Can Japan withstand the regressive politically correct standards forced on them by western media...

Can Japan withstand the regressive politically correct standards forced on them by western media? I feel like they're the last country still making games based on appealing art design. Can it last?

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Only time will tell obviously.

>I feel like they're the last country still making games based on appealing art design
Keep telling yourself

post the one where she eats 100 McChickens

As soon the shareholders get the hold of the word SJW as a thing that lowers the stock value, they will start to scream "REMOVE SJW" without even knowing what it actually is, but will work.
And whatever kotakulike thing still up will start to roll articles like "why the stock market is misogynistic".

Sadly I don't have that as a WebM but I can give a link where chows down 150

If by any miracle China can get their shit together, like Japan they don't give a single fuck about western bleeding heart liberals.

Only the west gives a shit about western social politics, and that shouldn't even need explaining. PCness doesn't sell over there, only here, so of course they won't cater to it.

>generic anime moeshit
>appealing art design

>Jap games use tits and panty shots to get money
>numale games use cuckoldry and """story""" to get money
why do video games suck, Sup Forums?


Don't forget Eastern Yuro Slavs. They don't play by the same rules as the West.

>If by any miracle China can get their shit together
Won't happen. The revolution fucked their culture up thoroughly. That nation possesses no fucking artistic talent.

Video games have """"""""evolved'""""""" past such primitive things like "entertainment". This medium of "artist" display is the next platform for political expression~

There's plenty of good video games, fuck off buddy. Dying Light is a game I played recently, and it was fucking fantastic.

>Japanese art

fuck off guy, this is the thread where we assume all video games from different ends of the world are terrible because of traits from the shit examples of each side. I am angry

I'm glad they kept this sequence in game but man they seriously downgraded XV.

>Can Japan withstand the regressive politically correct standards forced on them by western media?
They already have and will continue to do so.


Some yurotrash country tired getting them to ban their sexual depictions of young women as it causes little girls to be raped . They Laughed at the large about of sexual assault on minors of that county was compared too theirs.

>1.3 billion people
>56 different ethnicities with distinct cultures
>not one of them has artistic talent
>hurrrrf durrrrf I'm retarded durr

Amount I mean.

>anime fight scene 200 years ago
>tentacle doujin 200 years ago

wew lads

I'm remember the ms paint image over it, think it was U.K or at least they had the highest rate in the statistics data dumped in.

no tvh

man what the hell, I'm a fat fuck in the making and I'd be done after 4 of those at most

>56 different ethnicities with distinct cultures

yeah, 80 years ago.
but mao and his party (which is still ruling the country) have cracked down hard on culture and traditions. modern china is a cultural frankenstein, designed to be a servile and slave-like lapdog to the state and the party that controls it.


Nigger, the very foundation of their entertainment business wont even allow it. They learned after Rapelay or whatever it is called that the west is still a threat to them even today, which is why lots of their websites and games restrict to Japan IPs and computers only.

Sounds about right. What with the recent celebrity pedo scare here, a lot of shit is coming to light. And this is after banning loli like five years ago, as if that actully changed anything.
I hate that this county has no fucking clue what it's doing and yet has the audacity to be such a fucking hypocrite.

Her body is like 90% stomach. Thinking about that does nothing to stop my boner

Japanese devs come under a lot of pressure on social media to censor their games. It's not always visible since most of it is raiding Twitter/Facebook accounts behind the scenes. But it's definitely happening. This shit is bound to get to some. While most tend to ignore it for now.

Just imagine her shitting

Well it's only going to get worse.

>I feel like they're the last country still making games based on appealing art design
>art design

Fucking weeb, who gives a shit about art design? I want solid and addictive gameplay. You know what GAMES are actually about? Give me ASCII graphics, I don't give a shit, I want the best gameplay.

Good thing Japs excel west in gameplay in every possible way.

Fucking Kingdom Hearts, a kiddy Japanese game has better and more hardcore gameplay than 99.9% of all western action games. A fucking kids game. Justify that.

They might encourage censorship to control theoretical sales drops, but they won't stop making it ever. They threw out the UN proposal to ban violent 'misogynistic' material earlier this year, see: .

The representative has a water-tight case, tons of the people who make that kind of material are women and it's been going on since the 70s. Banning it would be infringing their freedom of expression. It'll never, ever be stopped. Even with nutcases like pic related getting in power.

>Kingdom Cuck

Looks nice

Dude Mysterious Figure is literally a rape machine, I don't think I've ever seen a more brutal western boss

Name a western action game that can compare. You literally can't. West can't even beat a kiddy Japanese game in terms of gameplay system and mechanics.

>Name a western action game that can compare. You literally can't
Original DOOM

>giving a fuck about western media
>giving a fuck about the morals of a different culture
Not happening. Otaku games are big enough to live through any western shitstorm.

>while you’re trying to fix the rights of fictional characters, you’re leaving the human rights of real women in the real world left to rot

>giving a fuck about western media
You're not being serious, are you? Plenty of western media are popular there.

You could have at least posted official art of the game.

Original Doom isn't as hard as some of KHs hidden bosses desu

I actually hate europe the most out of all the continents
This is based on very little life experience so you know it's true

I won't deny that Japan dishes out consistently challenging games with good difficulty. But:

>RTS - Age of Empires II / Starcraft Brood War - Western
>Sports - Rocket League - Western
>FPS - Quake 3 - Western
>TBS - Dominions 4 - Western
>4X - Is there even a weeb 4x? - Western
>GSG - Aurora - Western
>TPS - Gears of War - Western
>Roguelikes - Shit, most of the genre - Western
>RPGs - Baldurs Gate/Arcanum/Wizardry/Elder Scrolls - Western
>Platforming - Dustforce - Western
>Stealth - Thief/Splinter Cell series - Western

Weebs do dish out on the fightan, cuhrayzee, survival horror, metroidovania and shmups, though.


How isn't she dead yet?

I want that hail satan bear thing plushie

The 2020 Olympics will determine the fate of Japanese media. I am terrified of this future.

I'm not sure why you're proposing that only western RPGs are challenging. JRPGs have things like the 6 engine Ys games, I can't think of any Action WRPG that's as challenging.
Even if it's just turn-based, JRPGs have fairly challenging ones. Elminage (admittedly a shameless Wizardry-clone, but still) and some of the SMT games can be challenging.

South Korea

it will never happen

I don't think it would change that much. That's an entire industry built on hentai. That would suicide to shut it down.

more animu girl feet pls

Games like Civ.

The funny thing is that the standards pushed on Japan isn't regressive like they would be in the west. It's actually helping Japan.

Only a kissless weeb would think otherwise. Also anime is probably the least appealing art from on the planet.

Granblue is a terrible waste of good art

Maybe the actual PS4 video game will be good (doubtful, but possible), but for now you're praising mobile gacha shit.

Genetically engineered child with super-metabolism?
She can't be bulimic, her teeth don't look damaged.

Yeah, like action tv series, 24 is basically a meme there
>implying japs say what western, marxist MSM says about them.

>2002 FIFA World Cup didnt

they dont give a fuck get out

And then there's this faggot, who's so hung up on the word "game" that he completely forgot about the reason anyone plays them in the first place

>You know what GAMES are actually about?

Entertainment. And why should the source be restricted to the gameplay only? Are you actually so autistic that you believe nothing else matters at all? That's really fucking sad

Would games like Sengoku Rance count?

2002 was an entirely different world than the shitty one we're in now. user.

In addition to having a massive stomach she's got some condition where her body doesn't take in much of the food she eats, so she's gotta chow down heaps to get her daily intake.

Bull shit

Their head honchos are more conservative than anyone in the west, and constantly want to ban loli, pornos, all forms of violence and anime

If it weren't for that industry making tons of money and having a strong lobby, they would have done that long before you were even a tingle in your daddy's eyes, let alone before you even learned what sjw means on /r/gaming/

look here ignorant fuck

She also said since she doesn't digest properly she literally shits food

Point is that the west has created the best stuff on the market, where the east only produced some anime aesthetic shit that acts like shit to tasteless flies.

It's why every studio in Japan is closing shop. Making good games isn't profitable anymore. Make Panchinko machines or get in line with the garbageware VN's or fanbait j"""""rpgs""""".

Yeah, I was wondering how nasty her toilet encounters must be.

>a book exists
Now show the sale stats, faggot.

Most retarded post I've read all day, neck yourself OP you pathetic weaboo

>4 megamacs and 2 large potatos.

I know she's a decent food fighter, but this menu is retarded. Literally anyone could eat that.

Yes, as long it keeps making them money.

OK Mr Bigshot what about this then

>modern Japan
>appealing art design
Kek, good joke OP

Probably half of the game developers in the country rely entirely on this shit to survive.
Even if games like Granblue bow to them we'll still have Senran Kagura

>the west has created the best stuff on the market
>the west

America has created almost everything, and it's popular not because it's good but because America also has the best shills in the planet.

Europe is irrelevant in the contemporary, post WW2 cultural world. It really boils down to America vs Japan.

if europe is irrelevant then japan doesn't even exist

>appealing art design
What, massive bug eyes, no noses, no lips and no clothes?

there is no japanese equvalent of some genres. there is no cRPG for japan. they can't make RPGs without cringy plots.

but actually sacrificing gameplay for looks is a huge turn-off. yeah , there are games that excell at both , but good gameplay alone can make a game more entertaining than only putting effort into graphics. thats what meant

american games are shit. europe only knows what are doing.

By your logic it's only America now, since Japan is pretty much dead on both the videogame and animation scene.


>Can Japan withstand the regressive politically correct standards forced on them by western media
Yes, because even the regressive politically correct standards forced on them by western media can't make Japnese media any worse than it's already is.


>Imma weeb burger
Thank you we can see it already.

But Japan is the only country other than America that can actually make animated movies that profit.


Way to prove him right.. Fucking retard.

Yes, these blunders of overdesign ARE generic, because they require 0 taste and artistic vision to make and all look absolutely the same.

I'll surely get Cagliostro in the next legfest r-right?


Political correctness is in the process of being destroyed in the west, so yes, I think they can.

>They're just getting even louder, user.

Exactly. The reason why they've managed to stick around and fester for so long despite being so unpopular is because they've mostly taken a "boil the frog" approach to implementing their policies, and saved the noise for their ivory towers. Now they're moving in for the kill, and it's blowing up on them.

Trump's popularity, Brexit, Mizzou, the anger towards "refugees", the shrinking number of feminists, the way that the average person is responding to BLM, and polls on political correctness act as proof. On a gaming level, being associated with SJWs has always been extremely bad news for sales. Marvel taking repeated bloody noses is demonstrating that it's not welcome in comics, either. The west is rejecting political correctness, despite the mainstream media, big business, and academia trying to shove it down their throats.

The movie flopped though

Why is Japan so based and how can we get more nations to act this way? Muricans, got any of those 1950s newks to throw over germany?

>Appealing art design
you mean pedobait

There are very, very few Japanese games that look decent.