Vita Thread

So, my dudes. The Vita's hacked. I guess that's pretty much something. Also, rom dumping, yes? Absolutely. Backups? You got 'em.

Shit's real, chief.

Other urls found in this thread:–L)–Z)

Don't bother downloading vpks dumped with Vitamin 1.1, all their saves will eventually corrupt.

Wait a few days.

So many fucking butthurt Sony fanboys I know on gbatemp are flaming hot right now over the Vitamin hack and the backup playing being basically flawless. Vita's day of reckoning is at hand.

Im waiting till all of the bugs are ironed out, like the possibility of being banned and the ability to play future releases on the lower firmware.

i come to Sup Forums on the vita.
Idk why

Any reason written out for this or anything?

This fucking screen and the way it renders GBA games. Oh My Faggot Heart. I could die happy.

Where can I, excluding nyaa, find some of these dumped games?

Now that it's hacked is it worth getting?

Yes. Although get a used one since they have previous firmwares and invest in a 32gb card

I guess it's finally time to invest in a bigger memory card, huh

Somehow I always knew this day would come.

Yes, get a used OLED one with at least 16GB MC.

Hopefully someone makes a micro sd card adapter now that it's hacked.

I can't even think of ten games I'd pirate

I wanna get a PS TV for comfyness. How well can the Vita emulate? And can the current hacks allow for white listed Vita games to work (as long as you use a DS4 controller)

Henkaku site makes it sound like you have to be on precisely 3.60. Just to be sure, this will work on older firmwares, yes? I'm still on 3.55

I keep getting error code c0-7926-4 whenever I try to connect my vita to my PC, anyone knows how to fix this?

Not very well yet.

No, do a manual update with QCMA.

You gotta update to 3.60

I'll just wait until Henkaku is updated to the current Vita firmware. I dun fucked goofed when I updated my Vita a few weeks back.

It's never happening bro.

That's what they said about the Vita being hacked. The moment they announced the kernel exploit was the moment Sony lost. No amount of firmware updates can undo the piracy

this a gud deal?

Developer isn't working on making it work for 3.61

He said it could be years until anything above 3.60 is cracked. Look at the PS3 you can't hack it unless you're on 3.55.

Buy a new Vita.

Would a new Vita really have 3.61?
Didn't it only come out a couple weeks ago?

The PS3 got fucked way harder than the Vita did and it's still impossible to hack a console newer than 3.56.

It's not happening.

Difficulty/time wise how is hacking your Vita compared to the 3DS. I've got an original and one of those light blue ones in OP's image, should I say fuck it and just use the new one?


>64GB memory card

Okay, just checked the software update. By some miracle, the last thing it downloaded was 3.60. Probably some fuckery that happened with my network, switched routers recently and never updated my Vita to the new shit. Guess I'm saved.

Don't update it like that, you could fuck yourself
do it manually

That's way too good of a deal. Probably a defect on the thing. Inquire the person a bit. If they sound like some retarded soccer mom who is selling Timmy's psp after he got a bad grade then it's safe to buy without worries

Card alone is worth this price

The difference was that Sony cared a lot more about the PS3 than they do for the Vita.

How are the emulators for it?

Can it play PSP ISOs yet? I'm still on 3.18 because I basically just use my Vita as a PSP.

They need some work.


not yet, stay on 3.18 if you don't want to wait for psp games, get 3.60 if you want vita games right now

I really want to hack a 3ds to play all the games that I've wanted to play on it but hearing people on Sup Forums bitch about the time it takes to get it hacked just puts me off

It recently got a lot better because of CTRNAND transfers

it's dropped from 5 hours to 1½

Lucky for you the guide got updated and takes way less time. Just be sure you're 10.7 or below.

The time it takes (about 3-5 hours) is well worth it for the payoff. Especially considering you gain access to not just 3DS games, but also NES, SNES, GB, GBA, DSiWare, and possibly full DS games without the need for a flashcart soon.

So if I hack my vita can I then toss the memory card into a PSTV and continue playing or will I need to re-do the hack process for that as well?

I guess I'll have to buy a 3ds now. Which models have the lower firmware required?

I think the MC can only be formatted for one system at a time.

>can't play Vita and PSP games at the same time
Huge disappointment.

>guide mentions 11.0.0 or lower

So that means 11.0.0 got hacked now, or is that a typo?

I think the 2nd Vita/PS TV will force you to format the card to use on the system

11.0 can only be hacked with an already hacked 3ds or with soldering


There is a homebrew to get around that.
But each system needs to be activated with henkaku.

11.0 can be downgraded if you have another 3ds already hacked

Can I earn trophies for my PSN Account?

That's not true though

Indeed you can, so long as the game has trophies.

Too little, too late.

Now, a PS4 hack, that I could get behind. You'd have to be a complete gibbering moron to pay for online anyway.

They're probably working on that as we speak. Personally I will wait until Henkaku improves to the point that Vita/PSP/emulated games work all at once and on Chinese made SD to PS Vita memory adapters (well the latter isnt that important to me)


I believe it's completely online compatible. Sony can't tell the game is pirate.

so its hacked yes, but whats worth playing on it, my vita has been collecting dust because I just keep never finding games that attract me

>PS4 hack

You'll be waiting at least a decade. The PS3 still hasnt been fully hacked but that maybe due to foreign architecture

Is there a guide to removing PSN account info without losing access to all the shit on the memory card?

I don't mind trying to work stuff out on my own but every time I fuck up I have to spend 2 hours restoring a backup from QCMA

Maybe try some of the weeb games you obviously dont like rather than expect console western trash (Killzone Mercenary is good tbf)

thats the thing isnt it, i dont care much for weeb games, but west trash doesnt interest me either

Just saying, it's fine to pirate but remember to buy niche games that you know might not never ever again be localized.

Don't be moronic because you'll be the one paying for it later. The PSP damage is still showing, Vita has 1.4k games yet how many are translated? less than half?

>Bought a 2nd Vita and 8gb mem card on eBay for homebrew and piracy
>Realize after it gets here the Vita has no good games I don't already own and I just wasted $115

a-at least i can emulate r-right

Can you sync trophies from 3.60? Last time I checked, henkaku required 3.60 to run and Sony required 3.61 to sync data.

that's the reason I updated one of my two Vitas - to sync trophies from games I own

can i finally play god eater and all the games i wanted to play and not buy. yes pls
I feel half bad my qt gf just bought me a vita game too

Correct me if I'm wrong, but the Vita should be an emulation powerhouse. Could maybe handle N64 if somebody gave enough of a shit to make an emulator for it.

Henkaku released an update recently that has a built in spoofer. Only time will tell how long it lasts, but it's there to take advantage of.

Whatever happened to the moralfag babby who started Vita homebrew but refused to talk about roms? Is he shitting himself with rage now or trying to stay relevant?

It will be if developers care to optimize for it.

Can I play all PSP games on it? Its important, I might or might not buy it depending on the answer

Not yet. Soon.

Thanks, I will try it on my second Vita

Is there any way to hack trophies yet?

I'm just installing my first game. Atelier Sophie.
Also, any list of rec games? And does anyone knows how to bypass MEGA's bandwidth limit? Everyone seems to be uploading there.

Then why the hell did you get a Vita?

I'm going to wait with my Vita on 3.60 until there's a more permanent hacking solution. If there never is one, it doesn't really matter to me, because I've already played most of the Vita games I care about.



Enjoy 1351 games.

i can get any vita game though right? can i get jap games?

Use a downloader program like JDownloader 2

Only ones with working dumps

>Vita is slowly selling more and more as people hear that there's piracy
>Sony will wait a couple months
>Then they will force upgrade the firmware and fuck up every pirate.

My data cable isn't working properly, and fuck waiting for wifi file transfer. Does anyone knows if this cable is trustworthy? Original ones are hard to come across where I love, so I have to buy a chink one.

Ive waited for this!

Mostly Persona 4G (which i lost interest in) and MGSHD, as well as anything else that might have come down the line, I got mine pretty early on, but whenever something new came out I didn't have any interest

>force upgrade the firmware
Can't happen

What why

Haven't turned my vita on in awhile. Months ago I did a system restore. I'm on the right firmware to hack this but I can't access the memory card until I link it back up and sign in psn. Anyone know a way around this?


Ive always thought this would be the go to strategy for any company when this happens.

Sony knows damn well that the possiblity of hacked Vitas alone makes people want to buy one.

Vitas and PsPs are trash... Until you hack one!

>charge my vita
>have 3.60 firmware

alright where do i start? can i just get a separate memory card and do everything on that?

>Vitas and PsPs are trash... Until you hack one!

Yeah this is actually pretty hilarious, Vita was hotshit a month ago, now we have a Vita thread up at all times on Sup Forums with people buying one to pirate games.

It's hilarious.

Is there a way I could take all my save files off my PSTV so I can factory reset the thing and then do this hack?

is it a slim vita?

I did this the other day user here's what you do:

1. Clear your vita's browser cache
2. Reboot your vita
3. In the browser, go to this website:
4. Follow the instructions, click install, click OK on any error prompts
5. If after a few tries the browser app closes on its own, you did it. If not, reboot and try again. Like the 3DS exploits, it's a bit finnicky sometimes.

You will now have a new app somewhere on your vita. This is a file explorer/.vpk installer/FTP server. The directory ux0 is your memory card and that's where you wanna be at.

At this point you can do a bunch of things. I highly suggest downloading and installing the offline installer for henkaku, as you need to re-hack every time you reboot your Vita and it's best to have an offline method in case the website gets hit by sony legal.

Two main methods to install a .vpk file. Either press select in the file browser to host an FTP server OR if you have QCMA installed on your computer, get a .vpk file and rename the extension to .mp4. Put it in the VIDS folder of your QCMA directory and then use content manager to copy over the file (remember to refresh the database on your computer). Then use the vita file browser thing to find your vids folder, fine the file, rename it back to .vpk and install it. After you install a .vpk, delete the .vpk file as it just takes up space. You can copy any installed game with the content manager so you don't need to install the .vpk again.

Yeah a slim. Trying to figure out a way around not having to do the forced update just to use my memory card again.

There's nothing on the internal 1GB right?

i believe its because 1.2 is going to be released very soon

I've hacked two 3DSes and one Vita. Hacking the Vita is WAY easier, you just visit a website and wait. You install files via installable archive but after installing you can copy them over with the content manager to save space on your overpriced memory card. It doesn't matter which Vita you hack because the hack isn't permanent, it goes away after a reboot. Rather, you should pick one memory card and use that one as the hacked games memory card and then don't synch trophies or play online when using that memory card (Sony might actually ban you unlike Nintendo).

It takes a bit of doing but it's not that bad. Mainly you set up an entry point and make an emuNAND for that SD card, but once you do it it's easy from then on out.

No all swiped once I reformated awhile back. External Memory card still has my stuff on it though that's about it.

So any news on undubs for Persona 4 Golden, Trails of Cold Steel?

>mfw all it took was 1 work day (8 hours) for me to afford a vita and all the games i ever wanted on it

fucking poorfags go get a college degree