ITT: post Artificial Difficulty

ITT: post Artificial Difficulty

I want to agree but the moment people are able to streak wins on the hardest difficulty it just means that we're not good enough, user.

says who? they only show gameplay when they win. cherry picking is easy

livestreams. a guy called lethalfrag had a 14 streak hard difficulty random ship.

but I get impossible dice rolls every couple of games. it's like the game HAS to make you lose by all means necessary

The game will almost always give you a winnable game. You have to work with it and turn it into a victory.

Yeah? But what's his start most of the time? He probably uses some exploit or most rewarding combat route

Whens sequel

>or most rewarding combat route

How is this a bad thing?

>most rewarding combat route
What's this? Just knowing the most lucrative outcomes in advance? I thought everyone did that.

What is Tharsis

>enemy hits oxygen room
>breaks it and makes hole in it
So fair, time to restart

Relying on meta-knowledge is only ok when it's in Japanese games.

I'd argue FTL is the most sensibly realistic game in terms of difficulty ever. Not the way the game handles you, but the way you handle the game.

Eh, I think it's a fair compromise.

If you want to just blindly play the game in a more role-playing way you can play it on easy.

If you want more of a challenge, well you'll need to be more experienced with the game first.

>What is door upgrades?
>What is taking away oxygen to rooms?
>Why are you in a sector with big use of boarding parties if you think you're not prepared?

>encounter problem
>don't try to fix it, just whine about fairness
Guaranteed to have started gaming in or after 2005.

I could just teleporter every time because clearing a ship is better than destroying it

Often people just stick to 1 proven strat which even on the hardest makes it easy

>It's a "Beam ship with bream drone against stealth ship on first jump" episode

Jump the fuck out, you don't have to kill everyone

All difficulty in games is artificial you mongs.

Ah, so you're a scrub then.

I honestly don't know whether or not I'm being trolled by all the FTL whiners. Yes, the game has an element of RNG. Yes, sometimes you just get fucked. But the whole premise of the game, if not the entire genre, is risk management. You may not win every single time, but that's why the games are short. You learn the game, you think things through, you take the risks you need to and avoid those you don't, and you raise you win rate from 50%, to 60%, to 70%, to whatever.

Did you whine about NetHack too? What about XCom (assuming you did not savescum)? Do you flip the table every time you roll a natural 1? What's wrong with you people?

Engi don't breath. Fyi.

Engi cruiser is nigh impregnable to borders. Vent it to space and fly around in vacuum. Mantis dpsderps die too fast to kill your tanky engi.

You sure you're not mixing up the Engi with the Lanius? I just checked by venting the Engi cruiser and everyone started dying.


Nethack has a 29 winning streak.

Though it would probably be much lower with the newest update...

Dafug? They're crystalmen. They're not supposed to breathe. Its one of their traits. Like the rockmen.

The Engi are the robot dudes, not the crystal dudes

bait or retard?

>mfw I never beat the game once and I refuse to play on easy

Why? You can always play on higher difficulties once you unlock more stuff, I imagine trying and failing with just one or two ships all the time must be boring and unfun.

On easy this game is literally easy as fuck

You dont say user.

Sure, but you can mix it up with different strats. That's why there's different ships with all of their own strengths and weaknesses. You don't have to pick Mantis each time.

I played on easy to start with so I could learn the game. This is a game where the difficulties actually matter so it's not like that's a bad thing.


Man, I wish there was a way to resolve this in Minesweeper. Have the game recognise undeductible positions and just say "good enough, here's your high score" would be enough. People complaining about FTL are scrubs.

Completely wrong.

Didn't work.


Elbereth was broken anyway

To be fair, there's risk management and then there's getting zapped by a gnome that happened to have been spawned with a wand of death in his inventory

>think I'm pretty hot shit
>only have 6 normal victories with 86 hours

Granted it's with a variety of ships, but still.

You guys are playing captain's edition, right?

I have gotten Hard wins with it multiple times, with CE installed as well, it's a good ship

>Engi don't breath. Fyi.
dude what
it's the Lanius that eats air. crystals are resilient but not immune. engis suffocate like other races.

dude what
how is that situation unsolvable even in worst case you send two people and when the yfix the breach you open the door to circulate air
it's literally that easy

I need FTL 2 in my life

Which is your favorite race, and why?

are you implying a hole in your oxygen room is a lose condition? lmaoing at your life

Must be talking about Mantis B.

human. they're cheap as dirt.

best composition is 1 slug 1 engi 1 zoltan 1rock 2 mantis 2 human
lose human for crystal/lanius if possible
modify mantis/engi values for whether if you want boarding or just shooty combat

Rockman, especially when I have that shipwide healing upgrade.

I would use mods to give myself fire lasers and full scanners and just go around setting ships on fire, watching the little crew members rushing to put them out and then finally taking refuge in the medical facility waiting for death

there might be something wrong with me

mantis B starts with ridiculous defenses it's goddamn impossible to die to anti ship fire in the first few sectors
he's even more of a goddamned scrub if he died in that or didn't get engis before defences become a problem

the medical nanobot bolted on the engi A?
you know if you have CE you can get that after getting a quest from your engi crewmen(talikng in empty beacons). he says something about a medical outpost and reccomends visiting there, and you can grab medbots there for 40 scrap

Def 1 doesn't give you immunity to missiles.

I'm sorry what?
are you suggesting that a single missile can somehow disable an entire ship?

I've had this game since the release and still don't have the crystal ship

hit the pilot seat, and watch as evasion is brought to nothing while they repair it and every other gun you have doesn't miss.

If we go by on mantis b with just the starting mantis and you can't respond to it immediately, yes.

How does it feel to be a sector 2 scrub

adds way to much RNG stuff, the content itself is pretty cool though

It plainly did. I was trying to post and it wasn't working, so after five attempts I tried just posting "testing" to see if it would work. It did, so I deleted it and posted away.

I've survived shit like that you know.
it's not that hard. all you have to do is to cycle repairs after you return from chopping up the enemy crew. you jump right into the medbay, heal up, send one guy down, send second guy down, send first guy to medbay, send second guy back, send first to medbay, bam, air restored.

Honestly the original race selection is great. I like slugs as a part of the setting but not interested in them as main characters or crew. Lanius are interesting to play as and against, but conceptually are a bit edgy. Crystals are meh, in a neutral way.

I probably like Zoltan the best, then Mantis, Engi and Rocks.

zero evasion for few seconds can be painful but it's not crippling to to the degree you're suggesting. you have goddamned 30 hull, or if you're maximizing profits, around 10~15. you can tank that damage once or twice no problem.

>but conceptually are a bit edgy.
you bastard.
that was intentional, right?

I generally optimise for puns in these threads. Came up with chance-pranced as a soft alternative for luck-fucked a while back.

Here's some tips for you faggots.
>fight everything, unless they are offering weapons as surrender
>explore the map for as long as you can
>time your shots well
>pause a lot
>board every time if you can because more loot,
>engines are more important than shields
>if your boarding party is low health keep them moving in the enemy ship if they have no door upgrades, it will keep them alive
>mind controlling the pilot reduces the evasion to 0 if they have no auto pilot, use this for guaranteed hits
>you can kite ion by disabling shields if you really have to so it doesnt hit them
>if a rebel ship is about to jump away and you can't kill in time you can jump away yourself so you don't get fleet penalties
>aim flaks at the meatiest part of the ship, so the circle covers as much rooms as possible
>you can align beams carefully, so it hits more rooms (beam touches corner, it does full damage even if it barely touches it)

a lot of this things are missed by a lot of people I see on the tube. good job user.
>Boarding survival
>Mind contol for hit chance
>Rebel running
>Beam shots
I don't know why a lot of people miss these things.

>board every time if you can because more loot
Just to add on this, you can clean crew with Slug type C without teleporters due to the existance of mind control.

crew killing weapon runs are so fun but autonomous ships and the final boss are a bitch to deal with

Zoltan are living, breathing ship upgrades. Indispensable, can't get enough of them. Mantis close second just because of their CQC.

>tfw spent 25 hours enjoying this game but couldn't beat the final battle except one fluke

Healthy diet of all, but of the easily acquired ones I might just prefer engis as my non-cockpit operators.

>Zoltan crew
>Everything stops working if they have to move
They're valuable, but also annoying.

>couldn't beat it easily
>still enjoyed it
congrats on not being a pissbaby millennial friendo

True. Got to have a plan if they die or are needed elsewhere. I usually put one in oxygen. The crew can do without oxygen for a short time while he moves around, then I send him back to his post before everyone suffocates.

Whenever I see a thread like this I fire up FTL and beat it. Git gud faggots.

>I don't know why a lot of people miss these things.

Because this is the "press X to win" generation.

>unironically using the term artificial difficulty

Just admit you're bad at video games, user.

20h and I've saw the boss only twice and couldn't beat him anyway. Man, I'm so shit at this game.

have fun with repairs user.
although I know what you mean, that extra 3 power lets you do so much more things simultaneously, especially with Lv.2 Batteries.
Fed ships are ridiculous with three zoltans, and with Fed C you start with two!

Thanks for reminding me of this game. I'm going to play it again.

do not be discouraged! I went on for 30~50 hours until I got the win on easy with the red tail. if you start to win consistently on easy, start going normal then. easy mode will help you get the fell of the things!


Beams. Aww yeah.



>90% evade with cloak
>still get hit

I think there's a difference between "risk management" and "lol you chose wrong in this 50/50 diceroll half your crew is dead"

What's the objectively worst ship?

>take FTL combat
>stick it in a game with actual design rather than events that randomly fuck you up or not regardless of what you choose
Perfect game.

That's precisely risk management. Don't fight alien spiders if you have only two guys on your team.

>He fights giant alien spiders with his crew

>high tier
>mid tier
>low tier

none of them are really not worth having though, their systems xp is usually worth more than any of their race bonuses

>low tier

they are all useful in their own right except crystals.
humans are cheap and if you need bodies to fill humans are the way to do it in the fastest timescale
slug is a straight up upgrade to human
zoltan gives you endgame power

Did anyone mentioned EVERY RTS EVER?

Even AoE2 has shit AI and difficulty just mean extra resources

but zoltan mid tier rock bottom

look at it this way, their bonus is basically a one-time 25 scrap reward that you can only spend on power supply, and this is at cost of losing 1v1 to basically every other race save the engis
and then they only become particularly useful when you have completely maxed systems, which is basically a won game anyway since maxed systems are an extravagant luxury that you shouldnt ever be getting unless you have huge amounts of scrap to burn in the last sector

That's wrong on so many levels