroll

>Read the MRP of a female Draenei who claims to have an 18-inch horsecock, because of course they do
>Under their kinks they have "unrealistic genital sizes" as a No

are there any other good wow youtubes I have missed like preach, heelvsbabyface,bellular, asmongold

>ore on my server is close to 100g per felslate
>bought a stack for prospecting for 600g two days ago


im honored with nightfallen already. so how is it time gated? the wrists are because of class missions.

Val'Sharah is easily the fastest questing. I got it all done in like 2 hours when all the other zones too longer.