Is the the greatest game of the '10s so far? I think it might be

Is the the greatest game of the '10s so far? I think it might be..

Also.. Is there some kind of lore explanation as to why nights are so bright and why the sun starts rising at 3:30? The fuck is up with that?

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I oly have The Witcher 2, is it worth playing?

also is Witcher 3 super well optimized? I don't have a great rig but it can do OW and Fallout 4

this also bothered me but i guess its the moonlight being to bright.

>game has shit gameplay
>best game of the '10s

Definitely not, although it does a good job of describing all the games that came out in the 10s.

Your mom does a good job of describing all the mens penises she sucked in the '10s.

W2 is a perfect game, w3 is like w3 but has more content.

>witcher 2
>has witcher 3 combat only slightly less shitty

You guys sure throw the word "perfect" and "greatest" around really lightly.

Thanks, I never heard about "muh combat" ever before. Truly insightful.

Bloodborne tbqh.

Did it go past 1/5th of witcher 3 sales yet?

It's not a unique complaint because it's a valid one that tons of people have. "muh combat" doesn't invalidate my argument, only strengthens it. You cdproject drones are crazy.

>Its not unique complaint
>thats why im going to post it over and over and over and over and over again
>you're crazy

But I've only posted it once.

>It's not a unique complaint

Because it was being spammed by butthurt redditors before the game was even out.

I've literally not read a single review that complained about the combat being bad.

>terribad gameplay
No. Best world maybe but best game is a ridiculous proposition when much better games exist in the year it was made let alone the whole decade

>Played on "just the story" difficulty
I mean, you're not even trying to hide it.

But I've played it and the combat is garbage. Do you only believe things that Polygon reviewers tell you?

I played tw2 on the hardest difficulty initially available. I get that reply a lot though, when I dont hop on the hivemind.

Well, aren't you a big boy, going against the stream and rebelling against the hivemind.

more like terribad meme

>Do you only believe things that Polygon reviewers tell you?

le polygon XDDD

Polygon isn't the only website reviewing games. I've literally never heard anyone say that the combat is terrible expect autistic shitters that gather on reddit

So I cant think the combat is shit unless I browse reddit? Cool.

Nice argument for the combat being good, dude! You've really changed my mind with that excellent post!

mario 64's platforming is garbage

I'm not trying to change your mind. I'm just teasing you.

Why is the quest blurred out?

pre-release spoiler image.

The combat is basically dark souls without shields it's not bad

>is there some kind of lore explanation as to why nights are so bright

witchers have heithened eyesight and can see in the dark

unless it's pitch black then you use a potion

It's not like dark souls combat at all though, apart from being a 3rd person action game.

>no build/character customization, you're always a twirling sword fag shooting off the occasional spell
>mashing left click performs optimal combos, no need to learn weapon animations
>enemies always behave the same way

"gee why do witchers have cat like eyes?"
It's not really a question worth answering.

Nope. Did Witcher go 1/5 past CoD's yet?


>rehash number 6 in 6 years

No thanks

Unfortunately RPGs are much smaller market than FPS genre.
What genre is BB btw? Surely its some really niche genre since it sold

>why nights are so bright and why the sun starts rising at 3:30
it's slavshit, and it's actually like that in our countries in summer
t. slavfuck

What do sales have to do with game quality?

Also BB wasn't multiplatform, nor did it have the insanely high advertising budget of TW3.

What are the other three that you are implying are rehashes?

>devs constantly lied
>has a season pass
>shitty boss battles
>combat lacks depth and bad enemy variety
>almost all quests are way too linear
>open world adds nothing to the game
it's far from perfect, not even the best game of it's year

If its a good game why not make a pc port and enjoy millions in sales? Imagine that, millions of players get to enjoy your 10/10 game? No?
Oh well. It's almost like telling people who can never play BB to play BB is sort of a wasted effort.

why would Sony port their game to PC?

i think its the best game of all time with hearts of stone installed

>tfw i'm an idort so i played bloodborne
it's the best ps4 exclusive but that's literally the only reason to own a ps4. it had all the same old souls trappings. it was fun but did it do anything new? no. tw3 did the best job yet of marrying an open world with a solid story, which was almost hitherto unheard of apart from new vegas. whereas new vegas was rough around the edges, tw3 was a stellar release with continued support, with THE best dlc ever released for a game, and had way more technology going for it than bloodborne. i'm still amazed when i boot up tw3 a year after release because the facial animations are unparalleled (no game has done keyframe facial animation this good since hl2. and the fact that it's synced to the sound means it works perfectly across all languages) and also the textures on the clothing is fucking beautiful. even with a downgrade (which the modding community have done a pretty good job of remedying [even though it mostly boils down to grimdark filters for the game of thrones fags]) it's still one of the best releases i have ever experienced and i will probably won't be experiencing anything as good until cyberpunk 2077 comes out.

>Witcher 3
>best game of anything

I love this meme

You forgot that the camera in W3 is never a nuisance, enemies can't clip you trough walls, the hitboxes are better and the game is not clunky and doesn't shit itself when you have to fight more than one enemy at a time

>If its a good game why not make a pc port, spend shitload for QA because of various HW configs, spend shitload for anti-pyracy measures and anticheater measures and enjoy meager sales because chinese fucks will crack the protection in 3 days anyway?
It's a system seller. Sony gets more money from it keeping it on PS4 only.

i bought this on console

and it was a pile of shit

is it really worth finishing


>and the game is not clunky
You were doing fine until this gem.

no it's a 3/10 game

buy another copy of bloodborne and support video GAMES with good GAMEPLAY instead of shitty linear interactive telltale shit with 0/10 gameplay empty open world marry sue protagonist grimdark edgy 12 year stuff

bloodborne has better storytelling in either way

Did witcher 3 go past 1/20 of skyrim sales yet

it's not

handles fighting two or more enemies miles better than Dark Souls which always shits itself if its more than one enemy

not for consolefags with shit taste

>buy another copy of bloodborne and support REHASHES with THE SAME GAMEPLAY FROM SOFT HAS BEEN DOING THE PAST 7 YEARS

TW3's gameplay is indeed pretty bad and that's a shame because the world is pretty engaging and beautiful.

Quen is broken, Aard is broken, dodging is spammable and gives you too much i-frames, and there's a lot of other little problems which are retaining the game from being a great one. The combat would be way better if stamina was consumed for every action, pretty much like in dark souls.

Sure, the game is still good, but not that much imo, it gets tedious and repetitive after 25-30 hours, when you start really understanding the game.


>blunderborne held up as an example of good games
enjoy your sickdarku mindless hackan slash.

I bet you even think its "hard"

>dodging is spammable

It's actually not. You lose the i-frames if you spam dodge

>the combat would be better if it was dark souls




kill yourselves soulsfags

And the stamina regenerations basically halts to 10-20% if you spam the big dodge so he's wrong again

Besides the sidestep this game does is better dodging mechanic than any other game.

Yes Bloodborne has more enemy variety and the combat is more satisfying but I'm sick and tired of these shitters acting like TW3 is bad or that it doesn't do certian things better than Bloodborne.

>It's a system seller. Sony gets more money from it keeping it on PS4 only.
Then ban "systemseller" posters for shilling for sony?
Do we need hundreds of posters literally saying >buy ps4 I mean bloodborne
thousands of times?

>fallout 4 having more goty awards then mgsv or bloodborne

and we are suppose to listen these fags.

Well it would be far more enjoyable if you had to actually manage your stamina instead of just mashing the buttons like a morron.

And i'm far from a souls fan boy.

But I'm playing the game right now and I do have to manage my stamina

Rend does a lot of damage but depletes stamina quickly, a sign takes away all damage,and the stamina regeneration slows a lot if you spam roll

People shit on games like Witcher and Batman for their combat but the thing is they're lore accurate. Batman and Geralt are so skilled and they have these movements so ingrained in their person that their movements are almost automatic.

While it might not be the deepest combat it gives the player the distinct feeling that they're playing as Batman.

Is there actually any source where those numbers come from?

Some guy compiles all this shit on his blog

It's 254 GOTY awards now, not 160

It might be because my first playthrough was on the harder difficulty, but I fpund dodging to be much better than dark souls once I initially got over how the i-frames worked in it.

In souls you can literally roll right through an enemy attack no matter how big it is and the timing is pretty much just wait for the attack animation to start the attack phase.

Witcher 3 if I tried dodging or rolling through a griffin swipe I'm gonna get hit by it. I feel like I actually need to play it safe in my attacking - give a monster a quick 2-3 hits before stepping back in case it tries counterattacking and depending on what I'm fighting and what position I'm in I'll either sidestep to dosge a small attack or roll to cover more ground faster.

Keeping quen up during fights is a necessity and I need tk be aware of how long I have left before it needs a refresh, considering whether I have the time to use my stamina on another sign first before I need to reapply quen.

Potions are needed too and I find the decictions very interesting because which decoctions I choose to use will depend on what I'm fighting and it's attack style. Ekkimara is useful for hordes of weaker enemies where I can't help but get hit while Nightwraith is good against Archgriffins who hit hard and can bery easily clip me if I get careless. Water hag was great to hse against another archgriffin that was a higher level than I was because it upped my damage output for the fight - but I needed to make sure I keep my HP at 100%.

From my experiences with the combat I can only assume that people who compalin about the combat being too shallow or simple must have been playing on the easiest difficulties where spamming fast attack is all you need to do.

ask a cdpr employee on reddit

Definitely worth playing, but you better free up an entire month for that shit cause hooooo boy that game is long.

There are two types of dodges in TW, one is the rolling one which is kinda boring, but the side-step dodge is probably the best kind of dodge i've seen in video games

The combat is far from bad, this is all one big circle-jerk

except spamming fast atk and long roll is the only thing you need to do on death march. everything else is simply fluff
same principle apply to souls games.
"muh skill" acshun rpg is a mistake.
inb4 devil may cry, these games award you style points. even batman award you exp for being a badass.

>tfw i used to complain that games weren't long enough
>tfw after tw3 i wish games like that were shorter

i'm a neet so i have plenty of time to play it but when i recommend it to my friends who have jobs i kind of know they will never play it because they don't have the time.

Bloodborne has the same sidestep dodge though

Are the console ports any good? I only have a shit toaster laptop that barely runs minecraft.

I wouldn't call that a flop either retard

most of those 9/10 10/10 reviews were played on ps4

I managed to play witcher 3 while having a job. As long as you don't have a shitty short term memory you can get through the game in many 1-2hr play sessions over the course of a month. Surely the longer a game lasts you the better entertainment value for money it is (assuming that it is something you enjoy playing I suppose)

>10s so far?


The Witcher 3 is basically the closest thing we have right now to the perfect game ever made.

Why would anybody use anything than the sidestep? Isn't the sidestep a dodging mechanic? The sidestep is broken and the game is too easy, that's fact. Even in Death March, the combat is a joke.

The combat is easy, stamina's regeneration is too fast anyway, the roll is useless, i must have used it 3 times in the game, it puts you out of range of your opponents so you can't mash the attack button, while the sidestep makes you absolutely invincible at no costs.

I don't shit on the game, it's a really polished game and CDProjeckt is an honest studio, one of the very few. I'm just saying it could easily have been better imo. But i understand that they would want to make the game accessible to people who don't play much.

And your argument isn't valid, because even though you're supposed to be Geralt, a killing machine, there's a lot of shitty ennemies in the game which can just one shot you because your level isn't high enough. (Basic soldiers, common thughs, etc...) What's more the gameplay should be king. I shouldn't be able to use Aard to just one shot every bipedal enemy in the game, i shouldn't be able to abuse Quen and the sidestep to become untouchable.

You know what else could have been better?

Your shitpost.

If only the combat wasn't bad and most of the quests weren't 'follow the red trail' shit

How is it shitpost when it's my experience with the game?

Combat has no challenge.

Good for you if you felt challenged though, casuals need to have fun too.

>shitty Skyrim copy/paste
>Now with less gameplay and more cutscenes!

I can't laugh at you hard enough.

>Witcher 3

I want reddit to leave.

You braindead fanboy contrarians really ought to rethink your miserable lives.

Shitcher 3,dark edgy storytelling, combat worst in the history of gaming, all quests are follow red mark, world is copy paste empty, control like a tank, piss poor ballance

Sorry forgot my pic.

>W2 is a perfect game

have you actually played witcher 2 or are you just full of shit my dude

He says while spending his days defending a shit game for some reason. Yup, we're the fanboys in this thread.

The Witcher 3 is really boring and plays like clunky shit.

I have no idea why this game is so popular. All three games suck dick.

I'm not defending TW3. It doesn't need to be defended. I'm point out you retarded imbeciles.

Not everyone likes the Witcher. If you enjoy clunky ass RPGs like this that much, great for you. Enjoy it. Many of us have functioning noses that can actually smell shit though so many aren't fans of the Witcher.

I'm sure you know a lot about sucking dick.

if you're looking for a "game"
but if you want something that actually has good gameplay and is fun to play, then no
there's a reason Witcher 3 won GOTY, like The Last of Us and Dragon Age Cisquisition

I'm sorry you have such abysmal taste. You wouldn't know a good game if it hit you square in the face.

It is.
The only RPG where the gameplay is actually great.

I know bro all these modern games are just copy-paste CoD clones with cinematic bullshit *tips fedora*

i never said that all modern games are like that, m'lady


Wow, so much hatred