What are the best JoJo games?

What are the best JoJo games?

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Heritage of the Future is the only good one.

In terms of fanservice, ASB and Eyes of Heaven. In terms of gameplay, Heritage of the Future.

Why does literally no one remember Jonathan?

What do you mean?

In that panel it was because Koichi had never met him

why were Koichi and Jotaro in part 5 anyway if they fuck off forever after that

Because everyone loves Koichi and Jotaro, and to explain who Giorno is


did he even need an introduction? his battlecry is mudamudamuda, people will understand

He's boring.

Literally the only good thing about Jonathan is his rivalry with Dio, and that's more a good thing about Dio then it is jonathan


Well the series tends to attract retards so probably


that title belongs to Giorno

Jonathan is better than both Jotaro and Giorno.

Jonathan is a fucking failure in terms of accomplishments. Literally every one of his goals as a protagonist is either unsuccessful, not particularly helpful, or later completely nullified. The best thing he's done as a hero is sticking it in Erina

You're forgetting the other good JoJo game.
Just enough new content to make it worth going the most overdone arc ever. All sorts of neat stuff like if you're good friends with Joseph he'll burst in to fight Alessi and get de-aged to the point where he was in Battle Tendency. Or having the governor defeat Dio instead of driving him around like some manservant.

>Sticking it in Erina

Honestly, I don't even think they wen't that far.

I can't believe Mario is fucking dead!

All Star Battle (local play only) and Heritage of the Future in terms of gameplay.

Eyes of Heaven was a mistake.

>tfw this panel just made me wish part 4 continued on forever

Jotaro's great when he isn't the main character. Probably the best charcter in part 4 desu

>Eyes of Heaven doesn't even have local multiplayer

What were they thinking?

>what is Thus Spoke Rohan Kishibe

I thought that wasn't translated though?

All of it is translated, and David are doing an OVA of it. Rohan at the Louvre even had an official translation that you can buy (which you should, the art is amazing and supporting the series is important) off Amazon.

>not liking huge muscly gentlemen
you're boring

congrats, he's the least terrible out of a shit trifecta

>there are people that want anime Giorno to be voiced by Romi Paku instead of Daisuke Namikawa

Giorno is weird. I'm rereading Part 5 with the new translation, and I'm not sure if I like him yet. This is coming from the guy who loves Jotaro.

Mista is great, though.

That's just because DIO kept asspulling his resurrections. Jonathan really did the best that could've been done.

all of them are crap except httf

Since when trashing Dio so hard that he considers Johnathan the only person equal to him is a failure?

>guy who loves jotaro

how? he's the most unlikable protag in the series and is only good as a side character

He did keep DIO out of business for over a century tho

He's much better as a side character, but I still like him in Part 3. His oneliners are just funny to me, and he does have some character development in the part.

His relationship with Jolyne and the effect Part 3 had on him is also really interesting.

>He could have gotten Pucci at the end of part 6
>Missed him by milliseconds because he tried to save Jolyne first
>Gets his head split open like Boingo predicted back in part 3



>David are doing an OVA of it

Oh shit nigger

This is what I get for being in JoJo threads while still only reading through part 5.

Seventh Stand User is pretty good. Also the creator is working on a Diamond is Unbreakable one too

Red Garland best stand

They're doing an OVA of at least one TSRK story.

Diavolo is Trish 2nd self, Fugo kills Buccellati, Giorno becomes an amputee, the final boss is Dio's spirit resurrected from Girono's blood.
Happy reading.

Jonathan's relationship with Dio is literally the only thing keeping them from being one-note characters.

To appreciate one of them is to appreciate the other because their characters are entwined into the single idea of their rivalry.

One is good because he compliments and contrasts from the other.

If you hate Jonathan but love Dio, or vice versa, you're basically retarded.

I believe that David announced that they will release some adaptations about Rohan this year on blu-rays.

Red Garland was pretty good but I'll always like The Joykiller the best because it was the first one I used

This is the correct answer

dont forget when giorno blows mista while narancia watches

Giorno dies

>and get de-aged to the point where he was in Battle Tendency.
This is retarded, he wouldn't be able to see stands and will get fucked by Alessi
>Or having the governor defeat Dio
I can't even

Sandman has Echoes 2.0 and kills Gyro

I understand that King Crimson erases time but how the fuck did that happened

I'm doing my first run of that game actually, I just got stabbed in the fucking back and I'm doing the side shit with Stroheim and Speedwagon

Also I got the Dog stand.

He broke the bars and pushed him through them. Yeah he could have just fisted him, but where is the fun in that?

What's your favorite fight Sup Forums? Mine is the Ringo fight, just something about made me absolutely fucking love it

>he wouldn't be able to see stands
That's got nothing to do with his age unless you're purporting that de-aging literally sends him backwards along the timeline while keeping him in the same place.

A BT-era Joseph living post-DIO would see Stands because the Joestar Stand came from DIO acquiring one while using Jonathan's body.

As long as a Joestar exists beyond that point in time they will have and can see Stands.

>he wouldn't be able to see stands
He's not going back in time to that point, his age is just being reduced. Anything he experienced after that age, he remembers and retains. Meaning, if his age reverted to BT Joseph, he still would have Hermit Purple because only his age moved back. Case in point, Pol and Silver Chariot.
I still need to play the game.
My understanding of King Crimson is that he can't manipulate objects or people during erased/skipped time. So how'd he do that and also cut leave Trish's hand with Bruno during elevator to their first fight/Bruno's "death"?

>Anything he experienced after that age, he remembers and retains
Did you even read the Alessi fight? No he doesn't. Jotaro doesn't have Star Platinum, Pol did because he had it since he was little, but he still forgot who Jotaro was because they don't retain anything after the age they get turned to.

>literally the only Jojo besides Jolyne to fuck up so badly at the end

Jotaro lost his stand abilities when he got reverted into kid form.

*everyone ever dies

I thought Jotaro just couldn't use his Stand because he got de-aged so far he forgot how to use it

Polnareff doesn't lose his Stand even though I'm pretty sure it wasn't something he had since he was a child.

Wasn't it like he only got his Stand after his sister was killed or something?

He was born with his stand like Avdol.

>Implying Jotaro wasn't the jojo that fucked up the most

Pucci pulled the same trick on him twice

>fuck up


if anything she saved the day


>Entire universe was destroyed
>Killed so hard and brutally that it was off panel
>Saving anything

You know Joseph wouldn't exist if that were the case, right?

How is any of this her fault?

Neither would Josuke, Jotaro, or Jolyne. The only one left would be Giorno

Arc 5 was boring

made in heaven too stronk

shit dude even Jotaro 'asspull' Kujo jobbed

Well, I meant as in direct descendant, though I wasn't right there either.

How does getting murdered horribly and erased from reality count as saving the day?


Giorno was worst protag by far he's only memorable because of Gold Experiance and Requiem

>new translation

Wait what when did that happen? Did they re-do 3 and 4 as well?

JoJo's colored adventure, they're redoing just about everything. They're releasing fully colored chapters of Part 7 every day until September 30th, when they finish the part.

>EoH took out the special variation of Johnny's ultimate on Valentine

I was so mad, it should have just been All Star battle with more characters.

Woolie, fuck off it wasn't that good.